VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1952: : Keep going

Tokyo Mythology, they searched around while waiting for the arrival of the large forces, and of course they did not forget to pay attention to the situation at the Black Hawk Gang leveling location.

Not to mention the arrangements of Tokyo Mythology and others, and that Ye Luo, after teleporting to the other side, saw that the surroundings were quite safe, and used the [Space Portal] to teleport the waves and the wind and others, but at this time they also saw one A white light flashed, that was the action of the Japanese players returning to the city, and this made them amused, but they were helpless.

"Uh, they all escaped one by one." Seeing this scene, she was stunned by the waves and the wind. Then she looked at the fireworks on the side and it was easy to get cold, and asked: "Fireworks, it seems that they are also prepared, then we are next How do we do this?"

She seemed to have known this situation a long time ago, and the firework's tone remained unchanged, she said lightly: "Summon the flying mount and go deep into the Japanese server at the fastest speed."

When talking about this, Yi Leng had already summoned the Frost Sacred Dragon, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, you took the two assassins to separate from us, after a certain distance, you put the assassins down and let them themselves Reconnaissance, and you will abandon your mount after continuing to fly for a while, then become invisible, change direction, and decide what to do next."

Ye Luo is also a smart person. He quickly understood the purpose of the arrangement of the fireworks Yi Leng. He didn't say much. After summoning the colorful unicorn, he took the slender jade hand and the sword two and chose a direction to move forward at the fastest speed. Because the colorful unicorns are fast, and because they also know that Tokyo Mythology did not plan to rush over to support, they don't need to be too afraid.

As for breaking waves and riding the wind and others, they also summoned flying mounts one after another, and then moved forward in another direction. However, while flying, they took turns to display the [phosphor] under the instructions of the fireworks to be easy to cold. Assassins appear, and there is only one destiny waiting for these assassins-death and loss of rank.

The fireworks are easy to be cold and smart. She naturally knew that even if the Tokyo Mythology ordered the large troops here to retreat, a large number of assassins would be left to monitor their every move, so she would let the congregants disperse and then use [phosphor powder] in turn. Come and easily force some assassins out.

In addition to using [Fluorescent Powder], June Feixue, Wednesday and others also use some small powerful group attack skills from time to time, but they also force some assassins. Anyway, the CD time of these skills is short, and most of them have reduced The equipment of the skill CD can display skills almost continuously, so there is no need to be stingy.

Although they killed some assassins along the way, they also knew that it was impossible to kill all the assassins, so their whereabouts must be controlled by the Tokyo Mythology, but they did not worry about these, because they already There are other arrangements.

Time passed slowly while rushing to kill the assassin, and soon more than 10 minutes passed.

During this period, the attack power of Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng increased from time to time, and it quickly filled up. It was not because of the increase in attack power they killed the invisible assassin, but the increase in the attack power of the people who attacked the Black Dragon Gang before. This also means that pastors such as cherry blossoms cannot bring everyone back to life.

"Tsk tsk, my national war score has increased by 126 points, which means that I killed 126 people." After 5 minutes, I found out that my national war score had not increased anymore, and the waves couldn’t help but laughed: "Those But they are all the elites of the Black Dragon Gang. Losing level 1 is a relatively large loss for them. After all, it takes 2, 3 days or even longer to upgrade to level 1."

A player's low level may not affect his own strength, but if there is level suppression then the disadvantage of low level will be reflected, especially when a national war breaks out with other countries, level suppression will make both sides have a greater difference.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she sighed: "It's a pity that you can't squat there to guard the corpse. Those people will definitely explode some equipment. The Black Dragon Gang is the first gang in Japan, and we kill all the elites. Their level of equipment should be not bad."

Perhaps the equipment exploded by these elite masters cannot greatly enhance Ye Luo's strength, and even they cannot equip sacrifices that can only be used as spiritual weapons, but this is greater for those players whose equipment is exploded. The loss, so the waves and wind will entangle these.

"No way, Tokyo Shinhwa and other masters are here, we must withdraw." June Feixue said, and then couldn't help but mutter: "Why did I only kill 3 or 40 people? This is too few, can it be me? Has his damage output been so low?"

"It's not that your damage output is very low, but Ye Luo, Sister Feng, Yue'er, and Ye Ye Wu have too high damage output." Sitting on Qin's heart, he saw June Feixue showing a thoughtful look. , She smiled and continued: "Yes, the damage output of Ye Luo and Sister Feng was originally very high, and the number of players killed has increased by so many players. The most important thing is that they have used [Ten Thousand Swords Return] and [Exit] World Kuanglei] With such a large range and powerful skills, even Ye Luo and Yue'er have used a combination of skills. As a result, most of the people in the Black Dragon Gang were killed by them, and the number of people killed by us is naturally small. Up."

