VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1909: : Powerful BOSS

Every big gang has a system city guarded by it, and this also means that they have to defend a border against players from neighboring countries. For example, the Eastern Family and the Misty Pavilion guard Haoyue City, and there is a place in the extreme east of Haoyue City. There are two servers in Japan and South Korea, and they are guarding here to resist the invasion of players from these two countries.

This is true of the Misty Pavilion and the Eastern Family, as are the gangs such as the Fine Wine Family and the Yi Nian Family. They each have their own countries to fight against.

However, what the **** of Bacchus Du Kang and others said is true. At present, other countries dare not provoke themselves. At least no country dared to take the initiative before the alliance, so their defense task is fairly easy, but it is OK. Send some forces to participate in Ye Luo and the others infiltrated into other countries to carry out hunting operations-this time the operation was only to dispatch some elite masters, each gang sent several masters, and the power left behind was still sufficient to stop other countries.

Even if there is any problem, people from other gangs can provide timely support, and even Bacchus Dukang and others can return to support, so there will be no problems with defense.

In addition, South Korea and Japan are big game countries. There are ten top ten super masters in the country, such as Mount Fuji and Dark Night. The elite masters of a gang who sneak into these countries to carry out hunting operations are undoubtedly risky, so the **** of wine, Du Kang , Fengxing will only propose to participate in this operation, of course they do not rule out that they want to get a share of the pie, after all, everyone knows that hunting in other countries is much more efficient than killing monsters and doing tasks.

After pondering for a while, Po Lang Riding the Wind glanced at Po Lang Riding the Wind, the meaning is self-evident.

The fireworks are easy to get cold, and he is not polite. He said directly: "This kind of thing depends on the situation. If necessary and the situation allows, you can send some elite masters to join us at that time, but you must obey the command at that time."

"Hey, this is natural, who doesn't know that your girl is best at formulating tactics and then directing the battle." Bacchus Dukang readily agreed.

Now that these have been finalized, and the matter of jointly refining the [Reincarnation Pill] has been negotiated, the missions of the gods of Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing have been achieved this time, and then they chatted about something and left each other. Ye Luo and the others continued to get busy.

Ye Luo and the others did not waste their current advantages. While Midnight Shu and the others were out looking for high-rank BOSS, Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were also looking for high-rank BOSS hunting in the ancient battlefield. A two-pronged approach was undoubtedly the most efficient way.

Time passed by, and soon most of the day passed, and it was more than 11 at night.

After so long, although Ye Luo and the others have not found the ancient holy bosses, they have met a few holy bosses. After killing them, they also obtained some holy equipment and props. Although Ye Luo and others did not You can't use this to update the equipment, but Yixiao Hongchen and others can use it, and their overall strength has improved a lot after replacing the equipment.

During this period, they also proposed party celebrations. After all, Ye Luo won the individual championship of the tournament and the ethereal team won the team championship. It is a great event for the ethereal pavilion, but it is also worth celebrating. Fan.

The proposal of Po Lang Cheng Feng and others immediately received the support of many people, and they were very excited. However, the gang members from all over the country are far away, even if it takes some time to fly directly, and there are many people, it also needs to get together. Time, so they arranged the celebration time on the day after tomorrow, and the meeting place was naturally the headquarters of the Miaoge Studio.

They have enough time to break the waves and ride the wind, and many players want to witness the demeanor of Ye Luo, Palangchengfeng and others offline. For a while, many people started to take action to prepare for the gathering of the day after tomorrow. To come over, anyway, the game world is still stable at this time, I am not afraid that someone will provoke Misty Pavilion at this moment, and even the waves and wind and the others are hoping that someone will provoke them now, so they can counterattack with integrity.

Because the celebration banquet was held near the studio of the Misty Pavilion, Ye Luo and others were able to return to the game within a short period of time and log in to the game. With their strength, they could easily defeat the invading enemy. Of course, they are better at attacking. Shou, I believe that few gangs in the entire Heavenly Tribulation game can withstand their attacks.

As for foreign game forces, there is no need to worry. For the time being, other countries will dare to be the first bird to provoke China, even if some countries join forces, there is still a lot of toughness in the border barrier, and will it be eliminated for a while. If the barrier is not broken, naturally there is no need to worry that people from other countries will sneak in and start hunting operations-even if Ye Luo is now broken through the border barrier, they can log in to the game in time and start defense, not to mention the gangs of the Eastern Family Family and the Fine Wine Family. People are not idle, and there is no problem even with them. After all, Dongfang Tiantian, Longtengtianxia and others are also famous super masters in the world rankings.

