VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1949: : Attack again

Not long after the first sneak attack, Ye Luo and the others were preparing to launch a second operation, and this time the target was thousands of elites of the Black Dragon Gang. Among them, there were nearly half-cold Ice Dragonhawk Summoners. The killing of these people is a big blow to the Japanese game power. Of course, it would be better if you can kill the supported Tokyo Myth, Fujiyama and others-although Ye Luo and the others only have 2, 30 people, However, all of them are elite masters, and even among them there are 4 or 5 super masters. The most important ones, Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng, have increased a lot of attack power. Using these is not without the opportunity-even though Tokyo Mythology can kill more people. Attack power, but he didn't kill anyone, so naturally he didn't increase any attack power. Compared with Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng, he was completely at a disadvantage.

Even if it can't be killed, Ye Luo has already left behind, and can't beat him and just withdraw.

They also know that Tokyo Shinhwa and others should not be underestimated, especially they have hundreds of Frost Dragonhawk Summoners to assist, so after hearing the instructions of the fireworks easy to cold, everyone nodded and expressed their knowledge.

"Be careful not to be trapped by the opponent's enchantment skill, because this skill can be trapped even if the player turns on invincibility, and once trapped, you cannot use the teleport skill to leave, unless the enchantment skill is set by yourself "The fireworks Yi Leng asked again.

That's right, Ye Luo used the barrier skills to resist monster attacks and then used the opportunity to use teleport skills to escape. However, it was a barrier set by himself and had no blocking effect on his own people. It was easy to enter and exit, but if it was used by opponents. The effect of the enchantment system skills is different, and the teleport skills cannot be teleported away.

Knowing the consequences of being trapped by enchantment skills, everyone nodded to express their understanding.

One minute has passed since the talk, plus it will take some time to hurry. Ye Luo’s [Space Portal] will end the CD by then, so everyone no longer waits, quietly marching towards the target, and in order to get all the targets Covering it, Yeluo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Yeyewu and others sneak past from different angles-in this way, 3 people will cover the most people if they use [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong] or [World Extinguishing Thunder].

Ye Luo and the others were very fast, and it didn't take long for them to get close to the target. Then everyone launched a sneak attack. As soon as they shot, they used group control skills, and then they used invincible means. World Kuang Lei] and other large-scale, powerful group attack skills.

Although Ye Luo and the others launched sneak attacks from different angles, the members of the Black Dragon Gang are scattered, so some instant group control skills cannot control many people, and many people in the Black Dragon Gang are the first time they appear. I found out, especially after seeing the energy sword in the sky and the thundercloud, many people used invincible means to resist, and then immediately notified the Tokyo Shinhwa and others of the sneak attack by Ye Luo and others.

I saw a lot of people from the Black Dragon Gang using invincible means, but Ye Luo and the others were not worried. They still used skills such as [World Destroying Thunder] and [Ten Thousand Swords Return]. The sky energy sword and thunder and lightning roared away almost Covered all enemies below.

Under the powerful attack, a piece of high damage output floated. Of course, only dozens or hundreds of players were controlled or were hit with high damage before they had time to use invincible means, while those who displayed invincible means did not. Influence, but fireworks are easy to be cold, they did not care about these, because the target of their first round of attack is not the player, but the ice dragon eagle.

That's right, the ice dragon eagle is a flying-type summoned beast, and has some relatively powerful control skills. This is a greater threat to Ye Luo and the others, so they must first solve it, [World Destroying Thunder] , [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong] Under the attack, those ice dragon eagles floated above their heads with high damage, and some targets with critical damage were even killed directly. The most important thing is under the attack of [World Destroying Thunder]. Part of the ice dragon eagle is under control-[World Destroyer Thunder] not only has terrifying damage, but also stuns the target for 3 seconds.

Of course, during Ye Luo and the others’ attack, the summoner also controlled the Frost Dragonhawk to launch an attack, but Ye Luo and others used invincible means and were not afraid of any skill attacks at all, so they could attack unscrupulously. World Kuanglei] After making [biqugexx.info] dizzy the Ice Dragon Eagle, they became even more unscrupulous.

I have to say that Ye Luo's damage output is terrifying. After several powerful and large-scale skills were displayed, the hundreds of players who had no control or had no time to use invincible methods were killed or injured more than half. The most important ones were the ice dragon eagles. Killed a lot, and even cleared out a vacuum zone with the center of Yeluo and Yeyewu.

