VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1730: : Magic spar fragment

Bringing elite teams into other countries and then launching assassination operations will surely cause heavy losses and panic in the target country. This is what they look forward to most because of the existence of the border barrier.

Po Lang Cheng Feng has never given up on such a plan, and now there is a way to make the border barrier disappear, which made her see hope, and she was excited about it.

However, the toughness of the border barrier is very high, tens of billions of points, and killing a monster barrier can only reduce the toughness by 1 point. If the border barrier can restore the toughness as Ye Luo guessed, then you want to kill It takes a long time for the world to disappear.

However, breaking the waves and riding the wind does not care much. In her heart, she can send some elite players to come to fight monsters and level up while reducing the toughness of the border barrier. This can be done in one fell swoop, and for the current Misty Pavilion It is not difficult to send hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of elites here to level up. After all, the Misty Pavilion already has 45 million players.

Hearing this, Ye Luo nodded: “It’s not bad to mobilize hundreds of thousands of players to kill monsters here. Although the monsters here are more difficult to kill than ordinary purgatory-level monsters, the experience is still rich. If you burst some equipment or something, It’s not bad to come here to kill monsters."

"Hey, do you want us to send someone over now?" Po Lang Chengfeng was a little impatient.

"Let's take a look again to see if the monsters here burst out of equipment and props." Ye Luo shook his head, and then changed his tone: "In addition, I have learned [Space Portal] and can directly send players over. It’s also quite convenient."

"Although you have [Space Portal], you can only teleport 100 people at a time, and you can only teleport once in 3 minutes. It takes a long time to teleport over 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of players." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered , But she was just talking to herself, she also knew that it would be better to arrange for players to come after she figured out the situation here.

Think about it, although the monster experience here is pretty good, but the monsters are harder to kill than the monsters in other places. If you don’t burst equipment or something, then it’s not cost-effective to come here to level up. Not only can you gain rich experience, but you can also get high-level professional suits. If the monsters on the ancient battlefield do not burst any equipment and props, then coming here to level up will slow the improvement of the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion, and then be caught up by other gangs.

Although the player quality is higher than that of other gangs, they must always maintain this advantage. If they are left behind because of the events of the ancient battlefield, it will be more than worthwhile.

It was also thought of this, so Polangchengfeng only muttered a few times, and did not insist on arranging players to come here to practice.

Next, Ye Luo and the others continued to kill monsters, and the efficiency of killing monsters with their attack power was also very low, and they still heard the system prompt when they killed the second and third monsters, but the toughness of the border barrier The degree is still 9999999999 points. Obviously, the toughness of the enchantment can be recovered by itself, and the recovery speed is very fast. After all, the time between killing these two monsters and the first monster is only a few seconds.

"The toughness of the border barrier can be recovered by itself, but I don't know how fast the recovery speed is." Ye Luo said in a deep voice, he looked into the distance: "I don't know whether the speed of killing monsters by tens of thousands of players can be comparable. If the recovery speed of the toughness of the upper enchantment is not comparable, it means that it is unrealistic to rely on hundreds of thousands of elite players to empty the toughness of the monster."

"What is it? Tens of thousands of players are not fast enough to kill monsters. We will send more people." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently, and then his tone changed: "And after seeing us come to the ancient battlefield, other gangs should also Will send players to come, so the number of players killing monsters here will be a lot, so the efficiency of killing monsters will always exceed the automatic recovery speed of the toughness of the border, otherwise we will never wait for the enchantment to disappear, doesn't it mean we can never There is a national war."

"That's true too." Ye Luo nodded, and the next thing to determine is whether the monsters here burst equipment or other props. That is the key to whether to send a large number of players to this level.

After the two men killed hundreds of monsters, they still didn’t explode any equipment and props. They just exploded some gold coins. This made Ye Luo and the others suspect that the monsters here would not explode other equipment, and suddenly they wanted to give up. One thing burst down, which made Breaking the waves and riding the wind very excited.

Think about it, too, in the heart of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, as long as the monsters here burst with equipment and props, then you can consider sending a large number of players to this level, so that they have the opportunity to destroy the border barrier and then sneak into other countries to carry out assassination operations. It is what she looks forward to most.

"Ye Luo, take a look at what it is." Po Lang Chengfeng urged, because the things that burst were not equipment, which made her a little curious.

Needless to say, Ye Luo picked up the burst directly, and his eyes lit up, and then he sent a pictorial book to Po Lang Cheng Feng, and by the way, also sent a copy to Fireworks Yi Leng and others.

