VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1732: : Mobile Magic Crystal Cannon

War compensation can quickly increase the strength of the gang that receives compensation. This is what everyone has seen before, and they are confident that they can use sneak attack tactics to compromise other gangs, and they will have more of this after Ye Luo obtained [Space Portal] Confidence, so they no longer worry about being provoked by other gangs, and even wish they would attack them.

"Other gangs are also smart people. With the lessons learned from the Ouyang family and the Yinian family, they will not provoke us again, even the Eastern family will not provoke them." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "If so, then they will get Improving the strength of the ancient battle suit is good for our country, and it will be easier for us to deal with other countries in the Fallen Demon."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, they all agreed, and then they no longer entangled whether other gangs knew about the ancient battle suits and magic spar.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, go to the depths of the ancient battlefield to see what is different from here." Samadhi Shi suggested.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind had long wanted to go deep into the ancient battlefield, and now she agreed without hesitation when she heard the words of Samadhi, and then went to the depths of the ancient battlefield with Ye Luo and the others while killing monsters, and while advancing, they will encounter The new monster information transmission of Ye Luo will go, because of Ye Luo’s [Samsara Pupils], they can detect monster attributes that are much higher than them, which is quite convenient.

As they went deeper, the monsters Ye Luo encountered became higher and higher, and there were various classes, and there were even some flying monsters, and these monsters were more powerful, although Ye Luo didn’t have too much trouble to compete with each other. , But the efficiency is not very high, let alone other players, so it is better to kill monsters outside.

Of course, the monster level has increased, and the explosion rate has also increased a lot. It is very suitable for everyone to come here after the level has greatly increased.

Ye Luo and their luck were pretty good. They encountered a 310-level Primordial God-level BOSS. It was not difficult for the two to join forces to kill them. In addition to 2 pieces of Primordial God-level equipment, they also lost 2 The kit of an ancient battle suit is also considered to have a very good burst rate.

Of course, what excites Ye Luo the most is that the BOSS burst a crafting blueprint, which is the crafting blueprint of the magic crystal cannon, but this kind of magic crystal cannon can be moved.

Yes, it is a movable magic crystal cannon, which means that you can carry this magic crystal cannon to attack the city in the future, but this magic crystal cannon is less powerful than the magic crystal cannon on the wall, after all, it can be moved. The size of the magic crystal gun is much smaller.

Although it is less powerful, it is also very good. At least it has a higher attack than a siege chariot and a siege crossbow, and even higher than the Zhuge Liannu. If a batch of such siege equipment can be built, it will be able to capture other countries in the future. Fortresses, system cities, and gang locations are much easier.

Of course, the materials needed for this siege weapon are also relatively rare and precious, not even worse than those on the city wall, and this thing consumes magic spar, so future consumption is also a big problem.

However, the monsters in the ancient battlefield burst into the magic spar fragments, sending a large number of players here to kill monsters and leveling can also accumulate a lot, and the future attack strategy will be much easier.

Ye Luo and the others naturally realized the importance of this kind of siege equipment, and immediately handed over the building drawings to Sit on Qin Xin. She would be responsible for collecting materials and manufacturing finished products.

"Hey, we had good luck today. Not only did we discover the leveling locations of the Explosive Ancient War suit and the magic spar, but we also obtained the blueprints for the mobile magic crystal cannon, especially the latter. In the future, we will create a batch of magic crystals. Jing Pao, whoever is upset can seize their gang resident. I think with these things, our pressure will be much easier." Po Lang Rongfeng couldn't help but smile, and before Ye Luo could speak, she changed her words: "Of course. In the future, you can also bring some when sneaking into other countries to carry out assassination operations. No, the elite squad sneaks only to assassinate people at the leveling location and will not attack the city. Let's wait for the large forces to attack the city."

Seeing Po Lang Chengfeng talking to himself, Ye Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth. He said: "It can be used in the future if it is not needed now, and even we can use it in the Fallen Demon Realm now, so I created a Batch is also very important."

Nodding their heads, Po Lang Chengfeng and Ye Luo continued to move forward, but the monsters they encountered were getting higher and higher, and they even encountered monsters of higher rank than purgatory monsters. Even if they could not bear it, they could only Retreat temporarily and wait for the higher level in the future to find out.

Back to the large army, the large army sent by the fireworks and easy cold has not arrived yet, but as the players sent by Ye Luo more and more, their killing efficiency is getting higher and higher, and they have also formed 2. 3 sets of ancient battle suits, and the damage output of the player is increased by about two to three percent after being equipped, and this also makes everyone more aware of the importance of this suit.

