VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1760: :Game start

Po Lang Chengfeng and others are looking forward to this tournament, and the substantial increase in their strength also made them confident in it. Then they killed monsters while waiting for the tournament to start.

"Oh, there are only two knockout matches a day. That's too little. It's not fun at all." June Feixue couldn't help muttering: "In addition, there are only one team match a day, which is even less."

"Knockout is a duel of two players. The loser is eliminated directly. There are 2 games a day, which means that three-quarters of the remaining players from the previous day can be eliminated every day. Even if there are many players participating in the game, it won’t take long. 128 people can be selected." Samadhi explained: "As for the team competition, it is very good that there are hundreds of teams participating in the team competition. The elimination system will not take long to select 64 teams. It won’t take long for the first round of eliminations."

Without waiting for June Feixue to speak, she continued: "It's okay to delay for a while, so that most of us can be upgraded to level 280 and rank seven. The elite masters of other gangs and other countries have some gaps with us in level, so We can give priority to turn seven, which is very beneficial to our door."

I also quite agree with what the samādhi poem said. In the following June, Feixue said nothing, and continued to kill monsters while waiting for the competition to begin.

At 9 o'clock, everyone has killed the monsters in the fire dragon cave and obtained a lot of gems. They synthesized more advanced gems and then mounted them on the equipment. Their overall strength has improved a lot, and they are more looking forward to the next competition. .

At 9:00, everyone was teleported to the competition arena, and Ye Luo also saw his first opponent-a 239-level ordinary swordsman, Ouyang Imp. From his name prefix and the gang medal he wore It can be known that he is from the Ouyang family.

"The people of the Ouyang family are really a bit narrow." Ye Luo said casually: "But this person's level is too low, it's 40 levels different from me. There is no suspense in this battle."

Not to mention that Ouyang Xiaogui is only an ordinary 239-level swordsman, even if he is a double-professional swordsman with Rank 7 and he is not Ye Luo's opponent, so Ye Luo said that there was no suspense in this game.

Ouyang Xiaogui obviously also knows this. He can tell from his livid face that he kept breaking up in the face of Ye Luo, and I don't know if he was complaining about his bad luck and he encountered the current country first. Ye Luo, the loudest voice of the first master.

The match is a three-game two-win system, so at least two games should be played, but obviously Ouyang Xiaogui knew that he was not an opponent. In order not to be "humiliated" by Ye Luo, he directly chose to admit defeat, so Ye Luo would not fight. Victory, easily won the first game and successfully advanced.

It was directly teleported back to the Fire Dragon Cavern by the system, and there was only Ye Luo alone, and he was not idle, attracting a giant dragon to kill, while killing and waiting for others.

"Only 10 seconds to solve the first game, this is really..." Ye Luo was a little bit dumbfounded: "The next game is at 10 o'clock, which means I have to wait for nearly an hour. Alas, it looks like Feixue's. It’s too little to say that there are only two games in a day. A game that can be solved in two or three days will actually take so long."

In spite of this, Ye Luo also knows that there are not many games that can easily solve opponents like him. If it is a well-matched master, it will not be a problem to fight for 2, 30 minutes, and the team battle takes longer, so this The arrangement is quite reasonable.

Ye Luoduo did not wait. After 10 seconds, the waves and the wind, June Feixue and others appeared in the fire dragon cave one after another, and June Feixue said with a smile: "I actually encountered a 210-level assassin. Hey, he still wanted to attack me, but I killed him with a group attack skill. Knowing how good I was, he gave up in the second game, so I can easily advance to the next round."

At this time, June Feixue is already level 278, and the opponent is only 210 ordinary assassins, not to mention that the two have level 6 and 70 level suppression, they also have level 1 and 2 suppression, plus June Feixue He is a dual-professional fire magician, and his equipment level is two or three grades higher than his opponent. It is naturally simple to kill him with one skill.

The triumphant June Feixue quickly solidified her smile, because she saw Ye Luo who was killing monsters. From the degree of blood loss from the dragon, she could tell that Ye Luo had finished the game at least 10 seconds. This surprised her: "Uncle Ye Luo, wouldn't your opponent just give in after seeing you?"

Although she was asking, June Feixue's tone was quite determined, and then she looked at the waves and the wind on the side, and asked: "Sister Feng, did you kill your opponent in seconds?"

