VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1916: : Promised to bet

Breaking the waves and riding the wind and fireworks are easy to cold to Ye Luo's strength. Knowing that he will win against Shang Ye Ye unless he is sure to win, even if the opponent is equipped with one piece of equipment, even if she challenges 100 times, they will naturally support Ye Luo before What was said.

In addition, even if they are not sure whether Ye Luo can easily defeat Ye Ye unless they will support him decisively, because Ye Ye has already said that, if they don’t support Ye Luo’s face, I’m afraid. But things they absolutely do not allow.

It's not surprising that the two women Yi Leng Yi Leng said these words, Ye Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then he raised his brows at Ye Ye, which was self-evident.

"Okay, handsome uncle, then we're done. After this matter is over, I will challenge you 100 times to see how many times you can lose." Unless Ye Ye said, she didn't know what she thought, her expression was solemn. Someone said: "Well, if I can't win a game, even if I have joined other gangs, I can be a non-staff of your Misty Pavilion. If you have anything in the future, you can send me at any time. I have nothing to say."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she looked at everyone around her: "I speak my words, you guys will give us a testimony, so that if I lose at that time, I will follow Miomi Pavilion's orders, even if I join one of your gangs, you too Don’t embarrass me in this matter."

Hearing that, Dongfang Star and others nodded. They absolutely support the point of believing what they say. The most important thing is that they don’t really believe that Ye Luo can challenge the next 100 times with one piece of equipment. Unless all wins every night.

At this time, Eastern Stars already had their own plans. If Ye Ye had to join them, then they would give her the best resources to challenge Ye Luo in full condition, so Ye Luo would definitely lose in their hearts, and Ye Ye Unless there is no need to become a non-staff of Miomi Pavilion, naturally there is no need to follow Miomi Pavilion's dispatch.

Seeing Ye Ye unless he expressed his stance, Ye Luo's mouth evoked a smile. In his heart, even if Ye Ye was defeated by other gang members and joined his gang, he would become a non-staff member of Miomi Pavilion, which is considered to have achieved his goal. , Because he has full confidence to defeat her 100 times, and it is a complete victory.

After speaking to everyone, unless Ye Ye turned to look at Ye Luo, she said: "Handsome uncle, how about it, can you answer this bet?"

"Of course." Ye Luo said, and then changed his tone: "But I am worried that it will be boring to defeat you too easily. This is not fun, so let me have a few pieces of equipment here. You can see if you can. If it is used, it will be more interesting to defeat you."

Having said this, Ye Luo directly sent the [Plum Blossom Darts] and other 3 equipment equipment illustrations to Ye Ye Wu.

Ye Ye unless the level of equipment is very good, even she is almost a saint-level equipment, and this is why she can relatively easily complete the SSS + difficulty factor of the Tribulation Trial mission, but her hidden weapon is still the ancient god-level [Plum Blossom Dart ], and the quiver and the shoes are only holy grade, and the shoes are not thunder type, so after seeing the equipment illustration of the 3 equipment, her beautiful eyes lit up, and a look of desire appeared on her pretty face. Obviously she really likes these equipment.

"Uncle Shuai, you want to give me all these 3 pieces of equipment, now?!" Ye Ye didn't believe it unless her voice was raised a bit.

Think about it, whether it is the Primordial God-level [Plum Blossom Darts] or the two ancient Saint-level Thunder equipment are the top existences in the current game world, and they are hard to find, but Ye Luo bluntly puts these 3 pieces of equipment. Gift, and after the two parties have such a gambling agreement, how can this not let Ye Ye unless it is unbelievable.

"This is natural." Ye Luo said more readily, and then he chuckled: "You have agreed to be a non-staff of our Miomi Pavilion. It's nothing to give you a few pieces of equipment. Your strength is stronger and we will send it out in the future. Nothing will go wrong, after all, the BOSS we are dealing with now and the task that we are dealing with are somewhat difficult, and we need a master."

If it was before, Ye Luo directly offered to give away equipment, unless she would not agree, but with the previous gambling agreement and the'excited general', she had a good impression of Ye Luo, and the most important thing was that she heard'We are dealing with it now. The difficulty factor of BOSS and the task is a bit big, because she is also a person who likes to challenge difficult tasks and BOSS. Ye Luo's words are more suitable for her.

"Why, you dare not accept it?" Ye Luo asked back, and then he teased: "Couldn't you be afraid that you will still be defeated by me after accepting the equipment, because that would be too embarrassing for you."

"I'm not a non-staff member of Miomi Pavilion. You must defeat me." Unless Ye Ye curled her lips, she didn't have a trace of anger in her tone. Then, seeing Ye Luo full of ridicule, she said directly: " Why don't you dare to accept, I don't believe you can defeat me 100 times, and after I equip these pieces of equipment, hehe, wait, you will regret it after I defeat you."

