VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1443: : Ready to do the task

After staying for too long, Po Lang Chengfeng and others went to rest one after another, while Ye Luo refined some [Gen Bone Pills] before going offline to rest. Before going offline, he glanced at Wushuang City and found that there were still crowds. He could only decide to place some of the refined medicines in Wushuang City's shops tomorrow-the medicines and equipment in the free shops were already out half an hour after a player entered Wushuang City.

[Gengu Pill] The pill is the first to be exhausted, and Po Lang Chengfeng and others also know, but they did not let Ye Luo Shi send in some more, because they also knew that this kind of things is not better. Placing a few rations daily can attract players more.

The next day, everyone logged into the game expectantly. The first time they looked at the funds in the system panel in Wushuang City, they were stunned and surprised when they found that there were billions of astronomical figures.

"Wow, billions of gold coins. Although the money is only 200 million 300 million after being converted into real coins, it is an exaggerated figure to make so much money in just one night." Po Lang Chengfeng said with excitement.

These billions of gold coins are all kinds of tax offices, etc. It is a net profit. It is no wonder they are so excited after seeing so much money.

"It's only 200 million to 300 million real coins. We now have more than 3 million players in Misty Pavilion, and we don't have much money on average." Sitting on the piano, she said warmly, but anyone can hear the excitement in her words.

Think about it, too. Meng Mi Ge is poor, especially when the monthly benefits are paid, and when the person responsible for the salary and benefits sits on the piano heart is also the most worried, now finally no longer worrying about such things, she will naturally very happy.

"This is the first day Wushuang City has upgraded to level 3 and has a teleportation array. Many players will come over to take a look when they are curious about the situation here. That's why there is so much profit, and it should be a lot less in the future." Samadhi poem calmly analyzed Tao.

"But I don't think the flow of people in the city is too small, and there are still many outside Wushuang City, especially on the Crescent Lake, there are countless people who go boating, fishing, and leveling down the lake. These are all. Can make a lot of money for us." June Feixue stood on the wall and pointed outside.

"The reason so many people is naturally because they are too curious about Wushuang City, and there are too many fun in Crescent Lake, everyone has not left." Samadhi poetry said, and then his tone changed: "Of course, these people are in the city. It will also consume, which will also make us earn a lot of money, but not as much as the first day."

"This is not necessarily true. There are too many people who like fishing, boating and playing in the game. These are only a few of them now, and there will be more and more in the future." June Feixue said indifferently.

"A lot of things are already saturated, and no matter how many players come, it's useless. For example, there are so many fishing tools, venues, and small boats. No matter how many players come, only those people will play." Sitting on the piano heart said: "Of course, As long as they come to Wushuang City, these people will consume, and we will earn more. However, it won’t take long for other gangs’ gang resident to rise to level 3. Maybe there are things that attract them, and we will earn too. a lot less."

"But other people like boating and fishing can't imitate..." June Feixue said, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"There is not only Crescent Lake in the game, there are lakes in many places, and some are even bigger than Crescent Lake. Although there is no gang building a gang station by the lake like us, it is just a little more way. If we are here If they can’t accommodate them, they will naturally go to other places.” Samadhi explained that before June Feixue opened her mouth, she continued: “Even they will use price reductions to attract players to the past. There are always many players who like these or different environments. After all, the same place The beauty will be bored after a long time."

Although she didn't want to admit it, June Feixue knew that the samādhi poem was true. For a while, she didn't know how to refute, so she could only be silent.

"Don't worry, after all, our environment is very good. Players are really real." Sitting on Qin's heart, his tone changed: "In addition, as long as we get more attractive things in the future, it will naturally attract many players. Such as rare pill equipment, such as just right tourist attractions and so on."

Nodded, everyone didn't say much, and then proceeded to the gang quest according to what Fireworks Yi Leng said. Today, their task is to raise the contribution of the Misty Pavilion to level 6 100%, and then complete the gang trial quest.

Directly selected the most difficult task in the gang task panel, and then the waves and the wind and others began to get busy, and the players in the Misty Pavilion branch also became busy. The contribution of the gang is rapidly increasing. I am afraid that it will not take long for the skill to rise. 100%.

"Sister Shi, Sister Feng, I checked the introduction of the 7th level gang trial mission. It is said that the difficulty factor has reached the SSS level." June Feixue said, her tone was a little worried: "If it's just a player or a player An elite team of several people does the task. The SSS-level task is nothing at all, but this time the task requires 100,000 people. Can we complete it?"

