VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1926: : Join the Misty Pavilion

All summoned beasts that can fly have [High Altitude Advantage]. This skill can increase the hit rate and dodge rate of the unit. The higher the level of the summoned beast, the better the effect of [High Altitude Advantage]. The Golden Winged Eagle King is already Quasi-prime ancient god-level BOSS, its dodge rate is very high, at least the two Raikage clones failed to stun them, and they were all stunned under the action of [Wind Crane], unable to move within 3 seconds.

Not only these two Raikage clones, Ye Yewu and the third Raikage clone are also shrouded by this skill and fall into a dizzy state-the Golden Winged Eagle King previously used the [Storm Blade], so it was the first to use it. This skill is to break Yeyewu's "Shield of Kuangthin", so that the "Storm of the Wind" can control it, otherwise she must use the invincible skill.

However, unless Ye Ye looked down upon Zhiyue a little, and in her heart she had the "Shield of Thunder" to withstand the attack, so she did not use the invincibility skill, so she was controlled by the "Sound of Wind and Crane", the next 3 seconds The clock can't move.

Seeing this situation, Zhiyue controlled the Golden Winged Eagle King to continue to attack. Skills such as [Raptor Pecking] and [Golden Linghua Sword] were displayed one after another, and the damage caused by these skills was quite high, especially [Raptor Pecking] Hit], not only can cause 250% damage to the target, but also make the target into a bleeding state, the damage output is quite high.

While the Golden Winged Eagle King launched his attack, the Black Dragon King also rushed to the scene. Skills such as [Rising Wind] and [Dragon Ball Attack] were displayed, but they also caused higher damage to the 3 Raikage clones and Yeyeun.

Not only that, seeing that Ye Ye unless controlled, Zhiyue riding on the ice and fire also killed it, because Ye Ye unless and the 3 Raiking clones were all controlled, so she did not worry that she would be attacked at all. Don’t worry that you will be controlled, and her intention to come with Ice and Fire is also very simple-after approaching, Ice and Fire can also provide quite powerful damage output and control ability. After all, Ice and Fire are summoned beasts of the ice and fire elements. And control ability is very powerful.

The fact is also true. The speed of Ice and Fire is very fast. It only took 2 or 3 seconds to rush into the attack range. Skills such as [Tiger King Combo] and [Flame Fire Sea] were also displayed. The blood of the 3 Raiking clones of, especially those Raiking clones, will be emptied soon depending on the situation.

Zhiyue was not idle either, the magic wand was raised frequently, and the few skills were displayed. Either it was an ordinary magic ball attack, but it could also cause some damage.

Seeing that Ye Ye Wu was about to wake up, the Black Dragon King used [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens], so Ye Ye Wu and the 3 Thunder Shadow clones continued to be controlled, Zhiyue and the Black Dragon King and other summoned beasts could continue to attack unscrupulously. , And the powerful damage output of one person plus 3 summoned beasts is also perfectly reflected.

Soon the blood of the three Leiying clones was emptied, and then Zhiyue controlled the Black Dragon King to fight against Ye Ye unless he used [Flood Dragon Entangling], and there was no doubt that Ye Ye would not be controlled again, but Zhiyue, Ice Fire and Gold Wings The Eagle King can continue to attack her.

In fact, even if Ye Ye is not controlled at this time, it will be difficult to reverse the situation, because just facing the close attack of ice and fire, she is a little overwhelmed, not to mention the Golden Winged Eagle King, the Black Dragon King and Zhiyue, that is to say. There is no suspense at all in this battle.

"Hey, I didn't expect Yue'er to defeat Ye Ye unless so easily, even more relaxed than Sister Feng." Othello was deeply moved.

"Unless Ye Ye is careless, she should concentrate on her attacks and don't be stingy with any skills. As long as she can control the Golden Winged Eagle King and the Black Dragon King, she has a great chance of winning, even with her body, 3 Raikage clones, and an ordinary clone. Forcibly killing the summoned beast, she has such a damage output ability." Samadhi said, and then she laughed: "But I have to say that Yue'er's luck is a bit good. The Golden Winged Eagle King faced the attack and appeared Miss. Only in this way can you easily get close to the target and then use [Wind Sound Crane] to control the target, otherwise Yue'er will take a lot of hands and feet even if he can win.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, but thinking of something, June Feixue laughed: "But anyway, we have three people defeated Ye Ye Chau, and Uncle Ye Luo hasn't taken any action yet. This is enough to show our strength. Very strong, and Ye Ye unless he is already a member of our Misty Pavilion, hehe, so we have one more super expert."

"Yes, this professional one-on-one will hardly be weaker than any player, especially in the future, unless you get some more rewards, the equipment level will be better." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "Of course, if she The role of cooperating with other people will be more obvious. Participating in a team has a high chance of winning, and she can play a very important role in future competitions."

