VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1460: : Siege mode

After obtaining [Ring of Light], Ye Luo's equipment level has once again improved, which also increased his damage output a lot. I believe that tomorrow's 100-player nightmare dungeon mission will have a better chance of getting the first kill.

Hearing Bacchus Dukang said to join forces, the brows frowned slightly, and she said: "Uncle Bacchus, shouldn’t you want to compete with us for the first kill of the 100-person Nightmare Quest, but even if you join forces, it seems The chances are not great. After all, your 2 gangs only have 11 or 2 dual professions, and the combined skill damage output is not as high as ours."

They had analyzed these samādhi poems before, and now the **** of wine, Du Kang, once again thought about joining hands, which made Polangchengfeng puzzled, even Fengxing was puzzled about it.

"Old boy Du Kang, I know that you are a little unwilling to watch the first kill of the dungeon with the highest degree of difficulty being monopolized by the Misty Pavilion, but there is no way to be unwilling. Even if our two gangs join forces, we may not be able to compete with them. No, there is almost nothing. Opportunities, after all, they have advantages in the number of dual classes, the power of combined skills, the number of powerful and wide-ranging skills, and the level of equipment." Feng Xingdao, he smiled bitterly: "Although the second place has some rewards, it is the same as the first kill reward. It's so much worse than that."

"Yeah, Uncle Bacchus, don't be impulsive. It would be bad if you don't get anything. That would be a cost to others." June Feixue also hurriedly persuaded.

"Fuck you, you have analyzed these before, am I so stupid." Bacchus Dukang said in an angry manner. Seeing Fengxing and others' doubts, he continued: "You forgot, there are 100-person dungeon missions. There are two kinds of difficulty, one is nightmare level, and the other is purgatory level. Chengfeng girls do nightmare-level tasks, and we can do purgatory-level tasks."

Hearing that, Fengxing's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's right, there are even purgatory-level quests for 100-player dungeons. Although there are also purgatory-level quests for 50-player dungeons, the former is 100 people. The reward for getting the first kill of the dungeon will be doubled, so we naturally have to fight for this, and this is the second best reward among all the first kills of the dungeon."

"That's right." Bacchus Du Kang nodded, and he laughed: "Presumably there are already many gangs who know that Chengfeng girl is amazing, so they will not compete with them for the first kill, but will target 100 people. In the first kill of the Purgatory Quest quest, such as the little girl of the Night Rain family, such as the hero of the Heavenly War, these two gangs are also very powerful, especially after the enrollment of the dark cloud of rain and the snow of the cloud, so single pair We won’t have a big chance of competing with it alone. After joining forces, we will have more chances. At least we have an 80 to 90% chance."

"Although it is our two gangs joining forces and the interests are half and half, we have a better chance of getting the first kill, even more sure than doing the 50-person Purgatory dungeon. It is natural to do this." Bacchus Du Kang added One sentence.

"Okay, it's so decided." Feng Xing nodded with emphasis.

Next, Fengxing and Bacchus Dukang directly withdrew from the team channel, and they went to discuss specific personnel assignments.

"Hey, Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing have thought of joining forces." Othello joked, "The two gangs used to be inextricably fought with each other, not to mention their feuds."

"Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing are both people who refuse to admit defeat. In addition, when the two were young and vigorous, it is normal for them to disobey each other and fight against each other. As time goes by, they have become enemies and friends. Samadhi Shi explained: "But it's different now. We have a strong rise of the Misty Pavilion, and the Eastern Family is still at the top. The Ouyang Family and the Yeyu Family are eyeing each other. In this case, the two of them also feel the pressure and join hands to reap the benefits. It's logical."

"Of course, I feel that they are getting older, and the two of them cherish each other, and it doesn't make much sense to fight, so joining forces has become an inevitable thing." Samadhi poetry added.

"Their cooperation is also good news for us." Ye Luo, who has been silent, said: "After all, as Uncle Bacchus said, gangs such as the Yeyu Family, Heroes of Heaven, Ouyang Family and other gangs will be tasked with purgatory-level tasks for 100 people. Interested. At this time, the chances of their two gangs working together to get the first kill of this task will be greatly improved. The benefits of our allies are better than those of opponents."

"Hey, too." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

Next, everyone gets busy while chatting, or doing gang resident missions, or playing various materials and equipment in Wuyin Mountain. After all, they still lack a lot of materials for refining [Gengu Pill] and other pill .

Maybe it's been a long time since I had not scrambled for the first kill of the dungeon. Now the 250-level dungeon mission is in front of our eyes, and the major gangs are taking action. They are gearing up one by one, showing their hands and feet in tomorrow's dungeon mission.

