VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1904: : Nine components

In the lottery, Ye Luo won a component of the [Tai Chi Bagua Pan]-Dikun. This component increases crit resistance and various attribute resistances, and can turn attribute damage into the blood or magic of the wearer Value, there is no doubt that this can greatly increase Ye Luo's life-saving ability, and he is safer in the charge.

"It doesn't matter if you increase resistance or anything, additional skills are the most terrifying." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she couldn't hide the excitement in her tone: "[Energy Shock], the range of effect is 50 meters, which is comparable to [World Destroyer] Thunder], [Wan Swords Return to Zong] range, although the damage output is only 300% worse than the first two large-range, high-power skills, but this skill can also shock all enemy targets 5 meters and stun. Dazzled for 3 seconds, which means that this is a powerful group control skill, more powerful than Dongfang Tiantian’s [White Tiger Roar] and [Blue Dragon Binding]. With this skill, Ye Luo will defeat Dongfang Tiantian easier."

"That's not true." Othello shook his head: "Although [Energy Blast] is very powerful, the CD time of this skill is 24 hours, which means that it can only be used once a day. This skill is used in the arena for PK or martial arts. You can’t use it in the conference, and it’s useless no matter how powerful your skills are.”

"Although it can't be used in tournaments and other occasions, it can be used in external battles and national wars, and this skill can also play a very good role." Samadhi poetry said, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "No matter what It is also good to say that Ye Luo gets another component. At least his overall attributes will be improved a lot, so his chances of winning will be greatly improved both in the arena and in the competition."

That's right, the overall attributes of each additional component of existence like [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] will greatly improve, and only these can greatly enhance Ye Luo's strength, and after thinking of these, everyone looks forward to it, and June Feixue is even more straightforward. Urge Ye Luo to combine Dikun in the [Tai Chi Bagua Pan].

Ye Luo didn't say much, and acted directly, and soon the new attribute [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] appeared in front of everyone:

[Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Plate (Incomplete)] (Magic Weapons*Special Items*Sacred Artifacts)

Owned components: Bagua Pan, Liangyi, Sunda Wind, Lihuo, Thunder, Gentu, Kanshui, Duize, Dikun

Physical attack: +10000

Magic attack: +10000

Qi and blood: +100000

Magic: +100000

Movement speed: +20%

Critical chance: +20%

Attack speed: +20%

Defense: +20%

Damage reduction: +20%

Attack distance: +20%

Crit resistance: +20%

Strength: +3000

Constitution: +3000

Agility: +3000

Intelligence: +3000

Additional features: increase the wearer's blood and magic recovery speed by 15%.

Additional features: increase the physical and magic damage of the wearer by 15%.

Additional feature: Increase the wearer's 1000 points of wind damage to the enemy target. Only special occupations can trigger this feature, and only ordinary attacks can trigger this feature.

Additional feature: Increases the damage of the wearer to the hostile target by 1000 ignition system. Only special occupations can trigger this feature, and only ordinary attacks can trigger this feature.

Additional feature: Increase the wearer's 1000 points of lightning damage to the enemy target. Only special occupations can trigger this feature, and only ordinary attacks can trigger this feature.

Additional feature: Increase the wearer's 1000 points of ground damage to the hostile target. Only special occupations can trigger this feature, and only ordinary attacks can trigger this feature.

Additional feature: Increase the wearer's 1000 points of ice damage to the enemy target. Only special occupations can trigger this feature, and only ordinary attacks can trigger this feature.

Additional features: Increase the attack distance of the wearer against the hostile target by 2 meters, the displacement distance for casting the displacement skill is also increased by 2 meters, the distance of the skill cast and the range that can be enveloped are increased by 2 meters.

Additional features: Increase the wearer's various attribute resistance by 1000 points, and can absorb 10% of the attribute damage and convert it into the wearer's vitality. If the wearer's vitality is full, it will be converted into the wearer's mana.

Additional skills: [Yin and Yang Reincarnation], [Bagua Source], [Fresh Wind Turbulent Blade], [Sea of ​​Fire and Fire], [Sky Thunder Rolling], [Flying Sand and Rocks], [Ice and Snow], [Clouds and Fog], [Energy Impact]

Long-lasting equipment: It can automatically recover from the aura of heaven and earth.

Special feature 1: This item has ten components. Unless all components are put together, the person equipped with this item will burst into death.

Special feature 2: This item is a heavenly and earthly creature, and having one piece can resonate with other components.

Need level: none

Introduction: Chaos produces Tai Chi, Tai Chi produces two instruments, two instruments produce four images, four images produce eight trigrams, and eight trigrams produce all things.

"Wow, not only the overall attributes have been greatly improved, but even the increased attack, blood, and magic have been greatly improved." June Feixue exclaimed: "And with this equipment, Uncle Ye Luo's equipment level is even more impressive. The first without suspense, it is estimated to be one or two levels higher than Eastern Killing Sky and Tokyo Mythology. It will be easier to defeat them in the future."

