VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1779: : Playing against Hua Nong Yue

After today's second round of individual matches, Ye Luo and others are left with 22 people who can continue the next match, which is the highest among all the gangs, and from this point, it can also prove the power of the Misty Pavilion.

Ye Luo and the others participated in the team competition of the tournament on time at 2 pm. What made Polangchengfeng and others excited was that this time they encountered a team from the Godslayer Organization. Huanongyue, Huanongying and others were among them. It's just that compared to the excitement of Po Lang Chengfeng and the others, they look dignified and even a little depressed.

After such a long time, the strength of the Heavenly Kill Organization has also been greatly improved. There were only 4 dual-professional masters, and now there are 7 of them. Even Hua Nongyue has a dual-professional job. His occupation is spatial stab. , This is a profession that is very good at assassination, and his strength has become much stronger after taking the dual profession, and he also has a great chance of winning in single-to-one, especially when encountering magicians and archers. Occupation.

Although the strength of the Heavenly Kill Organization has improved a lot, they have no chance of winning against Shang Yeluo, because among them, the only super masters who can make a big deal are Hua Nongyue and another dual professional master, and their operation level, equipment level and Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng still have some gaps, and it is no surprise that there is no suspense in this game.

Even if Hua Nongyue can lead the team to participate in the next challenge, if they are eliminated in the knockout round, they will not have a chance to get rewards in the points match. It is no wonder that Hua Nongyue and others have become so solemn when thinking about this.

"Uncle Ye Luo, I heard that you eliminated Hua Nong Feng from the Heavenly Kill Organization at noon. That's the Wind Dragon Swordsman. He is very powerful, and he is almost the second master of the Heavenly Kill Organization." Even so, but June Fei Xue Qiao’s face was full of smiles: “I eliminated Hua Nongfeng at noon, and eliminated the 10-member team of the Heavenly Kill Organization in the afternoon. They were really unlucky enough.”

"Yes, the strength of the 10-member team of the Heavenly Kills organization is still very good, and there is even a chance to enter the top eight, especially after the first and second teams of the Eastern Family Family gave up the game." Samadhi said, and then his tone changed: " But they didn’t have any chance when they met us, and they only had to try it in the challenge. It’s just that it would be difficult for them to make it into the top eight because of their strength, not to mention that the Eastern Family will challenge them when the time comes. Chance."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she added: "But the **** organization is very rich, and Hua Nongyue and others are arrogant people. After we are eliminated, they will definitely sign up for the challenge, and then lose a fortune. You can't make it into the top eight without mentioning funds.

"It can only be said that they were not lucky enough to run into us." Po Lang Chengfeng said, her pretty face was full of smiles: "The God Killing Organization has always been quite hostile to us, and it shot us at the beginning. Only the Ouyang family and the Yinian family are compensated, but they have no compensation. They were cheaper this time, but they can't be cheaper this time."

That’s right, the Heavenly Kill Organization, together with the Ouyang Family and the Yinian Family, started on the Misty Pavilion, but the Heavenly Kill Organization did not fall too far, and the gang was based on assassins. Ye Luo wanted to be right. Retaliation is not so easy, so naturally it is impossible for them to compensate.

Po Lang Chengfeng and others have not forgotten these hatreds. Now that they have the opportunity to take revenge, and by doing it themselves, she naturally does not want to miss this opportunity.

"Sister Fireworks, how do we line up our troops?" June Feixue said excitedly: "Should you like to tease them?"

"The strongest lineup, quick fight and quick decision." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

There are still many people like Ye Luo who haven't reached the 280 level, and because there are more than 20 games every day in the points match, the time for leveling will be much less, so the fireworks are easy to be cold and don’t want to waste time. Squeeze more time to upgrade and find BOSS, so as to improve their strength as much as possible.

Knowing that the fireworks are easy to be cold, and not wanting to waste time, June Feixue pouted, but did not say anything.

"Hua Nongyue took the post as a dual-professional assassin, with a hidden stab in space, and very powerful. You need to be careful about it." Sitting on Qin Xin suggested.

"Let Ye Luo be the first to go." Samadhi suddenly said, seeing everyone showing doubts, he continued: "Hua Nongyue is a young man with a arrogant heart. He definitely wants to be the first to strike and then take the opening. Red, after all, he is the number one master of the Heavenly Kill Organization, and the space stab is a bit troublesome. Even if the group attack skills are covered, it can't be forced out, so it's best to let Ye Luo take the shot.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Hua Nongyue wanted a starter, but we didn't let him get what he wanted, and let Ye Luo directly defeat her. This was a big blow to their morale. It's easy to win the next time."

"Yeah, good." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Ye Luo participated in a 1V1 and a 5V5, Feng Sister and Feixue participated in 2V2, I am the second one, and the sunset is the third. There should be no problem."

