VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1796: : Five Elements Ring

[Five Elements Ring] is also a combination type of equipment props, and it is also a holy-level equipment, which is at the same level as [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] and [Holy Beast Orb], and obtaining such equipment will undoubtedly give a player a great strength. It is very possible to become a super master with an increase in range.

But as Othello said, although this piece of equipment is good, there is only one, which means that it can only be obtained by one person.

Seeing what Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind wanted to say, June Feixue chuckled: "Sister Feng, although you can also equip this equipment, are you willing to [the Orb of Murderous Intent]? After all, the [Orb of Murder Intent] is also a magic weapon, [Five Elements] Ring] is also a magic weapon. You can't equip two equipments at the same time, otherwise it would be too wasteful."

Hearing this, breaking the waves and riding the wind was stunned, and then she showed hesitation, and soon she shook her head: "Forget it, although the five-element ring after putting together 5 components is definitely stronger than the [murderous pearl], but [ Murder Orb] has a [Five Elements Ring] incomparable skill, that is, killing can increase attack power and murderous attribute damage. I am not willing to give up this feature."

That’s right, compared to the [Five Elements Ring], Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind prefers the [Pearl of Murderous Aura] to increase the attack power and murderous attribute damage. After all, her damage output will be extremely terrifying after the attack power is added. Almost unstoppable.

Although breaking the waves and riding the wind can also be equipped with the [Five Elements Ring] in normal times, it's just too'luxury'. After all, this piece of equipment is too good, and it is too wasteful to use it imperfectly, so she decided after some consideration Give up, after all, it is impossible for her to give up [the Pearl of Murderous Spirit].

"Since Sister Feng has given up, who is this equipment for?" said June Feixue, and she was full of expectation when she said this.

"Give it to the fireworks." Suddenly, the samādhi poem said, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Although the five element attributes include metal, wood, fire, and earth in addition to water, now this component is of water attributes and has additional features. It is specially emphasized that the water attribute or extended water attribute of the wearer is doubled, and the water damage has a slowing effect, so that when fireworks is used, she has a better slowing effect on the target, whether it is in team competitions or individual competitions. The role that can be played is better."

"But you also said before that there are soil attributes, fire attributes, etc., giving Feixue and Sword Eleven to them seems to greatly increase their strength." Othello is quite puzzled, and hers also let others All agree.

"Because fireworks has a better chance of entering the top 16 of the individual competition than others." Samadhi said, she looked at June Feixue and others: "Although they will give [Five Elements Ring] to Feixue and Jianxi, they can also let them The strength of the team has increased, but are they confident of entering the top 16 of the individual competition?"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "I took a look. Another piece of equipment is also one of the components of the Five Elements Ring. It is the Five Elements Earth Ring, but even if two components are fused together, the properties of the Five Elements Ring will not If it is too high, it will not increase everyone's strength too much. Unless more components are collected, at least 3 or 4 are needed to achieve the point where everyone's strength can be greatly increased."

Hearing that, June Feixue and others are silent, they also know that the equipment attributes of only two components are not too exaggerated, and it may even be comparable to ancient god-level equipment, which not only does not increase their strength, but also It may weaken their strength, after all, most of their magic weapons are Primordial God-level.

In addition, although June Feixue and others are very powerful, they have no confidence to enter the top sixteen. After all, if they are supported by a strong profession such as a dual professional swordsman, their odds of winning will be much smaller, and they will participate in the points. Many players in the tournament are stronger than them.

The fact is the same. The points match has been going on for 7 or 8 days, and June Feixue and others have also lost some matches. At this time, their points ranking is already outside the 20th place, and only Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, and Fireworks Yi Leng and Changhe Sunset are within 20 people.

Since giving the [Five Elements Ring] to the fireworks, which is easy to cold, will give her a greater chance of entering the top sixteen, so naturally she should use this equipment.

Seeing that everyone was silent, the samādhi poem continued: "The magic weapon of fireworks is [Black Dragon Ball (Ice)], which is only an ancient god-level magic weapon, and the [Five Elements Ring] attribute of the fusion of 2 components should be worse than that. It’s a little bit, but the additional features are better, and this additional feature is needed by the fireworks, which will give her a better chance to enter the top sixteen of the individual competition."

"I also agree with the use of fireworks, because she is one of the few people who still maintains a record of victory. The points are also in the top 16. It is better for her." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then thinking about it, she was a little excited: " In addition, after entering the first sixteen, there will be system rewards, and equipment such as [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] and [Holy Beast Pearl] have a certain chance of obtaining components when rewarded by the system, and fireworks can enter the personal front. Sixteen can enter the top eight of the team again, and the number of rewards is twice. The chance of obtaining the [Five Elements Ring] component will undoubtedly increase greatly.

