VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1414: : Sacred Sacrifice

The combined skill composed of Ye Luo and Sitting on the Qin Xin is [Six Paths * Ten Thousand Sword Shield (group)]. This skill has high damage and can also provide teammates with an invincible state for 10 seconds. When they are attacked in an invincible state The damage will turn into vitality, and in terms of maintenance time and increased blood, it is better than other invincible skills.

Think about it, most of the invincible skills and [Invincible Pill] can only last for 5 seconds, while the combined skills of Ye Luo and Sitting on the Qin Xin is 10 seconds, which is twice as long, and there is enough extra time for them. Do a lot of things.

Of course, the most powerful part of this skill is that it covers a large area, a full 100-meter radius, which can be regarded as the first area big move of the Heavenly Tribulation game.

With such a combination of skills, Miao Miaoge has 4 combination skills. At this point, they have too many advantages over other gangs, and they are far ahead.

"Hey, now it seems that this extreme challenge competition has greatly improved the overall strength of the Miaoge Pavilion, and it is just around the corner to become the first gang in China." Othello is quite excited.

"That's right, we are the biggest winner this time." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she was very excited: "Although we will not be able to walk sideways in the game in the future, there should be no power in the country that dare to provoke us."

"When we upgrade the gang resident to level 3, the gang to level 7, and then refine the [Gen Bone Pill] to upgrade the Nightmare Cavalry's mounts, so there is no power that can compare us, unless several gangs join forces. ." Samadhi Shi took the stubborn words, and then her tone changed: "But others have allies and we also have allies. The Wine Family, the Long Family, and the Nangong Family are all our most reliable allies. Our gangs have joined forces with the entire Chinese power. There is no problem with confrontation."

"Hehe, yes, no one can bully us now, including the Eastern family." June Feixue said with a smile, and the haze of being bullied by the Eastern family was finally wiped out.

"The next thing we have to do is to fight against foreign forces." Ye Luo said solemnly: "Compared to the civil war, I tend to be more interesting and honorable than the national war."

Ye Luo was born in the army, and he was naturally disgusted with the civil war. He yearned to fight for the country.

"Don't worry, we will fight at that time, hehe, we have many enemies." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed.

From this extreme challenge, he also knows the attitudes of other countries towards China. Ye Luo also knows that Brave the waves and rides the wind is true, and he is more interested in future national wars.

Next, the system made another announcement. It was Tokyo Mythology who won the title of the third runner-up in the extreme challenge. Although the rewards for sitting on the piano heart and Ye Luo are a lot worse, it is also very good. The two rewards are superimposed. His strength is also greatly improved.

Of course, the strengths of Ye Luo, sitting on the piano and breaking the waves and riding the wind have also improved greatly, so they are not afraid of the Tokyo myth.

Following the Tokyo Mythology, the system announced the fourth to tenth rewards. Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Dongfang Killing the Sky and others are on the list. Although their rewards are much worse than Yeluo and others, they are better than nothing.

After a tiring day, everyone did not deliberately kill monsters and do quests. They were ready to rest after completing the trial task on Saturday. They were very interested in what kind of dual career they could find on Saturday.

During the waiting period, Fengxing, Bacchus Dukang, and Longteng Tianxia came to the door. After congratulations, they naturally asked Ye Luo what kind of reward they received, and if there was any reward that could be shared with them.

Ye Luo and the others did not conceal, they told some of the rewards they received, and told them the materials needed for items such as [Gen Bone Pill] and [Orange Ling Pill]. Win-win cooperation is king.

[Orange Ling Pill] Waiting for the pill prescription and other equipment to create blueprints did not surprise Feng Xing too much. After all, they knew about it before. They were excited after learning about the existence of [Gen Bone Pill] because they also knew it. What does it mean to have a group of powerful mounts early?

Because there is an agreement, all parties will get some finished products. Of course, Fengxing and Long's family have to provide materials. After all, the two of them have not merged the life players into the ethereal pavilion.

Once again, I sighed for some of the divided things. Fengxing and others were quite satisfied, but they did not immediately withdraw. Bacchus Dukang said: "Chengfeng girl, other gangs were not idle during our game, especially Ye Yu. The family, the Eastern aristocratic family, and the heroes of the Celestial War, they seem to have found some powerful mounts, some of the quasi-god level and some of the immortal level, but the attributes of any kind of mount are better than the skeleton nightmare beast, and much better."