It is precisely because of these that they have nothing to worry about, and they can prepare for the celebration banquet with peace of mind.

In the early morning of the next day, people sitting on Qin Xin, June Feixue, Samadhi Shi and others went to book some hotels for the guests to celebrate, while Ye Luo and the others logged into the game to get busy.

Same as yesterday, Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind continued to ride in the ancient battlefield looking for high-level BOSS, and their luck was not bad. After spending some time, they finally found a 350-level BOSS, and this BOSS is the ancient sage. Level level.

The rank of the ancient Saint-level boss is one level higher than that of the Saint-level boss, and the overall attributes of the monsters have also made a qualitative leap after raising a rank. What's more, this is a 350-level BOSS, but the level suppression makes a lot of People can't bear it.

That’s right, so far Ye Luo and others are mostly around level 285, that is to say, only level suppression is 65, plus the level of suppression they cause to BOSS is quite limited, if it were not for Ye Luo and the others Most of the preparations have some characteristics of ignoring the level and level suppression, and I am afraid that they will directly give up fighting this BOSS.

Think about it, just 65 level suppression can weaken Ye Luo and their strength by 6, 70%, not to mention that there are equal-level suppression.

"Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, the ancient sacred boss has too high level and level suppression on us, and it has so many powerful group attack skills, can we kill it?" It was murmured.

"If it’s before the tournament, we don’t have any chance, but after the tournament, our strength has improved a lot, especially Ye Luo, Sister Feng, and me, plus the bosses can perform big moves and take pills, and Ye Luo also has skills such as [Yin-Yang Reincarnation] and [Bagua Source], and it is not a problem to kill them." Firework Yi said coldly.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Killing the ancient saint-level BOSS in advance and getting the equipment that has fallen is our current advantage. The perfect use of these advantages can continue to expand our advantages. In this way, we will interact with players from other gangs and countries. The greater the distance, it will be easier to meet them in the future."

Hearing this, the people such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, June Feixue and others cheered up, and then Zhiyue asked: "Sister Fireworks, tell me, how are we going to deal with this boss, whether we use the big moves together or one by one. Hiring?"

"BOSS's attack is very powerful, and it is even possible that one or two group attack skills can kill one shot in seconds, especially those players who haven't used the big move." The Samadhi poem who returned from completing the hotel reservation said after reading the BOSS illustration book: "The most The trouble is that BOSS has several group attack skills with a short CD time, and the attack range is not small. It is estimated that many of us will die under this group attack skill, so players who are not dual-professionals should not come over. Add casualties."

"Yes, although most of us have a lot of control skills, Ye Luo has more control skills, but the level and rank of this boss is so high, our control skills will have a very low hit rate." Sitting on Qin Xin He whispered softly: "Even though we have increased a lot of hit rate, it may be difficult to interrupt its ability to cast. As a result, many of us will be killed by these group attack skills."

Speaking of this, it’s easy to get cold when sitting on the heart of the piano and looking at the fireworks, and the same is true for other people.

"Ye Luo, Feng Sister, Yue'er, we players who can perform multiple ultimatums perform ultimatums against the attack of the BOSS, and try to prevent it from performing various skills as much as possible." The firework was cold, and her tone was still calm: Ye Luo teleported all the dual-professional players. When we attract the boss hatred, other people will concentrate their power to attack, and take turns to use the control skills. If you can control it, you can control it. If you can't control it, you will try to hit the damage output as much as possible. If you are killed once and resurrected The first time to use the ultimate attack, it is the same as before when we played against the powerful BOSS."

This tactic has been implemented many times, so everyone is familiar with it, and they have no meaning after listening to the fireworks' easy cold words.

"Sister Qin, you will directly use [Qin Yin Hualin] at that time, and Ye Luo will also use [Clouds and mists]. If necessary, I will use [Five Elements*All Things Recovery], so that our healing output will be lighter. It should be no problem to kill the BOSS." Firework Yi Leng continued to arrange.

"Understand." Ye Luo and sitting on Qin Xin nodded together.

"If necessary, we all use a combination of skills to kill, especially when the surrounding mobs hear the movement and rush over." Firework Yi Leng continued, and after listening to her, everyone nodded.

After that, everyone didn’t say much. Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng rushed straight to the BOSS, and the former took the lead. The first shot was [Charge], and then [Samsara Slash] + Flat Slash + [Samsara Slash] Personal combination of skills, but only hit 2 or 3 times in these attacks, which shows how high BOSS dodge rate when facing Ye Luo and others.

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