VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1774: : Another fossil

It’s very important to keep the [Clone] assassin, but it’s also important to make the second team advance to the top eight and then represent the country. Even the latter is even more important, so the waves and the wind will urge Xiao Hongchen and others not to use it if necessary. Retention, mainly for promotion.

Think about it, even if domestic players know that Ye Luo and the others have the [Clone] skill, it doesn’t matter. After all, their main target next is a foreign team, and these opponents may not be able to collect this information. There is no need to have reservations, although breaking the waves and riding the wind knows that this possibility is not too great.

After the extreme challenge competition and the war in the Fallen Devildom, other countries have also seen China's strength, and the tournament is more important. At that time, foreigners naturally focused on collecting various information of Chinese elite players, and Ye Luo, Po Lang Riding Wind As the elite of the elite, it is naturally the key goal.

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is not a fool, and naturally knows this, so she knows that it is unlikely that they will have [Clone] without being detected, and even said that as long as they are displayed, they will be known to foreign players.

"Just follow what Feng Sister said." Fireworks Yi said coldly. She naturally understood why Polangchengfeng wanted so much for the ethereal second team to be in the top eight.

A gang has two 10-member teams entering the top eight of the competition team at the same time. This is the glory that the Eastern family did not have at the beginning, and if the Misty Pavilion does it, it will undoubtedly be the supreme glory, and it can also prove that the Misty Pavilion is better than the Eastern family. Even more powerful, so that the misty pavilion became the country's first gang is well deserved, and its replacement is just around the corner, and these are the dreams of the waves and the wind.

Not only that, there will be generous rewards for entering the top eight of the team competition, which is also valued by breaking the waves and riding the wind. After all, rich rewards can greatly enhance everyone's strength.

Hearing that fireworks are easy to get cold, Hongchen, Yanyu and others nodded with a smile, they already knew how to do it.

"Hurry up and look at the explosion of BOSS. I think there must be high-level fire equipment that I can equip in these explosions." June Feixue urged, and when she said this, she was full of expectations. Look towards August.

I immediately woke up on August without saying much. I went directly to investigate the things that the BOSS burst. The first were the 3 equipment crystals reflecting the cloak. As everyone guessed, it was the last piece of the Yanlong suit-the cloak. And these pieces of equipment naturally returned to Sword Eleven, Yixiao Hongchen and Wednesday.

After putting together the suit, the last suit attribute of the suit was activated. This attribute is a group attack skill-[Blazing City].

Of course, this skill is far incomparable with the final skill of the final BOSS. At least the damage bonus and the coverage area are much smaller, but the damage bonus is 500%, the coverage area is 50 meters, and the additional burning damage also makes this skill's damage. Higher than many combination skills, it is also a powerful suit attribute.

3 [Burning City of Flames], as a result, the number of large-scale and powerful skills possessed by the Misty Pavilion is much larger. In the future, whether it is team battles, clearing mobs, or fighting against BOSS, the efficiency will be greatly improved, which can be regarded as a great improvement The overall strength of Ge.

Of course, Samadhi and Fireworks are easy to cold. They have long guessed that the last activated attribute of the Yanlong suit is likely to be a powerful, large-scale group attack skill, because the suit attributes of this suit are biased towards attack, and a group attack skill is added. Of course, so they are not too excited, not to mention that they are more interested in the other 4 pieces of equipment that BOSS burst.

I have to say that the final explosion of the BOSS is very good. The first equipment picked up on August is the holy equipment-a 320 holy fire helmet, but this helmet is a heavy armor type. Yue Feixue was depressed.

Because Yixiao Hongchen already has a complete set of Yanlong suits, it is impossible for him to ask for this helmet anymore, so the helmet naturally belongs to Ye Luo, the only one that can be equipped and can perfectly perform the role of this equipment, and he is equipping that one. After the helmet, his overall attributes are greatly improved, and his strength is even stronger.

Seeing Ye Luo put on the helmet directly, June Feixue’s pretty face was full of frost. Fortunately, the second piece of equipment was something she could equip-a holy fire cloth leggings, and when I saw this one After the attributes of the equipment, she snatched it into her hands, lest she would be snatched away by others, making everyone amused.

I have to say that June Feixue’s tactics of “long-line fishing for big fish” are very good. After obtaining the Saint-level veil and leggings, she received a god-level fire-linked cloth breastplate. Yes, I picked it up next Monday. The equipment of is a holy breastplate, which is the exclusive equipment of fire magicians, because Wednesday already has the Yanlong suit, so the breastplate naturally returns to June Feixue.

