VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1901: : Dragon Shadow Arrow Array

After learning that the combo skill scroll is not a group combo skill scroll, everyone is a little disappointed. After all, the role of group combo skills is extremely against the sky, but they are excited after learning that the scroll can make the mine profession study, because they also know that everything is The skills associated with the Thunder system are very powerful, not to mention the combination skills. Of course, the happiest thing is to break the waves and ride the wind-she finally has her own combination skills.

However, thinking that if this scroll is only limited to the Thunder-based career learning, it’s a bit depressed, because there is only her Thunder-based career in the entire Miaomiao Pavilion, and it would be too inconvenient if you team up with Nangong Yunlong to learn combo skills. After all, they Belong to different gangs.

After thinking of this, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others all looked towards August, and that meant it was self-evident.

"It is said on the scroll that as long as there is a mine class, there is not much requirement for another class." On 8th, she saw the waves and the wind and others let out a long sigh of relief, she continued: "This scroll can only Two people learn, and the two skills that make up the combo skills are randomly selected."

"Only two people can study. It would be nice if it was 6 or more people." June Feixue muttered, and then she shook her head: "Forget it, Sister Feng is very powerful. Two people are combined. His skills must be very powerful, even stronger than the combo skills of six people, but with whom will she learn combo skills?"

"Of course it was with Ye Luo." Othello's natural tone: "Ye Luo's strength is stronger than Feng Sister, especially after he won the rewards of the tournament competition, they joined forces, tusk, Not to mention that the combination of skills has the power of destroying the world and destroying the earth. For example, the combination of [World Destroying Thunder] and [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong], of course, the combination of two [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong] is also very scary. What is the difference in combination skills."

Hearing this, Po Lang Chengfeng showed expectation, because she also wanted to join Ye Luo to learn combination skills.

However, Firework Easy Cooling shook her head, and she said: "This is not necessarily the case, because this scroll introduces that two people are randomly composed of skills. If you randomly get skills such as [Reincarnation Slash] and [Reincarnation Slash], then it is powerful. Not very strong."

"Anyway, the combination of Sister Feng and other people is the same. Uncle Ye Luo's attack power is stronger. Even if they have ordinary skills, they will not be less powerful. At least they are bigger than the other people's combination." June Feixue shakes Shook his head.

Not waiting for the fireworks to open their mouths, one side of the week continued on August: "Although this is the case, this combo skill scroll has another condition, that is, the longer the attack distance of another player, the greater the range of the combined skill."

"What, need such conditions?!" Zhiyue was a little surprised, and then she glanced at the firework and it was easy to be cold: "It goes without saying that none of us has the attack distance of the firework sister. It’s a genus, although both of them may have random skills, but as long as they cover a large area, it’s good.

"Yes." Samadhi poetry took the stubbornly: "Because Sister Feng is a mine profession, and the skills of mine professions all have control characteristics, and after learning the combo skill scroll, they should also have strong control ability. Control skills are not required too much. For a large attack bonus, as long as it covers a large area, Sister Feng and Fireworks will have a better effect on learning this combination skill."

Although I also want to have combo skills with Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng also knows that the samādhi and their words are very reasonable, and in her heart, if the combo skills with Ye Luo are too common, it would be better to not have them, so she is thinking After a while, a decision was made-use the combo skill scroll with Firework Yicold.

Soon the combo skills of the two were released, and after seeing their combo skills, June Feixue and others were surprised:

[Ice Thunder* Dragon Shadow Arrow Array (group)] (combination skills, active non-upgradeable skills)

Skill introduction: Fireworks Easy to Cold and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to use the skills learned by [Kuang Lei Jian Ying] and [Ice Dragon Arrow Array] at the same time period. After clicking on this skill, thousands of ice attributes can be condensed within 100 meters. With thunder energy arrows, all hostile targets within this range will suffer huge damage. The damage is added to the sum of the attack power of the two and multiplied by 350%. After the energy arrows fall, they will transform into dragon shadows, which can attack the radius. All hostile targets within 100 meters will cause 50000 ice attribute and 50000 lightning attribute damage to them, and bind them for 3 seconds. After the binding effect ends, the movement speed, attack speed, and defense of the hostile target will be reduced by 20% , Lasts 10 seconds, 50,000 mana is required to cast skills, and the interval between skills is 24 hours.

Skill restriction: Must comprehend this skill and team up with members who comprehend this skill at the same time, and can only be used within the same time period. It needs 2 seconds to charge up.

"Wow, it's not that the combination of powerful skills like [Wan Jian Guizong] can cover a radius of 100 meters?!" After seeing the introduction of [Ice Thunder * Dragon Shadow Arrow Formation (group)], June Feixue was amazed: "Not only does it cover a large area, but the damage bonus actually reaches 350%, which is much higher than the damage of many combo skills."

