VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1936: : Discuss countermeasures

Players from other countries invaded, and these people are elite masters from major countries. This caused an uproar in the game. For a time, countless players flocked to Hao Sun City, preparing to intercept and kill the colorful **** bull and others-India, etc. The country borders on the south side of the Chinese server, so these people must have invaded from the border barrier here, and it is undoubtedly the most correct way to stop at Hao Sun City.

After hearing the system prompt, Midnight Shu and June Feixue's complexion became difficult to look, they were about to kill Haori City, but they were stopped by the fireworks Yiyi.

"Sister Fireworks, now people from other countries have entered our country. Are we indifferent just watching them hunting in our country?!" Seeing the fireworks are easy to be intercepted, June Feixue angrily said, obviously She did not understand why the fireworks would intercept her easily.

"Yes, this time the invaders of our server are all leftover masters, and there are also masters on the world rankings like Wucai Shenniu. If they are allowed to act, many players in our country will be killed." Othello took over. Anyway, she is also quite puzzled by how easily the fireworks can stop them.

"Can you guarantee that you can stop those people like the colorful **** cow in the past?" Samadhi asked, seeing the silent but suspicious look of June Feixue, Othello and others, she continued: "You also said before. Those who invade our country are all first-rate masters, and many of them are on the world rankings. These masters are very good. Although their overall attributes have been weakened by 10%, don’t forget that this is not an arena PK nor a competition. , Which means that they can use all kinds of pills, such as high-level stealth pills. If they really do this and then hide away, it will be difficult for us to find them, not to mention that there are many first-class assassins among these people."

Without waiting for June Feixue and others to speak, she continued: "In addition, Wucai Shenniu and others have flying mounts. They have strong mobility. With high-level stealth medicine and stealth skills, they can be relatively safe in our country. Hiding, so we can't help much if we rush over, especially when it takes at least several hours for us to get to the border enchantment. At that time, the colorful sacred cows were long gone."

Although they didn't want to admit it, June Feixue and the others also knew that the samādhi poems were true, and it was difficult for them to make a difference in the past.

"Yes, the invaders in our country are all elite masters. If they are scattered, then it is really difficult for us to deal with them unless we use the human sea tactics to advance layer by layer." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubbornly, she looked at everyone: " However, the human sea tactic is too wasteful of manpower. It is not cost-effective to use so much manpower just for the hundreds of people. It is better for us to continue to do our own things or think of other methods."

"But is it possible that we are indifferent to let them hunt our people?!" Midnight Shu was quite dissatisfied.

"Now all major gangs have dispatched personnel, and there are also a large number of scattered players to Haori City, and the Brewing Family, the Nangong Family, and the Yeyu Family will send a large number of personnel. Among them, there are many elite masters, and even Yuexia Listening to Zen, Inviting the Moon to raise a glass, these world leaderboards, they are enough to deal with the colorful **** cow and others."

The big gangs who settled in Haori City include the Brewing Family, the Yeyu Family, and the Nangong Family. This is their chassis. It is their task and responsibility to guard this place as agreed. Now it is their responsibility to be invaded by so many first-class masters, so they Naturally, a large number of master areas will be sent to intercept the Wucai Shenniu and others, plus other major gangs and countless scattered players, but it is enough to deal with the hundreds of people. In this case, even if June Feixue and others rush over Can't help much.

It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to be cold, the Samadhi and the others prevented June Feixue from teleporting to Haori City and then slaying Wucai Shenniu and others.

"Although that is the case, it's a bit uncomfortable for us to do nothing now." Othello looked at Samadhi, fireworks and others: "After all, it is an invasion by foreign enemies, and soon we will challenge Godkiller. Organization, it will inevitably fall off the tongue in this case."

Think about it too, foreign enemies invade, this time they will break the waves and ride the wind and they will start a gang war, which will naturally become a reason for many deliberate people to criticize.

"It's the **** kill organization that provokes us, and we have submitted a challenge application. It is impossible to cancel it. There is no way for others to use these as an excuse to accuse us." Yan Yudao said these things in her tone. Faintly helpless.

"Hey, things are already like this anyway, they just say what they like, is it possible that they still dare to take action against us?" smiled Ling Feng disapprovingly.

