VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1928: : Easily beat

With powerful footwork, movement speed, and [Ice and Snow], Ye Luo easily got rid of the 3 Raiking clones, and then used [Charge], [Assault] and other skills to get close to Ye Ye unless you control it later, and then The things that came down became simple, he could almost attack unscrupulously, because with his powerful control ability, he could control it until death.

Just like this, the battle ended, and Ye Ye was defeated so easily unless she was shocked. After another challenge in the arena, she looked at Ye Luo: "Handsome uncle, I remember you still have [reincarnation clone] and [invisibility] Such skills, if you use these skills, doesn't it mean that I am more likely to be defeated by you?"

He smiled slightly, but Ye Luo did not reply, but looked towards Ye Ye unless: "Why, do you want to continue challenging me?"

"A lot of methods can kill me without being displayed. It seems that I really have no chance to defeat one of these 100 challenges." Unless Ye Ye said to herself, she shook her head after thinking of something. I still have to challenge you so that I can discover the gap between me and you, which is very good for me to improve my strength."

Having said this, unless Ye Ye started the challenge resolutely again, and she was not discouraged and Ye Luo praised her, but this time he changed his tactics and directly used [Reincarnation Clone] and then controlled the swordsman. The avatar of the Berserker and the Berserker rushed straight to the avatar of Yeyewu's Raiking with the 【reincarnation * six shields】.

As for the archers and magician clones, they are waiting for opportunities on the periphery. Of course, under Ye Luo’s deliberate control, they go around on both sides, as if they want to encircle Ye Ye unless they are forced to approach the night. Ye Duan or those Lei Ying clones, after all, their attack distance is not as good as that of the opponent, and their operations are not as good as Ye Luo's body, being attacked until they have a chance to fall into a paralyzed state.

At the same time, Ye Luo controlled the Assassin clone to become invisible, and then let it go around Ye Ye Duan behind him, and his body was facing Ye Ye Duan away. With powerful operations, he could easily evade Ye Ye Duan and those 3 Raiying clone's normal attack, and [Light Clothing] can guarantee that he will not be controlled.

I have to say that Ye Luo’s reincarnation clone puts a lot of pressure on Ye Ye, after all, these clones are hardly afraid of any skills and ordinary attacks when they are wearing the [reincarnation*six shields], and they can also display skills. [Charge], [Sword Qi aspect] and other skills can also cause great trouble to Ye Ye Wu and 3 Raiking clones.

Of course, unless Ye Ye poses the biggest threat, it is Ye Luo who walked straight towards her. After all, she saw Ye Luo's strength in the last game, and she would be approached by him if she didn't pay attention. Once so, there would be no suspense in the battle. .

Same as the last time, Ye Luo decisively used [Ice and Snow] and [Flying Sand and Stone] after approaching the Raikage clone and Yeyewu. These skills not only forced the night and night to retreat, but also slowed the 3 Raikage clones. Frozen, in this way, the swordsman and berserker avatars are not difficult to get close to them within 10 meters, [Charge] is used to easily control them, and then various skills attack.

Seeing that the Raikage clone was under control, the archer clone was slightly closer and then launched an attack. As soon as it shot, it was the only group attack skill, and then it was the normal attack. Although it was only a normal attack, it was in the 【Split Arrow 】The damage output that can be played is also very high.

As for the magician clone, although its attack range is not as good as the archer clone, it can attack the target after casting 【Flash】, and then there are group attack skills such as 【energy sword rain】 and 【energy bomb impact】. Of course, I didn't forget to cast [Energy Link], this skill can bind the target.

Under the attack of so many avatars, the three Raikage avatars are a little overwhelming. Their vitality is rapidly decreasing, and they can’t even fight ordinary attacks. After all, it’s okay for two melee avatars to intercept and prevent them from attacking. What's more, [Ice Sky and Snow] is still going on, and those Raikage clones have the chance to be frozen.

As for the positive night unless, she also wants to use her control skills to rescue the Raikage clone, but the Samsara clone bears [Samsara * Six Shields], her attack is completely ineffective, not to mention that he is still facing greater trouble at this time— -Ye Luo killed directly from the front, and the assassin clone was still hidden in the dark, ready to attack at any time.

At this time, unless Ye Ye is facing a dilemma, because she knows that the assassin clone must be on either side of her or has gone around behind, but if she uses the group attack skill to tentatively attack, she will undoubtedly waste a few skills, and the positive Ye Luo can kill directly.

If you deal with Ye Luo, then the Assassin clone can approach her and start the assassination. In this way, even if she displays invincible skills, she will be interrupted by the skills, and she can’t use all kinds of skills. She will still be killed if she catches up, without any suspense.

