VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1420: : Quasi Antiquity Suit

They are all aware of the importance of cavalry composed of high-level mounts in future gang wars, national wars and even daily monster killing. The major gangs are actively looking for high-level mounts to update their mounts, and many gangs There are already eyebrows and even many high-level mounts have been tamed, and the overall strength of the major gangs has also increased a lot.

The overall strength of the major gangs has been greatly improved, and the gang wars have intensified. Gang wars are staged almost every day, and many small and medium gangs have been broken up.

Of course, the gang war system has no effect on the Misty Pavilion, because no gang dared to provoke them, even if many gangs think they are strong, after all, even if they win, they will suffer heavy casualties and kill the enemy. They still understand the truth of one thousand self-defeating eight hundred.

That’s right, big gangs such as the Eastern Family and Heroes of the Heavenly War still believe that their overall strength is stronger than that of the Misty Pavilion. After all, the number of their gang members is two or three times that of the Misty Pavilion. With this advantage, they want to defeat Misty. Ge is still not difficult, but they are afraid of being retaliated against by Po Lang Chengfeng and others, and they are worried that even if they win, they will suffer heavy casualties, so they did not make enemies with them.

Since there was no gang to provoke, they did not take the initiative to bully others, leading everyone to the gang resident task, preparing to quickly raise Wushuang City to level 3.

"Chengfeng beauty, I heard that the Yinian family and the Ouyang family have begun to form an alliance." Long Tengtian came down to communicate while Ye Luo and the others were doing the task, and his tone became serious.

The Ouyang Family, the Yinian Family, and the Long Family were stationed in Yechen City at the same time. The alliance of these two gangs had a great impact on Yechen City, and the pressure on the Long Family was undoubtedly much greater.

"What, the Ouyang Family has formed an alliance with the Yi Nian family?!" Po Lang Chengfeng was shocked: "Isn't the Yi Nian family always neutral? How can it start an alliance with the Ouyang Family?"

"In fact, it is normal to think about it. This time, the Yi Nian family has not gained any benefits in the extreme challenge, and their rankings have been decreasing. If this continues, they will lose the title of the top ten gangs sooner or later. In this case Naturally, we need to form alliances with some powerful gangs, and the Ouyang Family, who is stationed in Yechen City at the same time, is a very good choice." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice, "In addition, the original Ouyang Family and the Eastern Family were allies, but it was an extreme challenge. In the game, Ouyang Feitian placed the Eastern family together, so the ally relationship naturally no longer exists, so the Ouyang family also needs a strong ally, and their alliance will be a matter of course."

"But the Yinian family can also form an alliance with the Long Family. The Long Family has a good relationship with us and the Fine Wine Family..." Zhiyue said, but was interrupted before finishing speaking.

"Although the Yi Nian family has always been neutral, they have never dealt with our Long Family because of some historical issues. Although they are not going to fight, they will not form an alliance." Long Teng Tianxia explained: "It is precisely because of this that they chose to settle in. When the second-level gang resides, the Yi Nian family will deliberately stay with us and compete with each other. This way, there will be some pressure on each other, mutual supervision, and the improvement of strength will be faster. Unexpectedly, the Ouyang family will get in the way, and now there is this again. Kind of situation."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple for the Yi Nian family to form an alliance with the Ouyang family." June Feixue said: "After all, the Ouyang family offended the Eastern family. This is something everyone knows. Under normal circumstances, the Nian family should not risk offending Dongfang. The risk of the aristocratic family is aligned with the Ouyang family."

"The Eastern aristocratic family is in Haoyue City. The two are far apart, and they are entangled in your ethereal pavilion, so they don't care about the family." Long Teng Tianxia explained, and then his tone changed: "Of course they have some common interests. For example, the Ouyang family found an approved ancient god-level suit. This is a good thing. The people of the Yinian family value it very much, and this is one of the conditions for their alliance."

"What, a quasi-ancient god-level suit?!" Othello's voice increased by a few points: "Extreme challenge and degenerate suits are only god-level suits, and this kind of suit is already very powerful, and Ouyang Family has discovered the quasi-ancient gods Grade-level suit, a suit is probably comparable to the ancient artifacts of the whole body, so their strength will be greatly improved."

"No wonder the Ouyang family was so arrogant and dared to offend the Eastern family. It turns out that with such a trump card, coupled with the Quasi-God-level mounts, their strength has been greatly improved. Even if they are not stronger than the Eastern family, they are not much worse, not to mention that they are still with the Yinian family. Allied." Sitting on Qin Xin with a sudden look.

"What is the number of quasi-anti-ancient **** level suits?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked a key question.

