VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1958: :be more careful

Tokyo Shinhwa and others dispatched personnel to investigate how Ye Luo and the others discovered the secret path quietly, and their people also sneaked in briefly, and based on these samādhi poems, they judged that the secret path had been discovered.

"What, they discovered that secret path so quickly?!" After hearing that June Feixue's voice increased a little, her pretty face was worried: "This is bad, Tokyo Mythology is worrying about us. Well, next, they are likely to lead the army to sneak in through secret paths. If so, we will have to return, and even if we return, we can’t help them. After all, they also have space professions."

Hearing that, many people's expressions became solemn, and only the expressions of people such as fireworks and samādhi poems were as usual.

"The foothills of Mount Fuji and the cherry blossoms are all smart people. When they find that we sneak in silently, they will naturally think that we are walking on a secret path. It is not difficult for them to find this secret path." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. By June, Feixue and the others showed concern, and she continued: "Don't worry, they won't sneak into our country, at least not for a long time, because..."

Next, the fireworks are easy to be cold to explain to everyone the reason, but it is quite similar to the analysis of the bottom of Mount Fuji and the cherry blossoms.

After listening to the explanation of the fireworks’ easy coldness, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind gave a sigh of relief. She said, “That’s true. Without the restraint of Tokyo Mythology and others, we can kill almost unscrupulously, even if we mobilize more people in the past. There is also a chance to take one of their Level 3 gang resident, so it will be devastating to them."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, with the fact that we have arranged so many manpower to guard the Tokyo Mythology, can they pass through the secret path and then sneak into our country. The other two said that even if they can pass the threat to us, it will not be too great. Great, because there are people besides us who can hold them down, such as Longteng Tianxia, ​​such as Ouyang Feitian and others."

"In fact, the most important thing is that Tokyo Mythology only kills himself to increase his attack power. In this case, he is a little lonely and difficult to scream. At this point, he is far from us." Samadhi poetry said, and then she laughed: "Not to mention them. I can't go away at all now."

"Nevertheless, we can't be careless." Ye Luo said solemnly. Seeing the crowd nodded, he looked at the fireworks and became cold again: "Fireworks, the people in Tokyo Mythology are a bit quiet, and quiet a little abnormally. What are they preparing for a conspiracy, so we also have to be careful."

"I don't believe that they have any way to insult us. I think they can't help us at all now." Po Lang Chengfeng said disapprovingly, and then she laughed: "If they have any way, I'm afraid it would have been displayed long ago. Up."

"No, under Mount Fuji and the cherry blossoms in full bloom are smart people. They should be able to think of ways to restrain us, and at the worst, they can think of ways to contain us and prevent us from causing too much loss to them." "As Ye Luo said, they are a little abnormally quiet, so they must be plotting some kind of conspiracy, and currently they are just confusing us, so we can't be careless."

Yeluo and Firework Yield all said this. The people like Polangchengfeng and others were aware of some problems, but they didn’t get too entangled with them, and then Polangchengfeng said: "Fireworks, we sneaked into the Japanese server on the first day. I propose tonight. We won't sleep anymore, how about playing with them? Hey, it's worth our team to contain so many people."

"Yes, it makes them tired." Othello took the stubbornness: "As long as we continue to be here, then Tokyo Mythology will not be able to sleep well. This will consume most of their energy and make them exhausted, so their The situation will get worse."

After a while, Ye Luo looked at the fireworks and it was easy to get cold: "Fireworks, we have a lot of initiative in this matter. I think we can use these to play with Tokyo Mythology, and we can even take a break off the line for a while. Then log in to the game, so Tokyo Mythology they don’t know when we are online, so they will get tired."

"Yeah, yes." Fireworks Yi said coldly, but when she thought of something, she suggested: "Next, we should reduce the frequency of shots and spawn monsters at high-level monster locations, especially looking for high-level bosses to kill. It will be easier to deal with. In short, we have to get rid of the surveillance of Tokyo Mythology and go to places they did not expect."

In the past, Ye Luo and the fireworks were easy to guess what the Tokyo Mythology and their conspiracy were, so the latter was so cautious, and reducing the frequency of shots and going to places where there are no Japanese players can undoubtedly reduce the danger, and as long as they are still on the Japanese server Tokyo Shinhwa and others will be worried and sleepless at night, so they will be exhausted after a short period of time. This is the fatigue tactics everyone has said before.