"That's true." June Feixue nodded, and then she looked at Zhiyue and Yeye unless: "Yue'er, Xiaofei, how many people did you kill?"

"105." Zhiyue said, her pretty face was full of smiles when she said this, and she was obviously satisfied with this number.

The reason why Zhiyue can kill so many people is easy to understand. It is because she has 3 powerful summoned beasts, and these summoned beasts have many group attack skills. The most important thing is that she and Ye Luo teamed up to display [ Six Paths* Ten Thousand Beasts Pentium (group)] was used to harvest half of her kills, and it was normal to kill 105.

Everyone also expressed their acceptance of this number, and then they looked towards Ye Ye unless, after all, her damage output was also very high, and the most important thing was that she also used [World Destroying Thunder], and not surprisingly, the people she killed were also There will be many.

"89." Ye Ye said, she sighed: "Sister Feng is a lot worse, let alone compared with Uncle Handsome. It is estimated that Uncle Handsome will kill twice as many as mine."

"Hey, didn't you use [World Destroying Thunder]? How come the number of people killed is still so small?" Othello was puzzled.

"[World Extinguishing Thunder], [Ten Thousand Swords Returning] and other powerful and wide-ranging skills were displayed at the beginning. At that time, many members of the Black Dragon Gang displayed invincible methods. Skills can’t kill many people in seconds.” Ye Luo explained, after a short pause, he continued: “Not only that, after we left, the priest of the other party should have resurrected a lot of people, so the number of players we killed will decrease a lot. "

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understood this. Although they were a little disappointed, it was a good result to kill so many elite masters, so they were also very content. Then they asked Ye Luo together. I want to know how many people he killed, after all, he should have the highest damage output among everyone.

"I killed 306 people, which is not bad." Ye Luo said, as if seeing the shocked look of Po Lang Chengfeng and others, he laughed: "The reason why I killed so many people is because I and Yue'er teamed up to create a combination. The skills have harvested many players, of course, it has nothing to do with my killing and increasing a lot of attack power. I almost constantly use group attack skills, and coupled with the effect of [Split Arrow], I can shoot very scary with just one arrow. The damage, so the damage output is naturally higher than yours."

Think about it, Ye Luo’s attack power has more than doubled. Under the action of [Reincarnation* Split Arrow], he can shoot 7 or 8 energy arrows, and it is an energy arrow with double attack power, and the damage output is quite considerable. , Even more damage than many people's group attack skills.

"So we killed at least 700 of them. Hey, they haven't resurrected many people." June Feixue chuckled, and then changed her tone: "But they only had 3 or 4 priests, and they were The people killed were scattered, and it’s amazing to be able to resurrect so many people. It is probably because the players of their space department sent some priests to [笔趣阁5200www.bqg5200.me] after 3 minutes, otherwise they There will not be so many resurrected people."

"Hey, only so many people are killed in one action. When can I save enough points to redeem the Primordial God-class flying mounts?" June Feixue couldn't help muttering: "If the flying mounts are not exchanged for national war points Just bind it. Uncle Ye Luo kills people much faster than us. He can surely collect enough points first, so he can exchange some for us, and then our strength will be greatly improved."

"Don't think about such a good thing, but slowly accumulate." Black and white, and then think of something, she continued: "But you are not without the opportunity, don't forget that we are still on the periphery of the Japanese server. The opponents are all elite masters after Rank 7. It is a bit difficult to kill them, but as we go deeper we will encounter players who are not very powerful, so it will be relatively easy to kill them, especially Encountered tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of leveling locations."

Hearing that, June Feixue's beautiful eyes lit up, and she was also looking forward to it.

The flying mount was very fast. After 1, 20 minutes, Ye Luo and the others drove a long way. Then they abandoned the mount, and then took a high-level stealth pill or used stealth skills, and then changed the direction to continue forward. You can easily get rid of the surveillance of those assassins sent by Tokyo Mythology.

"Ye Luo, if you have a chance, you have to stay invisible, and go deep as fast as possible, so that Tokyo Mythology can't judge your approximate location." The firework is easy to cold, and she continues without waiting for Ye Luo to reply, "Of course if you It would be even better if Xiaoshou and the others can find each other's leveling location, teleport us and then kill them all at the fastest speed."

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