"Yes, it will waste 100 million gold coins to complete failure. This is tens of millions of real coins." Othello took the words, and then changed his tone: "Of course, this little money is not for us now. What's the matter, but it's embarrassing to fail to pass the mission, and the next mission will be 24 hours later, which is a waste of time."

That's right, the Misty Pavilion is not short of money at all, but they lack time, and they will delay for 24 hours if they fail. This will slow his progress a lot, not to mention the failure of the mission is still a shame for them.

"If we can't even play the 7th level gang trial mission, then others can't do it either." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, her words revealed strong confidence.

"Yes, it's just 100,000 people instead of 1 million people. It's not too difficult for us. Even the people we can collect are the most elite players in China. If this is the case, we won't be able to play Level 7. The gang trial mission, then we don't have a good way." Samadhi Shi said solemnly.

"During this time, I have refined a lot of mutated [Gen Bone Pills], and combined with the previous refining, there is no problem with creating a tens of thousands of nightmare commanders. This should be the strongest in the country and even in the world. Great cavalry." Ye Luo said lightly.

"During this time, we also got a lot of suits, including exclusive suits for magicians and cavalry. If you can't play the gang trial mission like this, then other gangs will definitely not be able to complete it." Sitting on the piano, she said warmly. Everyone, with gentle smiles on Qiao’s faces: "So we must have confidence, confidence in winning."

"Well, even if we can't play this time, we can do it after we have experience. Sister Fireworks is so good at formulating tactics. Coupled with the previous experience, we will definitely be able to complete the 7th gang trial mission." June Feixue said.

That's right, maybe this time the mission will fail, but if you know the specific content of the trial and formulate corresponding tactics with the powerful strategy of fireworks, coupled with the strong strength of the Misty Pavilion, it will be easy to complete the mission.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she chuckled: "I wish that the level 7 gang trial task would be more difficult, so that in the future we can help other gangs to do tasks at a higher price. This is the way we made money before. Tao."

Thinking of ‘doing everything to make money’ at that time, everyone couldn’t help laughing, and they were less worried about doing the 7th level gang trial mission.

"Hey, now we are not short of money. In the future, we can help people to do gang trials. The reward should not be money. It must be something that can enhance our strength, such as hiding professional scrolls, such as special equipment to create blueprints or pill. So far, the hidden professional players in the Misty Pavilion are only a very small part, or even less than one thousandth." Po Lang Chengfeng is very casual and authentic.

"The proportion of hidden professional players in our Misty Pavilion is the largest among all big gangs, and even the number of singles can enter the top three. These are the roots of our strength." Black and white chess, and then the tone changed: "Of course, hidden careers. The more the number, the better. I think many gangs will be willing to exchange some hidden career scrolls in order to upgrade the gang to level 7."

"I don't know about others, but I know that Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing must be willing." He said this in the middle of the night, and he couldn't help laughing, with a tendency to regard Bacchus Dukang and others as big fat sheep.

"Hehe, I can now think of the appearance of Uncle Bacchus requesting us in the future. His old man must have a beard and stare and bargain with us." June Feixue chuckled.

"Of course, the premise is that we can complete the 7th level gang trial task. I heard that many big gangs abroad have tried to do this task in the past two days, but no gang can successfully complete it." June Feixue added, and Her words also made everyone laugh gradually.

Think about it, although the Misty Pavilion is very powerful, there are many large gangs abroad, and they may even be stronger than the Misty Pavilion. None of these gangs can complete the mission of the 7th-level gang trial. This undoubtedly puts a touch of frost on everyone’s mind. No matter how lingering.

"Thinking more is not helpful, do your best." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

I also knew that this was the best and most practical way. Everyone stopped struggling with this problem and continued to do the gang trial task.

Time passed quickly while doing the gang task, and soon 7 or 8 hours passed, and the Miao Pavilion finally raised the contribution of the Miao Pavilion to level 6 100%, which also means that they can do level 7. The gang trial mission is now. If you can complete the trial mission this time, Misty Pavilion will be upgraded to level 7. This is also the first level 7 gang in China and even the world.

Next, they did not hesitate to break the waves and ride the wind, leading a carefully selected 100,000 players to prepare for the task.

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