VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1706: : Get started

After working out the tactics and arranging everything, the next step is to implement the plan. The first thing to do is to lure coalition forces from other countries to harass. It is also very simple to do this-the fireworks are easy to cold and they led the army to attack Large fortresses, in order to prevent country Z from obtaining large fortresses, other countries will naturally take action.

Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng still took the lead, and they rushed straight to the fort. The damage output-based occupations such as Dongfang Tiantian, Longtengtianxia, ​​and June Feixue assisted the attack on both sides. The others were not idle. Their job, relying on everyone's powerful damage output ability, they are advancing at a very fast speed, looking like they are about to capture a large fortress.

Yesterday, I killed so many people from other countries to obtain so many ancient artifacts, and captured two large fortresses to obtain a lot of high-grade equipment. Among them, there are many holy ranks. The overall strength of the elite masters of the major gangs has improved a lot, so the capture of large The fortress is also much easier than yesterday, even if many people did not use their big moves.

Of course, there are a large number of elite cavalry and priests behind Ye Luo and them. These allow you to go up when they quit the battle, so that there will not be much casualties at all, and it is easy to quit the siege.

Think about it, not only has the equipment level of Ye Luo and their masters improved, but the elites of the major gangs have also improved their overall strength after obtaining a large number of demon suits. Today's equipment is better and naturally more resistant, even a lot easier.

"Hey, with the improvement of our equipment, it has become easier to capture large fortresses." Inviting Yue toast with a smile: "According to the current trend, it will not take long for us to enter the fortress and take the BOSS. Kill, so that we can occupy the fortress, and even players from other countries have no time to get here."

"Although we are advancing very fast now, it is because we are dealing with the mobs. We are facing a lot of pressure on the bosses inside, facing countless mobs and many defensive weapons. Today we don’t have The group combination skill kills monsters in a large range, even if the fortress can be captured in a short period of time, there will be more casualties." Samadhi explained, and then the tone changed: "Although we have the confidence to forcibly capture the large fortress, but There will be heavy casualties, and if people from other countries arrive at this time, then we will still suffer heavy casualties, and it is even possible that they will force our fortress back before our players can’t teleport, so our current priority is It weakens the strength of other countries."

"In fact, other countries are also gathering forces when we are gathering forces, and now they have moved closer to us." An anonymous voice sounded in the team channel: "At their speed, you can arrive before you can take the fortress. Unless our people make an interception at the outer fortresses, it's just that this will cause heavy losses, because all countries have concentrated a large amount of troops, and there are many elite masters."

Think about it, there is not only one country that is allied. They have a lot of troops to prevent the Z country from capturing large fortresses, and they are surrounded from all directions. To stop them, they need to send a large amount of troops, and because Ye Luo and other elite masters are not there, It is also difficult to stop them, heavy casualties are inevitable, and they cannot even be stopped at all.

So many players were killed just to capture a large fortress. This is not what everyone wants to see, so this arrangement is not very wise.

Knowing this, Yan Yue raised his glass and said nothing, and continued to bury his head in dealing with the monster, and he was also ready to send out a sneak attack at any time.

"Fireworks, which country shall we target first?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked, and she faintly couldn't wait: "In addition, when should we start?"

"Naturally behold which country threatened us first." Ouyang Feitian snatched the stubbornness, but was ignored by Breaking the Waves and Rising Wind, and even others ignored him.

"Take a shot at JND first, because this country is the core of this alliance." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then changed his tone: "In addition, the number of players in this country is smaller than that of other countries. Other countries are also a kind of deterrence. As for when to do it, it’s best when the coalition forces are halfway through the road, and during this time we have to make efforts to capture the fortress and make them think that we are ready to capture the large scale before they arrive. fortress."

"Oh, that's it, that's okay." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and she laughed: "This country has always been working with ADLY against us, taking the lead in hitting them hard to see if they will take the lead to deal with us in the future."

She doesn't have any opinion on JND's shot to break the waves and ride the wind, but she is a little dissatisfied with the timing of the shot. Naturally, she wants to do it as soon as possible.

Of course, breaking the waves and riding the wind still obeyed the arrangement of fireworks that are easy to be cold, because she knows that the latter's choice of hands-on timing will naturally have some intentions.

"Hey, fireworks girl, do you want us from the outer fortresses to move out to intercept the armies of the countries?" Fengxing laughed strangely: "This will make them misunderstand that we are preparing to take the large fortress before they arrive, and it will attract Their attention, it will be easier for us to attack their fortress next."