[Magic spar fragments] (Heaven and Earth Wonders)

Item description: Fragmented magic spar, 100 magic spar fragments can be fused into a complete magic spar.

After seeing the introduction of the item, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind immediately became excited. She said: "There can be blasted magic spar fragments. Tsk tsk, magic spar. It takes millions of gold coins to buy from the system. For this, we also It's totally worth sending an army here to fight monsters and level up. Storing some magic spar can play a great role. Even if you don't need it, you can sell it. This kind of thing is priceless."

That’s right, all major gangs now have a lot of gang sites, and if you want to upgrade the gang’s site, you need to build magic crystal cannons and other defensive equipment. Of these defensive equipment, the magic crystal cannon is the most powerful, but the magic crystal is very expensive. , Even some big gangs are somewhat overwhelmed, and this also means that this kind of thing is of high value.

However, the monsters in the ancient battlefield can burst the magic spar fragments, which allows the waves and wind to see the vast market. Of course, the most important thing is to finally find an excuse to send a large army here to level up, so that she can arrange the manpower honestly. Came here to level up.

"The magic spar is good, but the monster explosion rate here is too low. Kill a few hundreds of monsters before exploding, and 100 magic spar fragments can be merged into a magic spar. Doesn't it mean Only by killing tens of thousands of monsters can one get a piece of magic spar. This is because you and I have a high lucky value. Other players need to kill tens of thousands or more monsters to fuse a piece..." Ye Luo said in a deep voice. , But was interrupted by the waves and the wind before he finished speaking.

"Of course, the explosion rate is low. After all, magic spar is very precious. If you kill some monsters and you can burst it, doesn't it mean that every gang can store piles of magic spar?" Asked back, and then she laughed: "It is precisely because of the low burst rate that we need to send more players over. We work hard together, and spend more time to always burst some, so we don't have to worry about the magic spar. The problem is insufficient."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she said: "So now, can we send some people over now?"

"This matter requires Fireworks and Sister Shi to make a decision and listen to their opinions." Ye Luo said.

"Sister Qin, next you can arrange for 100,000 elite players to go to the ancient battlefield, 50,000 nightmare commanders, 20,000 magicians, 10,000 green dragon summoners army, 10,000 archers, and 10,000 priests." In the team channel, she had been listening to the conversation between Ye Luo and Ye Luo before, and she even knew the system information, and after listening to this, she gave the order in an instant.

Fireworks are easy to be cold, and she is a smart person. She naturally knows the importance of magic spar, and this also allows her to see a broad market, because in the future national wars and gang wars will become more intense, the consumption of magic spar will naturally be very large, so stock up as soon as possible. Some magic spar can surely be sold at a good price in the future, and it can greatly improve everyone's economic situation without making a lot of money.

It is precisely because of this that she will decisively decide to send a large number of players to the ancient battlefield.

After hearing the command of Firework Yi Cold, she sat on Qin Xin to execute it immediately, and she also knew why Firework Yi Cold sent 50,000 Nightmare to command the cavalry, not only because the monsters in the ancient battlefield are strong and need the Nightmare to command the cavalry to fight monsters. The important thing is that other professions such as magicians, archers, priests and other professions cannot ride on horses, and need heavy armored cavalry to carry them.

"Fireworks, 100,000 elite players are too few?!" Breaking the waves and riding the wind is particularly dissatisfied: "This is the person who wants to divide the country. No, it is a bit unrealistic to play a large number of magic spars. More people are needed... …"

"Our focus now is in the Fallen Demon Realm. After all, there is no teleportation formation in the ancient battlefield, and it takes a long time to go back and forth. Therefore, the power we can mobilize is relatively limited, and 100,000 is almost the limit." Samadhi poetry explained on his behalf, and then the tone was one. Turn: "In addition, we still have to keep enough players to do gang resident missions. After all, it is also very important to upgrade the gang resident level, especially when the national war is coming and we are the first to bear the brunt, so we must stay behind many people to do the mission."

Without waiting for Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to speak, she continued: "Of course, at this time, Ye Luo can use [Space Portal] to teleport some players from the Fallen Demon Territory. Anyway, they can use the teleporting scroll to go directly to the gang station by tomorrow."

Knowing that the samādhi poem is very reasonable, breaking the waves and riding the wind curled her lips, and did not entangle on this issue anymore. She looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, you heard that, Xiao Shi said that you can use [Space Portal 】Yes, you teleport every 3 minutes. At this time, there are still a few hours before the early morning, but you can also teleport a lot of players. Everyone kills monsters and the efficiency is high. It should reduce the toughness of the border Quite a lot."

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