VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1906: : Infiltration plan

Not surprisingly, the national war will break out soon. According to the time, the top players from various countries will collide quite frequently. Through these battles, the rankings of the major players on the world rankings will change somewhat, and the ranking of powerful players will naturally depend on Some earlier.

After this game, not only did Ye Luo’s strength greatly increase, but also the people like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Fireworks and others are easy to be cold, especially after they have acquired a few pieces of ancient sacred equipment, plus breaking the waves and Riding the Wind have more powerful skills. , Her ranking will be further improved by competing against masters, and masters of the younger generation like Changhe Sunset and Midnight Book also have a great chance to enter the rankings.

Hearing that, June Feixue nodded, and the beautiful eyes of Polangchengfeng lightened up. She looked at everyone expectantly: "The tournament has come to an end, and we have nothing too important to do next. Why don't we all go to the ancient battlefield to kill monsters in order to quickly break the border barriers, so that we can enter other countries to start hunting operations!"

Speaking of these breaking waves and riding the wind to see the fireworks is easy to be cold, it is self-evident.

Infiltrating into other countries can not only get in touch with the masters of other countries in advance to improve your ranking, but also kill players from other countries to obtain various equipment. The most important thing is to cause chaos in other countries. This is what we are most looking forward to. Things, because the competition was not able to take place before, now that the competition has come to an end, she naturally can't help it.

"Our equipment level has been greatly improved, and our strength has also improved a lot, but we have the ability to sneak into other countries to carry out hunting operations." Fireworks Yi said coldly, but she didn't wait for the waves and wind to show joy, she said: "However, it is not wise to provoke other countries actively, especially when we are surrounded by strong enemies. After all, provoke a country and other countries may also take the opportunity to attack us. If this is the case, we will also be very troublesome."

Without waiting for Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to speak, she continued: "So I suggest taking advantage of our strong strength to further expand our advantages. Next, we will look for more powerful BOSS and difficult tasks to do, such as the ancient holy boss, etc. Our equipment level has improved, and the national war will be able to play a greater role in the future."

Hearing this, Polang Riding the wind curled her lips, she couldn't help but muttered: "Anyway, many countries have begun to target us, and several countries around us will definitely be enemies with us, and wait until they are ready to take action. It would make us more passive, it would be better to take the initiative."

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "Furthermore, sneaking into other countries to carry out hunting operations will not only make this country chaotic and difficult to increase strength, but we can kill people or burst powerful equipment, and these equipment can also enhance our strength. ."

"Yes, killing players from other countries and blasting equipment is much more efficient than doing missions and hunting high-level BOSS." June Feixue added, she looked at the fireworks and others: "Besides, we are also now. I haven't found a more powerful boss, and there are no difficult tasks. At this time, it would be better to go hunting in other countries."

Obviously June Feixue prefers to do things with people from other countries just like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. In her mind, doing so is more interesting than doing tasks and killing monsters.

"It's really impossible. We can divide our troops into two ways. Let Xiaoshu find them to find high-ranking bosses or trigger some missions with high difficulty coefficients, while we sneak into other countries to carry out hunting operations, and wait until we find high-ranking bosses or receive missions with high difficulty coefficients. It’s not too late to return to the mission and kill the boss.” June Feixue added: “Perhaps this way will be more efficient.”

"Yes, I think this is also very good." Othello also expressed his own opinions, and then changed his tone: "And if we show great strength, players who sneak attack on one country can also deter other countries. Players dare not act rashly, this will relieve our pressure."

"I also agree with Sister Feixue's proposal to split the troops into two operations." The book said in the middle of the night, but without waiting for everyone to speak, he changed his words: "But why do you want me to look for BOSS or something, and sneak into other countries to start hunting operations? I need an assassin to accompany the investigation. I am currently the most powerful assassin in our gang, and of course I want to take me there."

Obviously, there are many militants in the Misty Pavilion.

Brows frowned slightly, but Firework Yi Leng did not persuade everyone, but looked at Ye Luo, and she asked, "Ye Luo, what do you think?"

Breaking the waves and riding the wind and fireworks are difficult to be cold. Some opinions are not uniform, and the latter obviously can’t convince the former. Moreover, June Feixue and others also expressed their opinions. Fireworks are easy to be cold and naturally cannot be'arbitrarily determined'. Fortunately she Knowing that only Ye Luo could persuade everyone, so I asked his opinion-of course, Ye Luo would be persuaded by the fireworks easy to cold.

