VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1777: : Level 4 King City

Knowing that the difficulty factor of the task received by the Eastern Family is only SSS level, everyone is relieved, because the higher the difficulty factor, the more rewarding the task, the task of [Fire Dragon Cave] is SSS+ difficult, which is more difficult than the Eastern Family. The difficulty coefficient of the task received is one level higher, which means that Ye Luo and the others will receive more generous rewards after completing the task, and their strength improvement will be higher than that of Dongfang Jitian and others.

"This is also true, because the rewards we received for completing the task this time are too rich, which has greatly improved the overall strength of us people." Othello took the stubbornly: "And a lot of equipment is very suitable for us, of course the most important. The two main players, Ye Luo and Feng Sister, have obtained a lot of good equipment, and their strength has been greatly improved. Therefore, we have a better chance of winning than the members of the Eastern family in both individual competitions and team competitions."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "What's more, we will get rich rewards after the points match is over, which is not available in the Eastern Family."

Hearing that, everyone is looking forward to it, and then they will either do gang resident missions or look for powerful BOSS.

"Fireworks, have you ever found missions with greater difficulty in Tianxia City and Luoshui Town?" Breaking the waves and riding the wind asked casually while looking for the BOSS: "We have 3 gang sites, and they are all of the highest level currently. , There will be more gang resident missions refreshed, and the degree of difficulty is slightly larger. At this point, we have an advantage over other gangs."

I have gained too many benefits from the mission of [Fire Dragon Cavern], so Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind hopes to receive another such mission.

"It’s a bit difficult for the gang resident to refresh tasks with a relatively high degree of difficulty. There are even few S-levels. Occasionally an SS-level is good. Before we encountered an SSS+ level, it would be almost a once-in-a-century encounter. "Sit on Qin Xin to answer on her behalf, and then her tone changed: "But as you said, Sister Feng, our gang has many locations and high levels, and the chance of receiving difficult tasks is greater."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition to the gang resident task, I also let our people find ways to take other tasks, multi-pronged, so the chance of receiving high-difficulty tasks will greatly increase."

He was still very confident in the ability to do things on the piano, everyone stopped struggling with these things and continued to get busy.

"It seems that Wushuang City will be able to rise to level 4 soon." Suddenly June Feixue said, her tone was full of expectation: "This is the first level 4 king city. It should attract more people to Wushuang City. As a result, our Wushuang City's profits will be even greater."

"Various tourism projects can be upgraded with the sacred level of Wushuang City. It is normal for the income to increase a little." Samadhi said, but she shook her head when she thought of something: "It's just that there are too many tourist cities now and the competition is very high. It’s fierce, so it’s difficult to reach the initial level."

"Yes, the tourist cities that we built together with Uncle Bacchus and the others have also been upgraded to level 3. In other words, we can finally have teleportation arrays and benefit from them. The tourist cities of other major gangs have also been built. This kind of competition is relatively high." Sitting on Qin Xin took over, she continued without waiting for everyone to speak, "Fortunately, we have unique advantages in Wushuang City, and the tourist cities we selected have very good geographical locations compared to other gangs. China’s tourist cities have many advantages, and their income will be higher than other tourist cities."

"Anyway, there will be gains. After all, there may not be too many other things in our country, but the population is definitely not bad." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently, and then his tone changed: "Hey, we will wait for Wushuang City to rise. Level 4, it should give us a surprise."

It didn't take everyone to wait for too long to see the Wushuang City attribute that was upgraded to level 4:

[Wushuang City] (The gang resident of the Miaogee Gang)

Level: Level 4 King City.

Scale: 9000 meters * 9000 meters

Toughness: 700 million points on the outer wall, 900 million points on the inner wall, 1 billion points on the heart of the city.

Defense: 700,000 points on the outer wall, 700,000 points on the inner wall, 1 million points in the heart of the city.

Productivity: 80,000 parts per hour of stone, 80,000 parts per hour of iron ore, 80,000 parts per hour of wood, 150,000 parts per hour of grain (productivity will be discounted in wartime, depending on the situation of the battle).

Existing resources: 10.5 million pieces of stone, 9.6 million pieces of iron ore, 7.09 million pieces of wood, and 90 million pieces of grain.

Population: 54,512 people (including 43,445 people who can join the army).

Number of troops: 8000 Yanlong knights, 8000 Yanlong archers, 8000 Yanlong magicians, 8000 Yanlong priests, and 10000 lava elves.

Number of stores: 45 (including 33 system stores and 12 free shops)

Number of teleportation arrays: 4.

Number of arrow towers: 1200 (including 500 arrow towers at level 1, 300 arrow towers at level 2, and 400 arrow towers at level 3).

Number of catapults: 1,000 (including 400 class 1 catapults, 300 class 2 catapults, and 300 class 3 catapults).

