VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1479: : Space Assassin

Inviting the moon to toast is a master trained by the wine family. He has a very high level of understanding, and his operating level has improved considerably. He is already the signature master of the wine family, and his position in the wine family is similar to that of Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng. Feng is similar to the Misty Pavilion, which shows how strong he is.

In fact, the strength of inviting the moon to toast is also very strong, and the level of operation is comparable to that of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Dongfang Xiaotian. Although it is slightly worse than Dragon Teng Tianxia, ​​Dongfang Qitian and Ye Luo, it is also a first-class master. Coupled with his youth, there is still some room for growth.

However, such a super master was assassinated by people from the godslayer organization, which is enough to show the strength of this organization.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind are similar to those of Yingyue toast. Even if the equipment level is slightly higher, the strength is not much stronger. Inviting the moon to toast can be assassinated by the gods, which means that the waves are in his place. Will also be assassinated.

Thinking of this, June Feixue and others' expressions became more serious, and they were more worried than before.

"Didn’t Ouyang Family released a reward for us from the Heavenly Kill Organization, why did they do something to Uncle Bacchus and the others?" June Feixue was quite puzzled, and she looked at everyone: "The Heavenly Killers have already After assassinating a thought into a demon, fighting the world, and the east to kill the sky, there is no need to be famous, and they have received the mission issued by Ouyang Family. Shouldn't they concentrate on us now?"

"Inviting the moon to toast is much stronger than Dongfang Mietian and the others. Assassinating him can show the mighty strength of the Heavenly Kill Organization. They also show that they have the ability to kill some of the most powerful in the game industry. People." Sitting on Qin Xin said in a deep voice, she looked at everyone: "Of course, it is also possible that someone has released the assassination invitation to raise a glass, so the talent of the gods will do it."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "From the uncle Bacchus and the others, they know that the invitation to the moon toast is now doing the task alone, plus he thinks that the **** organization will focus on us, so he successfully assassinated it while he was careless. The chance is higher."

Hearing that, everyone was also deeply convinced, and for a while they were slightly surprised at the magical and powerful nature of the Heavenly Slaughter Organization.

"It's also possible that the **** killer organization is attacking the east, let us relax our vigilance. After all, it is far away from the place where the assassination of the toast to the moon. They thought that we would not expect them to attack us after the sneak attack on the toast." Samadhi poetry Suddenly said, and then she asked again: "So we must continue to be careful, not to give them a chance to succeed."

"Don't worry, we are together now. If we don't act alone, those people won't have a chance to take action against us." June Feixue said indifferently: "And just as you said, sister Shi, they just gave invitation to the moon. With a cup shot, Haori City is far away from us. It will take a long time for them to get here. At least we don't have to worry about being attacked by them in a short time."

"That's under normal circumstances. Now there are special circumstances." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "There are space-based professions in the **** kill organization. We don't know what kind of skills this profession has. Maybe they can directly send people to teleport. Come to us, so it's very possible that Sister Shi's slamming said before."

Space-based professions have unique skills such as space gates, and it is not impossible to lead people to formulate a portal.

"Then you have to have a mark to transmit..." June Feixue said, she suddenly thought of something here, her voice increased a bit: "Couldn't the invisible unit that Uncle Ye Luo sensed before is a member of the Heavenly Kill Organization? Well, if they really did mark it here, it would be possible to send it directly."

"So let's be more careful." Samadhi once again asked, seeing everyone nodded, the corner of her mouth tickled slightly: "Actually, it is good news for us to invite Yue to toast and be attacked, because we can get from him. Learn more about the **** organization there, so it will be easier to deal with it."

Although Zhan Tianxia, ​​One Thought Becomes a Demon, and Dongfang Mietian were all assassinated by the people of the Heavenly Killing Organization, they must have known some information about those people, but these people are regarded as the hostile forces of the Misty Pavilion and want to know the sky from their mouths. The message of killing the organization is not so easy, and it is precisely because of this that it is necessary to learn the news from the Assassin's House in the middle of the night, but the information known so far is quite limited.

But the invitation to the moon to toast is different. The Wine Family is an ally of the Misty Pavilion, and he is a friend of Ye Luo and the others, so inquiring about the **** organization from him will naturally bring some gains.

"Sister Shi, how do I feel that your approach has some wounds and salt, and it seems to be a little gloating." June Feixue said, saying that one second before, but the next second he laughed: "But invite the moon Cup has a very carefree personality and shouldn't care about these trivial things, so it's not a problem to ask him, maybe we can still avenge him."

