VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1789: : The trial is over

[Reincarnation*Human Dao] is a spiritual weapon long sword. Although it is only of Primordial God level now, its attributes are quite powerful, and it comes with a powerful skill. The most important thing is that this spiritual weapon does not need to use sacrifices at all. It can be upgraded automatically, which can save Ye Luo a lot of trouble, so he is quite satisfied with the reward of this trial, and thinking that the next trial will also reward other spirit tools, he is even more excited. Because in the future he won't have to worry about the off-hand weapon anymore.

And thinking about this, the second trial began. The goal this time was to test the phantom*beast road. The attributes are the same as the previous human road, except that it uses magic wands and magic skills. Ye Luo's threat is greater-Ye Luo is a heavy armor class after all, and his physical defense is much higher than magical defense, so it is a little harder to deal with magical monsters.

Of course, it’s just a little bit harder. After all, Ye Luo’s spell resistance is very high, and the magician is a profession that relies on skills to eat, plus he has a strong ability to recover [新笔趣阁www.biqule.info], So I can stick to it.

In addition, although the magician-type BOSS poses a greater threat to Ye Luo, it is limited to the distance being pulled by the target. It is not difficult to get close to the BOSS by virtue of Ye Luo's movement speed and then start a close fight, so this test Refining is not difficult to complete, and as expected, he also obtained a spiritual tool-[Reincarnation*Beast Dao].

[Reincarnation*Beast Dao] is a magic wand, like [Reincarnation*Human Dao], it is a spiritual tool, with quite good attributes, and it can also be automatically upgraded. In addition, it also adds the skills Ye Luo learned after awakening the Beast Dao——[ Animal Dao * Ten Thousand Beasts Pentium], and these are what Ye Luo had previously anticipated-the bonus skills of the spirit weapon are all active skills learned after awakening a certain Dao.

Placing these two spirit weapons on the [Variety Wishful Stick], Ye Luo's overall attributes have been slightly improved, but the damage output has increased a lot, so that it will be easier to deal with the next trial BOSS. , Especially after replacing the [Lava Excalibur]-Ye Luo is still used to two-handed melee weapons, and [Reincarnation*Human Dao] is more powerful than the [Lava Excalibur].

The third trial BOSS is the trial of phantom* Hungry Ghost Dao. It is an assassin type monster. After a lot of hands and feet to kill it, Ye Luo obtained another spiritual tool——【Samsara* Hungry Ghost Dao】 , Ye Luo was slightly surprised that this was not a dagger, but a sharp claw, so that he used [Hungry Ghost Dao*Nether Ghost Claw] more powerfully.

The attributes of sharp claws are the same as those of daggers, but the shape is a bit strange to that of daggers. At least Ye Luo is still a bit uncomfortable, but he hasn't used this weapon before, so it shouldn't be too long. Being able to adapt, so that he can play the most perfect role of this weapon.

The appearance of the sharp claws made Ye Luo a little surprised and looking forward to it, because he found that the weapons rewarded by this trial were the most suitable for Venerable Samsara, which also meant that the weapons to be rewarded next were likely to be one-handed weapons. Such as **, such as a one-handed battle axe, such as a one-handed spear, if that is the case, then he can switch to a certain path at will, and the perfect play of the power of this profession is just around the corner.

Thinking of this, even if his heart is as firm as Ye Luo, he is a little excited and looks forward to it.

Ye Luoduo didn’t wait, because he quickly defeated the fourth BOSS, and the magic weapon of this BOSS was [Reincarnation*Hell Dao], as Ye Luo expected, this is a gangster, although attacking There is a big gap between the strength and the longbow, but the attack speed of the gun is slightly faster than the longbow, and the most important thing is one-handed, so that Ye Luo can have both the ultra-long range attack ability and the melee ability at the same time. With the bonus of [Reincarnation * Split Arrow], every attack is comparable to group attack skills, and the damage output is also considerable, even not worse than a one-handed long sword.

"Sure enough it is a one-handed weapon**, so the next two spirit weapons may also be one-handed?!" Ye Luo was excited, and then thought of something, he said to himself: "But I haven't awakened yet. For the last one, I don’t know if I will be rewarded for completing the trial, and even if I’m rewarded, I won’t use it much."

Although Ye Luo can use all kinds of weapons after possessing [Proficiency in All Elements], he does not have any skills that can be equipped with spears. At least the damage output of spears is much worse than other weapons. So before awakening the gods He will not switch this weapon afterwards.

Soon Ye Luo stopped struggling with this, because he was going to the next trial, and after killing the trial BOSS, he got a one-handed battle axe and a short spear as scheduled, and these weapons are all one-handed of.

Yes, there is only one tomahawk, and the originally expected long spear has become a short spear. Although the attack power of these two weapons is reduced, the attack speed is slightly increased. After switching to these two weapon modes, Ye Luo has a very good damage output.

