VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1757: : The third floor of the Fire Dragon Cave

After activating a suit attribute of the Yanlong suit, the damage output of Sword Eleven, Wednesday and Yixiao Hongchen has been greatly increased. They are more confident in the next missions and future martial arts competitions, and they are also looking forward to the next missions. After killing the next BOSS and obtaining other Yanlong suits, their strength will increase a lot, and it will be a qualitative increase.

It's just that it's 11:30 in the night. This is the time for the women to take a break. As for the male players such as Ye Luo, they can hold on for a while, and they want to see what the monsters on the next level are, so Did not immediately go offline, but headed to the third floor of the Fire Dragon Cavern.

Of course, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others are also very interested in this. They also want to see what the monsters on the third floor of the Fire Dragon Cave are and what equipment or props will burst.

"The lava puppets on the first layer exploded lava elf pet eggs, and the lava dragon lizards on the second layer exploded dragon lizard suits. These are all very good things. I don't know what the monsters on the third layer will explode?" Yue Feixue was quite curious and authentic.

"We will know soon." Po Lang Riding the Wind Road, and she rushed forward with these words.

The monsters on the third level are the 310-level lava earth dragon beasts, which are more rough and thicker than the dragon lizards, plus they are higher in level, and they also have [Sweeping a Thousand Army] and [Flame City] Such group skills can deal high damage and cause some trouble to Ye Luo and the others.

Of course, it’s just a little trouble. After all, with the powerful treatment of Qin Xin and others, such damage can be completely resisted. In addition, heavy armor classes such as Ye Luo can firmly hold the monster’s hatred, so they can rest assured and boldly Attack, kill monster efficiency is not bad.

It didn’t take long for Ye Luo and the others to figure out what the monsters on the third layer burst—the skill book, yes, it’s a skill book, and it’s a passive skill. Every player can learn it. .

"It turns out that the Explosive Skill Book, although it is of no use to us people, because we have already learned such a skill, it is still very useful to our Misty Pavilion. After all, 70 to 80% of our gang players have not learned this skill. "June Feixue said to herself: "Increase the fire resistance by 25%. It will be much easier to face fire players and monsters in the future. The fire profession is mainly based on damage output, reducing damage by 25%. The effect is obvious."

"Yes, if a large number of players learn [Fire Fighting Heart], they will have a lot of advantages over players in other gangs." Samadhi said, she looked around: "And we killed hundreds of monsters Two skill books were destroyed, and the explosion rate was pretty good. Killing all the monsters of the third level should be able to destroy thousands of skill books, maybe even tens of thousands, which can also be greatly improved. The life-saving ability of our ethereal pavilion."

They all agreed deeply, and everyone was aware of the role of this skill book, thinking that they would hit a lot of [Fire Resistance Heart], and they looked forward to it.

I have already figured out what the monsters on the third layer are and what they burst. The female off-line rests such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, while Ye Luo and others are ready to continue fighting.

Of course, after sitting on the piano heart and waiting for the priest to add blood, everyone can only induce a few monsters to kill, and their killing efficiency is also reduced a lot, and this also makes everyone see the dual professional magician. Horror output.

As soon as the early morning passed, everyone realized that killing monsters in this way was much less efficient, and there were other things to do, so they quit the fire dragon cave, or went to rest, or participated in the arena PK. After all, they almost There is no time to participate in the arena PK.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone went online on time and appeared on the third floor of the Fire Dragon Cavern for the first time. The next step was to advance according to yesterday's formation, and their monster killing efficiency was restored, and the number of lava ground dragon beasts quickly decreased.

"At our current advancing speed, only 2 levels of monsters can be cleared in 1 day, while the Fire Dragon Cave has 6 levels. That is to say, it will take at least 3 days to complete this task. Considering that the next monster level is getting higher and higher. It's getting harder and harder to kill, and it will take longer." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "The competition will begin tomorrow, which means that we will not be able to perform this task before the competition."

"It's okay. Anyway, this mission stipulates that as long as we can complete the mission within 6 days." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "The most important thing is that we can stop in the middle of this mission. During the mission, we can participate in the competition, and it's nothing. ."

"Yes." June Feixue took over: "Anyway, I only participated in 2 individual matches at noon, and only 1 team match in the afternoon. It won't take us long. It's only half an hour at most. The speed of advancement will definitely be able to complete this task within 6 days."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, it would be best if they could complete this task earlier. Not only did they have a stronger strength due to the collection of Yanlong suits on Wednesday, but we can also blast other equipment. According to my estimation, the boss of this layer should It's a holy-level equipment, at least one piece of holy-level equipment can be dropped after a kill. This can greatly enhance our strength."

