VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1943: : Prepare for a sneak attack

Fireworks are easy to be cold. They naturally have to do some investigation work before launching infiltration hunting operations, such as figuring out where the gangs of some big gangs in Japan are located, such as some famous leveling locations in this server, etc., and master these After the message, it is convenient for them to carry out hunting operations, and it is precisely because of this that when they are approaching these gangs and leveling locations, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the flying mounts are abandoned. , So it becomes much more difficult to kill it.

When the waves and the wind approached some leveling sites quietly, Ye Luo had already discovered some Japanese players, and in the middle of the night Shu and Jiansan had rushed to investigate. After confirming that there were no traps, he could act on them, and this Also let the waves and ride the wind exciting.

"Ye Luo, you can teleport me over after you launch a sneak attack, especially when there are too many people." Po Lang Chengfeng said in anticipation: "Tokyo Mythology, Mount Fuji and others should have teleport skills. After you start the assassination operation, They will send it over, and I can help if I rush over."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "Of course, the most important thing is to let me kill some people to increase the attack power, so that I will kill more people in the future."

"Yeah, I understand." Ye Luo said lightly, and when he said this, he also used [Invisibility] and then went to the target.

Think about it too, even if it is not to resist the people under Mount Fuji and ride the wind, it is necessary, because her killing can increase the attack power, and the high attack power will make the next action more smooth.

Soon after, Jian San’s voice sounded in the team channel: "Brother Ye Luo, the situation here is basically clear. There are 2,300 people in the leveling point, and the level is more than 280. Seven turns, of which there are 2 or 3 doubles. Profession, but they are not too famous, and there is no trace of Heilong Tianzhan and others."

"These people are not in the same gang with Tokyo Mythology, Fujiyamashita, and others. Maybe their friends are less than 1,000 points. That is to say, Fujiyamashita and others may not be able to lock these people and send them over." Midnight Shu added Said: "So I feel that we can fight against each other. With our strength, we can kill all of them in a relatively short time, and then we can leave quickly."

2. 300 can only be regarded as a small team. Although they are all Rank 7 players, they only have two or three double professions. Most of the others are ordinary hidden professions or ordinary professions. The overall strength of such a team is not very strong, at least Ye Luo and their strength can easily kill it, and they can kill it in a short time, and after killing all of them, they can quickly leave the battlefield. They will not be entangled by Tokyo Mythology and others and then by a large number of Japanese players. Surrounded.

"Hey, a leveling team of 2,300 people, you can launch a sneak attack on it." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, when she said these, her tone was full of excitement: "Ye Luo, hurry up and send us over, wait. We will also stealthily launch a sneak attack on it, so that we can kill it in the shortest time."

Ye Luo didn't reply to Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind in the first time, but asked: "Fireworks, what do you think?"

"The elite team of 2,300 people, the most important thing is that they are not a gang with Tokyo Shinhwa, Fujiyama and others, but it is worth working on them, but the strength of these people can end the battle in a relatively short time. "The firework was cold, and she continued after a short pause: "Except for the four swords, you will send all of us over. We strive to kill everyone in the shortest time."

"Teleport everyone over, leaving only the sword four?!" Reversi was surprised when he heard the fireworks and Yi Leng's command: "Then why do we have to divide our troops? Besides, those people do not need to take all of us. Send it all over."

"Quick fight is necessary. After all, this is another country. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged we will be." Sitting on Qin Xin explained on her behalf, then she glanced at Po Lang Cheng Feng: "Nothing in Ye Luo and Feng Sister Before increasing the attack power, we have to be a little more cautious. Besides, it is enough to leave a sword four. The effect of dividing the soldiers into two can still be reflected, because at that time, Ye Luo can lock him to teleport and then use the [Space Portal] to send us. Also send it over."

Without waiting for Othello to speak, she continued: "Because we are far from Ye Luo now, the Japanese players will quickly move closer to Ye Luo after Ye Luo starts, so that we can easily get rid of their encirclement by sending them here. It’s not clear where we are, which is good for our next actions."

Othello is also a smart person, and she understands it quickly, and then she doesn't say much, she'd better be ready to start at any time.

"Xiao Shu, Jian San, you continue to go deeper and monitor the people around you to support. Let us know as soon as possible." Yi Leng Yi Leng continued to ask, and did not wait for the reply from Midnight Shu, she continued to arrange: "Ye Fall, teleport us over."

