VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1433: : Frost Dragon

Although there are already several dragon knights and air cavalry on the Jinxin Pavilion now, there are naturally more flying mounts in the air. One more dragon will greatly improve their strength. In the future, whether it is a gang war or a national war. It will be a lot easier.

It is precisely because of this that they will be excited after they heard Ye Luo heard the dragon's roar.

Next, everyone began to guess what type of dragon Ye Luo encountered. After all, dragons also have many attributes, such as frost dragon, flame dragon, gale dragon, etc., and the rank and strength of these dragons It is also different. They naturally hope that the higher the rank of the dragon that Ye Luo found, the better, the best is the sacred dragon, which is the best dragon at present.

"I hope this dragon is a golden sacred dragon, a dark sacred dragon, or a purple electric sacred dragon." Zhiyue said in anticipation: "Because these three types of dragons are the most powerful and the most important among the dragons. Brother Ye can ride all three types of dragons, so his strength will be greatly improved."

Although Ye Luo, the saint of reincarnation, can ride dragons of various attributes and can display the attributes of dragons, Zhiyue naturally hopes that he will obtain sacred dragons because these dragons are in the middle rank of the dragon. The attributes are the highest, and the only known sacred dragons are the golden sacred dragon, the dark sacred dragon and the purple electric sacred dragon.

Of course, because of other reasons, the frost dragon with fireworks is also a sacred dragon, but there are no such dragons, so Zhiyue hopes that Ye Luo will get those three dragons.

"Yes, these three types of dragons are all sacred dragons. Ye Luo can only meet such a dragon." Black and white chess said, and then she laughed: "Ye Luo is very troubled with this matter now. I have always wanted to get a dragon. It seems that he is used to riding a dragon in extreme challenge competitions, and he can't live without it. I think he can accept any kind of dragon."

Thinking of Ye Luo's look of expectation at that time, Po Lang Chengfeng and others couldn't help laughing.

"But it's not bad that Ye Luo can have a giant dragon, so his biggest mobility problem can be solved." Samadhi chuckles: "In addition, Ye Luo's damage output often requires riding a dragon. Play it out, and without accident, one more dragon in a team battle can increase his damage output by at least 30%."

Ye Luo can increase his attack power by killing people, but it’s not easy for him to kill before his attack power is added up, unless he is using powerful and wide-ranging skills such as [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong]. At that time, many masters will pester him, and then many players have a variety of life-saving methods, it is not easy to kill.

However, if there is a dragon, it is completely different. Ye Luo can ride on the dragon to use the magician's group attack skills. Even if someone comes to stop him, he can use the dragon's flying speed to deal with it and wait for him to attack. After the forces are added, almost no player can stop him.

However, at this time, Ye Luo riding a dragon is still very helpful to his damage output. Not to mention the damage bonus of riding a dragon, just to say that the flying speed after riding a dragon is greatly increased, and it can also make him not consume magic. The damage output is fully reflected.

The flight speed is greatly increased, Ye Luo will be easier to hunt down the enemy, and the efficiency of killing will naturally be much higher.

In addition, although Ye Luo's equipment level and level are already very high, it is still a bit too much to rely on skills to fly, not to mention that he has to continuously use skills, so even if he can only fly for 3 or 4 minutes, And if he had a giant dragon, he would have no such restriction, and he could attack unscrupulously.

Knowing that what the samādhi poem said is very reasonable, everyone is also looking forward to Ye Luo getting a dragon that belongs to him.

"I hope Ye Luo can get a powerful dragon." Po Lang murmured in the wind.

That's right, Ye Luo can ride dragons of various attributes, and can play out the attribute damage, so if they tame the dragon in the heart of Breaking Waves and Wind Riders, they will definitely return to Ye Luo, she naturally hopes that the dragon he gets The stronger the better.

Nodded, everyone did not say much, waiting for Ye Luo's reply expectantly.

After another 5 or 6 minutes, Ye Luo finally found a dragon in the valley, but he was a little disappointed after seeing what type of dragon it was—the frost dragon.

That's right, the dragon in the cliff canyon of the Mist Hidden Mountain is a frost dragon. This kind of dragon is the worst dragon for Ye Luo, perhaps only slightly better than the earth dragon.

Ye Luo didn't look at the added attributes of riding a dragon. He needed flying speed very much, and his high mobility allowed him to do a lot of things. With his current damage output, the most important thing was damage output.

However, the Frost Dragon is the slowest among all dragons. Compared to such a dragon, he naturally hopes to be a sacred dragon, because the attributes of the sacred dragon, especially the flying speed, are faster than ordinary dragons.

If it weren't for the sacred dragon, Ye Luo would have hoped to be the gusty dragon, because the gusty dragon is the fastest flying among all ordinary dragons, and this is exactly what he expected.