"That guy didn't take any action at all. He just said that he wanted to take a screenshot to commemorate his defeat after the battle with me. Otherwise, why should I take so long." The third one returned to the Fire Dragon Cave. The wind is rather dissatisfied.

"Haha, there are players like this, it's really funny." The Midnight Book that appeared behind couldn't help but laugh, and then he looked at everyone with a stronger smile on his face: "I actually encountered a 189 Level players, hey, such a person actually dare to participate in the tournament, even if I let him attack, I can’t help me, maybe I will be killed by the rebound attribute attached to my equipment."

"Your luck is really good. You actually ran into a player who didn't reach level 200." The samādhi who appeared next said that when she said this, a smile appeared on her pretty face: "My luck is a little bit worse. Yes, I ran into a 201-level archer. Alas, his attack couldn't hit me at all. It was a'Miss' for 10 seconds after launching an attack. As a result, he couldn't stand it and gave up."

With the appearance of samādhi poems, fireworks and Jianliu, etc. also appeared one after another, even sitting on the heart of the piano did not take 30 seconds to appear. From their looks, it can be seen that they all achieved victory and successfully advanced to the next round. Up.

Through the people telling them, they discovered one thing: their opponents are mostly ordinary professions, and none of them have a level of more than 240 and Rank 6

"Why are our opponents so weak?" June Feixue was quite puzzled.

"It's very simple. In order to avoid the super masters from meeting in the knockout matches, the system matches players with extremely unequal attributes together, so that the current situation will appear." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "Doing this will also be weaker as soon as possible. I feel that we will encounter similar situations in 4 or 5 games, so I don’t have to be too surprised."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she chuckled and said: "This is the case for the individual competition, and I think it should be the same for the team competition. Maybe in the 5V5 team competition, Feixue can kill 5 opponents with a group attack skill."

Samadhi’s words were verified after 10 o’clock. Ye Luo and the others started the second round of the game. Although their opponents’ levels have improved a lot, they are still far behind them, so the battle is very simple. It was over, and they successfully advanced to the next round.

Seeing that the opponent is so weak, everyone has become a little boring from the previous expectations, and in their hearts it seems that killing the monsters in the Fire Dragon Cave is more interesting.

Of course, they also know that this is just the beginning of the game. As time goes by, the opponents they meet will get better and better. It won't take too long to meet the masters of the same level as them, and then it will be the real game.

"By the way, the official website said that players or teams who can enter the top 128 in the individual competition and the top 64 in the team competition will receive some rewards, and they will receive some rewards before they represent the country." After going online in the afternoon, Feixue suddenly Said: "Although it's just a random reward, the higher the ranking, the higher the chance of getting good things. So we have to cheer, and play hard in the points competition. After all, everyone has points ranking before entering the top 16 and top 8. ."

"Naturally, we won't be merciful." Po Lang Chengfeng took a natural tone, and then thought of something, she asked: "It should be the team game in the afternoon. When does the team game start?"

"Two o'clock in the afternoon." Samadhi said, she glanced around: "It seems that we can count all the mobs around before the start of the game. Even if there is some extra time, it should not be enough to kill the bosses of this layer. After all, This level of BOSS should be a Saint-level BOSS, and it should be level 325. It takes some time to kill it, and it will also cost us some more powerful skills. If you are sent to participate in the game in the middle of the fight against the BOSS That's not good, so I suggest we deal with the boss after we finish the game."

"Well, this is more secure." Sitting on Qin Xinzheng head lightly, her words also received support from others.

After 2 o’clock, the first round of the team match finally started, and after seeing the list of opponents, they couldn’t help but laugh, because as Samadhi said their opponents are very weak, although they will not appear below 200. However, most of their opponents have just turned six. Such opponents have no pressure on them, and there will be no suspense in this round of the game.

"Oh, it really is a very weak opponent." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered, and then she looked at the fireworks and was easy to be cold: "Fireworks, such an opponent can easily defeat them even if we only play 5V5, so there is no need. Let’s line up again, and even if we can make Qin's heart, she can solve all the enemies."

"I want to do this, but the team competition system stipulates that each player can only participate in 2 different types of competitions. Is it possible that we give up 3 1V1 games and then let me participate in 2V2 and 5V5 alone?" Rarely joked: "This is also OK, there should be no problem."

"Forget it, although the opponent is a member of the Yinian family, it is not good to humiliate them like this. Let's play in order." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "Of course, whoever of you wants to play, let's say in advance, chance Rare, to satisfy you."

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