"Not only that, but the major gangs are also taking action. Many gangs are recruiting masters. Those who have performed well in extreme challenge competitions and the masters of small and medium gangs are all targets." Fengxing took the stubbornness, and his tone was slightly solemn. Kind of points: "Through these you should feel the smell of wind and rain coming to the building."

Hearing that, the beautiful eyes of the waves and the wind shrank, and a gleam of light flashed out, she coldly snorted: "Couldn't these gangs dare to have another civil war? The national war is about to come..."

"It's too early to say that the national war is too early, because the gangs of various countries have not formed. Under this situation, it is obviously impossible to start a national war, and it is not too easy to attack a secondary city like Haori City with current strength. Reality, because all kinds of large-scale siege equipment have not been formed." Bacchus Du Kang explained, and then his tone changed: "According to past experience, the next civil war will continue, and the gang war will be the main one. The victorious party will get some gangs. Resident resources and some gang experience, so that everyone can accumulate strength faster."

"Well, yes, the next period of time will still be dominated by civil wars, and for many reasons, the civil wars will become more intense. Some small and medium gangs and even some big gangs will become the targets of smashing." , She looked a little dignified: "Even the top ten gangs like us may be challenged and then defeated, so we will still not be careless."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "The next period of time will be more chaotic in the game. Everyone will recruit masters and find superior resources to increase their own advantages, so we must also work hard to improve our strength."

"You have already worked out this fireworks, so don't worry too much." Othello said casually.

"Yes, we are also recruiting masters, and we are also trying to improve the rank of the mount. These are all improving our strength." June Feixue took the stubbornly, she was confident: "Compared to other gangs, we The strength of the player has improved a bit, so there is nothing to worry about."

"That said, even with our current strength, even the Eastern family would not dare to provoke us easily, let alone other gangs." Po Lang Chengfeng said quite domineeringly: "I wish other gangs would not open their eyes to us. Gang wars can plunder their resources and experience, and we will level up faster."

"Hey, you girl has enough confidence now." Bacchus Dukang teased: "But to be honest, you are also qualified to say this. After all, the mounts you can get after you refining [Gengu Pill] are better than those of the Eastern Family. Those gang members are even stronger, and we are also taking advantage."

Not surprisingly, [Gen Bone Pill] can make the Skeleton Nightmare be upgraded to Immortal or Quasi-God, or even God-level. The Skeleton Nightmare’s attributes are originally stronger than mounts of the same level, so it will definitely be after the upgrade. It's stronger than the new mount that Dongfang Killtian found.

Before the Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing, they were still worried about this, but after seeing [Gen Bone Pill], their worries were reduced a lot, and their words became more confident.

"Hey, luck." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, but his tone was full of pride when he said this.

After chatting for a few more words, Feng Xing and others withdrew, and Ye Luo and the others finally waited for the system prompt, successfully completed the trial task on Saturday and then took up the dual profession-Holy Sacrifice.

The profession of Sacred Sacrifice is very powerful, and the healing output is amazing. The healing output is even higher than sitting on the piano center. If it is not for the good equipment level of sitting on the piano center and learning other skills, I am afraid that I will be the first priest. 'S name is going to be handed over to Saturday.

That’s right, the priest profession looks at the healing output. The sacred priest emphasizes the healing output. If the equipment level on Saturday is similar to that of sitting on the piano, it is not difficult to get the same skill book and then learn to surpass sitting on the piano in terms of healing output. Yes, but now she can only rank second in the pastor.

However, it is also a good thing for the Misty Pavilion to have a sacred sacrifice. After having this powerful healing profession, their various future actions will be safer.

The most surprising thing is that the system rewarded her with a priest-special flying mount-the light bird. This mount has a very good flying speed and has a powerful group of healing, and has this mount. After Saturday, the treatment output and safety factor will be greatly improved.

"Tsk tsk, Saturday's luck is very good, not to mention the inauguration of the sacred priest, not to mention the ancient god-level exclusive mount, we also have an air cavalry in the Misty Pavilion." Othello is quite excited.

"It's pretty good." Samadhi chuckled, and then she looked at Ye Luo and others: "Well, I've been busy for so long, and everyone is tired. Today is good news. You will have enough energy to fight tomorrow. ."

Regarding this, everyone had no opinion, and they were going to retreat individually, but at this time, news came from Yi Leng Fireworks, and she found a suitable address for building a second gang resident.

"Fireworks, really found a suitable place?!" After hearing the news, the waves and the wind were very excited: "Great, we can go to see tomorrow, and then start construction."

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