Ye Luo didn't say much. He directly used the [Space Portal] to teleport everyone except Sword Four. The slender hands and other assassins went around under the arrangement of fireworks and coldness, which was obviously to alert them. All around.

"Fireworks, why don't we all summon flying mounts." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she was faintly excited: "Next, I will use the [Group Hidden Technique], so I don't have to worry about being discovered by others, if there are mounts. But it’s easier to kill the target so we can end the battle in a shorter time."

Most of them have flying mounts for breaking the waves and riding the wind. At least they are of the ancient gods. The purple electric holy dragons that break the waves and riding the wind are close to the existence of the holy. Yeluo’s colorful unicorns are even the existence of the holy. Many attributes have been added. The most important thing is that most flying mounts have additional skills, and these additional skills can control the target well. For example, dragons such as the Purple Lightning Sacred Dragon have the [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens] skill.

[Group Hidden Technique] It can conceal the whereabouts and sounds of all players and mounts, so that Ye Luo and the others can easily come to the skies of the 2,300 leveling teams and then launch sneak attacks. Various additional control skills of the mounts are displayed. It can be easily controlled, and they will not be given the opportunity to use invincible means at all, so it becomes easier for Ye Luo and the others to kill it.

"Sister Feng, it's only necessary to deal with a team of 2,300 people. Is it necessary to use the [Group Concealment Technique]?" June Feixue said disapprovingly: "After all, the CD time of this skill is 12 hours. Once we use it, Just one powerful life-saving skill is missing."

Think about it, too, [Group Concealment Technique] can be used not only for sneak attacks, but also for escape, and even better when it is used for escape. In June Feixue’s heart, they sneaked into other countries after all. There are many unexpected dangers here, and it is important to retain a powerful means of life-saving.

"This is our first sneak attack. The most important thing is to quickly kill the target and then increase the attack power, so it's okay to use the [Group Concealment Technique]." Ye Luo took the conversation, and then changed his tone: " As for life-saving methods, we have many. For example, I can lock Sword Four to teleport and then teleport everyone away, so that I can easily get rid of the enemy's group.

I also know that it is more important to kill all the targets in a short time and then add up the attack power, so Othello doesn’t say anything, and the firework Yi Leng also agreed to the proposal of breaking the waves and riding the wind. Then they called out to fly. Mount, and then let Breaking Waves Ride the Wind to cast the [Group Strong Hidden Technique].

"After you fly over the target, it's best to spread out to control the mount to perform various control skills." Firework Yi Leng exhorted, seeing everyone nodding to express that she understood that she continued: "If it is necessary to keep empty blood players for Sister Feng or Ye Luo, let them take the last cut so that they can add up their attack power in a short time."

They also knew the effect of letting Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng quickly add up their attack power. Everyone didn't say much, and they nodded to express their understanding.

"Oh, it's a pity that the equipment and skills for killing people to increase attack power have some restrictions. Unlike before, we can increase attack power as long as the opponent does not have the ability or status to automatically resurrect the target's vitality." While rushing on the road, he complained: "We have to wait until the killed target is completely dead to increase attack power. If they don't return to the city to resurrect, then we have to wait 5 minutes to lie down, which is too troublesome."

That's right, the point mentioned by Po Lang Cheng Feng was changed not long ago, and this also put some restrictions on the skills and equipment that kills can increase attack power, which makes her quite dissatisfied.

"The skills and equipment that kill people to increase attack power are too terrifying, and even possessing such a skill can become an invincible existence, so naturally there are some restrictions." Sitting on Qin Xin explained, and then she smiled: "But this time Ye Luo and the others found a very good goal. The overall strength of a team of 2,300 people is not very strong. The most important thing is that it is very possible that Tokyo Mythology has not reached 1000 points with them, so they can’t use teleport skills to rush over. It will take a long time for them to rush over, so it’s okay to wait until these people’s corpse state ends and then increase their attack power."

"Well, that's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then a flash of cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Even if Tokyo Mythology came to support them, we still have no problem dealing with them in a hurry with our strength. Yes, maybe we can kill them, so we have a chance to grab the magic weapon of Tokyo mythology."

The magic weapon of Tokyo mythology is the same as the [Holy Beast Pearl] and [Tai Chi Gossip Pan]. The most important thing is that he has not assembled all the components of this magic weapon, which means that the equipment has not been bound , Kill it to explode this equipment.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind also knows the power of the combination magic weapon. She is looking forward to such equipment, so she has such an expression.

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