After hesitating a little, Ye Luo said: "It is too early to say this. After all, there is still a lot of toughness in the border barrier to the east of Haoyue City. It will take some time to break it, and maybe a lot will happen during this period When things happen, we will naturally know how to do it."

Obviously, Ye Luo didn't want the two women to have any contradiction, especially because of his contradiction, so he tried to analyze the problem fairly and fairly, and what he said was a more moderate method.

"It's the same as if you don't say it. I previously proposed to go to the ancient battlefield to kill monsters. With our strength, the efficiency of killing monsters will be very high, and the border barrier will be broken soon." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help it again. Muttered, without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "Do you tell us whether we will go to the ancient battlefield?"

Seeing her directly clarify this point, Ye Luo smirked, and glanced at the fireworks, and he said, "It seems that the monster levels of the ancient battlefield are very suitable for leveling, and there are many places in the ancient battlefield that have not been explored. There will be an ancient holy-level BOSS, so that it can explode powerful equipment to enhance our strength and break the border barriers, but it will kill two birds with one stone, what do you think?"

Obviously, Ye Luo had already expressed his opinion when he said this, and of course he also cared about the feeling of fireworks being easy to cold.

"Well, that's okay." Yi Leng Yi Lu said indifferently, unable to hear whether her mood had changed at all.

In fact, the fireworks are easy to be cold and don’t care much about the argument with Polangchengfeng, and she doesn’t even care that Ye Luo will agree to the proposal of Polangchengfeng, because she knows what Ye Luo said is reasonable and she values ​​it more. It is whether Ye Luo cares about her own thoughts, so she will still ask Ye Luo's opinions after breaking the waves and riding the wind, June Feixue and others have proposed to sneak into other countries.

Obviously Ye Luo cares about his own opinions, so he will say that after everyone has proposed to sneak into other countries to carry out hunting operations. Therefore, Fireworks Yi Cold is quite satisfied with this, and naturally he will not be angry because of these.

"Sister Fireworks, did you agree to this proposal?" June Feixue was quite pleasantly surprised, because in her heart most of the people who had been persuaded in the past were them, even if so many of them had unified opinions, the most important thing was that they could Infiltrated other countries to start hunting operations.

"As Ye Luo said, the ancient battlefield will definitely have a stronger BOSS. Going here will kill two birds with one stone. What's more, Xueer's proposal of two soldiers is very good." Firework Yi said coldly, and then she looked away: " Besides, other countries will also have very good resources, especially in areas that are biased towards national borders. While hunting players from other countries and investigating various maps of other countries, they can kill powerful bosses, killing two birds with one stone."

The saying that the firework is easy to cold is undoubtedly agreeing to sneak into other countries to start hunting operations, which makes them excited, and naturally they don't care much about the previous disputes.

"Find out the map of the country we sneaked into?" Samadhi murmured, and then a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "It seems that the firework map is bigger than us. She intends to destroy that country. At least some of their system cities should be occupied. This will not only compress the space of national players and other resources, but also greatly increase our resources, and at least greatly increase our country’s taxes."

Hearing that, the eyes of Po Lang Chengfeng and others also lit up, and they looked forward to the next action even more.

"Just to prepare for the future. It will take a long time to do this. At the very least, we need to prepare a lot of siege equipment." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she looked at everyone: "You and I know our gang. How strong is the resident defense, especially after it has reached a certain level and possessed special defense equipment, coupled with the fact that there will be a steady stream of players teleporting over to defend, so it is better to take it down than to take it in the fallen demon domain Large fortresses are many times more difficult."

That’s right, it’s already very difficult to capture large fortresses in the Fallen Demon Realm, not to mention the gang’s defensive power that is several times or even ten times stronger, and the system city is much stronger than the high-level gang’s defensive power. .

"Hey, let's continue to prepare. Anyway, we can go and investigate the specific terrain first, so that it will be convenient to capture those system cities or gang sites." Po Lang Chengfeng didn't care about the tunnels, and then she looked at everyone, Once again urged: "Since Moen has made a decision, let's go to the ancient battlefield now, hey, now our overall strength has improved a lot, and the efficiency of killing monsters will be much higher."

After that, I didn’t say much about breaking the waves and riding the wind, and directly transmitted to the ancient battlefield through the [Transport Pearl], and then waited for Ye Luo and others to come over while killing the monsters, and as she said, after the overall strength increased a lot, she killed The efficiency of the monster has increased a lot, and it can almost be killed against a group of monsters.

As for Ye Luo and others, they didn't say much. After Ye Luo directly teleported over, they used the [Space Portal] to teleport everyone, and they also joined the ranks of killing monsters.

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