Not surprisingly, Ye Luo's participation in 1V1 will undoubtedly win, and the final 5V5 will also win, so they can get at least 5 points, which also means that they will undoubtedly win. Obviously, Fireworks Yicold is making the strongest lineup at the same time. Also thought of the highest odds.

Regarding this, everyone didn't have any opinions, and then the roster was submitted by Po Lang Cheng Feng.

I have to say that Samadhi is quite familiar with Hua Nongyue and others. Hua Nongyue was the first one to appear, but after he saw that his opponent was Ye Luo, his expression became dignified and even a little ugly-Hua Nongyue It’s not once against Ye Luo. He even joined hands with other people to deal with Ye Luo. It’s just that he didn’t get a bargain from him once, and he even killed dozens of people during the first sneak attack. Almost made a shadow in his heart.

However, thinking that he has already taken a dual career, and that Biyeluo took the lead to rise to level 280 and rank seven, he has rekindled confidence. In his heart, as long as he can defeat Ye Luo this time, he will be able to sweep away the shadow in his heart. The most important thing is It was a blockbuster and a reputation, which was what he dreamed of.

At the beginning of the battle, Ye Luo and Hua Nongyue both came to the center of the ring. Because Hua Nongyue has passive skills to stealth, and the dual professional assassins plus the hidden thorns have very strong stealth abilities, it is difficult even for Ye Luo to lock his Breath, even a little farther away, you can't lock the target.

But Ye Luo didn't care, standing quietly in the middle of the ring, with a long sword in his right hand and a dagger in his left hand. Obviously he wanted to fight with Hua Nongyue, but at this time he was very calm. There was no half of the winning ticket in his hand. As if facing a big enemy, it was like doing a simple task.

Ye Luo's appearance made Hua Nongyue annoyed. In his heart, it was underestimated by Ye Luo, but he was also very impressive. He held his breath, condensed his breath, looking for a chance to carry out the assassination. There was only one assassination in his heart. Only if you control Ye Luo to death can you kill him. If you let him react, I am afraid that it will be difficult to kill him again-Hua Nongyue knows that Ye Luo has a very powerful recovery ability, not to mention [Life Draw] It can be used once every 3 minutes, and the powerful self-recovery can quickly restore the blood to a healthy state, so the protracted battle is very detrimental to him.

He approached Ye Luo quietly, and then Hua Nongyue launched the [Raid], and before launching the assassination, he used the exclusive skill [Mist] of the invisible assassin, and after the dual career [Mist] covered a larger area, the effect was also Even better, Hua Nongyue prides itself on being invincible in the mist, even against Shang Ye Luo.

That's right, the fog can not only make Ye Luo lose his vision, but the most important thing is that a lot of Miss will appear in Ye Luo's attack in the fog, so the assassination of Ye Luo in the fog and the close fight are undoubtedly the most beneficial to Hua Nong Yue.

However, Ye Luo closed his eyes at the moment when the mist was filled. With sensitive sensing and faint airflow fluctuations, it was not difficult for him to'lock in' Huanongyue, and then easily resisted his [raid]. As if he had seen Hua Nong Yue a long time ago.

Of course, this ‘locking’ is not really locking, otherwise Ye Luo will directly cast [Charge], this will definitely make Hua Nongyue quite troublesome, and the battle will be resolved in a short time.

The left hand dagger blocked Hua Nongyue’s dagger, and the right hand long sword swung, and a [Sword Qi] was smoothly displayed. It covered Hua Nongyue so easily, and he did not give him a chance to block the dagger. After all, he was early So prepared.

The reason why I don’t use the skills with control characteristics such as [Scary Slash] is because Ye Luo can't see the target at all, so the skill cannot lock it. After all, the ability to perceive the target by his breath cannot be locked with a single skill. Use group attack skills to cover the attack.

But I have to say that the enhanced version of [Mist] is very effective, and it can even dodge skills, including group attack skills. This attack did not hit the target, and Hua Nongyue’s other dagger also stabbed directly at the leaves. Luo's heart, obviously he also knew that the damage caused by attacking these places was higher.

Did not hit the target, but Ye Luo's expression was still calm, feeling the sharp killing intent of the dagger. With a twist of his wrist, the long sword met the dagger. The power is much higher than Hua Nong Yue, and this blow opened the capital of the dagger.

Of course, Hua Nongyue is also very clever, draws a knife easily, and his back figure flashes around behind Ye Luo, ready to perform [Backstab]. Obviously, he still has not given up his plan to control Ye Luo with skills, because he knows He couldn't kill Ye Luo, who had a powerful recovery ability, in a close fight.

As if already known that Hua Nongyue would do this for a long time, Ye Luo turned a little sideways, his long sword easily blocked the dagger, and the dagger in his left hand drew towards Hua Nongyue’s wrist. Although the wrist was not the key point, it was Ye Luo’s attack power. If it hits, it can cause greater damage.

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