The rules of the arena have changed. Players can only participate in 10 games a day. This is good news for busy players like Ye Luo, because they can complete 10 games with a small amount of time each day. In the event of an accident, the strength of Ye Luo and others can still get a very good ranking, so they will get a very good reward.

The points awarded for winning each game remain unchanged, but the points required to redeem items and props are greatly reduced. This also means that the points won by Ye Luo and the others can be exchanged for many useful items in the future.

Of course, for those fighting madmen, such a change did not have much impact on them, because the arena also has a free arena, where you can also compete with many people. Although there are no points and other rewards, there are Gambling, which will also benefit players participating in the game.

"Hey, this change is good news for us, because 10 arena games a day take us half an hour, or even less." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she was a little excited: " It is easy to win the top few places with our strength, and it is even possible to win monthly championships, which can get very good rewards, especially high-end gems. Playing more gems can greatly increase our attributes."

Ye Luo is also a wise man, and he naturally knows that this kind of change is good for him. He looked at Samadhi poetry: "Sister Shi, when will the new model be implemented, tomorrow?"

Tomorrow is No. 1. According to the previous practice, No. 1 is the first day when the arena points are cleared and a new round of competition begins. Ye Luo's guess is also normal.

"Yeah, that's right." Samadhi poem said, and then she was a little excited in her tone: "I checked earlier, and the points that can be exchanged for arena points are richer. There are high-end mounts, including flying mounts, and more There are energy stones for good fortune, but the points required are very high, but if you can get the top three points every month, it won’t take too long to redeem it. With Ye Luo, you should not lose. , Even if you meet Dongfang Tiantian, you have a 60% chance of winning, so you must be the first place."

That’s right, Ye Luo’s current strength is very strong. He not only has advantages in equipment level, soul crystal growth aptitude, and skill system, but even the operation is equal to that of Eastern Killing Heaven. Even if the two match his chances of winning It’s a little bigger, so it’s normal to get the first place in the monthly arena games.

The first place in the arena game will have very rich rewards, such as a large number of points, such as titles, such as equipment items and so on.

"I don't know if Dongfang Killing the Sky has got good equipment, I dare not say that I will win." Ye Luo said lightly, but the brilliance from his eyes knew that he also wanted to compete with Dongfang Killing the Sky. .

"Anyway, apart from Eastern Killing Sky and Longteng Tianxia who have a little chance to beat you, there is no chance for anyone else, and even if you meet these two people, your chances of winning are higher, so your chances of winning the championship are better." Then she thought of something, she looked forward to it: "The reward for the champion of the arena competition is very generous, and the equipment and props awarded are different every time. Maybe you will be rewarded Ye Luo as a sacred dragon."

The words of Othello are true, because there is really an arena champion who has won a dragon.

Hearing that, Ye Luo also began to look forward to it, after all, he had wanted to obtain a dragon that suits him for a long time.

"Of course, what I value most this time is the construction blueprint of a siege tank." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "The siege tank is a weapon for siege. In the future, whether it is a national or a civil war, the siege area will be indispensable. We have a small number of players in the Misty Pavilion, so the siege equipment is very important. Building more will make us more powerful."

That's right, although the current strength of the Misty Pavilion is very strong, but limited to the small number of players, it will suffer a lot in future siege battles, but having siege equipment will alleviate this, so Samadhi poetry will take this seriously.

"Yeah, I understand." Ye Luo said lightly: "From tomorrow on, I will spend some time every day participating in 10 arenas, striving to win the monthly championship."

"Hey, I will also participate when the time comes. Ye Luo, we will stagger the time so that we won't run into it." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and she said quite domineeringly: "Except for you, even if you run into Dongfang Yi I also have some chances of winning, because my skills have some advantages. As long as I win one or two games against him, Ye Luo is quite sure of winning the championship.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is very powerful, and [God Dance Step], a short CD time displacement skill, is a PK's god-level skill. In addition, she has other advantages, even if it is against the East, there are some magical calculations.

In the heart of Po Lang Chengfeng, as long as she can defeat Dongfang Killing the Sky 1,2 times, then he will not have a chance to win the championship with Ye Luo, not to mention that Ye Luo's winning rate against him was originally slightly higher.

"You don't have to do this deliberately. After all, none of us know when Eastern Killing Sky will participate in the arena. These are all random." Ye Luo said lightly. Even if the chances of us matching are not great."