That's right, there are already 3 people in Miomi Pavilion who have defeated Ye Ye Fu. According to the agreement, she is already a member of Miomi Pavilion. Thinking that there will be another super master in the gang, everyone in Miomi Pavilion is excited and listening to the words of Samadhi. After that, they became more interested in future competitions.

"Oh, it's a pity that the elder sisters and others have defeated Ye Ye unless they have defeated Ye Ye three times. I don't have a chance to make a move." Midnight Shu sighed softly. Up."

"Oh, what strategy did you think of facing the enemy?" Othello and others asked curiously.

"My movement speed is faster than Ye Ye unless it is an indisputable fact." He said in the middle of the night, seeing everyone nodding, he continued: "After stealth, try to get close to Ye Ye unless within 15 meters, then use the displacement skill plus [ Spikes], so that you can approach those Raikage clones, use [Group Wind Binding] to trap all Raikage clones, if every night unless you use displacement skills to get away from me, then I will use acceleration skills to cast another stealth Skills and [Breaking Step], it’s okay to use my movement speed to zoom in by 5 meters and then use [Raid]. Then I can easily control the target with my attack speed, and it’s no problem to kill it."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Of course, before this, I will try to arrange some traps such as [Wind Array], and the invisible state can also use these skills, and then after appearing, I deliberately forced her to fall into the trap, using my means. It’s still very easy to do this, so close to Ye Ye unless there is no more problem.”

"Arrangement of traps such as [Wind Array] in advance, and then on the other hand, you will be forced to retreat Yeyeun. This is a good strategy, and the chance of success is very high." Samadhi nodded, and then changed his tone: "But the premise It’s Ye Ye unless you stay away from her clones. If she doesn’t stay away from her clones, then these clones can cast group skills on you after breaking free from the wind, so you want to kill Ye Ye within 6 seconds of invincibility, unless it’s a little troublesome."

Even though the explosive ability of Midnight Book is terrifying, it is difficult to kill Ye Ye within 6 seconds of invincibility, but once it can't do this, it will be difficult to win.

"The archer will definitely retreat when facing the assassin head-on, so she will definitely be hit by the [wind gust], and I can temporarily get rid of the Raikage clone and control the night and night." The midnight book is quite sure and authentic, and then the tone One turn: "Even if Yeye doesn’t retreat, I can still get close to her, and I have other group control skills, and even I have the [Wind Spirit Cage]. Use this skill to separate Yeye and me. Trapped in it, 6 seconds of invincibility and 10 seconds of cage time are enough for me to kill it."

"Well, if you control Ye Ye unless you use the [Wind Spirit Cage] to lock yourself with it, isolate the Lei Ying clone, and then use Xiaoshu's ability to control Ye Ye unless you kill it. Simple." Sitting on Qin Xin said warmly, she said with a smile at the corner of her mouth: "Anyway, every night unless you have joined our Misty Pavilion, you can often learn from her in the future. This is both for her and yourself. benefit."

"This is natural." Midnight Shu nodded.

While sitting on Qin Xin and saying these times, Zhiyue had already invited Ye Ye unless he joined Miomi Pavilion, and the latter also joined as agreed. Looking at the gang emblem on Miomi Pavilion on her shoulder, the people in other gangs knew that they could never use To recruit Ye Ye unless they joined their gang, this made them helpless and disappointed, and the people of the Eastern Family and Ouyang Family were even more gloomy, because they naturally knew that the Misty Pavilion had more Nights and Nights unless they were like a tiger.

"It's not just a small book, other people should also learn from Ye Ye Duo. This will not only improve her strength, but also allow Ye Ye Duo to accumulate experience in fighting against different professional masters. This is good for everyone." Yi said coldly, and Jian Liu and the others nodded at her words.

"Hey, unless Ye Ye has already joined us in the Misty Pavilion, why hasn't she left the arena space?" On Thursday, she curiously asked, and then thought of something, she looked forward to it: "Isn't it because she wants to challenge us people? Very interesting, I think many of us here want to learn from her."

"She doesn't want to learn from us, but to learn from Uncle Ye Luo." Saturday chuckled, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "It's just that it's not good to challenge Uncle Ye Luo in front of everyone, after all. It would be too embarrassing to lose 100 games in front of everyone, you can challenge it in private."

"Unless Ye Ye is a very refreshing girl, she doesn't care about this anymore." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she looked at Ye Luo: "Furthermore, her opponent is Ye Luo. He is the champion of individual and team competitions in the competition. , It’s okay to lose 100 games to him. Dongfang Killing Heaven also loses to him, let alone a little girl."

"That's true." Black and white chess said, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "If that's the case, then Ye Luo, you go, let this little girl know that there is someone outside, which is also good for her."

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