VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1973: : Roar of the Mad Lion

Although the remaining 3 holy bosses did not explode equipment and props similar to the [Group Blessing Scroll], they exploded 5 or 6 holy equipment and 1 skill book, which is a very good harvest. Everyone is very curious about the skill book. After all, a good skill is much better than ordinary equipment props-except for the spirit weapon and combination magic weapon, the equipment will be updated sooner or later, but the skill can always be used and can be used by the player. To the late game and even close.

On August, I didn’t say much, and directly sent a skill book to everyone:

[Roar of Mad Lion] (God-level skill book)

Skill introduction: Use the rhythm weapon to induce the energy of the sky to form a phantom lion head, the mad lion roars, the sound wave spreads to a range of 50 meters centered on the caster, causing 300% damage to all hostile targets within the target, and making it Stunned for 3 seconds, and the target's movement speed, attack speed, and defense power will be reduced by 30% in the next 10 seconds. The skill needs to consume 100,000 mana, and the skill interval is 12 hours. 1 second.

Learning restrictions: Only those who have reached level 280 and the 7th turn can learn.

Cast restriction: Only players equipped with phonological weapons can use this skill.

"Hey, it's a phonological skill book, and it is a large-scale, powerful group attack skill. Although Shanghai is not too high, it can stun the target for 3 seconds, and it also has a negative BUFF effect. This skill is very good. "June Feixue said softly, and then she smiled: "Congratulations to Sister Qin for gaining another god-level skill. With this skill, your profession is even the number one pastor of the Heavenly Tribulation."

Because Miaomiaoge only has a melody profession that sits on the piano heart, so this skill book belongs to her without any suspense.

"Yes, no one can match Qin's healing output right now. The most important thing is that she also possesses powerful control and damage abilities, and she deserves the first priest of the Tribulation." Said Saturday, and she said this. The tone was full of envy.

It is also very happy to be able to learn this powerful skill and sit on Qinxin, and she is also ready to use this skill to play a more role in the next action.

"Hey, how did the people in Tokyo Shinhwa stop advancing?" Seeing the people around Tokyo Shinhwa holding on when they were 100 meters away, Othello and others were puzzled.

"It's very simple, they are going to do it after the more than 100,000 elite players have arrived." Samadhi said indifferently: "Obviously they want to use their number advantage to control us all the time, and they are still waiting for the world cage to shrink, so that we The space for activities will become smaller and smaller, and the possibility that they can kill us all is greater."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, they may also be waiting for the effects of Ye Luo and Sister Feng's big moves to end. After all, they are invincible when they use their big moves."

"That's right, the players on the edge of the ancient battlefield are quickly approaching here, and they will be able to arrive within 3 minutes at their speed." The voice of the slender hand sounded in the team channel.

"Hey, they are really cautious enough. There are tens of thousands of players who have powerful control capabilities and restrained air power, but they still dare not attack directly, and they have to transfer the more than 100,000 players over." A smile said with a cold smile. His tone was full of contempt.

"They are worried that Sister Feng and Ye Luo will take advantage of their ultimatum to kill their people after the battle begins, so they have to wait for their ultimatum to end." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then his tone changed: "Of course, if you can let the back It would be even better if the large forces of the People’s Republic of China rush over to participate in the battle, and kill us with the attitude of lions fighting rabbits, not giving us a chance to escape."

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Shi, what if they are really going to attack us again after the large troops arrive?" asked June Feixue.

"This is not for them, because we can take the initiative to attack." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "Forcing them to fight, is it possible that they can avoid the battle?"

"In fact, they are also good for us to wait for the large forces to come and fight with us, because the combination of skills, powerful and wide-ranging skills that we have can cover more targets, and they will cause more casualties." Samadhi poem said: "As long as we can deal all the damage within our invincible time, then there will be a lot of people who can be killed, and then our pressure will be easier."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, Ye Luo and Sister Feng can definitely kill the remaining 3 quasi ancient holy bosses within 3 minutes. These bosses may drop some scrolls and some powerful equipment. These regrets make it easier for us to deal with the Tokyo Mythology."

"Yes, it is more beneficial for them to gather their people together, because we can kill the most people in the shortest time after we are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Damage Reduction Scroll], and may even kill them. Kill all of them." Firework Yi said coldly: "When the time comes, Ye Luo and Sister Feng will rush into the enemy's formation and disrupt their formation, so that they can't focus on their control skills, so it is still easy to kill them all. "

If you think about it, if Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others can rush between the opposing factions, then their damage output can definitely pose a great threat to Japanese players, and even easily disrupt their formation. At this time, the samādhi poetry led people to charge at the periphery easier, especially after Ye Luo and the others killed all the summoned beasts of the Frost Dragonhawk Summoner.