"Of course it's best to get rid of the surveillance of Japanese players, but how to do it?" Othello was quite confused.

"Go to places where the monsters are more advanced. These places are not suitable for assassins to level up, and even if the assassins sneak in the past, they will be detected by high-level monsters, so they can't monitor us." Midnight Shu was casual, and then he laughed "We are all elite masters. It's no problem to go to places where monsters are more advanced, not to mention that Big Brother Ye and Old Sister murdered people to increase their attack power."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "There should be some high-ranking bosses in these places. Killing them can further improve our equipment level. Next, the threat to the Japanese game industry will be even greater, and as everyone said before, They will be dragged by us as long as we are online Tokyo Mythology, and soon they will be exhausted, so it will be easier for us to deal with them."

"But the more advanced monsters are mostly on the edge of a server. Isn't our task now to sneak into their hinterland? This is not good." Zhiyue frowned slightly.

"The off-travel places are not just on the edge of the server. Some places have higher levels of monsters and are in the server center, such as Sunset Canyon." Ye Luo shook his head, and then he chuckled slightly after thinking of something. There are also some places that are more suitable for us to level up or hide, then [biqugeso.me] is underwater."

"Underwater?" She was taken aback for a moment, and then broke through the waves and awakened in the wind. She smiled and said: "Yes, underwater is more secretive. Although many players now have items that can easily enter underwater, but underwater It can’t be invisible, so we don’t have to worry about being monitored by the assassins. With [Water Guardian] we will have a lot of advantages. Even the arrival of masters such as Tokyo Mythology will not help us. After all, it is difficult to form an encirclement underwater. Power."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, Ye Luo and I have increased the attack power by killing people. Underwater can kill and kill, and easily open a path. At least we don’t have to worry about the Ice Dragonhawk Summoner. What threat do we pose, after all, summoned beasts like dragon eagles cannot appear underwater."

"Hehe, I have the Black Dragon King, but it can play a big role in the water." Zhiyue said busy.

"Yes, neither the mount nor the flying cavalry can play a role, and it's a lot harder for them to line up their troops under water. Here they want to do what we can do, even if they also have [Finger Guard] The same is true for such props." Sitting on Qin Xin said, and then she looked at the sunset in Changhe: "In addition, the green lotus sword fairy in the sunset can perform very unusual effects in places with water, and some of my skills, such as [Sanpin Qinxian * Spring Water Dingdong] will also have better results, so we will have a great advantage in the water, and it’s not bad to hide in the water at critical moments."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then the samādhi poem said: "There are many waters in the Japanese server, and there will be some more powerful BOSSs in the waters. If you can escape to the waters when surrounded by people, you can also sneak in. To avoid a lot of trouble, at least it will give you a better chance of escape. Of course, you can also level up without worrying too much about being surrounded by the big army."

"Well, that's okay." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she looked at everyone: "I have sneaked into the Japanese server for a while, and we already have some understanding of the map there. It is not difficult to find some large waters. Yes, there is even a large water area where Yeluo is now. Let Yeluo record a teleportation point in a hidden place in the water, which can be of great help at critical moments."

Looking at the fireworks Yi Leng looked at him, Ye Luo nodded to express his understanding, but didn't say anything.

After that, Ye Luo and the others had a meal, and they logged in to the game after the meal. Because the meal only took 2 to 30 minutes, the attack power added by Yeluo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind was still there, and they did not waste this. After discovering some small leveling locations, they made a decisive move and killed them with thunder means. They didn’t even give Tokyo Myth and others a chance to send them over. The reason for killing these people was also very simple, that is, Ye Luo and the others wanted Maintain a state of full attack power, and this will make their next actions easier.

Next, Ye Luo found the water area according to the instructions of the fireworks to be easy to be cold. As she said, the water area is very large, far larger than the water areas such as Qingjiaojian and Riyue Lake. It can even be called a sea. Many people can be avoided here, and Ye Luo even guessed that there will be more powerful monsters inside.

Using [Guardian of Water], Ye Luo dived into the water, and then headed towards the center of the lake. It didn’t take long to find some monsters. Most of these monsters were above level 280, and there were even many above level 300. It's only on the edge, I believe that there will be more powerful monsters going further.

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