VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1770: : Battle against BOSS

[Qin Yin Hualin] is the exclusive skill of the piano master. It can instantly make all friendly units within a radius of 50 meters but they will recover 15% of their vitality, and within the next 5 minutes, the vitality of these friendly units will be restored at the original rate Five times, plus an additional 1,000 points of vitality per second, which is an extremely powerful recovery skill.

And Ye Luo’s [Reincarnation Domain] can not only increase its own attributes, but also increase the overall attributes of nearby friendly units by 30%, double the speed of blood and magic recovery, and stack with [Qin Yin Hualin], the blood recovery speed It's horrible.

This is just a skill to passively restore vitality and blood. After the battle begins, people who sit on the heart of Qinxin and others can add blood to everyone at any time, and everyone can take high-level pill to restore vitality and blood. If the boss does not use powerful skills, Then there is no problem for them to resist the BOSS attack.

They also know that the final BOSS will be very powerful, so Ye Luo and the others have prepared a lot of high-level elixirs, and Ye Luo even prepared mutated elixirs, and these will greatly increase everyone's strength and life-saving ability.

Now that the firework is easy to be cold, the matter is settled. Ye Luo rushed straight to the BOSS, and when he was 15 meters away from the BOSS, he cast [Flash], and then [Charge], with the charge. The invincible state of time easily resolved the BOSS's one-shot attack, and he also bombarded the BOSS like a cannonball.

It’s just that the level and rank of the BOSS are too high. Ye Luo’s [Charge] was dropped by Miss without exception, but he didn’t care. He switched the magic wand to a dagger, and the [Blade of Reincarnation] in his right hand was used. The individual combo skills of [Samsara Slash] + Flat Slash + [Samsara Continuous Slash].

Although Ye Luo’s attack was less than half of Miss, various attribute attacks and pure attacks also caused some damage to the BOSS. At least he successfully attracted the hatred of the BOSS when the others did not move, and then a breath of dragon breath On his body.

Looking at the 1,200,000 damage figures floating above his head, Ye Luo looked slightly awkward, this was almost one-fifth of his vitality, and if the BOSS casts a powerful skill and then triggers a critical strike, then there really are some opportunities Kill it in seconds.

After testing his own damage to the BOSS and the damage of the BOSS, Ye Luo decisively used the [Reincarnation Domain], so that his attack power, attack speed and other attributes were doubled. The most important thing was that the overall attributes of the BOSS were also reduced. Because the strong resistance is only weakened by less than 5%, but this can be regarded as weakening a lot, at least it will increase the damage output of Ye Luo and the others.

Ye Luo’s damage output has increased a lot after using the ultimate move, especially the various skills that have been displayed, so that the monster’s hatred has been so firmly held, especially when he used [Ten Thousand Swords Return] and [Meteorite Fall]. After powerful and wide range of skills, this can only be seen from the BOSS attacking him frantically, and at this time other people can attack unscrupulously, as long as the BOSS does not use group skills, there will be no problem.

The right hand long sword attacks, and the left hand dagger uses various control skills. Although most of the control skills appear Miss, as long as they can succeed, they can control the BOSS for some time, so the pressure of everyone will be easier.

Seeing that Ye Luo succeeded in holding down the hatred of the boss, the others were not idle, especially the waves and the wind and Zhiyue, they directly used their big moves and rushed up, rushing while using various skills, especially each This kind of control skill can make them safer if they can control the BOSS.

In addition to breaking the waves and riding the wind and others, fireworks and others have also launched attacks. Melee classes, assassins and boxers face the enemy close, or use [Charge] or [Spur] skills, because everyone's level is still considered Yes, it hits once occasionally, which also relieves Ye Luo's pressure a lot.

Of course, what really relieves Yeluo’s pressure is the fireworks, Tuesday, and Yi Xiaofei’s ice, poison, and necromantic attacks. Although most of their skills are lost by Miss, the ice attributes contained in ordinary attacks Attacks also make the BOSS slow down, reduce defenses, and reduce attacks. The occasional ice block can greatly reduce the pressure on everyone.

Of course, BOSS is not friendly. It starts to display skills. In addition to single skills, there are group skills. Whenever he uses skills, Ye Luo's blood drops violently, and the others do not use big moves. Players even dropped a lot, especially on single-professional Sundays. Fortunately, the BOSS's goal was Ye Luo, and they didn't continuously use group attack skills, so they could persist.

Think about it, too, with the addition of the two passive recovery skills of [Qin Yin Hualin] and [Reincarnation Domain], everyone’s blood recovery speed is very fast. In addition, sitting on Qin Xin and others display healing skills, and everyone takes it occasionally A pill can also be supported.

Although the main target of BOSS's attack is Ye Luo, but at this time, he used his big move. The blood, magician and the original 5 times, and the defense has doubled, so even if the BOSS attack is not a big problem, even he can rely on the powerful His blood sucking ability keeps his qi and blood in a healthy state, so he doesn't need to break the waves and ride the wind to assist him in fighting monsters.

