VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1704: : Successfully preempted

After learning of the BX attack on the medium fortress, the fireworks Yield immediately made the decision to stop it, and formulated corresponding tactics to prepare for food. After all, the role of a medium fortress is still obvious, not to mention the process. In the middle of the game, many people can be killed, and the overall strength of the Z players will be improved.

Regarding this, everyone has no objection, and they are gearing up one by one, and are ready to take action at any time.

"But the prerequisite for all this is to be able to grab the fortress token. If we can't get the token, we people will not only face the attacks of monsters and defensive equipment, but also face the elite masters of BX..." Ouyang Fei Sun Dao, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"Don't worry, you can easily grab the fortress token with the damage output of Ye Luo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind." Daughter Red said: "It's really impossible. They can kill all the BX players around the BOSS, and then no one will compete with them. The fortress token."

Hearing that, Ouyang Feiri was silent, he naturally also knew how the damage output of the waves and the wind was, and knew that they had such strength.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, take action!" Firework Yi Cold gave an order.

At the first time when the fireworks were easy to be cold, Ye Luo and the two took high-level stealth pills and then went to the fortress. They mixed in the crowd and avoided being covered by various skills as much as possible. In addition, they used monsters to block them. It was not discovered by BX players.

In fact, it’s okay even if they are discovered. Ye Luo and the others can directly use their invincibility skills to enter the fortress. They all have 3 invincibility methods, which can last for more than 20 seconds. These time is enough for fireworks to be easily cold and they are transmitted over, and their damage The output ability can kill all the surrounding players in such a long time.

However, when Ye Luo and the two rushed into the fortress, they were covered by a group attack skill and revealed their figure, but she didn't care about it, and directly swallowed a mutated invincible pill. In the invincible state, he rushed to the direction of the BOSS, while rushing while using the group attack skills, a piece of high damage figures floated up for a while, and many players with insufficient energy and blood were killed in seconds.

Seeing Polangriding the wind, Ye Luo would naturally not be idle, he also took action, [Reincarnation*Six Shields] displayed, and then he also moved closer to the BOSS at the fastest speed, and when he and the breaking waves ride the wind A vacuum belt soon appeared around under the attack.

Without this, Ye Luo’s offensive attack also summoned Xiao Bai, and then controlled it to perform various skills, for a time [Sky Fox Claw Blade], [Sky Fox Voice], [Sky Fox Clone] and other groups Attack skills and group control skills are displayed, especially [Phantom of the Fox], which is a group control skill covering a 50-meter radius. After this skill is displayed, most of the surrounding players and monsters are stunned, and this also makes Ye Luo two people are more relaxed

Think about it, too, with the damage output of Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, they can easily kill the surrounding players in seconds, not to mention that they suddenly attacked, and the players in BX did not react for a while.

As soon as the two attacked by the waves and the wind, they sat on Qin Xin, and June Feixue and the others locked them in and sent them, but they didn’t say much, and directly joined the battle. At a time, there were 1, 20 elite masters. Join the battle, and the situation for BX players is even worse.

The surrounding is a vacuum zone, and with the powerful damage output ability of everyone, almost no one can approach, so they can summon mounts by Shi Shiran. For a time, flying mounts such as dragons, fire phoenix, and Qingluan are summoned, and the dragons are ringing. , Fengming Jiuxiao, and the appearance of so many flying mounts also greatly increased the damage output of June Feixue and others.

After sitting on Qin Xin and Daughter Red summoned their mounts, they followed Ye Luo, breaking the waves and riding the wind, ready to cast spell immunity to them. After all, they also knew that as long as the two Ye Luo were alive, they could deal terrible damage. .

In addition to the effects of adding blood to Ye Luo and adding spell immunity, sitting on the piano heart will also help control the surrounding hostile targets. The control skills such as [Sonic Vibration] and [Wind Crane] can also be used to control many targets. [Six-Rank Qin Xian* Dang Qihuichang] and other group attack skills can also deal terrifying damage, and this will also greatly reduce the pressure on Ye Luo and the others.

At the same time, Hua Nongyue also appeared outside the fortress, and then used the [Space Portal]. At a time, 100 elite masters appeared. Most of these elite masters have flying mounts, and they also have flying skills. Do not speak, kill into the fortress at the fastest speed.

Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng did not hesitate at all. They soon came to the place where the BOSS was, and then various group attack skills covered the attack. Even if BX has some dual classes with big moves, invincible methods are somewhat overwhelming, many people After being killed, other people can only escape when they see the situation is not good, and soon a vacuum zone around the BOSS becomes.

