VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1772: : Finally killed

Ye Luohe sat on the piano heart and performed [Six Dao * Ten Thousand Swords Guardian Shield (group)] successfully resolved the boss’s ultimate big move-[Blazing City], and this big move also dispelled the dizziness of fireworks and others. In a dizzy state, they can attack unscrupulously for the next 10 seconds, and there is no suspense in this battle.

In the invincible state, everyone attacked as much as possible, various skills were displayed, and the vitality of the BOSS was rapidly decreasing.

"Remember to let Ye Luo cut with the last knife." Firework Yi Leng asked in the team channel.

Everyone has no objection to this proposal, because Ye Luo's lucky value is the best among the people. Not surprisingly, he will have the highest burst rate for killing the boss. This is something that everyone has verified before killing monsters.

As said by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, there is no suspense to kill the boss after using the combo skills to resist the final ultimate move of the boss. Although the boss finally used some group attack skills like crazy, but it can only kill 3, 4 Individuals, and sitting on Qin Xin and waiting for the priest can resurrect them, so Ye Luo and others have no loss at all.

In the end, when he saw that the BOSS still had a trace of vitality and blood, Ye Luo used the personal combo skills of [Reincarnation Slash] + Flat Slash + [Reincarnation Continuous Slash] to successfully complete the harvest, and the first time the BOSS was killed, everyone heard one. System prompt tone:


System reminder (Chinese server): Congratulations to the team that breaks the waves and rides the wind, leaves fall to know autumn, fireworks are easy to cold... the team successfully emptied all the monsters in the fire dragon cave, completed the task of [fire dragon cave], completed the evaluation SSS, and the system rewards this one The gang resident where the team belongs-Wushuang City has 50 million resources, 10,000 lava elf recruitment orders, and 100 magic spars. In addition, the team will be rewarded with 10 saint-level treasure chests, 100 [Sword in the sleeve], and 10 gems of each class. The four basic attributes of each person are increased by 2 stars, each person has a special general skill, and each person's lucky value is increased. At 3 points, each person’s military merit will be increased by 100,000 points, and each person’s reputation will be worth 100,000 points, which is encouraged.

The system prompt sounded 3 times in a row, resounding through the entire Chinese server, causing an uproar, after all, the reward was too generous.

Apart from other things, there are only 10 Saint-level treasure chests. Each person’s four major growth aptitudes increased by 2 stars is an exaggerated reward. After all, the growth aptitude increased by 2 stars will increase each person’s four basic attributes by 5,600 points. But there is no need for an equipment bar, which is a great advantage.

Ye Luo and the others were also pleasantly surprised after hearing the system prompt, because they did not expect to increase the basic attributes. Although the basic attributes of each person is only 5 or 600 points, they will continue to be upgraded in the future, and there is no need for an equipment slot. This is even greater than obtaining a high-grade equipment to improve their attributes.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to reward growth qualifications. Everyone's four basic attributes are increased by 2 stars, which improves our overall attributes by a bit." June Feixue chuckled: "Next, we will win the championship in the competition. Chance will be greater."

"Yes, our second team's chances of entering the top eight have also been greatly improved." He smiled and said with a big smile: "I didn't expect that this task would get such an improvement. This is something that can't be achieved by changing equipment. ."

"This is just a part of the rewards, and there are other rewards, such as holy treasure chests, lucky points, general skill books, level 3 gems, etc., and the lava elf recruitment order needless to say, the most important thing is various 50 million resources, which means that Wushuang City can be upgraded to level 4. Not surprisingly, this should be the first to be upgraded to level 4. In this way, we will gain more benefits through this gang station." Excited and authentic.

"Don't talk about other things, first..." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said that she saw Ye Luo's look a little weird, and she hurriedly said: "Ye Luo, what's wrong, the system rewards you. satisfied?"

"How could you be dissatisfied? Uncle Ye Luo is smiling, which shows that he is very satisfied." Zhou Qi smiled.

"No, if it's just system rewards, it shouldn't make Uncle Ye Luo do this." June Feixue shook her head, and then thought of something, she became excited and hurriedly asked: "Uncle Ye Luo, shouldn't you feel the equipment again? Resonate, isn't it a part of the "Tai Chi Bagua Pan" in the system rewards or BOSS burst?!"

[Tai Chi Bagua Pan] is Ye Luo’s most powerful equipment, and even the most powerful equipment of the current server. It has many advantages over Eastern Killing Heaven’s [Holy Beast Orb], and this equipment has an additional component attribute. There will be a qualitative leap, pay attention to a qualitative leap, that is to say, the overall attributes of the [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] with 9 parts will be greatly improved, so Ye Luo's strength will also be greatly improved.

Ye Luo's strength has further improved greatly, so that whether it is to participate in the individual competition of the tournament or the team competition, the chances of winning the championship will be greatly increased, and thinking of these June flying snow will naturally surprise and look forward to it.