"Unfortunately, I haven't assembled all the components, otherwise the overall attributes will have a qualitative leap." Samadhi poem said in a deep voice: "Not only that, the additional features and basic attributes will also be improved, especially the additional features. For example, the increased damage of various attributes, only 1000 points is too low, now the attribute damage of any piece of equipment is higher than [Tai Chi Bagua Pan], which is too detrimental to the prestige of the Primordial Sage-level equipment, so we are getting together After all the components, these characteristics will have a qualitative leap. At least the damage of each attribute must be increased to 3000 points.

I also trust the analysis ability of Samadhi, and after hearing her words, Othello's voice has improved a bit: "At least the attribute damage should be increased to 3000 points?! Oh my god, doesn't it just mean this piece of equipment? The attribute damage is 15,000 points. Tsk tsk, Ye Luo's normal attack damage output will be extremely terrifying by then, and no one is his opponent for close combat."

"Sister Shi, is 3000 points of attribute damage a bit too high? After all, [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] comes with 5 types of attribute damage, and 15000 points of attribute damage is too much higher than that of ancient saint-level equipment. "June Feixue questioned authentically.

"Sister Poetry is not exaggerating, because each of the additional attribute damage of [Five Elements Ring] and [Holy Beast Orb] has reached 2500 points, and this is the case of not having all the components. Higher." The firework is easy to cold, and the voice is soft but quite sure: "[Tai Chi Bagua Pan] is not weaker than these two magic weapons, and the additional attribute points are naturally not bad. Each attribute damages. 3000 points is still a conservative number."

Hearing this, everyone thought of the attributes of the five elements of the four components, and then they nodded together, no longer doubting the words of fireworks and samādhi poems.

While everyone was talking about this, the award ceremony was still going on. The popular Xiaohuadan really wanted to interview Ye Luo, but he was directly exposed to the moment by the fireworks, which was easily chilled, and the waves broke through the wind. Even then Ye Luo left the award ceremony venue directly. , This interview naturally ceased.

Next, Breaking the Wave and Chengfeng and others are not much interested in mentioning the appearance of the popular Xiaohuadan about to collapse, because at this time they are attracted by the treasure chest. After all, they rewarded 20 treasure chests in this team competition, except for 10 saints. There are also 10 ancient saint-level treasure chests, and this is what everyone looks forward to most, because these treasure chests have the opportunity to open ancient saint-level equipment.

The task of opening the treasure chest was handed over to August of the week without any suspense, and she did not disappoint, just 10 holy treasure chests out of 5 holy equipment, this probability is already very high, not to mention other than these equipment There are other rarer equipment, such as the Primordial God-level [Plum Blossom Darts], such as the holy-level pill pill, etc., and these can also greatly enhance the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion.

Of course, the equipment level of Ye Luo and others is already very good, and they don't need holy equipment, so they are given priority to Yixiao Hongchen and others, and this has also improved their strength a lot.

The next ancient Saint-level treasure chest is the highlight, and on August, everyone was still not disappointed, and 3 pieces of ancient Saint-level equipment were released. This is too much higher than the 10% chance, but it is just let Ye Luo was slightly disappointed that these three pieces of equipment did not update his equipment.

Among the 3 pieces of ancient god-level equipment is a heavy armor helmet, which increases sword damage, but it is restricted to only female players to equip it. There is no doubt that it belongs to Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and this is also her first ancient sage-level equipment. She was overjoyed afterwards.

The second piece of equipment is the ice attribute robe, which increases a lot of skill power and reduces skill CD time, and adds a lot of defense and vitality, which undoubtedly can greatly improve the life-saving ability and damage output of the equipped magician. And this piece of equipment was returned to Misty Rain, after all, she is currently the most powerful ice magician in the Misty Pavilion, stronger than Tuesday.

The third piece of equipment is the heavy armor breastplate, which belongs to Sword Six, because this piece of equipment increases the healing output, and the heavy armor type plus the healing output equipment is undoubtedly exclusive to the swordsman and the light type heavy armor profession, and the Misty Pavilion is the most The powerful Juggernaut class is Sword Six, so the equipment belongs to him.

Although Yeluo and Wave Breaking Wind also have [Life Drain] which can be strengthened, Ye Luo has the [Armor of Reincarnation], and Wave Breaking Wind cannot be equipped with that heavy armor breastplate, because the breastplate only requires male players to equip it.

As for the other equipment and props out of the treasure chest, there are also many good things. For example, there is a [Reincarnation Pill], which can be automatically resurrected after being killed within a certain period of time after taking it. The effect is the same as the [Resurrection Prophecy]. With some such pills, the life-saving ability will be greatly enhanced.

Of course, this kind of pill is extremely difficult to refine, and the materials required are quite harsh. It is undoubtedly impossible to achieve one by hand, but Ye Luo and the others can also play a very powerful role with this pill, so sit on Qin Xin immediately ordered them to go and collect various materials.

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