If it’s not a blasting dragon, he would rather be a blazing dragon, because such a dragon is only slightly slower than a blasting dragon, but such a dragon is mainly damage output, riding on such a dragon Yeluo The damage output will be greatly increased.

However, the dragon he obtained was a frost dragon, and the flying speed of this dragon was almost the slowest among all dragons.

Although disappointed, Ye Luo still informed the waves and rides the wind to bring people over. After all, this is not an extreme challenge competition. The chance of taming the mount is very low. It takes a long time if he wants to tame a frost dragon by himself. time.

After receiving Ye Luo’s notice, the crowd became excited, breaking the waves, riding the wind, and sitting on the heart of the piano, and then teleported in the first time, while June Feixue and Zhiyue summoned their respective mounts after rising into the air. With a few people heading to where Ye Luo was.

"Uncle Ye Luo, what type of dragon did you find? Is it a sacred dragon?!" June Feixue asked expectantly.

"It's not likely to be a sacred dragon." Suddenly the voice of Samadhi poem sounded in the team channel, without waiting for everyone to ask, she explained: "The misty mountain is covered by dense fog, it is a place of water environment, and the monster like dragon I like to live in the dragon domain or in an environment with the same attributes as my own. The Mist Hidden Mountain is obviously not a dragon domain, so I guess this dragon is of water or ice attributes.

"Sister Shi, do you mean that the dragon that Brother Ye found was the Frost Dragon?!" Zhiyue said, although she was asking, but her tone had been settled down, she couldn't help muttering: "Frost Dragon This is the slowest flying speed among all giant dragons, and it is also the least suitable for Brother Ye. It seems that Brother Ye has some bad luck."

Even so, Zhiyue faintly expected that the dragon discovered by Ye Luo had other attributes.

"It's really a frost dragon, it seems that Ye Luo is really a bit bad luck." After breaking waves and riding wind to Ye Luo's side, she found the dragon in front of her, and she couldn't help sighing.

"It's better than nothing. With this dragon, Ye Luo's damage output can also be increased a lot, and mobility can be greatly enhanced." Sitting on Qin Xin comforted.

"That's true, it's better than nothing, and it's much stronger." Othello also said.

But Ye Luo didn't want to shook his head, he said: "Forget it, let's give this giant dragon to other people. It's good to give it to Tuesday."

Having said this, Ye Luo rushed towards the dragon and launched an attack, but sitting on the heart of the piano and breaking the waves and riding the wind did not idle, either adding status or attacking, and the blood of the dragon was also Start to decrease quickly.

"Brother Ye, don't you want this dragon?!" Zhiyue was quite surprised and said: "Although it is a frost dragon, it is a dragon after all. The attributes are much better than other mounts. The most important thing is this one. The dragon can fly, and your mobility will greatly increase after riding..."

"Ice-attribute dragons are not suitable for me. Maybe they can be used against ordinary players, but they can’t be used against people like Eastern Killing of the Sky and Tokyo Mythology. Not to mention their attributes will be weaker than them. The most important thing is flight speed. They will be weaker, even if they are equipped with special equipment such as [Dragon Scale Saddle], it is almost impossible for me to defeat them." Ye Luo explained: "So unless it is a sacred dragon or a blasting dragon, I will not Can ride."

That’s right, Ye Luo’s target is a master at the level of Eastern Killing, Tokyo Myth, and Dark Night, and if the flight speed is much weaker than the opponent, then it is almost impossible to defeat the opponent. He naturally would not choose the Frost Dragon. .

"Well, this is also true. Most of the players you have to deal with in the future will have sacred dragons. If your speed is weaker than them, then you have little chance of defeating them, because they are almost invincible." Shen said.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind had high expectations for Ye Luo. In her mind, he wanted to defeat Dongfang Tiantian, Dark Night and others and become the number one in the world, and if he was riding a frost dragon, he would think about these people in the future. It is too difficult to win.

"Although this is the case, it is good to ride first. I will look for it slowly in the future." Zhiyue began to persuade: "After all, it will take a while for the national war to start, and the current situation is still not daring to provoke the Eastern family. We, Brother Ye, ride this frost dragon..."

"A giant dragon is very precious. Even I feel that a gang has no more than 10 giant dragons in the late game. It's not good to waste one head like this." Ye Luo shook his head, his voice is soft, but But there is an unquestionable taste: "So let's give up this giant dragon to Tuesday, he is a mysterious ice magician, and the ice attribute dragon is the best for her."

Seeing that Ye Luo had already made a decision, everyone didn't say anything anymore, but on Tuesday, after hearing this, she was so excited that she quickly thanked her, and without accident, she soon became the Dragon Knight.

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