In this regard, everyone in the Misty Pavilion didn't care. After all, for them, getting the first kill of the 100-person nightmare-level dungeon mission was almost a certainty, even if two of the other top ten gangs joined forces.

Of course, except for the Eastern family. It’s just that they know the character of Eastern Killing Sky well. In this case, they will not join forces with other gangs, especially after the trouble with the Ouyang family, so naturally there is nothing good. Worried.

At night, another major event occurred in the Chinese game industry-the Oriental Family's Invincible City finally rose to the level of a 3rd county city, and this is also the second 3rd gang resident of the Chinese server.

Although the upgrade of Invincible City to a level 3 county city will have some influence on the flow of people in Wushuang City, Wushuang City has the advantages of favorable location, environment, and various facilities, so the impact is not great, except for some people who really level up. Invincible City then went to the surrounding leveling locations, and those who love to play still regarded Wushuang City as the best choice.

That's right, Wushuang City is still overcrowded, with tens of thousands of players flooding in every day. Just the teleportation fee has made the Misunderstanding Pavilion a lot of money, not to mention the taxation of various system stores.

The most profitable are the free shops operated by the Mengmenge and the tourist projects on Meniscus Lake. The various equipment and props placed in the shops by Ye Luo will be sold out in a very short period of time, and there is a trend that demand exceeds supply. This will naturally make a lot of money for the Misty Pavilion. If it is not for your own use, I am afraid that just selling the [Gen Bone Pill] will make the Misty Pavilion a special issue.

As for the tourist projects on Lake Meniscus, the supply of various painting boats, boats, and fishing tackle is in short supply, and even this large lake is overcrowded. This also makes the three tourist cities more eager to build the three tourist cities, and they are full of confidence in them.

I originally thought that raising Invincible City to level 3 would bring it back, but I didn’t want the flow of people to be as high as I imagined. This disappointed the people of the Eastern family, but as smart as the Eastern star, he quickly analyzed the problem. , But also helpless.

Think about it, maybe the strategic location of Invincible City is very high, the surrounding leveling resources are also very good, but the real money is the tourism projects, and this is what they can’t change, they can only eagerly hope that they build the tourism The city can be put into use as soon as possible.

Even so, the income of Invincible City is also very good, especially after renting out some free shops, although it is not as good as Wushuang City, the income can still maintain the operation of the gang station, and even have a large surplus, which makes Dongfang Family even more Have the confidence to build a tourist city and other gangs.

In addition, the Oriental Family built a gang station using the city heart formed by the fusion of the two city hearts. This station is located in the east of Haoyue City. The strategic location and surrounding environment are very good. It will echo the other three gang stations. It can also play a big role during the national war.

Wushuang City and Invincible City have been upgraded to level 3 and then become profitable. This has made many big gangs in the game industry eye-catching. They also want to urgently upgrade the gang station to level 3, and according to the current situation, there will be other gang stations soon. Upgrade to level 3.

In this regard, they didn't care about it. Although Invincible City was upgraded to level 3, it would have some impact on Wushuang City's income, but the impact was not large, and they had already been prepared for this, so they didn't care.

"Wu Shuang City has been upgraded to a level 3 county town, and the income of our Wushuang City is really worse." June Feixue said, and then his tone changed: "And in the future, other gangs will continue to be upgraded to level 3, especially Those tourist cities are upgraded to level 3, and then Wushuang City’s revenue will be further affected."

"We have already earned so much, and it's okay to have less. Besides, Wushuang City will still earn a lot by then. It is completely okay to maintain the operation of the gang station and the salaries of some gang members." Samadhi said, she chuckled lightly: "It's not just the players who enjoy life, the strategic location of Wushuang City and the surrounding leveling environment are also very good. As players upgrade, more and more people will come over, and the income will not be much worse than it is now. many."

"Yes." Othello took the stubborn words: "Don't forget that we are also involved in the construction of tourist cities, and we started earlier than most gangs. That will also make us a lot of money."

"Well, I heard that after the gang resident is upgraded to level 3, the second type of gang war-siege warfare can be launched against each other." Suddenly sitting on Qin Xin said, her tone was a little worried: "This type of gang There is no limit to the number of people in the war, and even gangs can be formed. I don’t know if the Eastern Family will do anything to us.

The second type of gang battle does not limit the number of people, which means that the Eastern aristocratic family can win over the heroes of the Heavenly War, the Night Rain family and other gangs that are hostile to the Misty Pavilion to attack the city. Live, after all, the biggest disadvantage of the Misty Pavilion is the small number of players.

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