In this way, June Feixue obtained 3 pieces of Saint-level equipment in the Fire Dragon Cavern, because there is a rare equipment veil, so the additional attributes of the 3 pieces of Saint-level equipment can completely catch up with a set of Yanlong suits, and this also means that he The tactic of'long-line fishing' was a success.

The next piece of equipment is also holy, but it is a wind ring, which increases the power of the magician's skills and reduces the skill CD time. This is undoubtedly the exclusive equipment of the magician, so it belongs to the wind dragon magician-the elusive refuge cloud.

There are also a lot of wind-based professions in the Misty Pavilion. Single and double jobs include Midnight Shu, Misty Rain, Misty Yiyun, but the equipment is exclusive to the magician, and the other two are only envious.

The last piece of equipment did not disappoint. It was a leather shoe and also a holy grade. Because of the increased power, range and hit rate of boxing skills, this piece of equipment naturally belongs to the only boxer among the people— -Samadhi.

"Increase the hit rate, which is not bad. As a result, my chances of controlling the target will be much greater, and I can play a stronger role in the future." Samadhi said, and getting this equipment made her feel quite good.

In addition to these equipment, there are some gems. In the end, some of the gems that the BOSS burst were of level 4, and the added attributes were very good. The previous system specially rewarded everyone with 10 gems of level 3, and everyone will follow them. According to demand, according to the proposal of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, she prefers some people in the ethereal second team-she is eager to hope that the ethereal people can enter the top eight of the team competition, so she wants to improve their strength as much as possible.

No one gets a few gems, plus the gems obtained before, everyone can almost each have a level 3 gem, which improves their overall attributes a lot, and naturally they have a greater chance of winning in the competition in the future. Some.

Next, under the urging of June Feixu and Zhiyue, the 10 treasure chests that the system rewards will be opened, and everyone is looking forward to it, not only because these treasure chests are very likely to have a [Holy Beast Seal], the most important It is the treasure chest that can open the equipment they can use.

I have to say that the luck on August was very good. The first treasure chest opened up an energy stone for good fortune, which also means that the Misty Pavilion will have another double class.

Seeing that a natural energy stone was opened on August, breaking the waves and riding the wind became excited, and June Feixue was the first to ask whether this natural energy stone has occupational restrictions and what occupations can be equipped.

"There are professional equipment, which can only be used by summoners." On August, she checked for a while, and then she looked at the waves and wind, fireworks and others: "We have many summoners in the Misty Pavilion, but this is only one. For whom is the energy stone for good fortune?"

"Of course it's for the most powerful summoner. After all, the overall strength of the dual-professional summoner is terrifying, so we must maximize the effect of this energy stone." Breaking the waves blurted out, and then she looked at Zhiyue: "Everyone should have no objection to this. Yue'er is the best example."

Zhiyue is very powerful. I am afraid that less than 3 people can defeat him in a single pair. If you fight with all your strength, I am afraid that only Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng will have the opportunity to defeat him. Not only can she drive 3 A powerful summoned beast, and more importantly, she can perform two ultimatums, and this can almost give her a chance to win. Only Ye Luo, who also has two ultimatums, and Breaking the Wave Riders have the opportunity to use it. defeat.

Even if there is no such skill as [Beast God Purification], a touch that allows the summoner to summon three powerful summoned beasts can also greatly increase the summoner’s strength, so how to perfectly play the role of this natural energy stone is very important. Giving this stone to the most powerful summoner will undoubtedly be the most effective.

Naturally, there is no objection to what Polangchengfeng said. Although there are many summoners in Misty Pavilion, the most powerful ones besides Zhiyue are Thursday, Friday, Misty Heart, etc., and these people also let everyone have a time. Can't be sure.

"Thursday, she is an elf summoner, who can summon natural elves to fight, such as fire elves and ice elves. This profession will be very powerful after taking up a dual profession." Firework Yi said coldly.

In fact, everyone is slightly inclined to Thursday, because she is also considered a bit stronger among the many summoners, plus she and Friday are the commander and deputy commander of the Green Jiao Summoner Corps, so it is very necessary for the orthodox commander to have a dual career. This will make him more convinced.

Now that I heard the proposal that fireworks are easy to be cold, no one else has any objections. This natural energy stone will naturally return to Thursday.

"I don't know what job the elf summoner will take after using the energy stone of good fortune?" June Feixue was quite curious, but she glanced at Zhiyue, and the corner of her mouth evoked a thick smile: "But whatever it is With such a dual class, she can summon 3 summoned beasts at the same time without running, but these can greatly increase her strength, especially for the summoned beast family with various buffs, maybe after having three powerful summoned beasts Her damage output is not worse than mine."

"Yes, it must be like this." Zhiyue nodded. She is the only dual-professional summoner of the Misty Pavilion, and she has the most say in this regard.

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