The number of magic crystal guns: 200.

The resources required for the current upgrade: 5 billion pieces of stone, 5 billion pieces of iron ore, 5 billion pieces of wood, and 10 billion gold coins.

Food consumption: consumption of 60,000 servings per hour, consumption in wartime increased by 20%.

Resource consumption: 50000 parts of stone, 50000 parts of wood and 50000 parts of iron ore per hour.

Maintenance cost: 800,000 gold coins are required per hour.

After seeing the upgraded Wushuang City, everyone couldn't help but get excited. It is no exaggeration to say that the Wushuang City defense force of the 4th-level royal city is not much better than that of the second-level city, especially in the bonus of 4 [Holy Beast Seals]. In addition, coupled with the existence of various defense equipment, Wushuang City is surrounded by water on three sides, I am afraid that no one will be able to withstand an army's attack.

"After the upgrade, Wushuang City feels more like a city. It's so spectacular." Standing on the wall of Wushuang City and watching June Feixue, she was full of emotion, and then thought of something, she looked forward to it: "The level 4 King City is already so majestic. Now, what about the level 5 capital city? I am afraid it is much more majestic than the actual city."

"Because Wushuang City is a two-way city wall, the scale of the fusion of the two city hearts is much larger than the ordinary gang station, and other gang stations are not like this. This is unique to our gang station." Black and white chess road, but soon she With a wry smile: "However, the resources required to upgrade the 4th level of the capital city to the 5th level are too many. It is 5 times the level of the 3rd to 4th level. The gold coins required for the upgrade have reached 10 billion gold coins. It’s too exaggerated, and it’s too difficult to raise Wushuang City to the highest level."

"Whether it is the gang level or the gang resident level, the last level is always the most difficult to reach." Samadhi explained: "The number of gang resident tasks after reaching the 4th level of the royal city is a bit more than before, and the difficulty coefficient has also increased. There are many, so the efficiency of obtaining various resources will also be greatly increased. Slowly, there is a chance to rise to the fifth-level royal city."

That’s right, the task of the 7th-level gang trial is very difficult. Many big gangs failed one or two times at the beginning, and only the Mengmenge was able to pass once because of its extremely powerful strength. This can also prove that the samaya poem said if.

However, everyone also knew that the gang resident was only at the last level at this time. Gradually doing tasks to collect various resources, it will always be able to upgrade to level 5.

Hearing this, break the waves and ride the wind to cheer up: "Yes, the number and difficulty of the gang resident missions will increase a lot after the gang resident is upgraded. Fireworks, you guys hurry up and see if there are tasks with a higher difficulty factor, it’s best. It’s the kind that can be shared with many people."

"After the upgrade of the gang resident, there are a few more free shops. I think someone will contact us soon." Suddenly the fireworks became cold and she looked at the piano and the samādhi: "You will talk to them at that time. It's almost the same as before, and it can be a little more generous, because the more stores here, the more players it attracts."

Hearing that, Po Lang Chengfeng and others thought that the rent of the free shop was an astronomical figure, and the smile on their faces became even stronger.

Wushuang City was the first to be upgraded to Level 4 King City, but in June Feixue and others deliberately released the majestic scene after Wushuang City was upgraded. This caused quite a stir in the gaming world. Many players flocked to Wushuang City to see it. Sure enough, as Fireworks Yi Leng said, many people from business alliances came to the door and wanted to lease those free shops.

Sitting on Qin Xin and Samadhi Shi are in charge of negotiating with these people. With the previous store as a reference, they also quickly finalized the lease contract. Like June Feixue, they generally expect only rent to be a very good income. , Not to mention that these shops will attract more players to patronize.

Think about it, in order to attract customers, many shops will collect some rare or weird equipment and props, many players are rushing to these, that is to say, the more shops attract more players, but the transfer cost is a sum. Very good income, not to mention that consumption in Wushuang City requires a certain tax, and part of the tax belongs to the resident owner of the gang.

It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to be cold and will deliberately ask to sit on the heart of the piano, and Samadhi poetry can appropriately relax some lease conditions.

In Samadhi, sitting on Qin Xin, they were negotiating contracts with people from commercial organizations, the fireworks were easy to be cold, and June Feixue, they were not idle. The task of investigating the gang's resident site also made them discover some tasks with a relatively high degree of difficulty. For example, they found 2 SS-level and 1 SSS-level tasks, but the first two tasks only need 5 or 6 people to complete, while the SSS-level tasks only require 1 person and cannot be shared at all.

Although disappointed, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also knows that the chances of trying to achieve high difficulty and team tasks are not high, so she did not get too entangled. After receiving the SSS-level task, she went to do the task and completed it with her strength. The task is still fine.

As for the two SS-level tasks, Yixiao Hongchen and other people from the second team did it. I believe they can also get some good equipment and improve their strength after completing the tasks.

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