Without asking everyone to speak, she continued: "Xiaoshu, you and Kenzo are similar to trying to rush to the Japanese army to come to Sakura Ruxue and the others, and then lurking waiting for the opportunity, try to find the kind of rocky groove to hide in. go with."

Before this point, the assassins in Japan did this. If it weren’t for the [True Vision Gem], I’m afraid that even Ye Luo would not be able to spot those people. Through the shared perspective of Midnight Book and others, they also saw the way of avoiding those assassins, so It's okay to let them learn from each other.

The fireworks are easy to be cold, and the reason why Midnight Shu rushes to Sakura Ruxue and the others before the arrival of the big troops is simple, because Ye Luo can lock him to teleport and land directly in the center of the Japanese player, so that he can disrupt the red The blood and their formation then created opportunities for the Samadhi.

Midnight Shu is also a wise man. He quickly understood this. He said, "Don't worry, there should be no problem. It just so happens that there are a lot of trees and rocks here. There is no problem finding some hiding place."

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, step up your attack and kill the remaining 3 bosses as soon as possible." The firework was cold, and she used [Ice Spirit* Thousand Blade Arrows] and [Ice Spirit* Wan Jian. Qi Fa] and other group attack skills.

After hearing the words that the fireworks are easy to get cold, they sat on the Qinxin and used the [Ambush on Ten Sides] for the first time. As a result, Ye Luo's attack power and attack speed increased by 15%, while the defense and attack power of those BOSS It was reduced by 10%, and this also made it easier for Ye Luo and the others to kill it.

As the Samadhi and they said, the Tokyo Mythology is waiting for the end of Ye Luo and the fireworks's first big move. After all, they also know how horrible Ye Luo and the firework are cold after the big move. Of course, they also Waiting for the arrival of large forces, because for them, the concentration of numbers will give them a better chance to kill Ye Luo and the others. For the Tokyo Mythology, the cage formed by the [Heaven and Earth Cage] is slowly getting smaller, Ye Luo and the others Their range of activities will become smaller and smaller, and their mobility advantages will become smaller and smaller, so they are not in a hurry and can slowly delay time.

As for the things that BOSS bursts, they don’t care much, because as long as they can kill Ye Luo, fireworks are easy to cold and then burst out [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] and [Five Elements Ring] then this action is completely worth it, so in order to achieve these They can pay all costs, and they can make adequate preparations.

But the fireworks are easy to be cold and happier because they are full of expectations for these three quasi-elder holy-level BOSS-if they burst some scrolls or some ancient holy-level equipment, then the next action will be easier.

Under Ye Luo's powerful attack, the blood of the three bosses quickly decreased, and soon it was less than 10%. After feeling that their lives were threatened, these bosses finally displayed the great power and power that enveloped the 100-meter range. A range of skills, and it's a skill that the three bosses are almost at the same time using this skill.

The 3 powerful, large-scale group attack skills are still very scary, and it is even possible to kill some dual-classes that perform big moves in a second. However, the fireworks are easy to be cold and the orders are issued as soon as the BOSS is strange, so samādhi, etc. Most people take the highly variable [Jianshang San], this kind of medicine can reduce the damage by 80% because it is mutated, so even if these people face 3 powerful, large-scale skills at the same time, there is no problem. Even if they were killed, there were priests around them resurrecting them.

Of course, when the BOSS used the skills, Saturday and the others reacted, and they used skills such as [Spell Immunity] on the surrounding players, so that there is no problem. As for the dropped blood, it is also applied on Saturday. The group attack skills and the high-rank medicinal pills quickly recovered, and soon reached a healthy state, at least not affecting the next battle.

On the other side, the Tokyo Mythology saw Ye Luo and the others hardly topped 3 large-scale, powerful skills. After their vitality was reduced a lot, many people urged them to attack. They took advantage of this opportunity to kill Ye Luo and the others, but they were They stopped at the foot of Mount Fuji, because they saw that the qi and blood of Samadhi and others were quickly recovering, and they were afraid that they would be full before they arrived. It is obviously not realistic to take advantage of this opportunity to attack-Tokyo Mythology, they are still hundreds of meters away from Samadhi and the others. It takes more than 10 seconds for them to rush over such a long distance. This time is enough for them to regain their vitality and blood.

"No hurry, there are only less than 30 seconds left for Ye Luo Zhiqiu's and Po Lang Chengfeng's big moves. When their first big move disappears, we will attack. At that time, all of our troops will come over." Smiled under Mount Fuji.

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