As Othello said, a complete set of quasi ancient god-level equipment is comparable to an ancient god-level equipment, at least as defensive equipment. Although their equipment level is far behind Yeluo and others, they are standard equipment. Players can equip it. If the number of suits is large, the overall strength of Ouyang Family will reach a very exaggerated level, even overwhelming the advantages of the Nightmare Cavalry.

It is precisely because of this that they will be so dignified after hearing that the Ouyang Family has a quasi ancient artifact suit, and they will know how many such suits are.

"The number is not much, probably only 1,2000 sets, and the speed of producing this kind of suit is very slow, only 3,400 sets a day, and the two gangs can't be divided." Long Tengtian said, his Long family The same secondary city as Ouyang Family, naturally knows a lot about this kind of thing.

Hearing this, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind breathed a sigh of relief. She said, "Fortunately, there are too many, and the speed of increase is not too fast. We still have a chance to catch up with them.

"Now, have the Yinian family and the Ouyang family provoke you?" Samadhi asked coldly.

"Although there are small conflicts, but large-scale conflicts are not there yet." Facing the samādhi poetry, the tone of the world was a little strange, but he also said the current situation: "Now there are gang wars being staged every day, and the small conflicts are getting worse. It will expand indefinitely, and large-scale conflicts or even direct challenges will erupt if we are not sure, so we have to prevent it.

"Then what do we need to do?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked directly.

"We recently collected a batch of materials for refining [Gen Bone Pill]. Can you ask Brother Ye Luo to help us make additional OEMs? Although I know this is not compliant, the current situation is a bit grim..." The world paused for a while, and then the tone changed: "We can compensate in other ways, as long as we give us more [Gengu Dan]."

[Gen Bone Pill] can greatly improve the attributes of the Skeleton Nightmare Beast, so that the dragon family’s cavalry strength will also be strengthened, even if conflicts break out in the future, they will be easier to deal with, and can even deter the Ouyang family and the Yinian family from doing anything. .

"Sister Feng..." Samadhi looked at Po Lang Cheng Feng, her expression was a little complicated.

"Sister Feng." Ye Luo also said, but he was stopped by the waves and the wind before he said anything.

I’ve known Samadhi for a long time, and Po Lang Chengfeng instantly understood what she meant, and she understood what Ye Luo was about to say, so she quickly made up her mind: "The Long Family is our ally, we naturally want to help He, not to mention that this is the material they collected by themselves. Even if it is compensated, if you have time, invite Ye Luo to drink to the bar. I believe he will be happy to help you."

Hearing the promise of Po Lang Cheng Feng, the important thing is to know that Samadhi poems pleaded for himself. Long Teng Tianxia was very excited. He said, “It’s natural to ask Brother Ye Luo to drink, but I also know that I’m breaking the rules, but now It’s a little compelling. We will make up for your losses in the future, so that you can also face Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing.

I have to say that Long Teng Tianxia is a person and has principles in doing things, which makes Po Lang Cheng Feng quite satisfied, and the look of the samādhi poem is also faintly strange, but it quickly conceals the past.

"It's just that some upgraded nightmare cavalry can't deter the Ouyang family." A faint voice sounded in the team channel, without waiting for Long Teng Tianxia to speak, the firework is easy to cold continue: "You have other means to prevent them from doing you Just don't, it's not good for each other to fight."

"Don't worry, we are also looking for ways to improve our strength. Recently, we have obtained 2 energy stones and a combo skill book. Leaking these news can also deter Ouyang Feitian and the others." Long Tengtian said, with a confident appearance.

Two energy stones for good fortune meant that the Long Family had two more dual classes, plus a combination skill, which also had some deterrent effect.

"Tsk tusk, got two more natural energy stones, your luck is also good." Othello laughed.

"No way, I bought it after learning that the Ouyang Family had an alliance with the Yi Nian family, which was 30% higher than the market price." Long Teng Tianxia said, with a painful appearance.

"Although it has spent more money, but now strength can be exchanged for money, and money cannot be exchanged for strength, you have already made a lot of money." June Feixue said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"That's true." Long Teng Tianxia said with a light smile.

Next, Long Teng Tianxia talked to Polang Chengfeng and others about something, and then went to find the **** of wine Dukang, Feng Xing and Nangong Yunlong, and told them that they asked Ye Luo to process some [Gengu Pill].

They also know what the ten big gang wars mean. Bacchus Du Kang and Fengxing naturally don’t want the Ouyang family and the Yinian family to do anything to the Long family, so they understand the Longteng world’s practices very well, and they don’t say anything, just don’t know that there is something in it. The temptation of how much good wine.

That's right, Longteng Tianxia offered to give Dukang, the **** of wine, some 30-year-old Moutai as compensation. This made Dukang the **** of Bacchus praise him for his sensibility, and they didn't care about the little things.

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