Killing the last BOSS, Ye Luo obtained 6 spiritual weapons as scheduled, and they were weapons with additional skills and the ability to upgrade their ranks. This was a fruitful harvest for Ye Luo, at least for him. His 1 million gold coins were totally worth it-even a fool would be willing to exchange 1 million gold coins for a spirit weapon, even if it was only one, let alone Ye Luo got 6 pieces at once.

After completing the trial, Ye Luo felt better when looking at Hanyue, but he also had some doubts: Why can we accept this trial now? It is reasonable to say that this trial should only be accepted after the six realms are awakened. After all, at this time He hasn't yet awakened the gods.

"Your kid has good aptitude, there is no problem at all in accepting the trial in advance." Hanyue replied Ye Luo's inquiry.

Although Hanyue said this, Ye Luo, who was familiar with her, knew that this must be the result of his mathematical skills before. For a while, he secretly thanked the fireworks and the samādhi poems. After all, they reminded themselves to have a good relationship with Hanyue. .

After thanking Hanyue for giving him this opportunity in advance, Ye Luo was directly'kicked' back, but he was not angry. Looking at the 6 spiritual artifacts he obtained, he couldn't help but laugh, and this also made the side wait forever. Po Lang Chengfeng and the others couldn't help but get excited-they knew that Ye Luo must have gotten a good harvest this time.

"Uncle Ye Luo, what skills have you learned after going there for so long?" June Feixue asked directly, and without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued to ask: "Your soul crystal growth aptitude should be greatly improved after Rank 7 Well, let's see how the attributes are now?"

Ye Luo didn't say much, showing the growth aptitude of the soul crystal to everyone. After seeing the attribute book, everyone present was pleasantly surprised.

"Tsk tusk, every time I see Ye Luo's soul crystal growth aptitude, it makes people suffer. This is too strong. It is estimated that I will not be as good as the current soul crystal after the ninth revolution." Othello is not without envy: "No But I’m afraid it’s Sister Feng, Dongfang Tiantian, and Longteng Tianxia are not comparable."

"Ye Luo was rewarded with a 7-star growth aptitude. Few players have such a reward, so it is normal to not match it." Samadhi Shi explained.

"Hey, this is good news for us, because it will make Ye Luo stronger, and his chances of winning the championship in the next competition will be greatly increased." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help but smile.

"The level of equipment is better than those of Eastern Killing Sky, Dark Night, etc., and the same is true for soul crystal growth. With Ye Luo's increasingly skilled operation, it is not too difficult to defeat them and win the final championship." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and Her words also made everyone excited.

"Brother Ye, let us see what skills you have learned." Zhiyue looked forward to it, and her words made everyone else look forward to it.

Ye Luo didn't mean to be stingy either, and sent the illustrations of skills such as the [Samsara Eye] and [Sura Dao * Shura Flying Axe] after the upgrade to everyone, and this also caused everyone to exclaim that these skills are powerful.

"Although the probability of [Samsara's pupil] copying skills is still very low, it is much higher than before. The most important thing is that Uncle Ye Luo has copied many good skills, and these skills make him the most powerful. At least 20% to 30% increase, which is also an advantage that dark night, Eastern Killing Sky and others do not have." June Feixue said with a smile: "Now the chances of [Reincarnation Eyes] copying skills are greatly improved, and Uncle Ye Luo can also copy skills. There will be more and more, and his strength will become stronger and stronger."

"It's a pity that you shouldn't be able to replicate any skills before participating in the tournament on behalf of the country. Otherwise, Uncle Ye Luo will be easier to win the tournament championship, not to mention that it is not too much." June Feixue added.

"This tournament can't play a role, then the next one, there will be competitions in the future anyway." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently, and then his tone changed: "But I feel [Sura Dao * Asura Flying Axe 】This skill is very good. Although it can’t kill bosses with blood less than 15% in seconds, it can kill ordinary monsters and players in seconds. This is a terrifying skill."

"It's very scary." Othello nodded, and then she shook her head: "It's a pity that we haven't obtained a one-handed battle axe, even high-rank two-handed battle axes. It is estimated that Ye Luo will rarely use this skill in the future. ."

"Yes, it's a pity." Others echoed.

"What I'm afraid of, I can't use it now, it doesn't mean that Ye Luo can't use it afterwards." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at everyone: "Next, we will look for a one-handed battle axe with our heart. I don't believe that it will be paid by our gang. I can’t find a one-handed battle axe. Anyway, this kind of battle axe will not be used by others. I think someone will be happy to transfer it to us after it is obtained, and it should not be too expensive.

"It's okay to be expensive, as long as Ye Luo can exert the strongest combat power, it's worth it." Sitting on Qin Xin said warmly.

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