Since there is no need to assist in the fight against monsters, then the waves and the wind will naturally be able to attack unscrupulously, and then she and Zhiyue also used the [Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect], World Extinguishing Thunder and other large powers, large areas and 鞥, so BOSS There was another drop of Qi and blood, which also gave everyone the hope of killing him.

Maybe everyone’s equipment level is very good, maybe everyone’s level is not bad, and the three of Jiayelo and others have performed big moves. The overall damage of everyone to the BOSS is obviously higher than its recovery ability, which means that the BOSS’s Qi and blood have been decreasing, but the rate of decrease is a bit slow. It is indeed difficult to find the current situation to kill it within 5 minutes.

"Boss is very strong. Ye Luo used [Samsara clone] The blood loss speed of the group attack is not very fast. Look at it this way, even if we use all the big moves and want to kill it in 5 minutes. Impossible." Samadhi quickly made a judgment: "So we can only use this tactic to fight the enemy and deal as much damage as possible before we use the big move. Anyway, the BOSS will not use the powerful skills at the beginning, so we can Stick to it."

Seeing this situation, and then judging the situation, everyone was looking forward to it, after all, they had a chance to kill the boss.

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Shi, when are we going to use the big move?" June Feixue looked forward to it, watching the damage output of Polangchengfeng, Ye Luo, and Zhiyue far higher than her, which made her this lava The magician was hit.

"No hurry, wait until the BOSS has used the first few group attack skills, or you can be directly killed by the BOSS before using it." Fireworks Yi said coldly, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Or wait for Qin's [Qin Yin] Hua Lin]’s time is up, because at that time we can no longer maintain our qi and blood in a healthy state, and we will be killed before long."

At this time everyone has been applied [Resurrection Prophecy], so even if they are killed by a spike, they can automatically resurrect, and after the resurrection, they can use their ultimate move, and in the next 5 minutes, they can attack unscrupulously, because everyone has it after casting the ultimate move. With millions of energy and blood, coupled with greatly increased defense power, there is no problem even with BOSS's powerful skills attack.

As for waiting for the effect of [Qin Yin Hualin] to disappear, it is also very understandable, because everyone can withstand the attack of the boss because of the existence of this skill. If this skill is gone, their blood will continue to decrease. It is better to die in vain. Directly use the big move and then attack, so that they can attack unscrupulously.

The BOSS was very irritable under the attack of everyone. Before the effect of [Qin Yin Hualin] disappeared, it displayed a powerful group attack skill, and it used two or three group attack skills in succession. Fortunately, everyone was in the fireworks for the first time. Swallowed [Invincible Pill] under a cold command, or was given the effect of spell immunity by sitting on the piano and others, so that you can easily resist these 2 or 3 powerful skills.

Successfully resisting so many group attack skills with one pill, everyone was delighted, and they had good luck, because then there is no doubt that BOSS's group attack skills are left. It is difficult to kill them in a second, after all, group attack Skills have a certain CD time. What's more, they have at least two or three invincible means at this time-professional invincible skills and [Guardian Shield], of course, there are also the combined skills of Ye Luo and Sitting on Qin Xin. .

"Our luck is very good, depending on the situation, there is nothing wrong with killing the doctor." Samadhi said, and a smile was drawn from the corner of her mouth.

The words of the samādhi poems made everyone feel energetic, and they looked forward to it more.

Next, the BOSS performed several group attack skills, and it was a skill that became more and more powerful, and then everyone displayed invincibility skills, so gradually there was no invincibility means, if the BOSS used powerful skills at this time There is a chance to kill them in seconds.

However, everyone is not half worried, because at this time they still have the [Resurrection Prophecy] and the ultimate move, they can only use the ultimate move directly after the resurrection, so that they can almost attack unscrupulously in the next 5 minutes.

What makes everyone laugh or cry is that BOSS obviously has good intelligence. After seeing that the situation is unfavorable, it starts a chaotic attack mode and no longer attacks against Ye Luo, so other people are a little more dangerous, because even if Ye Luo, break the waves and ride the wind Waiting for someone to take action can not stop the attacks of the next BOSS.

"The person killed by the BOSS will perform a big move after resurrection, and then hit the highest damage in the shortest time." Seeing that he was killed in a second on Tuesday, the firework was easy to cold and directly issued the order.

Hearing that, everyone didn’t say much, and on Tuesday after the resurrection, she also used her big move for the first time. Her damage output has increased a lot. The most important thing is that her life-saving ability has been greatly improved. At least there is no need to worry about being killed by a spike. .

"Hey, this BOSS has a very high IQ. It specifically selects players with low defense and low energy and blood. After the big move on Tuesday, it will not attack her again." Othello discovered this first.

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