"That's right." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed strangely, and then he contacted Dukang, the **** of wine, and invited the moon to raise a glass. In order to let Ye Luo and others know what happened, she pulled them all into the chat channel.

"Uncle Bacchus, handsome boy Yingyue, what's the matter, our people heard that you were attacked?" Po Lang Riding the wind is not polite, straight to the point.

"Hey, it's really good not to go out and bad things spread thousands of miles away." Inviting Yue to toast with a wry smile, but listening to his tone is not bad, and he was not frustrated by the incident.

"Too much deception, I dared to do something to the people of our wine family, the people of the **** kill organization really have no temper!" Bacchus Dukang is even more angry than Yueyue toast. He rarely loses his temper, but because of this We can see how he feels at this time.

"Uncle Bacchus, don't lose your temper, let the handsome Yueyue talk about the situation at the time." Samadhi soothed: "After we know the specific situation, we can think of a better response. Maybe we can still give it. Your old man let out a sigh of relief."

"What to say to vent our anger, I am not worried that the next target of the Heavenly Kill Organization will be your illusory pavilion." Bacchus Dukang said in an unpleasant manner: "No, I feel that the people of the Heavenly Kill Organization are just a pretense to attack Yaoyue. To have to paralyze you, after all, they have space-based occupations in this organization, and they can directly teleport to Mist Mountain."

"Ahem..." Dukang, the **** of wine, directly saw the intention, and was a little embarrassed by breaking the waves and riding the wind, but she was very straightforward: "I also suspect that handsome guy Yaoyue blocked the gun for us, a bit sad, so we want to do our best Knowing the information of the Heavenly Kill Organization in detail, we will be able to kill them when they come to attack us. You always want to see us kill them and give revenge to the handsome Yueyue."

"This is natural," said Dukang, the **** of wine. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave Yaoyue a toast.

Inviting Yue to raise a glass and immediately understand, he asked: "Say, what do you all want to know?"

"Who was the first to attack you, and what is his profession?" Samadhi Shi was also polite and asked directly.

"An assassin whose ID is Huanongyue, and his profession is a space assassin." Inviting Yue toasted and said directly: "Of course a space assassin can't help me, but he created a space enchantment in the first place. This space enchantment can Prevent the boss from coming to support, which means that I am the only one against the enemy."

"Space Assassin?!" June Feixue was taken aback for a moment, and then said to herself: "What kind of profession is this? Why is it so weird? Is it a dual profession? Also, it's not a **** organization. Can a person with a peculiar equipment and props conceal the ID? Is this ID real or fake?"

"It should be true." Yaoyue raised a glass: "Because the **** kill organization has surfaced now, and even said that they have become famous after assassinating us, and soon someone will find out their truth. ID, so there is no need to cover up the ID. After all, it will cost a lot of money to cover up the ID with a pill."

That's right, the pill that can hide ID is naturally not an ordinary pill, and the price of this pill will certainly be high.

"That's true." Samadhi nodded, and then she asked again: "Is this space assassin a single class? What kind of skills are probably used? By the way, how long can the created space barrier last?"

"Space Assassin is a single profession, but it is not just an ordinary single profession, because the soul crystal growth qualification of this profession is very high, even not much worse than dual professions, otherwise the harm to me will not be so high, I don't believe that. I have a piece of ancient artifact equipment." Invite Yue toasted, and then his tone changed: "Currently known skills are [Space Portal], which can be directly transmitted to many players. This time they sent more than 10 to me. Players."

"[Space Enchantment] is an enchantment skill. In this enchantment, foreigners cannot directly teleport in, and I can't directly return to the city. I checked the battle news and this enchantment can last for 10 minutes." Toast and continued: "In addition, I also master the ordinary skills of the assassin, in addition to the exclusive skills of the space assassin such as [Space Barrier], [Space Spike], and [Space Hidden]."

"Yes, it is because of this enchantment that we can't directly send it to support, otherwise I and Jian Nanchun and a few people will send it directly, not to mention that there are only more than 10 people in the Heavenly Kill Organization, even if there are more, it can't help him." Du Kang said angrily.

Bacchus Du Kang and others have also realized the importance of teleportation skills, so they have been collecting such skills. He, Jian Nanchun, Qingmei Brewing and others all have teleportation skills, and even Daughter Hong has it. If they These people can directly teleport to Yaoyue to raise a glass, so there is no problem with resisting the assassination of the Heavenly Kill Organization. After all, these people are masters, and they are all dual-professional masters.

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