VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1798: : Four people enter

The first and second teams of Miaogee entered the top eight of the team together, and ranked in the top eight with the first and fifth points respectively. This made the waves and the wind and others very excited, because according to the current situation, the second team of the Miaogee is in the top eight. In the challenge, they will not be eliminated. In this way, there are two 10-member teams in Misty Pavilion who can represent the country. This is something other gangs have never seen before. This also demonstrates the power of Misty Pavilion, which of course is also an honor.

It is precisely because of these that the voice of Ying Mi Ge to become the first gang in China is even higher, far surpassing that of the Eastern family, and this is what they dream of, so naturally excited.

"Glory and everything are illusory things. What I value most is what kind of rewards you will get when you enter the top eight." June Feixue chuckled. She looked at everyone: "Our two teams rank well, especially It’s us, first. This also means that our reward is the most generous, and naturally the best."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "It seems that the system rewards are mostly for the rewarded, which means that I can get the equipment I can use, the holy fire equipment, which will greatly increase my damage output."

"Your equipment level is already very good. You have 4 or 5 pieces of Saint-level equipment. This level of equipment can enter the top 100 in the All-Tian Tribulation game." Samadhi said, but she sighed after thinking of something, "Unfortunately we The equipment level of national players is mostly good. Although your equipment level is very good, it is difficult to get into the top 16 of the individual competition."

That's right, the individual points competition is also over, but June Feixue did not enter the top sixteen, which disappointed her, not only can not replace the country to play, the most important thing is that she can not get the individual rewards. .

"This is not just something that can be done with a good level of equipment, but also depends on the operation and occupation." Black and white chess, she looked at June Feixue: "Feixue's operation is not bad, but she is a magician after all. A magician who doesn't have much control ability, as long as she is close by a melee class, she will definitely lose. Although she has the skill [Lava Dress], this skill has a short duration and is not very effective, as is the invincible skill. "

Although June Feixue has a strong damage output ability, her class's ability to control is not strong. As long as she is close by a melee class, it will be difficult to reverse the situation. After all, she is a profession that relies on skills to feed and is close. After that, he can hardly use his skills.

Although June Feixue has one more invincibility skill than most players, most players who can hold on to the end have two invincibility skills, and most of the melee classes are fast and have blood-sucking ability, so even if she turns on [Lava Dress] Turn the situation around.

Of course, this is not unrelated to the fact that most super masters like to choose melee careers. For example, Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, Long Teng Tian Xia, Eastern Killing Sky and other super masters are all melee careers. This is a career that restrains magicians.

"Forget it, you can't if you can't enter the top sixteen. Anyway, our team entered the top eight with the first result. This has already won a very good reward." June Feixue muttered, and she could only comfort this. By myself.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and it was already a very good result that the first and second teams of the Misty Pavilion could both enter the top eight, and they no longer struggle with this.

As for the individual competition, Ye Luo defeated all opponents with a sweeping momentum, including breaking the waves and riding the wind, fireworks and easy cold, etc., so he was the first place in the individual competition without accident, and he would get the most generous next. reward.

In addition to Ye Luo, there are also breaking waves and wind, fireworks and fireworks that are in the top sixteen. What surprised them was that Changhe Sunset also entered the top sixteen, but his ranking was relatively master, ranking fifteenth. Not surprisingly, he will be eliminated after the challenge.

Think about it, the people of the Eastern family have not yet participated in the challenge, and Eastern Killing Sky and Dongfang Xiaotian are super masters. Needless to say, the former is a master equal to Ye Luo and Long Teng Tianxia. He has even more. Holy Beast Pearl] This kind of equipment is on the same level as the [Five Elements Ring] and [Tai Chi Bagua Pan], and there is still some gap between Changhe Sunset.

Let’s talk about Dongfang Xiaotian. He is the second master of the Eastern family. His operation level is only slightly worse than Yeluo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, but slightly better than Changhe Sunset. The most important thing is that his experience is richer. Changhe Sunset is right. He has a low chance of winning.

Because Dongfang Xiaotian is the second master of the Dongfang family, he must be the focus of training. The equipment level is naturally very good, at least not worse than Changhe Sunset, so the latter has no chance of winning against the former.

In addition to Eastern Killing Sky and Eastern Xiaotian, the Eastern Family has masters such as Eastern Stars and Eastern Zhantians, especially Eastern Stars. Her career is very restrained from melee careers, and the odds of winning single-on-one are great.

Some members of the Eastern family can beat Changhe Sunset, so the chance of him being eliminated from the top sixteen is naturally great.

