VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1273: : Breakout tactics

The team led by Dongfang Yitian and others have been attacked by several teams, and these teams have formed a siege. Although there has not been a formal attack, the situation is already precarious. This made Fengxing and others anxious, they hurriedly sought Ye Luo, Fireworks are easy to cold with their support.

Feng Xing knows Ye Luo's horror, especially his increased attack power. Although he and the fireworks are easy to cold to support the situation will not completely reverse the situation, but should be able to tear the encirclement ring a hole, and then let the Chinese team escape On the day of birth, the worst can also minimize losses.

However, in the previous operations, Ye Luo and Firework Yiliang had already used the teleportation skills, and it would take 4 to 50 minutes to teleport. For such a long time, I am afraid that the battle has already ended.

Besides, Ye Luo and Firework Yi Leng didn't have any powerful and wide-ranging skills except for a combination skill. At this time, his combat power was greatly reduced. Even if he could rush past, he might not be able to play the popular imagination.

In fact, when the number of killings by Polangchengfeng, Yeluo and others increased significantly, Fengxing realized that they had a big action, and they could guess that this action relied on Yeluo and the fireworks were easy to cold. They attacked mainly, so they may use teleportation skills very much, but they still did not give up the ultimate hope, so they came to ask.

Now that Fengxing has a solemn expression on learning about this situation, he sighed: "Oh, this time it's troublesome. No accident, our team will be wiped out."

Hearing that, the faces of Po Lang Chengfeng and others have also become gloomy. Although the team led by Dongfang Tiantian is much weaker than them, they are extremely powerful and account for less than half of the total number of people in China. If all of these people are killed. It was a heavy blow for the Chinese team.

Although the annihilation of the entire army is only a loss of a chance of resurrection, but in the current situation, players and small teams who are randomly resurrected on the game map are undoubtedly the dishes of those large teams and the beast tide army, so they have to face it. More losses.

"Uncle Fengxing, how many players are on those teams? How far are they from you?" Samadhi asked, "You probably haven't been in contact with the enemy yet."

"No, but they are not too far away from us. Some teams are 1,2 kilometers away from us, and some teams are within kilometers away from us." Feng Xing also knew that Samadhi would not ask meaningless things, he He hurriedly replied: "As for the number of people, most of these 4 or 5 teams have 5 or 6000 people, and the two largest teams even have tens of thousands of people. There are also elite teams led by Tokyo Shinhwa who are watching around, and I also found that these teams seem to be An agreement was reached temporarily, and there was no intention to do anything to each other. They came straight to us."

"It seems that they deliberately targeted us because the first and even the second in the double list are our Chinese players, and China's total points are far more than other countries. After all, our existence threatens them to compete for the first place. "Fengxing Kyushu sighed, and then thought of something, he hurriedly asked: "Samadhi beauty, firework beauty, what can you do to avoid these, even if you reduce some losses."

Despite this inquiry, Fengxing Kyushu did not hold much hope. After all, the current situation is a desperate situation for them. Even if the fireworks are cold and resourceful, they are no longer able to recover.

Think about it, the team led by Dongfang Killian has only more than 4,000 people, while the other party has 30,000 to 40,000 people. Their number is at an absolute disadvantage. The most important thing is that they are surrounded by groups. This is undoubtedly a desperate situation. Ask about fireworks. The two did not give up the last straw.

"Uncle Fengxing, let your 6 people form a team, use the red light stone to open the simplest level 100 dungeon, and delay the time as much as possible in it." The firework, who has not spoken, suddenly said: "But yours The air power must be gathered together, and then immediately tore a hole at the fastest speed, as much as you can rush out, and then find ways to join us."

Hearing that, not only the eyes of Fengxing and others brightened, but also the people like Polangchengfeng and others. They didn't expect to be able to avoid danger in this way, and they were pleasantly surprised.

The 100-level dungeon mission only needs 6 red-light stones, which means that one person has one red-light stone. This task is the simplest. Even 6 priests can easily pass it. It is difficult to delay the time deliberately in the dungeon task. Don't fall for them.

"Tsk tusk, this is a good idea, I will arrange it now." Feng Xing was pleasantly surprised.

"Uncle Fengxing, immediately start breaking through after gathering the air power. Don't hesitate." Yi Leng continued to exhort: "At this time, we will cooperate with you to challenge some people to deter them and try to buy you some time. ."

