VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1726: : Hunting plan

Think about it, Ye Luo and others have killed the players of Country M in the large fortress seven or eighty-eight, and the large forces of Country Z are already on the way to support. At this time, the trend is gone, and those players supported by the United States naturally know to go again. Support will only greatly increase the casualties, in this case they will naturally give up, so decisively return.

After hearing this news, Othello and others were disappointed. After all, in their hearts, if those people came to support them, they could kill all of them. This would not only cause country M to suffer heavy losses, but the most important thing is that the explosive equipment can make country Z. The player's overall strength has been improved, and the increased national war points for the worst killings can also be exchanged for many equipment items.

Of course, Othello and others are more concerned about whether Ye Luo can collect 300,000 national war points earlier and then exchange for a Primordial God-level flying mount. After all, this can greatly increase his strength and also give Mengmenge many advantages.

"Oh, it looks like this." June Feixue sighed, her tone was full of disappointment: "It seems that Uncle Ye Luo really can't collect 300,000 points today, and we have to wait until the day after tomorrow. "

"I only have 240,000 or 50,000 points for national warfare. It seems that even if the large troops of country M come to support me, I can't make up 300,000 points. After all, they only have so many people." Ye Luo said casually while attacking. He didn't care much about this matter: "We can only wait for tomorrow. It is no surprise that there will be similar actions tomorrow, not to mention that we can also capture the remaining large fortresses, small and medium fortresses, and we can get a lot of points. "

"That can only wait until I understand." Othello sighed again.

"What's to be entangled? After we have captured this large fortress, we still have some time limit in the Fallen Demon Realm. Next, we can attack small and medium fortresses or leveling locations in other countries. Anyway, we are idle. "Bao Lang Chengfeng said casually: "With our strength, we want to capture the next or two small fortresses. There is nothing wrong with it. What's more, you now have [Space Portal] in Ye Luo, which will make our actions easier. less."

Think about it, now that country Z has the ability to seize large fortresses, let alone seize small and medium-sized fortresses. Even after Yeluo owned the [Space Portal], the Misty Pavilion has been seized independently by other countries. The strength of small and medium fortresses.

Hearing that, the eyes of Othello, June Feixue and others lit up. They were excited, and June Feixue laughed and said: "Yes, anyway, we have the ability to attack small and medium fortresses independently. A small fortress, or simply killing, it is easy for Uncle Ye Luo to collect some points. Even if you don’t collect 300,000 points today, you can collect enough points early tomorrow, so that you can capture the fortress and attack other countries. Too much, the Primordial God-level flying mount has greatly improved his strength."

After speaking, they looked at samādhi poems and fireworks were easy to get cold. After all, this kind of thing must be approved by them.

"Anyway, there is no time to capture large fortresses today. By that time, everyone can move freely." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. She looked into the distance: "It is also good to clear out a few small countries first, so that it will save money in the future. Go for some trouble."

Hearing that, the beautiful eyes of Polangchengfeng and others lighted up again, and they were excited one by one. If it weren’t for many players from Country M, they would have already taken action. After all, they also heard that fireworks are easy to cold. What I said earlier means acting alone.

That's right, it's acting alone, which is more rewarding for the waves and wind riders, at least more than the rewards of evenly distributing the loot with other gangs.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Misty Pavilion has the ability to act alone at this time, especially after Ye Luo obtained the [Space Portal] skill.

"It’s a lot easier to kill people, but it’s too difficult to kill good equipment, and it’s even hard to destroy the Demon Domain suit." June Feixue muttered, and then changed his tone: "Sister Fireworks, Why not continue to attack JND and other countries, anyway, in the previous battle, their elite masters have been beheaded a lot, and the overall strength is much weaker than before. It is not too difficult for us to attack them."

"Hundred-legged insects are dead and not stiff. Although we have killed some elite masters, we still have trouble shooting them. We even need to unite with other gangs, otherwise there will be some casualties. This is not what we want to see. "Yes." Samadhi Shi explained, and then the tone changed: "Although the benefits of dealing with small countries will be much less, our main purpose is to kill people to earn points, so that Ye Luo can collect 300,000 points for national warfare as soon as possible and then exchange for Taikoo points. God-level mount, so choosing a small country is the best choice."

June Feixue is also a smart person. She naturally knows that if you join forces with other gangs, you need to split the spoils, so they will gain a lot less, so she nodded and stopped struggling with this question, and then she asked: "Then we have to Which country will do it?"