Even so, June Feixue is still very happy. After all, as long as it can enter the top sixteen in the points match, it means that there is a reward, and this will further enhance the overall strength of Changhe Sunset.

In the individual competition of the martial arts tournament, four people from the Misty Pavilion entered the top sixteen, accounting for a quarter. This result is brilliant, even better than the results of two or three big gangs. This also shows the performance of the Misty Pavilion. powerful.

Changhe Sunset ranks fifteenth, Yeluo ranks first, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind ranks second, and fireworks easily cold ranks sixth. Not surprisingly, after the challenge, there will be three people in the Misty Pavilion who can represent the country in the next competition. This is still a very good result, enough to make them proud.

"Hey, we actually had four of them in the top 16 of the individual competition. This is much better than we expected." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and she was very satisfied with such results.

"Sister Feng, you are firmly in the top sixteen, and I have a great chance of being eliminated after the challenge." Changhe Sunset said in a deep voice, his tone was a little sad: "I still have a certain degree with top players. gap……"

"Fool, it's pretty good that you can enter the top sixteen. My equipment level is a lot better than you and I can't enter the top sixteen. This shows that your operating skills are much better than mine." June Feixue comforted. She laughed: "Besides, as long as you can enter the top sixteen, there will be rewards. Maybe you will get some powerful equipment, so your equipment level will be further improved, and your strength will naturally be stronger. You may be able to defeat Dongfang Xiaotian. It."

Despite saying this, June Feixue's confidence is a bit lacking. Obviously she knows that it is difficult for Changhe Sunset to defeat Dongfang Xiaotian, at least not at this stage.

"Sunset, although your strength is somewhat different from that of Sister Feng and others, you still have your advantage. This advantage is not comparable to that of Sister Feng." Samadhi said, seeing June Feixue's beautiful eyes light up. , She continued: "That is potential. Don’t forget that you are only seventeen or eighteen years old. You are still very young. There is a gap between seven and eight years old with sister Feng. After so many years, you can definitely achieve it. No, yes. There is a great chance to surpass them. When you are at your peak, I am afraid that no one can compete with you."

"Hehe, yeah, you are still very young, and you are growing very fast now. It is not impossible to surpass Sister Feng or even Uncle Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian." June Feixue smiled, she said to Changhe The sunset is very confident.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "The most important thing is that you now have Sister Feng and Uncle Ye Luo personally teaching. By the way, and your elder brother, if you can perfectly comprehend what they taught and then master them, it is easy to surpass them. "

Hearing this, Changhe's sunset expression was a little serious, and then he nodded and said: "Yes, I have such a good teacher to teach, this is my advantage, one day I will surpass Dongfang Xiaotian and even Dongfang Killing Heaven. of."

"That, did you forget me." Suddenly in the middle of the night, he laughed strangely: "My potential is no worse than Brother Sunset. In our age, we must be the most powerful existence. Hey, when the time comes It’s no problem for us to join forces in the gaming world."

What the Midnight Book says is true, because his operation level is not worse than Changhe Sunset, and his age is younger than Changhe Sunset. He is also taught by Ye Luo. He even has a dedicated assassin teacher with unlimited potential, etc. When he reached his peak state, he was afraid that he would be no worse than the unsung achievement, but he was a master who was equal to Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian.

Of course, the profession of assassin is not very suitable for one-on-one matches, otherwise there is a great chance of entering the top sixteen with the operation of the book in the middle of the night.

"In addition to you, Sword Six and Saturday, they are also the wealth of our Misty Pavilion. When we quit the game, you should be able to support the Misty Pavilion." Samadhi smiled lightly, and she looked at everyone: "There are these rising stars and reserves. Power, we still have many glorious days in the Misty Pavilion."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then didn't say anything, because the system reward time was soon coming, and they were more looking forward to what kind of reward Ye Luo could get next.

It didn't take long for everyone to hear a system reward:


System reminder (Chinese server): Congratulations to the team that breaks the waves and rides the wind, leaves fall to know the autumn, and fireworks are easy to cold... The team advanced to the first place in the points competition. The system rewards them with 10 holy treasure chests, and three of them are randomly awarded Each person has an exclusive saint-level equipment. In addition, each team member will be rewarded with 100 points of permanent full attributes, 1 point of luck, 1 level increase, 100,000 points of military merit, and 100,000 points of prestige.

Hearing the system prompt, June Feixue's exciter came: "Oh my God, give us 10 holy treasure chests directly, this reward is too rich."

"It's just a saint-level treasure chest, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you can get saint-level equipment." Samadhi said lightly, and then her tone changed, she laughed: "but it is good to reward us with all attribute points and luck points. What is this equipment? Rewards that can’t be replaced.”

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