They also know that Samadhi poems and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are very reasonable. Everyone nodded and agreed to give the [Five Elements Ring] to the fireworks, which is easy to cold. Of course, they also want to see another component of the [Five Elements Ring] Attributes:

[Five Elements Ring (Component)] (Magic Weapons*Special Items*Sacred Artifacts)

Component name: Five Elements Soil Ring

Qi and blood: +10000

Magic: +10000

Physical defense: +20%

Magic defense: +20%

Strength: +200

Constitution: +200

Agility: +200

Intelligence: +200

Additional feature: Add 2500 soil damage or its extended attribute damage to the wearer. Any player equipped with this equipment can trigger this feature. This feature is limited to normal attacks. If the wearer has water attributes or its extended attributes, the effect is doubled.

Additional feature: There is a 10% chance of triggering the Five Elements Earth Shaman. When this feature is triggered, it will cause an additional 10000 points of soil damage to the target, and can make it into a stiff state. The attack speed is reduced by 25% for 5 seconds. Overlay.

Additional skills: [Five Elements*Absolute Defense]

Long-lasting equipment: It can automatically recover from the aura of heaven and earth.

Special feature 1: This item has five components. Unless all components are put together, the person equipped with this item will burst into death.

Special feature 2: This item is a heavenly and earthly creature, and having one piece can resonate with other components.

Need level: none

Introduction: The five elements of heaven, earth and earth, mutually regenerate and restrain each other, and complement each other.

[Five Elements*Absolute Defense] (active skill): A rain cover is condensed with the power of the five elements to make the wearer have an absolutely invincible state for 10 seconds. In this state, they are immune to some damage, the skill consumes 10,000 magic points, and the skill is displayed. Two hours apart.

The Five Elements Earth Ring is biased towards defense, but it can also increase a lot of damage output for the wearer, even if it is not an earth attribute occupation. After all, the equipment specifically explains that it can trigger this characteristic damage if it is not an earth attribute occupation, but the earth attribute damage output is more powerful. Some nothing more.

After looking at the attributes of the Five Elements Earth Ring, everyone was more curious about the attributes of the two components after fusion, but the fireworks were so cold that they didn't make them wait any longer. They quickly saw:

[Five Elements Ring (Component)] (Magic Weapons*Special Items*Sacred Artifacts)

Component name: Five Elements Water Ring, Five Elements Soil Ring

Qi and blood: +30000

Magic: +30000

Damage reduction: +25%

Spell resistance: +25%

Physical defense:

Strength: +500

Constitution: +500

Agility: +500

Intelligence: +500

Additional feature: Add 2500 water damage or its variant attribute damage to the wearer. Any player equipped with this equipment can trigger this feature. This feature is limited to normal attacks. If the wearer has water attributes or its extended attributes, the effect is doubled.

Additional feature: There is a 10% chance of triggering the water evil of the five elements. When this feature is triggered, it will cause an additional 10,000 points of water damage to the target, and can cause it to fall into a slowing state, reducing its movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds. This state cannot be superimposed .

Additional feature: Add 2500 soil damage or its extended attribute damage to the wearer. Any player equipped with this equipment can trigger this feature. This feature is limited to normal attacks. If the wearer has water attributes or its extended attributes, the effect is doubled.

Additional feature: There is a 10% chance of triggering the Five Elements Earth Shaman. When this feature is triggered, it will cause an additional 10000 points of soil damage to the target, and can make it into a stiff state. The attack speed is reduced by 25% for 5 seconds. Overlay.

Additional skills: [Five Elements*Holy Water Essence], [Five Elements*Absolute Defense]

Long-lasting equipment: It can automatically recover from the aura of heaven and earth.

Special feature 1: This item has five components. Unless all components are put together, the person equipped with this item will burst into death.

Special feature 2: This item is a heavenly and earthly creature, and having one piece can resonate with other components.

Need level: none

Introduction: The five elements of heaven, earth and earth, mutually regenerate and restrain each other, and complement each other.

"Sure enough, the [Five Elements Ring] attribute formed by the fusion of the two components has a larger gap than the ancient god-level equipment, and it is only the additional feature better." June Feixue muttered to herself, and then she laughed: "Fortunately, my magic weapon is of the Primordial God-level, and the attributes are much better than the [Five Elements Ring] with the fusion of two components. It is better not to change."

"Although it does not increase our strength much, or even weakens some strength, it does increase the strength of the firework beauty, because both the water attribute deceleration and the soil attribute stiffness can only be triggered by ordinary attacks, and the archer There are no group attack skills, most of them are ordinary attacks, so this piece of equipment is the best for him." He said with a smile, and then he looked at the waves and the wind: "And like the beauty of the wind, though, the beauty of the fireworks has a chance to enter the next challenge. It’s bigger, whether it’s individual or team competitions, so she has a greater chance of being rewarded with the [Five Elements Ring] component."

"Yes." Yanyu nodded, and then she laughed: "The additional skill of the Five Elements Earth Ring is an invincible skill, and it is an invincible skill for 10 seconds. The most important thing is that the skill interval is 2 hours, which means It can be used in competitions, which will greatly increase the chances of winning the firework beauty."

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