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold and the samādhi, she continued: "Why don't you shoot YD. There are a lot of players in this country, and the quality of players is much worse. This way we can kill the most people in the shortest time, maybe within today. Uncle Ye Luo can collect 300,000 points for the national war."

"It's not a good choice to play against YD." Ye Luo suddenly said. Seeing June Feixue's puzzled look, he explained: "YD has a large number of people in this country, which means that they will support us during our sneak attacks. There will be more and support from other fortresses. After all, we only have a gang to act, and the pressure will be great at that time, so we must choose some countries with a relatively small number of players to start."

Seeing June Feixue and the others thoughtfully, he continued: "In addition, the country YD has only occupied 3 small fortresses, not even medium fortresses. If we seize another one, then they are falling. The Demon Realm has no place to stand."

"Isn't it better to not have a foothold?" Zhiyue said in a puzzled manner: "So we will have one less country aimed at us, and then it will be much easier to dominate the Fallen Demon Realm."

"Ye Luo's meaning is very simple. It is convenient for us to keep YD." Samadhi said, her mouth showed some smiles: "Because Ye Luo and Feng sister left a teleportation point in the YD activity area. Fill up the attack power in the shortest possible time. After all, they have a large number of people and the quality of players is relatively low. After Ye Luo and the others fill up their attacks, it will be easier to attack other countries."

Hearing this, Zhiyue Qiao’s face showed a thick smile, and she said: “It turns out that Brother Ye wants to treat YD players as gas stations, hehe, this is good, then let them continue to stay in the fallen demon. Yeah, it's also good for us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued to ask: "Since we don't do anything to YD, which country should we choose?"

"YN or YDNXY, I prefer the latter." Ye Luo first expressed his opinion: "Because there are a lot of players in this country, and the quality of players is not high, it is relatively easy to kill them."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "The most important thing is that this country is extremely targeted at us, and it would be better to teach them a lesson."

I have to say that what Ye Luo said is very reasonable and well thought out. Even if he just talks about breaking the waves and riding the wind and the fireworks are easy to cold, he will listen to his opinions. So after he made this proposal, everyone decisively agreed.

"In fact, the most important thing is that the activity area of ​​this country is not too far away from us. We can reach the destination in a short time." Samadhi Shi added, and then issued an order in the team channel: "Little book, you Send some assassins to the small fortress of YDNXY, or let the nearby assassins move closer to it, and when the situation here has completely stabilized, we will rush to sneak attack."

"Understood." Calligraphy in the middle of the night, and when he said this, he had already sent someone to execute it.

"Hey, fireworks, anyway, the situation here has completely stabilized. The large troops will be here soon. We don't need to stay here. Why don't we go over and attack YDNXY directly." Breaking the waves and riding the wind looked at the fireworks with anticipation. .

The meaning of breaking the waves and riding the wind is very simple. If you act early, you can kill more people. In this way, Ye Luo will get more points. Maybe there is still a chance to earn 300,000 points for the national war within today. She already can’t wait to hope that Ye Luo got the Primordial God-level flying mount.

"Although the situation here has completely stabilized, but the assassin arranged by Xiaoshu has not arrived at the destination, we can't directly transmit it..." Samadhi said, but she realized something before she finished speaking, and then she looked at Ye Luo "It seems that we have forgotten one thing, that is, Ye Luo has already used the teleportation skill before, and has not finished the CD. That is to say, even if the assassin arranged by Xiaoshu arrives at the destination, we cannot directly teleport to it."

"Uh, this..." Po Lang Chengfeng also realized this, and then she smiled bitterly: "Doesn't this mean that we have to fly over?"

"Well, this is natural." Ye Luo said, he laughed: "Otherwise, I would not propose to attack the fortress of this country before, because the fortress of this country is not too far away from us. The flight speed is no more than 5 or 6 minutes."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then she urged: "In that case, what are we waiting for, just fly over, now it's less than 30 minutes before we leave the Fallen Demon Realm. We can go too late. There will be no time to take that fortress."

"It's okay if you can't capture it. It's just a small fortress. We don't see it in our eyes." June Feixue said indifferently: "The main purpose of our visit this time is to kill. The more we kill, the better. Uncle Ye Luo directly collected 300,000 national war points."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, we will kill more people if we rush over earlier, Sister Feng, you can act with Uncle Ye Luo quickly, and just send us over when we get to the destination."

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