"The power of public opinion sometimes exceeds our expectations. We can't damage our Miomi Pavilion's reputation because of these." Yan Yu Xiaoxiao disapproved of it, she looked at everyone: "If there are some people who use this to provoke us, maybe we The hearts of the gang players are unstable, and there may even be a large number of players withdrawing from the gang. This will bring a greater loss to our gang."

"That's right, the good reputation we have finally built up can't be foul." Breaking the waves on the wind road, and then she looked at the fireworks and the samādhi: "Fireworks, poems, do you have any countermeasures? ?"

"It's also simple, just send some assassin squads into Hao Sun City to support you, as long as there are our people there, other people can't use this as an excuse." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she looked at Ye Luo and others. "And as long as there are our people, then we can teleport to help at any time. The people in the entire game know that we have teleport skills. It is not too late to teleport after discovering the enemy’s whereabouts. We continue to do our own things at other times. ."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, it is revealed that we are going to carry out the plan of sneaking into other countries to carry out hunting operations. In this way, it can easily avoid getting rid of infamy, and even active attacks are more acceptable than passive defense."

Hearing this, Palang Rongfeng's eyes lit up, and she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Fireworks, do you mean we are about to launch a plan to infiltrate other countries soon?!"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "However, it is too sloppy to announce our plans now and then. It would be bad if we were snooped by people from other countries and then prepared for it. Maybe we just sneaked into other countries and we were surrounded."

"The first time you sneak into other servers, there will be a system prompt. Everyone knows this, so even if we leak our next plan, the impact will not be too big. The big deal is that we don't disclose the name of the country to sneak into." Samadhi Shidao, and then thought of something, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Even we can deliberately reveal a few names, and then scream again, I believe this will be better."

Everyone is wise, and they understand after hearing the words of the samādhi. They no longer worry about this, and even look forward to the next action.

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Shi, which country shall we choose next?" asked June Feixue, not waiting for samādhi poems and fireworks to be cold, she continued: "Why not go to India or Australia? , Hey, if they dare to invade us, then we can invade the past and then give them a siege to save Zhao, so the colorful sacred cow and others will definitely return, and the pressure on our country's players will be much less."

I thought the fireworks were easy to get cold and the samādhi would agree, but I didn’t want them to shook their heads together, and then the samādhi said, “No, it’s not good to choose any of these countries, because they must be prepared. Just wait for us to pass. Although our strength is very powerful, if we are surrounded by tens of millions of players, it is difficult to get out, and we may even be killed."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "For example, these countries send some archers to line up. They can easily stop us with the advantage of long-range attacks. Therefore, it is not wise to go to these countries. After all, we cannot use the power of the whole country to fight. The declaration of war by the elite squad will cause us more casualties."

"But instead of choosing these countries, which countries should we choose?" Zhiyue was quite puzzled.

"Naturally it is the country we chose before." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"But they didn't provoke us at this time. Wouldn't it be another enemy if we took the initiative to attack them?" June Feixue said in a puzzled manner.

"Even if we don't provoke them, they will do it to us." Suddenly Ye Luo said, seeing June Feixue and the others showing suspicion, he explained: "I don't know if you have found out, this time the invaders have invaded us. Players score several countries or servers, and they are almost at the same time. This shows that they have discussed this matter, which means that they have formed an alliance."

Hearing this, June Feixue and the others nodded, and they faintly understood what Ye Luo was going to say.

"Yes, if it's just one or two countries, they wouldn't dare to provoke us at all, even if they have conflicts with us that cannot be resolved. After all, they also know the truth about shooting the best, so they can only form an alliance and then at the same time. Do such a thing." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubbornly: "And they only dared to invade us with an elite team, because this is the safest way. After all, we can't help those masters hide away."

"Yes, they are a multinational alliance, and they have reached an agreement." Samadhi said, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Even if the alliance is only India, these countries do not pose too much threat to us. The others should also know this. In order to increase our pressure and increase their chances of winning, they will certainly form alliances with other countries. Not surprisingly, Japan, South Korea, the United States and other countries are among them, and they are getting theirs. After that, these countries will definitely agree. Maybe now they are already preparing to invade us. In this case, we naturally have to act first."

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