After using the skills such as [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong], Ye Luo and others summoned flying mounts such as colorful unicorns. As a result, their damage output was further increased, and the ice dragon eagles were beheaded, only 5 or 6 seconds passed. More than half of the ice dragon eagles were killed.

Of course, the people of the Black Dragon Gang are not fools. Although they can’t help Ye Luo and others, they can attack the colorful Qilin and other mounts. Focusing on their attacks can quickly clear the toughness of these mounts. After the support of Tokyo Shinhwa and others, it was much easier to kill it.

Of course, the ice dragon eagles that can be used among them are very limited, not only because most of them have been killed, but the remaining ones are also covered by group control skills and then controlled, plus Ye Luo and their flying mounts are tough. The degree is very high, so there is no need to worry about this issue in a short time, they can launch attacks unscrupulously.

"Many players only have one or two invincible means. At this time, most of these people have used one, and they must use the second one under our attack. After 5 or 6 seconds, we can kill them." June Feixue happily said: "After killing all the people here, even if the Tokyo Mythology they come, it will not pose too much threat to us. After all, the number of people they can transmit is very limited."

"That's right." Othello said while attacking: "Sister Feng and Ye Luo's attack power is already full, plus we have nearly 20 dual professions here, Tokyo Mythology, they will not be able to adjust so many for a while. With dual professions, with our powerful damage output, there is also a chance to forcibly kill them."

"Sister Qi, you forgot that there is another space player among them." Changhe Sunset reminded: "The player of this space system can send all the dual classes in Japan after they are teleported, but there are dozens of them. For hundreds of dual-professionals, if these people use all their big moves, even if Big Brother Ye and Sister Feng have full attack power, they will not be their opponents, not to mention that some of them will have such a large area as "World Destroying Thunder". Powerful group attack skills, and even many of them have a combination of skills, we may not be able to take advantage of it."

"Yes." Ye Luo took the stubborn words: "The most important thing is that we have used a lot of attack methods in these two sneak attacks, and we also used a lot of invincible methods. We did not have the Tokyo myth of the new force. What advantage? If they come too many people, then we have to retreat, or we must now be ready to withdraw at any time."

Ye Luo and the others had already used invincible means once during the sneak attack on the Black Hawk Gang, and in this sneak attack, everyone used invincible means. At this time, they did not retain too many invincible means. This state will naturally suffer from the Tokyo Mythology of the new force, even if Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng have increased a lot of attack power.

"If there are too many people from Tokyo Mythology, then we will have to evacuate." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then instructed everyone: "Everyone pays attention to whether there are spatial fluctuations around, and we must be wary of Tokyo Mythology that they suddenly transmitted over and then Launch a sneak attack on us."

"Hey, I'm afraid they don't dare to teleport directly to the crowd." Po Lang Chengfeng sneered: "With the damage output of those of us, the locked players can be killed in a relatively short period of time, so come to Tokyo. The myth they can’t be transmitted over, it will waste more time for them, and when there is more time, we will be able to kill all of these people. It doesn’t make sense for them to come over again, because we have already withdrawn."

That's right, once the target of the locked teleportation is killed, the teleportation skills will naturally be interrupted, and the teleportation skills will fall into the CD, so the Tokyo Mythology naturally dare not lock the people in the crowd to teleport.

"Yes, they can only lock the teleportation of players far away from this leveling location, but we can easily see them teleporting from a condescending position, and then we can see if the situation is withdrawn." Othello said indifferently, and then watched. Xiang Yeluo, Polangchengfeng and others: "Even when we can fly a kite against it by means of attack distance and powerful control ability, Tokyo Mythology will not catch up with the colorful unicorns even if they use their big moves, let alone fireworks and small ones. Fei’s attacks now have stronger control capabilities."

"If they directly cast a powerful and wide-ranging skill like [Wan Jianguizong] from a long distance, or even they can use multiple combo skills, then our mount's toughness will be knocked out." The firework is easy to be cold. Said: "Without the mount, we will be more troublesome, and we may even be entangled by Tokyo Mythology and others who use big moves. If this happens, there will be casualties among us. This is not what we want to see, so just to be on the safe side. Seeing Tokyo Mythology and the number of players they rushed over, we left here as soon as possible, so there will be no surprises."

Also knowing that fireworks are easy to be cold, worrying that it is impossible to happen, Othello nodded, she did not entangle these, and continued to attack, and under their attack, a number of ice dragon eagles were killed, of course some were not invincible. The player in the state is killed.

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