"Yes, the faster our mission progress, the greater our strength will be improved." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then her beautiful eyes lit up: "It's better for us to use powerful skills to clear strangers, and we can even use combo skills. Anyway, the competition will be again. Skills with a CD time of more than 2 hours are not allowed, the ultimate move is reserved to deal with the boss, and other skills like [The Return of Ten Thousand Swords] can be used. If you don't use it, it will be wasted."

"Yes, yesterday we wasted an opportunity to perform." June Feixue echoed.

They also know that the use of combination skills, powerful and large-scale group attack skills will greatly improve the efficiency of killing monsters. The most important thing is that the current BOSS still has no threat to Ye Luo, so they also agreed to do so.

Of course, before that, everyone worked hard to move forward and came to the center of the fire dragon cave, and then attracted as many monsters as possible, and then they were [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong], [World Destroyer Thunder] and other large powers and large areas. His skills cover attacks. All of a sudden, high damage numbers floated up, and monsters were killed, and the surrounding monsters became sparser at once. Even the living monsters are mostly in residual blood.

"Hey, we killed so many monsters before we used the combo skills. The speed of killing monsters is terrifying." Seeing my own experience improve, Othello was excited.

"Many of us have skills similar to the [Ten Thousand Swords Return], and some even have 2 or 3 such skills. Only these skills can kill surrounding monsters, and there is no need to use combined skills. "Samishi said, she looked around: "At this time, the monsters in the fire dragon cave are sparse, and it is a waste to use the combination skills. It is better to enter the fourth floor of the fire dragon cave before using it."

That’s right, after everyone’s rank six, or after acquiring Saint-level equipment, most of them have a wide range of group attack skills. Cut] If you have a combination of skills within 50 meters, even if there are not as many skills as she possesses, others will have one or two. If you take turns using these skills, the damage that can be done is extremely terrifying. Even at this time, many people still retain this. Kind of skills.

Think about it too. For example, Ye Luo, he can cast [Ten Thousand Swords Return] twice, and there are also [Hellscream], [Storm and Fire], [Kirin Roar], [Energy Enchantment] and other large-scale and powerful Group attack skills, just killing some mobs does not require them to display all these skills.

"It's a pity that you can't ride flying mounts in the Fire Dragon Cavern, otherwise we will have more group attack skills, and the killing efficiency will be greatly improved." June Feixue said, she turned to look at Ye Luo: "Especially Ye Uncle Luo, the colorful unicorn has a great bonus to his strength, and the two skills [Kirin Roar] and [Energy Enchantment] also cover a wide range, and the damage output that can be played is also terrifying."

"Well, everyone, hurry up and kill the monsters. Clear the monsters here earlier, and our strength will be greatly improved." Samadhi poem said in anticipation.

Even if the BOSS of this layer does not burst the Saint-level equipment, the strength of everyone will increase, because the BOSS will definitely burst the kit of the Yanlong suit, and one more kit can activate one more suit attribute, and this will also make the sword ten One, a big smile and an improvement in Wednesday's strength.

Because they used large-scale and powerful skills to kill many monsters, everyone's advancement speed was much faster. It only took two or three hours to clear all the mobs in the fire dragon cave, and at this time everyone finally saw it. This layer of BOSS-Lava Earth Dragon Beast King.

At the moment when she saw the BOSS, Feixue became excited, and her voice increased a bit: "It's really a Saint-level BOSS, great. Killing it will have a great chance of destroying the Saint-level equipment. "

The monsters in the Fire Dragon Cave are strengthened, even BOSS, and the explosion rate of such monsters is naturally higher than that of ordinary monsters. This can be known from the fact that the previous two BOSSs burst 4 pieces of equipment of the same level. , And after thinking of these, June Feixue looked forward to it.

Lava Earth Dragon Beast King is a 315-level holy boss, and it is an enhanced type. Its strength has a qualitative leap from the previous two BOSS. Everyone needs to be cautious against it, and even needs to use big moves.

Ye Luo and the others have killed level 325 holy bosses. Although the bosses of the fire dragon cave are also strengthened, there is no problem in killing them, even if only one-third of the players have performed their big moves. Kill.

When the BOSS burst down, June Feixue became excited again and cheered: "Hehe, the BOSS burst down 5 pieces of equipment. In addition to 3 pieces of Yanlong suits, there are 2 pieces. These 2 pieces should be saints. Class equipment!"

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