"Well, if we encounter it, we will be in trouble. If we can avoid it, we must avoid it." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

"Sister Feng, I heard that the Long Family has also obtained a set of ancient god-level suits, and it is a fire-type suit, which is suitable for the dragon world. As a result, his strength will be greatly improved. If he considers the level of equipment alone, he It's better than you." June Feixue suddenly said: "And you also know that Longteng Tianxia's operation level, his defensive ability is also very strong, you have to be careful against him."

"The Long Family also got the Ancient God-level suit?!" Po Lang Chengfeng was a little surprised, and then couldn't help but muttered: "The luck of the Long Family and the Eastern Family are both good, why can't we get the Ancient God-level suit?"

"Sister Feng, you and Ye Luo have some Primordial God-level suits, and some of them are spirit weapons. Even if you give you the Ancient God-level suits, you won't be able to equip them." Othello said casually.

"Hey, prepare an extra set of equipment even if it is good. If you encounter good equipment in the future, you can just change it." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, saw the playful look of Othello and others, she smiled: "Of course, even if we don't have equipment. I can also equip you. This will also greatly enhance our strength. By the way, let me see what attributes are the suits of Longteng Tianxia."

Naturally knowing that breaking the waves and riding the wind is changing the subject, which makes everyone amusing.

Next, everyone chatted about something at random, and then went busy.

In the wee hours of the morning, a new day begins, which also means that the new rules of the arena have begun to be implemented, and Ye Luo also temporarily put aside the refining of various pills to participate in the arena at this time. At this time, the women such as Polangchengfeng have gone offline , So I don’t worry about meeting them.

As for Midnight Book and Long River Sunset, although they also participate in the extreme challenge, it is easy for them to stagger on another channel.

Soon Ye Luo met the first match, and after seeing the other party, Ye Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Dongfang Mietian, a member of the Eastern family, my luck is also good."

Dongfang Mietian, the young master of the Dongfang family, is a wind dragon archer, with dual professions, very good strength, can be called the first archer of the Dongfang family, if it is not for the fireworks and easy cold, this archer is too strong, I am afraid he still has the ability Compete with China's first archer.

That’s right, the archer who is easy to get cold with fireworks is the number one in China, not only because she has a deep understanding of archers, but also because of her abnormal computing power that allows the archer’s power to be demonstrated. The most important thing is her resourcefulness. , Command ability, this makes her look more dazzling, far from being comparable to the archers of Dongfang Mietian and Long Jieyu, even if they are also dual professional archers.

Although Dongfang Mietian’s strength is very strong, and although the wind system bows and arrows move very fast, his various attributes are not as good as Ye Luobi, so naturally there is no suspense in this battle. It is easy to take 2 to 0. Next game.

In the next 9 games, Ye Luo also met players with great shape, many of them masters, and even masters like him, but unless it is Longteng Tianxia and Dongfang Tiantian, he can easily win against any player. , Including confrontation with Dongfang Xiaotian, Ouyang Feitian and others.

There are so many players participating in extreme challenge competitions. The chances of wanting to meet Longteng Tianxia and Dongfang Tiantian in 10 games are a little low, or even impossible. The fact is that he won 10 games easily, and he is also in the standings. Occupy the first place.

"Unexpectedly, on the first day of the extreme challenge competition, we encountered many masters, half of whom were celebrities and quasi-celebrities." Ye Luo said to himself: "Is this a coincidence?"

Soon Ye Luo shook his head. He said, "There should be a lot of coincidences. The system matches players based on their strengths. Players with similar strengths have a greater chance of meeting together. Fortunately, I avoid Xiaoshu and Sunset. , Otherwise it is really possible to encounter."

Although they are ten percent sure of the sunset over the river and Shu Yeluo in the middle of the night, they are their own people. Defeating them will also have an impact on their record. If the points are low, the chances of thinking like the top ten will be much smaller. Avoid it if you can avoid it naturally.

"It's a pity that I didn't meet Dongfang Killing the Sky." Ye Luo said, his tone was full of regret when he said this.

Although it has been a long time, Ye Luo's hatred of Dongfang Tiantian has not dissipated much, so he has been looking for opportunities to defeat him, and this desire has become stronger and stronger.

After taking a deep breath and looking at the time, Ye Luo did not immediately go off the assembly line. Instead, he refined some pills and then went off the assembly line. At this time, Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset also completed their 10 games. There is no surprise that they are all winning records.

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