VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1495: : Successive kills

The skill of the master of formation is very powerful. Only one [Change Heaven and Earth] can achieve the prestige of this profession. Under this skill, a 50-meter terrain becomes a desert. Invisible units have nowhere to hide, and the advantage of air power is also Can show it.

At this time everyone also saw the power of the Heavenly Killing organization, but a newly established gang actually had 7, 8 high-level flying mounts and 3 to 40 players with flying skills, which was comparable to some big powers.

After seeing Ye Luo revealing his whereabouts, people from the Heavenly Slaughter organization began to swarm from all around, surrounding it, especially those air powers. They surrounded Ye Luo in the middle, not giving him a chance to rush into the jungle again. in.

Ye Luo is not worried about this. As the Samadhi and others guessed, it has already passed 12 o'clock in the morning and [Cooldown Reset] can be used again, which means that many of his powerful skills and life-saving skills can be used. , But now his attack power has been increased by 200% and has reached the limit.

As he approached the jungle while wielding his magic wand to perform group attack skills, Ye Luo kept calculating the distance between the air cavalry and himself, thinking about how to deal with it. At this moment, he was not far from the edge of the desert, even if he was besieged by many people. Get out and enter the jungle.

I also know Ye Luo’s intentions, and I have also seen how he got like a fish in the jungle. Naturally, the people of the gods will not give him this opportunity. A lot of air power has bypassed his back to intercept, and there are even two giants. Long.

With a slight smile, Ye Luo didn't take it seriously, and continued to retreat while using group attack skills, and he also thought about the next tactics.

Also knows that Ye Luo has a strong offensive power, and can even kill some heavy-armored professions in seconds. The people of the Heavenly Kill Organization did not rush forward, at least those crispy professions did not rush forward.

The first person to rush up was the Ice Dragon Swordsman who used his ultimate move. At this time, his ultimate effect was still 3 minutes away. After his vitality was 5 times and his defense power doubled, he was confident that he would not be killed by Ye Luo. What's more, he still has some life-saving skills, so he was the first to rush forward.

Although the speed of the Ice Dragon Swordsman riding a giant dragon is not as fast as the Purple Lightning Sacred Dragon riding the waves and the wind, it is much faster than Ye Luo. This class has many deceleration and control skills. If he gets close, Ye Luo's actions will be greatly affected, and if you are not paying attention to being frozen, you will even fall into a dead end.

Soon the ice dragon swordsman was less than 25 meters away from Ye Luo, and then he could control the frost dragon at his feet to cast [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens], but he also knew Ye Luo had [flicker], so he had to continue pulling Closer distance, so more secure.

Ye Luo was not polite. After seeing that he was less than 20 meters away from him, he used the [Animal Dao * Ten Thousand Beasts Pentium]. The damage of this skill reached 300%. The damage combined with his current attack power is also considerable, the most important The thing is that this skill can also shake all hostile targets back by 5 meters, with a 30% chance to stun them for 2 seconds.

Whether or not the target can be stunned is not important. What Ye Luo has to do is to shake the person back by 5 meters, by the way, reduce the toughness of the frost dragon's mount. If it is not given a chance to cast [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens] Better.

I thought that Ye Luo only used ordinary magician skills. The Ice Dragon Swordsman who relied on his high defense and full energy did not display invincible skills, but his luck was a little bad. Not only was he retreated 5 meters, but also Also triggered a 30% stun chance, stunned for 2 seconds.

Ignoring the Ice Dragon Swordsman, Ye Luo continued to retreat, looking not too far away from the other two dual professions. When the Fire Dragon Mage performed [Flame Fire Rain], he used [Flashing] and [Short]. Body Art], seeing that the distance to it was less than 10 meters, he decisively used [Charge].

[Charge] Dissolved the fire dragon mage’s [fire dragon bondage], and Ye Luo also successfully stepped onto the flame dragon. Although the fire dragon mage displayed invincible skills, there is no need to worry about her being able to display it at such a close distance. What control skills, not even worried that she can cast magic balls.

The fact is also true. The fate of the magician being slaughtered is almost the only fate of being slaughtered. The fire dragon magician can only use displacement skills to withdraw. She fell on the mysterious bird that the mysterious ice magician was not far away. .

Xuanbing Mage is the same profession as Tuesday, with very powerful control ability. She did not idle when the Fire Dragon Mage was attacked by Ye Luo. She used [Ice and Snow], this skill can make hostile eyes. .tomtxt.com] standard slow down, and there is a certain chance to freeze the target.

If Ye Luo is frozen, then he will be controlled by the surrounding players and then fall to the ground, and then he will be charged to death by the cavalry swarming around, even if he still has a chance to resurrect, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be controlled. Live and then be killed.

Knowing this too, Ye Luo once again used the [Zhou Chi Tian Ya] when the fire dragon mage was using the displacement skill, and then followed like a tarsal maggot. This way, he not only avoided the [ice and snow], but also he had a [horror] Cut] Stunned that mysterious ice magician.