Think about it, just to capture the fortress is a lot of pressure. Now that elite masters such as Polangchengfeng and Ye Luo come to sneak attack, BX players will undoubtedly only have a dead end when they stay. In this case, they can escape naturally, especially if they know that they are outside the fortress. After hundreds of elite masters came over.

Ye Luo and the others did not pursue these people, after all, they now have a more important task-to quickly kill the BOSS to the fortress token and then control the defense equipment on the fortress is the most important.

It is not difficult to deal with BOSS with the attack power of Yeluo and Polangchengfeng. Moreover, June Feixue, Longtengtianxia and others also helped. They only took a short time to hit a half-blooded BOSS. Kill, and their luck is good, killing the first BOSS will burst the fortress token.

Dongfang Mietian, the nearest to the fortress token, did not hesitate to grab the token and use it to integrate with the heart of the city. He quickly controlled the defense equipment and then controlled them to attack. This also allowed hundreds of people in the Z country. Elite players are more relaxed.

Seeing that the situation is over, the BX commander reluctantly issued the order to retreat, but at this time many players were entangled with the monsters, so it was difficult for them to exit the battle, and many players were killed for a while.

Seeing that the overall situation has been set, the fireworks easily said coldly: "Uncle Bacchus, mobilize some players from the nearest fortress to help clean up the mobs and guard the fort. After all, we don't have much time to waste cleaning up the mobs. ."

"Hey, when you gave the order to launch an attack, we sent people there. The air power is the fastest, arriving in 4 or 5 minutes, and the cavalry only takes more than 10 minutes. We will wait for the air power to arrive. It's time to withdraw." Fengxing laughed strangely, and he was in a good mood to seize the next medium fortress so smoothly.

Turn to the head, the fireworks are easy to be cold and no longer say anything, continue to kill monsters.

Soon the situation in the fortress stabilized, and there were not many monsters left in the fortress. With the arrival of a batch of air power, it became easier for the fireworks to be cold, and they did not waste time. Nongyue teleported them back to their original place, and then continued to capture the small and medium fortresses surrounding the large fortress.

Players from country Z grabbed a medium-sized fortress in the hands of players from BX, which made the original few unowned fortresses become fewer, and other countries also felt that it was difficult to gain a foothold in the fallen demon realm. Many people were worried about it. After all, they Also know the role of the Demon Set.

When they were worried, they thought of the only way to stay in the Fallen Demon Territory-to unite with other countries and then drive Country Z out of the Fallen Demon Territory. At the very least, they would greatly suppress its arrogance.

Yeluo and the others didn't know this. After the situation in the medium-sized fortress stabilized, they left and continued hunting, while the fireworks were easy to cold, and they continued to capture the small and medium-sized fortresses around the large fortress.

Although many countries in the Fallen Demon Region have joined the alliance and are preparing to deal with Country Z, they also know that the time to do it is not good at this time, and they have to wait until they capture a large fortress before they do it. After all, if the player of Country Z chooses to withdraw from the occupation. After the small fortresses, you can directly return to the various fortresses to retreat, so that even if their alliance is large, they cannot attack by force.

In this case, they can only continue to wait for the opportunity, and during the waiting period, they did not forget to draw more countries to join their alliance. If they were not prepared, they would have no place for country Z in the fallen demon realm.

Yes, players from major countries also know that only preventing country Z from capturing large fortresses will not change their situation in the fallen demon. When country Z is relieved, they can target them, which will make them more uncomfortable, so they are prepared to do everything It is possible to accumulate a lot of power and prepare to severely inflict country Z in one fell swoop and then seize some fortresses, so that country Z has no place in the fallen demon realm, and at worst, it will greatly weaken their advantages.

They didn’t know about this. She and Ye Luo were hunting outside at this time, and they had a lot of gains, but they got nearly 10 sets of Demon Domain suits, and they also accumulated a lot of national war points, but they didn’t. Waiting for other countries to do something, this makes the waves and rides a little impatient.

At this moment, news came from Wuming that other countries in the Fallen Demon are in close contact, suspecting that they want to form an alliance, and there are still many countries participating.

"What, players from many countries have contacted?!" Hearing this news, the voice of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased a little: "Does this mean that they are ready to form an alliance, and then they are going to deal with us?!"

"If there is no surprise that they have formed an alliance, and the purpose of the alliance is naturally to deal with us." Dongfang Star said, her voice a little calm? "According to the information of the unknown boss, there are already a lot of countries participating in the alliance at this time, more than 10, including 7 or 8 game powers such as ADLI, JND, and ELS. Their overall strength is very strong, and we are not theirs at all. Opponents, not to mention that when we capture large fortresses, many forces will be held back."

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