VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1954: : Killing and looting

The strength of Po Lang Cheng Feng and others are also very strong, especially when they are together, even if there is no Ye Luo, they can give a leveling team of hundreds of people. Disperse and then kill most players, especially when Tokyo Myth and others cannot be teleported to support.

Because they don’t have to worry about the Tokyo Mythology, they will send over to support them, so they are preparing to guard the corpse. For them, letting these Japanese players explode equipment is much more expensive than just letting them drop 1 level.

In fact, even if Mt. Fuji and others cannot transmit Tokyo Mythology because their teleport skills are not over, and some other dual-professional masters can also lock these people to transmit past support, especially in the absence of Ye Luo and others, but Tokyo Mythology and others do not I don't know if Ye Luo is really absent or hiding in the surroundings deliberately. If that is the case, then he can teleport other people over and then deal with Tokyo Mythology and others, and they will be able to kill all these people together.

It was also because they were worried that Ye Luo and the others had set up traps there, so Tokyo Mythology did not send them to support them, so they can smoothly kill the leveling team and then guard the corpse.

In fact, even if the Tokyo Mythology and other dual-professional masters teleported past to support, there is nothing to do. Even if the waves and the wind and others are lost, they can be withdrawn, and even Ye Luo can use the [Space Portal] to teleport them, so there will be no What's dangerous, it's just that it won't kill so many people and make them burst into equipment.

This time, they killed hundreds of people in the operation, breaking the waves and riding the wind. These people exploded dozens of pieces of equipment. Most of them were of the Primordial God level, only 2 pieces of the holy level, but this is already very good for them. It was a good harvest, and of course the losses were even greater for those who were killed.

After all the players who lay corpses went to resurrection, they once again summoned the flying mounts and drove them at the fastest speed. After rushing for a while, they abandoned the mounts and took the high-level invisibility pill again. Shi continued to get rid of the locks of some assassins.

Ye Luo was not idle when they killed in the waves and riders. He continued to move forward at the fastest speed. After the waves and riders became invisible again, he also made some discoveries-dozens of hundreds of elite masters are working Besieged a holy boss, and this boss only had about 30% blood.

Seeing this scene, Ye Luoke didn't have any thoughts of showing mercy to his subordinates, and in order to kill him all, he also used [Space Transmitters] to send the waves to ride the wind, every night unless, snow in June, and Wednesday. Then launched a sneak attack from all sides.

Although those dozens of hundreds of people were sure to kill a holy boss, they were still a little reluctant, especially after the effects of two or three dual-professional masters disappeared, they now face Ye Luo, etc. People attacked like wolves, they couldn't bear it, and they suffered heavy casualties for a while. Many players used invincible means to kill this BOSS, so they had no power to resist against Ye Luo's attacks, and even escaped. There is no chance.

Although the space player in Japan used [Space Portal] to send all these people away, it took some time to cast this skill, and he was slower when he received requests for help, not to mention Ye Luo and the others also used it. Many control skills control the target, so that few of them can escape, and then their fate can be imagined-all of them were killed, and they had to be guarded by Ye Luo and others.

In the process of guarding the corpse, Ye Luo and the others were not idle, and launched an attack on the BOSS with little blood remaining, but it took tens of seconds to easily kill it.

Think about it, even if they could easily kill Ye Luo before, they don’t need to use big moves at all. What's more, his current equipment level has improved a lot. The most important thing is that his attack power has increased by 200%. Boss kills with stubborn blood are even simpler.

Ye Luo and the others had good luck. Killing the BOSS broke 3 pieces of Saint-level equipment, and also broke a [Transport] skill book. This skill book came at the right time. After all, there are still people in Ye Luo and the others. There is no teleportation skill, and with this skill, their mobility has become stronger.

Not only that, killing dozens of people also revealed 2 pieces of Saint-level equipment. This time, Ye Luo obtained 5 pieces of Saint-level equipment and 1 skill book, which was very rewarding.

Allocate these equipment to the people they need, and didn't even treat Damo Guyan. As a result, the overall strength of their team has improved a lot, and they are more confident in the next hunting action.

"Sure enough, the damage output of Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Feng is too high after the attack power is full, and you can easily kill the holy boss." June Feixue smiled, and when she said this, her tone was full of expectation: "It would be great if we met some ancient holy bosses. With our current strength, we have a great chance to kill them without any casualties, and it will not take too long at all, especially in Ye Luo After Uncle and Sister Feng have performed their ultimatum, they can perform ultimatum twice a day anyway, and it is completely worthwhile to perform a ultimatum to kill an ancient holy boss."