"Hey, in the future, we won't fall into the Demon Territory and we can come to the ancient battlefield to level up. Brushing more ancient battle suits and magic spar is also good for improving the strength of our Misty Pavilion." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed strangely and said this. At that time, she looked towards the direction of the national border, and her real thoughts can also be imagined.

Of course, everyone didn't say anything about it, and killed the monsters on their own, but they also knew that they would not be able to do their best in the ancient battlefield in the future, because they still have to do the gang resident task, and it is also quite important to upgrade the gang resident level.

Just as he was talking, June Feixue said on the team channel: "Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, Ouyang Family, and Dongfang Family send people to teleport to Invincible City, Wushuang City and then kill here at the fastest speed. Obviously they Already know the situation on the ancient battlefield."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Obviously, we have spies from other gangs in the Misty Pavilion, and they are among the elite players."

"This is normal, because every gang will have spies deployed by other gangs." Samadhi said indifferently: "Fortunately, at this time, everyone's main focus is on foreign countries and will not fight on a large scale, so these spies are right. Our harm will be much smaller, so there is no need to worry about them."

"Yes, everyone is unanimous, and it's okay to have some spies." Po Lang Riding the Wind Road, and then asked, her tone was faintly excited and expectant: "Fei Xue, how many people are sent by the gangs of Ouyang Family, Dongfang Family, etc.?"

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is not worried that other gangs will come to deal with Misty Pavilion, and she even hopes to do so, so that they can launch a sneak attack on it and hit them to compromise.

That being the case, she naturally hopes that other gangs will send more masters to the ancient battlefield, so that the border barrier will disappear sooner, and then they can form an elite team to carry out assassination operations in other countries. This is even more important for her. Something to look forward to.

"There are not many people sent, it's only more than 100,000, and it's not a trump card. At least they are a little bit different from the one sent by the Misty Pavilion." June Feixue said, seeing Polang Chengfeng showing disappointment. , She chuckled: "It seems that just like Sister Shi’s previous analysis, the elite masters that other gangs can dispatch are also very limited. Even if other low-level players come here, they can’t help much, so it’s better to practice in other places. ."

Yes, there are a lot of players in other gangs. Even if the people of Yanyu Pavilion join the Misty Pavilion, they are not as good as them. However, the average level of players in these gangs is lower than the Misty Pavilion, and the equipment level is also worse, and the overall quality is poor. All together.

The spies who broke into the misty pavilion naturally knew the monster levels and ranks of the ancient battlefields. The principals of the major gangs naturally knew that there was no point in sending low-level players here, and it would drag down the strength of the gang. It's better to send only elite masters, plus they have to send a large number of players into the Fallen Demon Realm, so the players who can be sent to the ancient battlefield are quite limited.

Think about it, too, in the hearts of major gangs, the Demon Domain suit is more important than the ancient battle suit. After all, the former is a 6-piece suit, and it is only after having strong defensive equipment that you can gain a foothold in the ancient battlefield, so it is more important to get this equipment first. Is more important.

"That's all that can be sent. After more than 10 gangs each dispatch 100,000 tens of thousands of people, there can also be millions of players here. So many players should be able to continuously reduce the toughness of the border barrier." Saying to himself: "And as Feixue said, as the player's level increases and the level of equipment increases, more and more players will come here to level up. At that time, the border barrier will disappear one day."

Everyone was amused when they saw the broken waves and the broken thoughts, but they didn't say anything to interrupt them, and continued to do their own things.

"Wind girl, firework girl, you have found so many good things on the ancient battlefield without telling us. If it weren't for our people to inquire about the news from other gangs, I am afraid we are still kept in the dark." Bacchus Du Kang came to the door. Come to "Xingshi asks sin".

"Hey, isn't it because I haven't figured out the situation here, so I didn't rashly inform you of Bacchus." Po Lang said with a smile, and then changed his tone: "Besides, even if we don't notify you, you will know, presumably you too. Someone has been sent here."

"Of course, magic spar, ancient god-level jewelry suits, these are good things, we naturally can't miss it." Fengxing took the stubbornness, and then he sighed: "It's just the rank and level of monsters in the ancient battlefield. It’s a bit high. There are not many players in our gangs who are suitable for leveling there. In addition, a large number of players will be sent to the Fallen Demon Realm, so the number of people who can be sent to the ancient battlefield is even less. I don’t know how to wait until the Year of the Monkey."

"Come slowly, there is always that chance." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said casually, and after receiving the hint that the fireworks are easy to be cold, she posted the attributes of the mobile magic crystal cannon. Without waiting for the other party to speak, she continued: "Wine Uncle God, Uncle Fengxing, do you see this kind of thing, are you interested?"

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