"Understand, we know how to do it." Dongfang Tiantian's voice sounded in the team channel, and then he didn't say much, obviously he acted in accordance with the instructions of the fireworks and easy cold.

"Uncle Fengxing, remember that your mission is not to fight, but to break through the encirclement, so don't get too entangled with the enemy." Firework Yi Leng continued to ask: "In addition, let players with flying mounts carry other players who only have flying skills as much as possible. Players, if these people are blocked and entangled, it is best not to return to the rescue."

"Understood." Feng Xingdao, his tone became resolute: "I know what to do."

Feng Xing is also a veteran who has been on the battlefield and is a gang leader. He naturally knows that at this time, he should use the courage and courage of a strong man to break his arm and break through with thunder means, so as to minimize their losses.

"Excuse those who start the dungeon mission to delay as much as possible." Firework Yi Leng exhorted again, and she continued without waiting for Fengxing to speak: "Don't be stingy with skills when breaking through. Use combo skills to clear the way. Uncle popular, you should know how do."

"Understand." Fengxing said solemnly, perhaps because he was about to act, he spoke a lot more briefly.

Maybe it has been ordered, maybe it is knowing Fengxing's ability, Firework Yi Leng no longer asks them anything, but is ready to cooperate with Dongfang Tiantian and their plan to break through.

"Sister Fireworks, why not let all the players of Tokyo Mythology and their team hide in the dungeon mission space?" June Feixue was puzzled: "Even though Eastern Killing Sky, their air power is also very strong, there are even 2, 3 combo skills, but you still have a lot of losses if you want to break through the siege."

"Because the time players can stay in the dungeon task space is limited, the time varies according to the difficulty of the task, and the 100-level dungeon task can only stay in it for at most 1 hour." She sighed. There was a cry: "If everyone starts the 100-level dungeon mission, then those 4 or 5 teams will definitely be surrounded there, and a stronger encirclement will be organized, and then it will be difficult to break through. "

"But Uncle Fengxing can start more advanced dungeon missions. Maybe they can't play the 280 level dungeon missions, but the 260, 240 level head office, these quests can stay in them for a long time." Zhiyue said.

"Even if you can stay in it for a long time, today's game time is just 2 hours after the start. Is it possible that they can postpone it until tomorrow's beast tide army comes?" Samadhi asked, she smiled bitterly: "If not, then those Those who are besieged there can stay on guard forever. They still can't get rid of the danger. It's better to break out at this time."

"In that case, why don't we let our people break through together?" Othello was puzzled: "Anyway, it's all dead, even if it's good to kill some of them."

"Those teams are here prepared. Although our people can kill some of them, they have priests, so they will not be too threatening to those teams and have little meaning." Samadhi explained: "Of course , The most important reason is that the sudden disappearance of so many people will definitely disrupt the deployment of other countries. They are worried that our people will escape in hiding, so they rush to close the encirclement, and when they are in a hurry, Dongfang Tiantian and others will follow It’s easier for you to break through."

"Sister Shi, do you mean that all of this is for the purpose of letting the air power of the Eastern Killing Sky break through and serve?" Othello was shocked.

"Well, that's right, because those air powers are the most powerful force of the team. If those people keep, they only need to retain 60 to 70% of their combat power." Samadhi nodded: "And the mobility of air power It’s more sexual, and it’s harder for other teams to stop it, and it’s easier for them to rendezvous with us. With these air powers joining us, we still have a great chance of winning the first place in the future."

Hearing that, June Feixue and the others are silent. Although they know that this is a bit unfair to the players who started the dungeon mission, and even said it is a bit cruel, but this is the best way at present, after all, Dongfang Tiantian and their team will break through the air. There is a greater loss of strength.

Even so, the expressions of June Feixue and others became serious.

"In fact, those people are not completely without opportunities." Perhaps seeing the heavy heart of June Feixue and others, Samadhi comforted: "It is no accident that the enemy also knows that air power is the foundation of a team. At this time they will Send a large amount of air power to chase, and the power to squat is much weaker, even..."

Speaking of this, the samādhi paused, and then looked at the fireworks and Ye Luo: "Even we can go to the rescue. Even if we can't rescue all those people, it can cause some trouble to the enemies, kill some of them, and It was buried for our people."

"Yes, after more than 40 minutes, Ye Luo's teleportation skills will end the CD. At that time, we can teleport and harass them, and try our best to get some opportunities for our people." Sitting on Qin Xin said.

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