VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1448: :victory is in sight

The last batch of the 7th level trial mission is very difficult. The sky full of crows can destroy many gangs doing this mission, and the five 290 level fallen dragon knights are even more terrifying. This BOSS has the attack power and vitality. The recovery ability is terrifying. Ordinary players are likely to be killed in seconds when facing up. Only the dual professions that use the ultimate move can withstand their attacks.

But even if it can hold the BOSS’s attack, it’s useless. If you can’t kill it with a powerful attack damage, you will never have the chance to kill it. If the ultimate effect is not effective, then there are few players who can hold the BOSS. , Which also means killing the monster before the end of the ultimate effect.

5 BOSS, it needs a very powerful damage output, only Ye Luo and others are not enough, and ordinary players can not pose any threat to these fallen dragon knights, so it is not realistic to rely on numbers to win.

Fortunately, there are more than a dozen powerful air cavalry in the Misty Pavilion, and hundreds of players with flying skills. Of course, the most powerful air force is the summoner.

That’s right, the summoner of the Misty Pavilion owns the Blue Water Dragon pet. This is a quasi-ancient god-level BOSS. Although the level must be far behind the fallen dragon knight, the number is very large. There are 4 to 5000, although only a part of it. The green dragon can attack the fallen dragon knight, but the damage output is already pretty good.

Of course, the powerful and wide-ranging skills displayed by Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind are also very important. For example, [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong], such as [World Extinguishing Thunder], this skill can cover all the 5 fallen dragon knights. In addition, the damage output of this skill is also ridiculously high after Ye Luo and the others perform their ultimate.

The most important thing is that these powerful skills have killed a lot of crows, so that the summoners of the misty pavilion can free up time to control the green scorpion attacking the dragon knight, or [Hing wind and waves], or [Dragon's tail], or [Dragon] Yin Jiu Tian] In short, it caused a lot of trouble to those fallen dragon knights.

Soon the crows gathered in the sky again, but the people in Misty Pavilion were not worried. They used [Ten Thousand Arrows (group)] and [Energy Storm (group)] in turn, although these are just 2 common combination skills. , But also dealt a very good damage, at least let those crows become sparse a lot.

Seeing another large group of crows rushing up, June Feixue said with excitement: "Sister Fireworks, is it time for me and Wednesday to use the combo skills? Our combo skills are currently the most terrifying damage output skill."

"Well, yes." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Hearing the fireworks Yi Leng agreed, June Feixue was very excited, and then followed Wednesday to cast [Meteorite Fall (group)], and the terrible loss of this skill also shocked many people, this is more than [Wan Jiangui Zong] and [World Destroying Thunder] are more terrifying skills.

With one skill, there are almost no monsters in a radius of 50 meters. Even the blood of the fallen dragon knights has lost a lot, and it has been dizzy for a while. During this time, everyone can attack unscrupulously. When this powerful skill was displayed, the vitality of those bosses dropped faster than before.

At this time, Ye Luo also had the stingy skills, [Sword of the King], [Sword God’s Wrath] and other skills that focused on damage output were displayed one after another, coupled with the auxiliary attacks of fireworks and others, and they were doing their best 3 Minutes later, they finally killed the first fallen dragon knight.

Finally killed a fallen dragon knight, which made everyone excited. After all, 20% of the troubles have been solved. The most important thing is that masters such as Ye Luo and June Feixue can free up their hands to deal with other dragon knights. In addition, 4 BOSS kills will be faster.

Ye Luo and the others didn't hesitate, rushing to the BOSS of Changhe Sunset while the effect of the big move had not ended, and then launched an attack, Ye Luo easily defeated the BOSS for Changhe Sunset.

The reason for supporting Changhe Sunset is naturally because he is the relatively weakest defensive power among the people. Although he is stronger than Zhiyue, Zhiyue can add blood to himself and his life-saving ability is much stronger than him.

When Ye Luo arrived, the task of the main resistance naturally fell on him, and at this time the damage output ability of Changhe Sunset was also displayed. Adding the full attack of June Feixue and others, the vitality of this BOSS quickly decreased.

At this time, the players in the Misty Pavilion below were also killed by the Sky Crow, but Ye Luo and the others were not too worried, because as June Feixue said, as long as they are not dead, as long as they can take the lead in striking down these fallen dragon knights. Kill, then there is almost no suspense in this trial mission.

After another minute, Ye Luo finally killed the second BOSS, but at this time the effect of their ultimate move was about to disappear. Although the remaining 3 bosses had less than half of their vitality, their damage output without the ultimate move. It's also much lower.