"After we get a little deeper, we can work on the ancient holy bosses, because at that time our scope of activity was much larger, and wherever we appeared, we had the opportunity to teleport over, so the Tokyo Mythology wanted to send us around. It's even harder to encircle." She sat on Jinxin and said, and then she chuckled: "Of course, the premise is that Tokyo Mythology and their teleportation skills are tricked out by us, or we are sure that there are no Japanese players around the BOSS we want to use. "

That's right, the deeper Yeluo and the others can move, the greater the range of movement, because breaking the waves and riding the wind, Yeluo can use the [Transport Pearl] to record the teleport point wherever they appear, and when they encounter encirclement, they can teleport to get rid of the encirclement.

June Feixue also knew this, so she didn’t bother about it. They continued to act-they continued to ride the flying mount for a period of time and then used the high-level stealth medicine to move forward in stealth and escape the surveillance of Japanese players. As they went deeper and deeper, the scope of their activities became larger and larger.

Soon after an hour passed, Ye Luo's teleportation skills finally ended the CD, and this also made him more confident.

Of course, at this time, the teleportation skills of Tokyo Shinhwa and others have also ended CD, especially the space player, because he can use [Space Portal] to teleport to a lot of masters, and Ye Luo and the others will have a hard time facing these masters. , They will even lose, so they did not care about it, and acted cautiously-after Tokyo Myth and others' teleportation skills ended CD, Ye Luo and the others walked in stealth, so their whereabouts are a lot more secretive, it is difficult to be Lockdown was then surrounded by Tuan Tuan, and with their strength and mobility, as long as they were not surrounded by Tuan Tuan, there would be no problem.

"I don't know what happened to Dongfang Tiantian and their side, they have a lot less advantage over us." June Feixue said curiously.

"Although Eastern Killing Sky and the others do not have too powerful flying mounts, but Hua Nong Yue, Hua Nong Ying and others followed. They also have very strong mobility. Coupled with the unknown boss leading the assassin out to investigate, they will be safe. "Midnight Shu Shu said in a deep voice: "The most important thing is that Eastern Killing Sky has sent a lot more people than us. More people means that they can spread out more places. It can also be compared with teleportation skills. Get out of the encirclement easily."

"What's more, South Korea's overall game power is slightly worse than Japan's. They shouldn't have any problems." He added.

"Wuming is quite good at investigating, while Eastern Stars are quite good at strategy. With the addition of super masters such as Dongfang Tiantian and Dongfang Xiaotian, their elite team can do a lot, and there will be no problems if they act carefully." Firework Yi said indifferently, and after a slight meal, she continued: "You can ask Uncle Bacchus when you have dinner in the afternoon. After all, Eastern Killing Heaven and the others also want to eat. With the character of Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing, they will definitely ask about sneaking into the hunt. Case."

June Feixue and others are very familiar with the temperament of the **** of wine, Dukang and Fengxing. They also know that fireworks are easy to be cold and what they say is true. Then, after thinking of something, Breaking the waves and riding the wind said: "It's not just the situation in the East and the others. , And the situation of our country’s server, I don’t know if the players who sneaked into our country such as Wucai Shenniu have crossed the ancient battlefield."

Although I have confidence in the strength of the wine family, the Nangong family, and the Yeyu family, especially the ancient battlefield as a barrier, the colorful sacred cow, the emperor's hymn and others are also super masters. They can cross the ancient battlefield in their country. There is also a chance to cross the ancient battlefield on the Chinese server side, and if they sneak into the Chinese server, it will cause very troublesome consequences.

It is precisely because of this that I am a little worried about breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"Don't worry, Uncle Bacchus and the others are not vegetarian, not to mention that there are many small and medium gangs and scattered players in our country who have gone to Haori City, and there is no problem with intercepting the colorful sacred cow." Othello comforted. Then she changed her tone: "Now what we need to care about is how we can mess up here and cause them to suffer heavy losses, so that they will not have the opportunity to sneak into our country, and our people will be less stressed."

Think about it, if it weren't for Ye Luo and the others dragging here, Tokyo Mythology and other masters would have a great chance to sneak into the Chinese server, so they can cause a lot of trouble to China-Tokyo Mythology can increase killings. Attack power, Fuji Mountain, Heilong Tianzhan and others are also very powerful masters. The most important thing is that they have space occupations around them. If they are allowed to sneak into China, it will cause a lot of trouble for Chinese players, such as Ye Luo and the others. It caused a lot of trouble to Japanese players.

"Well, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng Zhen first lightened.

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