"Relax, if you are defeated by someone from other gangs, you will definitely become a non-staff member of My Misty Pavilion, even if you get these pieces of equipment." Ye Luo said confidently, and said these three Pieces of equipment traded to Ye Ye unless.

"Uncle handsome, you are too mad, you are even mader than me, but you wait, I will definitely defeat you." Unless Ye Ye said very solemnly, but she did not accept the deal, but looked at Ye Luo: " Don’t you worry about not following the agreement after I accept the equipment?"

"You won't do this kind of unproductive thing." Ye Luo said quite surely.

I have to say that Ye Luo's words made Yeye feel quite comfortable, and then she accepted the deal decisively and said while changing the equipment: "Handsome uncle, you will definitely regret giving me the equipment. My current level of equipment should be no better than yours. It's bad, you don't need to let a piece of equipment be able to defeat you."

"Really, then I'll wait." Ye Luo said, and after Ye Ye Unless accepting the deal, his task is almost completed, because he doesn't have to worry about Ye Ye unless he will be recruited by other gangs-he is not only satisfied with Ye Ye. Night unless it is just a non-staff of Miomi Pavilion.

"You will definitely regret it." Ye Ye said with a vow, and then thought of something, she gave a weird smile: "Oh, I understand, you are using the aggressive method to get me to accept these pieces of equipment, you are worried that I will Be defeated by other gang members and join them, handsome man, you are too cunning."

Ye Luo was not embarrassed by Ye Ye unless he saw it through. He smiled: "You are only a person after all, and you are challenging a gang. The resources of a gang are concentrated on several players. It is not impossible for you to be defeated. , I just don’t want to see you be defeated by someone who is not as strong as you."

"You too underestimated me. Even if I don't use these equipment, it won't be so easy for them to defeat me." Ye Ye unless muttered.

"Then I will see your performance." Ye Luo said, and then waved his hand, preparing to leave.

"Uncle handsome, it's rumored in the game industry that the waves, the wind and the fireworks are easy to cold, like you, is it true?" Suddenly every night, Ye Luo staggered, and she couldn't bear it. Zhui laughed: "It seems to be true, the two of them supported you without hesitation before, and they must both like you."

After finally standing firm, Ye Luo turned around and said angrily: "You little girl is too gossip."

"Hehe, gossip is a woman's nature, let alone you keep saying that I am a little girl." Ye Luo's reaction was quite satisfied, unless Ye Ye couldn't help smiling sweeter.

Decisively ignoring Ye Ye unless, Ye Luo quickened his pace, looking like he was going to stay away from the'little devil'.

Let’s not talk about this, let’s say that Dongfang Star and others have also heard Ye Luo and Ye Yewu’s dialogue, heard that Ye Luo wants to give Ye Yewu equipment, smart as Ye Yufei, Dongfang star, etc., instantly understood Ye Luo’s intentions. Although they were very angry about this, they had nothing to say. Before Ye Yu Fei had broken Ye Luo's good deeds, now Ye Luo gave them to Ye Ye in order to retaliate, unless some equipment is also understandable. If not, they will question Ye Luo because of this, fearing that this will only take their own humiliation.

It is precisely because of these that Dongfang Stars and others did not have an episode, and they began to wonder what Ye Luo gave to Ye Ye unless, as smart as they knew from Ye Ye unless the look that they had previously revealed was not easy. , And they are a little worried about the next thing.

Think about it, too, smart people such as Eastern Stars and others can easily analyze that unless Ye Ye has a very good level of equipment, she will not be able to complete the SSS+ difficulty factor of the Tribulation Trial mission easily, otherwise she will not. With such a confident challenge to the masters of the major gangs, Ye Luo now gifted her several more powerful equipment. She is even more powerful. It is even more difficult for the major gangs to defeat her and recruit her into the gang.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Star and others couldn't help but slander Ye Luo again, and some people even cursed it with blood in their hearts, just as Samadhi and others predicted that half of the game industry was offended by him.

But Ye Luo didn't care about these, because he didn't have a good relationship with those people originally, as he said, it would be fine to offend him.

"Ye Luo handled things so beautifully this time. I didn't expect him to have such a side." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite applauded.

"Yeah, at this point, he is not inferior to Ye Yu Fei Fei and Eastern Stars, and even stronger than them in some respects. Unless Ye Ye has completely followed his Tao, it is the best proof." Samadhi said, and then she looked Xiang Fireworks is easy to get cold and breaks the waves and rides the wind: "Sister Feng, Fireworks, you have to be careful about the leaves falling in the future. He has the power to deceive a girl to death."

Before the two of Po Lang Cheng Feng spoke, she added: "Could it be that Ye Luo has already lied to you."

"What are you talking about?" Po Lang Chengfeng said in a flustered manner, and she was blushing as she said, and her voice became lower and lower: "Ye Luo never lied to me."

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