"Yeah, good." Fireworks Yi said coldly. When she said this, she made a mark on a virtual map: "Sister Feng, Ye Luo, this fortress we attacked this time is this one. This fortress is considered a fortress. The fortress is the furthest away from us, and there are also fortresses of ADLY and ELS not too far away. After solving the first fortress, take advantage of the situation to deal with these two forts."

"Okay." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded her head, she was still convinced of the arrangement of fireworks that are easy to cold.

Time passed slowly while waiting, and the coalition forces of all countries saw that the Z side sent legions from the outer fortresses of the large fortress to intercept them. They instantly judged that the Z side wanted to forcibly capture the large fortress, which made them excited. , Because in their hearts they can cause a greater blow to country Z, and even if the opponent captures a large fortress, they can regain it, not to mention that if they accelerate country Z in their calculations, it is too late.

Thinking of this, the coalition forces of various countries have accelerated their marching speed. A large number of airpower and flying cavalry are not even prepared to wait for the land cavalry, but take the lead in killing and causing trouble to the Z side. If it is not for seeing many green dragon summoners outside the fortresses Waiting for the troops that specialize in countering air power, I am afraid that they are really doing this.

As popular as expected, they let the players in the outer fortress "act" to confuse the people of major countries, let them speed up blindly, and put most of their attention here, which gave Ye Luo, the waves and the wind their hands-on creation It's time.

After finally waiting for the players on the JND side to travel halfway, breaking the waves and riding the wind eagerly launched the action. She locked the sword three that had been prepared for the first time and teleported it, and then stealthily approached the fortress chosen by the fireworks and easy cold.

Lest she might lose, Ye Luo also teleported over, and then he rushed towards the fortress as fast as possible.

Before Ye Luo's heart beat the fireworks and Yi Leng, they gave an order to order the cavalry and magician army behind to move outwards, carpet-covering attacks, so that naturally all the hidden assassins around were found, so that they could not Clear the most cutting-edge information for the first time.

I have to say that the firework is easy to be cold, and I found most of the hidden assassins. Although they did not kill many, they were also driven away. In addition, the waves and the wind are densely packed with monsters behind them. , Players, so few countries noticed when they left.

"Sister Feng, the defensive equipment can detect invisible units, especially the defensive equipment controlled by the player, so you have to launch a sneak attack 50 meters away from the fortress, and enter the fortress as soon as possible to destroy the heart of the city." Firework Yi Leng once again exhorted: "You can act with confidence. There are not many elite masters of JND in that fortress, and there should not be many elite master IDs recorded on that fort. After all, this country has already captured 2 medium-sized forts. "

Think about it, the IDs of important players are naturally recorded on the more important fortresses, and the medium fortress is the most important fortress of JND, so most of the IDs of their dual professional elite masters are on the medium fortress, and they learned that the sneak attack wanted To rush back to support, you must first return to the medium fortress, and then teleport to the small fortress, which takes a lot of time, and this time is enough for Yeluo and the others to do a lot.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems." Po Lang said with a vow.

When talking about this, the two people were only 5 or 60 meters away from the fortress. At this time, they didn’t hesitate anymore and summoned the Purple Lightning Sacred Dragon. Then she and Ye Luo took the fastest ride on the dragon. Speed ​​rushed into the fortress.

When flying on the back of the dragon, Ye Luo summoned Xiao Bai for the first time, and then controlled it to cast [Phantom of the Fox], this skill can cover 50 meters, not only can cause certain damage to all hostile targets within the range. , And can stun the target for 2 seconds, and these 2 seconds can buy Ye Luo and the others a lot of time.

[Phantom of the Sky Fox] After that, it was the clone of the Sky Fox. For a while, Xiao Bai showed the white fox figure rushing forward. With the skills of [Longyin Nine Heavens], it also controlled a lot of people. During this time, Ye Luo and the others rushed in smoothly. Inside the fortress, and then rushed to the heart of the city for the first time, several group attack skills covering attacks killed all the surrounding players, and then they began to attack the heart of the city.

At the moment Ye Luo and the two rushed into the fortress, the fireworks were easily cold, and the people who sat on the Qin Xin and others also teleported over. They sat on the Qin Xin to cast the spell immunity skills to Wave Breaking and Ride the Wind, while the others summoned flying mounts. Then attacked the surrounding players to relieve the pressure on Ye Luo two people.

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