Not only June Feixue, but also Po Lang Chengfeng and others became excited after hearing her words. They all looked at Ye Luo together and looked forward to it.

"It's not that I have gained some induction, but I have learned a skill." Ye Luo said, while speaking, he sent a skill book to everyone:

[The power of lava] (passive upgradeable skills * elementary)

System Tip: Make the learner’s attack contain the attribute damage of the fire system lava force, increase the fire system damage by 50 points, and attack the target can make the target in a burning state, lose 50 points of vitality per second for 3 seconds, this feature Can not stack, only valid for normal attacks.

"Hey, how can handsome Ye Luo learn such a skill?" Yanyu Xiaoxiao was surprised, but she was stunned when she thought of what she said, and hurriedly said: "I understand. I heard that Venerable Samsara did when killing monsters. There is a certain chance of copying to the passive skills the target has mastered, but I heard that the probability is extremely low, but I didn't expect handsome Ye Luo to copy one, so luck is good."

That's right, Ye Luo's skill was naturally copied through the [Pupil of Reincarnation], which hasn't happened in a long time, so after learning this skill, he will only reveal the color of surprise before.

"But this skill increases the damage of the ignition system by 50 and the additional burning state, and it seems that it can't increase the damage much." Zhiyue said indifferently.

"Yue'er, you have to notice that this skill is a passive and upgradeable skill." June Feixue emphasized the words'passive and upgradeable'. Seeing Zhiyue's stunned expression, she continued: "It can be upgraded. There are 6 levels of skills: Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Master, Grandmaster, and God. The attributes of each skill will be greatly increased. [Lava Power] will increase the damage of fire by 2000 when it reaches God level. The burning damage has also been increased to 2000 points. Even if the hostile target has very fire resistance, it can cause higher damage. It is no exaggeration that Uncle Ye Luo can increase his damage output after he upgrades this skill to God level. 10%."

June Feixue is a lava mage, and she is also proficient in the skill of [lava force], so she has the most say.

Ye Luo's damage output was originally very high, but now it is increased by 10%, and his damage output will be even more terrifying, so June Feixue will only reveal his surprise after learning that he has copied this skill.

"Yes, I have already used my skill points to raise my skills to the **** level, and the damage output will increase a lot." Ye Luo said, without waiting for everyone to speak, he changed his words: "Although it is limited to normal attacks, I can attack normally. There are also a lot of times, so the damage output of this skill is also very good for me."

"I actually copied this skill before participating in the tournament on behalf of the country. Ye Luo's luck is very good. As a result, we have a greater chance of winning the championship." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite excited.

"I feel that getting a [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] component will improve Uncle Ye Luo's strength even more." Zhouba said to himself.

"Hehe, I also have good news to tell everyone." Zhiyue chuckled. Seeing the curious look of everyone, she continued: "I sensed the resonance of equipment before, and it should be [Sacred Beast Seal]. The resonance of "Holy Beast Seal" means that there is a "Holy Beast Seal" in the holy treasure chest that the BOSS bursts or the system rewards."

Because [Holy Beast Seal] was obtained by Zhiyue from the Beast God, and she is the Venerable Beast God, it’s not surprising that some connection with the [Holy Beast Seal] and resonating with her, and she said so, it also means There is a [Sacred Beast Seal] in the treasure chests that BOSS burst or system rewards.

Hearing this, everyone was excited, because the strong public of [Sacred Beast Seal] knew that every more Wushuang City’s defense power would make a qualitative leap. Thinking of having 4 [Sacred Beast Seals], the defense power of Wushuang City became even more. Strong, everyone naturally looks forward to it.

"Quickly, quickly find out [Sacred Beast Seal]!" Po Lang Chengfeng was expecting authentically.

"The thing that the BOSS burst doesn't seem to have the [Holy Beast Seal], so it's in the 10 holy treasure chests we got." Samadhi said after sweeping the explosion, and then his tone changed: "Since it is certain there is A [Holy Beast Seal] Then don’t worry, let’s take a look at the system rewards or the explosion of the BOSS. This time the BOSS has released 6 or 7 equipment items, in addition to the 3 cloaks of the Yanlong suit. , 4 pieces, this is a huge explosion."

Hearing that, everyone’s eyes lit up, and they immediately made the decision to look at the BOSS explosion or system rewards first. After all, [Sacred Beast Seal] only improves Wushuang City’s overall defense, while BOSS explosion equipment or system rewards can Enhance their overall strength, and this is what they need more, especially before participating in the competition.

"Let’s take a look at the general skill book first." Sitting on Qin Xin suggested, she smiled at the curious and confused expressions of everyone: "Because the general skill book this time is not an ordinary skill book, the system suggested that this is Special general skills book, I think such skills should be very unusual."

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