"Yes, the damage bonus of Sister Fireworks and Brother Ye is only 200%, and the damage bonus of Feixue Sister and Sister Wednesday’s [Meteorite Fall (group)] is only 250%, while the combined skills of Sister Feng and Sister Fireworks The damage bonus actually reached 350%." Zhiyue was also amazed: "The attack power of Sister Feng and Sister Fireworks is extremely terrifying. The total attack power is multiplied by 350%. Tsk tsk, maybe this combination skill can kill most players in seconds. , Not to mention that there are 50,000 points of ice attribute and 50,000 points of lightning attribute damage after the energy arrow falls."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind has a very high attack power. I am afraid that not many people in the whole catastrophe game can have higher attack power than her. As for fireworks, it is easy to get cold. If it were before, her attack power was not very good. After all, the archer is With full agility, the physical attack power is relatively poor, but her equipment level is very good, especially after the four-component [Five Elements Ring], the attack power is higher than that of the double professional swordsman, so she is with the wave The damage done by Chengfeng's [Ice Thunder* Dragon Shadow Arrow Array (group)] will be terrifying, and I'm afraid it will be much higher than that of Ye Luo and Zhiyue's [Six Dao* Wan Beast Pentium (group)].

It is because of this that June Feixue and Zhiyue are so emotional and amazed.

"Not only that, this skill can trap all hostile targets for 3 seconds, and then their movement speed, attack speed and defense power will be reduced for a period of time. During this period, it is easy to kill them." Black and white chess said, She looked at everyone: "If this skill is performed well, it really has the effect of turning the situation around."

"That's right." Samadhi guarded lightly, and she chuckled: "Anyway, we have added a powerful combination of skills to the Misty Pavilion. In the future, whether we are fighting against other gangs or participating in national wars, we will be more effective. Obviously, of course, if we show all our combo skills, I am afraid that the domestic gang will not dare to provoke us."

That’s right, the number of combo skills currently possessed by the Misty Pavilion is the largest among all the gangs, even more than the combined number of the two or three gangs such as the Long Family and the Eastern Killing Sky, not to mention that the Misty Pavilion has a powerful one. The group combination skills, as the samādhi poem said, as long as these combination skills are revealed, I am afraid that no gang in the country will dare to provoke them, including the Eastern family, or even the Eastern family and other gangs.

"Do you want us to show this combination of skills?" Midnight Shu looked at everyone with interest, and his face was full of playful smiles at this time.

The meaning of Midnight Book is very simple, that is, they want to announce their combined skills and then deter other domestic gangs not to provoke them. After all, the next national war is imminent, they do not want to break out of civil war but concentrate on national war.

"Where do we need to deliberately show these combination skills, as long as we announce in the gang a little bit, other gangs and even players in the whole country will know." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "In this way, other gangs naturally dare not come to provoke. we."

The meaning of samādhi is very simple, because she knows that there must be other gang spies in the misty pavilion, and through their mouths, people in other gangs naturally know the combination skills such as [Ice Thunder * Dragon Shadow Arrow Formation (group)] The presence.

Hearing this, everyone was deeply convinced, and then they stopped worrying about these things, because the next step was the awarding of the team competition in the tournament.

Just like the individual competitions, the awards of the team competitions are still first to the fourth to the eighth, and the second team is also among them. People such as Xiaoxiaohongchen, Yanyu and others are enthusiastic on the stage to receive the awards. For them, this opportunity is ahead. But it has never happened before, and now they finally have the opportunity to receive awards in front of national and even world players, which makes them quite proud and proud.

The rewards for the fourth to eighth place are the same. The system rewards each team with 10 million real coins and 10 holy treasure chests. In addition, each team member is rewarded to randomly upgrade the rank of a piece of equipment, except for spirit weapons.

In addition to these, each player of these teams will receive 100 full attribute rewards, a 1 star increase in luck, 5 various level 3 gems, 50,000 prestige points, 50,000 military merits, and 10,000 national war points. These rewards It is quite rich for them, at least it can improve their overall attributes.

"Tsk tsk, each team member randomly upgrades the rank of a piece of equipment on his body, tusk, there are 10 people in the second team, even if it is only one rank of the Primordial God-level equipment, it can be used [八一中文网www.81zw.info ] Everyone’s overall strength has been greatly improved.” June Feixue said, and then his tone changed: “Of course, it would be better if the Saint-level equipment can be upgraded to the ancient Saint-level equipment. The second team’s equipment levels are mostly high. , With a lot of Saint-level equipment, the chance of randomly getting these Saint-level equipment is not small."

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