Even so, they were not worried, because Yeluo, Zhiyue, and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind can all perform 2 big moves. At this time, there are only 3 bosses left. There is no problem for the three of them to hold one. The damage output is much less, but after all, the BOSS's blood is less than half, and everyone can attack them in 5 minutes.

"Hey, it seems we really need to perform the second big move." Po Lang Chengfeng smiled.

"There are only three bosses left. Uncle Ye Luo, Yue'er, and Sister Feng can all perform two big moves. It is not a problem to withstand the boss's attack." June Feixue said indifferently: "Although we are big After the effect of the move disappears, the damage output will be much weaker, but the remaining 3 BOSS blood is less than half. We can still easily kill them with our strength. As long as we can kill them and the remaining crows, it is fundamental to us. There is not much threat."

"Yes, Ye Luo, Fireworks, and Sister Qin can also use 2 combo skills, and Ye Luo can also use powerful skills such as [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong], which will not only kill the boss, but also clear a lot of crows. , Now these crows no longer increase." Black and White Chess, her tone was faintly excited: "This also means that we will be able to complete the task soon, and the Misty Pavilion will become the first 7 in China and even the world. Grade gang, so we once again become famous in the world."

While Othello was talking about this, Ye Luo had teamed up with Firework Yi Leng to cast [Ice Fire* Ten Thousand Arrows Energy Sea (group)]. After the horrible skill was displayed, many crows were killed, and the remaining 3 BOSS His qi and blood dropped again, one step closer to the qi and blood serum.

After another period of time, seeing crows rushing up densely, Ye Luo glanced at Qin Xin, who immediately woke up, and then the two began to use the [Six Dao* Ten Thousand Sword Guardian Shield (group)], and saw After the effect of this skill, all the players present were stunned again.

Maybe the single damage output of this skill is not higher than [Meteorite Fall (group)], but the biggest advantage of this skill is that it covers a wide range of 100 meters, and the friendly unit covered by this skill can also enter 10 Invincible time of seconds, this effect almost has the effect of reversing the situation.

A sky full of energy swords shrouded and many crows were killed, and the vitality of the remaining 3 BOSSs was reduced again, and the distance from being killed was even further.

"Wow, the combined skills of Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Qin are too powerful. The overall damage caused by the coverage area alone is much higher than the [Meteor Fall (group)] that I and Wednesday cast, not to mention this skill still has 10 Seconds of invincible time." June Feixue said with emotion.

"Well, it's pretty good." Po Lang Chengfeng said, her pretty face was full of envy when she said this, and then a voice that only she could hear was heard: "When will Ye Luo and I understand one Combination skills, the best combination of [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong] and [World Destroying Thunder] must be very scary, higher than the damage output of this skill, and it covers a larger range."

Taking advantage of the invincible state for 10 seconds, the people of the Misty Pavilion hurriedly added blood and added magical supplementary magic, and they were ready to meet the remaining monster attacks.

"The last batch of monsters is too terrifying. Our 100,000 people are now less than 60,000 at this time, and they are still rapidly decreasing." Samadhi Shi said, she said with emotion: "It is indeed the last gang trial mission. It seems that only we can complete such a trial task."

"Hee hee, this is good, so it will take a long time for other gangs to reach level 7 and many gangs will ask us to help them with tasks, which can make a lot of money." June Feixue Quite looking forward to authentic.

"Even if we invite us, it is not so easy to pass the mission, unless our gang is very strong, and there are many air powers and dual professions." Samadhi poetry said: "For this, we need everything here. The air power and dual-professional shooting are good. After all, the cavalry of other gangs is much worse than ours."

"The more people we make, the more people get paid, otherwise we will wait another month or longer to complete the gang trial mission." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed.

When talking about this, the effects of the big moves of the waves and the wind and others ended, but soon, the waves and the wind, Ye Luo and Zhiyue performed their big moves again, and they resisted the monster's attack.

Although the overall damage output of June Feixue et al.'s ultimate move is much weaker after the end, but at this time, the vitality of the three BOSSs is also low. Although they have a very strong recovery ability, there is still no Ye Luo and the others. The damage caused is high, so being killed is also inevitable.

After 1 minute, Ye Luo killed the boss in front of him, and then he and June Feixue and others went to support Zhiyue. At this time, the blood of that boss was less than one-third, and he was afraid of being attacked by everyone. Can't hold on for 1 minute, which also means that Ye Luo and the others are already sure about completing the task.

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