Soon Yeye won’t be troubled, because Ye Luo has already rushed forward. If she doesn’t solve it, then she won’t have any chance to attack at all, but soon she will be attacked by the Assassin clone. There is no suspense in the battle.

"Uh, you used [Reincarnation clone] as if I had no chance to defeat you, and even made me feel a little at a loss." After starting the challenge again, Ye Ye could not help but complain: "Uncle handsome, your skill It’s too abnormal. The clone actually has invincible skills, and the number is actually 5. This is too exaggerated. The clone skill alone is much better than mine."

"The number of my clones is related to the six awakened ones. At first, they were very few, almost useless, but gradually increased, so they have their own advantages with clone skills such as [Lei Ying Clone]." Ye Luo said lightly, and then thought of something. He continued: "Why don't I change other equipment and compare with you, otherwise you won't have any chance to win."

The first two times were easily defeated, unless Ye Ye realized that she wanted to defeat Ye Luo is impossible, even if she played 100 games, she might have some chances for Ye Luo to change other equipment, but that would treat her. It doesn't make much sense, after all, it is impossible for the opponent to let her in a formal game or a match.

Thinking of this, unless Ye Ye shook her head, she said: "Forget it, I can't beat you. It's a fact. It doesn't make any sense to rely on you to give me equipment to win. I'll compare it with others to improve my fighting skills. I have to think about how the tactics will deal with you, otherwise I won’t be able to beat you if I continue to fight like this."

With a faint smile, Ye Luo said, "Well, then you go to see Sister Feng and the others, familiarize yourself with the situation of Miomi Pavilion, and then get to know everyone."

Thinking of what, Ye Luo smiled more strongly at the corner of his mouth: "By the way, we still have a small gift for you, which you will like compared to you."

"There is still a gift?!" Unless her voice has been raised a bit, Ye Ye is faintly looking forward to it: "Couldn't you still have some powerful lightning equipment? Why don't you give it to me together? Oh, I see. , You are worried that my equipment level is so good that you can't beat me, so I can't join Misty Pavilion."

"It's not equipment, but other things. You'll know when you go." Ye Luo said, and after speaking, he left the arena space.

Let’s not talk about every night unless you are eager to find Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, let’s talk about the reaction in the Heavenly Tribulation game.

Seeing that unless Ye Ye had already joined Miomi Pavilion, all the gang leaders were disappointed. They also knew that with Ye Ye unless joining Miomi Pavilion would be even more powerful. For example, if she joined the Miomi Pavilion team, she could easily win the tournament in the future. Champion.

Of course, they can't change these things at this point, they can only think about the next countermeasures, and what shocks them is that they have seen Ye Luo's current strength, which is easy to defeat every night unless they are defeated. Analyzing them, they found that Ye Luo's overall strength has increased by at least 30% compared to the time when he played against the Eastern Killing Sky. It would take a long time for them to reach this level.

The most important thing is that they know that Ye Luo's most powerful skill is his skills, and at this point, they are afraid that they will not have any chance to catch up, unless his [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] is exploded, so that they can be defeated. Dust, just think about it, because they also know that it is almost impossible to kill Ye Luo. The most important thing is that once they do it, they will face revenge from the entire Misty Pavilion. What gang can withstand Miomi Pavilion's anger.

Since I can’t do it myself, I can only issue a reward quest. Although the Assassin’s House does not dare to take on the task of assassinating Ye Luo, the Heavenly Kill Organization dares, even if they can’t assassinate Ye Luo, it’s nothing, they can always find him some Trouble, this is the thinking of Ye Yu Fei Fei, Dongfang Jitian, Ouyang Feitian and others, and they quickly arranged these.

Unless Ye Ye is successfully recruited to Miomi Pavilion, Ye Luo’s mission is considered complete. Then he waits until 12 o’clock while killing monsters at the Shanggu battlefield, because at this time the arena systems of the major servers are integrated. At that time, you can PK with other countries' masters.

Ye Ye unless she quickly found Po Lang Chengfeng and others, and then she saw the small gift everyone gave her-a combo skill scroll.

That’s right, this combo skill scroll is [Energy Arrow Formation (Group)], which can allow up to 6 dual-professional archers with different attributes to learn. Ye Luo, Firework Easy to Cold, Sword Eleven, and Misty Rain have all been learned. Ye Even after learning, there will be one more person, and this will greatly increase the power of this combination skill.

Unless she still likes this kind of gift Ye Ye Ye, after all, she also has a very combative side of breaking the waves and riding the wind. Imagining the use of this combination of skills in the national war, she began to look forward to it.

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