Raising his hand, he wanted to use the [Fire Cage] Fire Dragon Mage to interrupt, and then the single-player combo skill of [Samsara Slash] + Flat Slash + [Samsara Continuous Slash], instantly reduced the vitality of the Black Ice Mage by 80%.

Although Xuanbing Mage’s defensive power and vitality are very high, he is a magician after all. With Ye Luo’s 200% attack power, it is difficult to hold on to a set of single-player combo skills. The reason is that he was not killed by a spike. Because a layer of profound ice ice armor appeared on her body, which greatly offset the damage.

But Ye Luo didn't care. After all, the effect of [Fright Slash] still had more than 2 seconds, and these time was enough for him to do a lot of things, and then any [Energy Sword Rain] plus a flat slashing general Xuanbing Mage's last A trace of air and serum was empty, but she still had the state of [Resurrection Prophecy] and still had a chance to be resurrected.

When Xuanbing Mage was killed, her mount naturally disappeared. The fire dragon mage also saw Ye Luo's horror, so he dared to stay by his side and escape at the fastest speed, but didn't want the next moment Ye Luo Got stuck in front of her, so he couldn't escape at all.

Seeing that the invincible skill is only two or three seconds away, if you can’t escape within this time, then the fire dragon magician will only have the fate of being killed, but seeing that he is stuck to death, he is helpless. Next, she could only use [Fire Dragon Transformation], so the defense power and vitality were greatly increased, and I hope to stick to it more.

In fact, the fire dragon magician has many life-saving skills and some control skills, such as [Fire Energy Shield], [Dragon Yin Jiu Tian], etc., but these skills require a magic wand and need to be charged. Ye Luo will never give him By this opportunity.

Since these skills can't be used, the Fire Dragon Mage hopes to double the movement speed and get rid of Ye Luo's card slot after casting the ultimate move, but she soon becomes desperate, because Ye Luo can still easily card after casting the acceleration skills Living with her, she has no chance to escape.

Soon after 2 or 3 seconds, the invincibility effect of the Fire Dragon Mage disappeared. At this time, many people from the Heavenly Kill Organization gathered around. Not only did they have air power, but there were also many land players below.

In addition, the Ice Dragon Swordsman once again rode a flying dragon to chase him. At this time, he was already less than 20 meters away from Ye Luo, and then he decisively controlled the dragon to perform [Long Yin Nine Heavens], trying to dizzy Ye Luo.

Seeing the dragon raised his head, Ye Luo knew that the dragon was about to use the sonic skill. He decisively used the last invincible method-[Reincarnation Guardian]. Of course, the last one refers to before using [Cooling Reset]. After he uses this skill, all the skills can be used again.

In the invincible state, Ye Luo doesn't need to worry about anything, and then he can safely attack boldly. [Energy Link], [Energy Storm], [Bright Sword Slash] and other group attack skills are displayed, especially the [Bright Sword Slash] skill, which has a high damage and a large coverage area. With a few skills, it can almost kill everyone present. , Unless it is to use invincible means.

Yes, many people were forced by Ye Luo to have invincible skills, including Hua Nong Yue and Hua Nong Ying, while players who did not use invincibility skills were killed, including many priests, so the corpses below were afraid It is too late to resurrect it.

After that, Ye Luo didn't leave, attacking the fire dragon mage with all his strength, and finally emptied his qi before his invincible effect disappeared, and she could only go to resurrection.

The Fire Dragon Mage has no big moves, even if the resurrection poses no threat to Ye Luo.

Seeing that the fire dragon magician and the mysterious ice magician were killed, the ice dragon swordsman was furious, and riding the dragon rushed up, and when he was less than 10 seconds away from Ye Luo, he decisively abandoned the dragon and went to Ye Luo [ Charge] come.

The Frost Dragon has already performed [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens], and the Ice Dragon Swordsman has already performed its ultimatum at this time, so for him, the Frost Dragon is useless, so it's better to charge directly.

The idea of ​​this ice dragon swordsman is also simple. He thinks he moves faster and attack speed is faster than Ye Luo after he casts a big move. In addition, he is an ice class, it is still very easy to entangle Ye Luo, as long as he can Entangling it so his teammates can come to surround it or control it, and then kill it.

Of course, as long as you can interrupt Ye Luo to use group attack skills, then other players of the godslayer organization will be much safer, and Ye Luo's threat will naturally be much smaller.

The idea is good, but Ye Luo didn't mean to entangle with it at all. Seeing him rushing over, he immediately used [Cooling Reset] and then [Flashing], so easily out of the range of [Charge], Then there is no need to worry about being controlled.

Next, Ye Luo continued to rush back, and there was the jungle. If he could hide in it, he would fish into the sea and birds into the forest. It would be hard for the people of the Godslayer organization to get him.

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