VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1247: : Prepare for a sneak attack

Although Samadhi inferred that the brain system is due to the large number of players participating in the competition, it decided to eliminate some people by the way of the beast tide army, but this is after all a competition, a duel between players and players, so the level of those monsters cannot be too high. At the very least, most players cannot be eliminated, otherwise this game will be meaningless.

There are a lot of monsters in the Beast Tide Army. Although killing them will not result in a burst of experience, they do have points and some special equipment. The special equipment is still at the level of the fairy, which greatly increases the interest of everyone and actively fights monsters.

Of course, the explosion rate of special equipment is extremely low, and it is possible to kill one piece by killing thousands of heads. Otherwise, every player's mount will have a complete set of special equipment.

As predicted by Samadhi, the army of beasts can also kill some players in single and small teams, and players from many countries have been singled out by elite teams led by Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. The number of players killed and eliminated by the tide army is also considerable.

Because Chinese players have very good mounts, and because the equipment level and operation level are very good, and the overall strength is quite strong, the number of kills is not large, especially when a dozen players rely on favorable terrain to defend. Many have survived, and Chinese players have some advantages at this point.

Not to mention that the fireworks Yi Leng and others led a large force to resist the beast tide attack, and that Ye Luo and others who were doing the 280 level dungeon task also heard the system prompt, which made them quite worried. After all, they do not know what level the beast tide army is. It's made up of monsters, and I don't know how many, whether the large army can withstand it.

"How come a beast tide army was suddenly created? Didn't this disrupt our deployment?" Po Lang Chengfeng frowned slightly, and her tone was full of worry: "Beast tide, you know there are a lot of monsters, and I don’t know what level and what we rely on, whether our large forces can withstand it, but unfortunately we still need some time to complete this task, and we cannot help."

The expressions of Longteng Tianxia and Ye Luo were quite calm. The former chuckled slightly: "Don't worry, if even our team can't withstand the attack of the beast tide army, I'm afraid that all the countries participating in the competition can't. "

"Yes, our country's team is the strongest of all countries. Attacks like the Beast Tide Army are just to weed out the poorer teams." Yaoyue toasted.

"Yes, the beast tide army is good news for us, because..." Ye Luo said, what he said is similar to the analysis of Samadhi poetry, and at the end he added: "Besides there are fireworks, what else do we have? So worried."

Maybe the ones that Ye Luo analyzed are not enough to completely relieve the waves and the wind, but his last sentence is OK. After all, fireworks are easy to cold in her heart, but they are very good at dealing with such emergencies, not to mention the Chinese team. Being strong is an indisputable fact. If even the Chinese team can't withstand the attacks of the animal wave, it will not be possible for other countries, and this situation is simply impossible.

"Yeah, Sister Feng, there must be no problem with Sister Fireworks." June Feixue said confidently: "Let's speed up, maybe we still have time to see what a beast attack is like."

Nodded, breaking the waves and riding the wind no longer entangled these problems, and began to increase his attack.

With the strength of the people like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, the 280-level dungeon mission is completely stress-free, not to mention that after completing the dungeon mission yesterday, some of the 6-person team updated their equipment and strengthened their strength.

Not to mention that the 6 Ye Luo people continue to do the 280 level dungeon mission, and that Tokyo Myth and others have also heard the system prompts about the beast tide army.

After hearing this reminder, Tokyo Shinhwa and others were quite worried. After all, they were some distance away from the large unit at this time, and the overall strength of the large unit without the elite squad was relatively weak. They were worried that the large unit would not be able to withstand the beast tide army. attack.

Of course, this is only one of their reasons. Another reason is because their team of 3,4000 people was wiped out yesterday. Those players randomly landed on the map. Most of them were alone or in small teams. Active, they will suffer heavy losses under the attack of the beasts without accident.

"Why is there a beast tide attacking suddenly?" Heilongtian cut his brows and frowned deeply: "We still have so many people who haven't joined the large forces. I don't know if they can survive the beast tide attack safely."

"I'm afraid it's a little overhang." The God of Susao took the conversation, and he sighed: "Even our large army may suffer losses. After all, our overall strength is a bit weak if we are not in the large army. Too powerful..."

"This shouldn't be a big problem. After all, this is a competition. The brain system is unlikely to allow the beast tide army to eliminate too many players. It should only be aimed at the players who are single and those small teams." Tokyo Mythology suddenly said. Then the tone changed: "In addition, it is said that the number of elite players in our large army is somewhat small, but the overall strength of the players is still very good. After all, everyone has done a lot of 260 level dungeon tasks and rewarded a lot of extreme suits. This suit is comparable to 3 or 4 ancient artifacts, so their strength is very good, and it should be no problem to withstand the attacks of the beast wave."

That's right, the overall strength of the players equipped with the ultimate suit is very good, even if it is in the middle of all the participating players, although it is not comparable to the elites such as Ye Luo, the overall strength should not be underestimated.

"Well, that's true." Heilongtian cut his head and nodded: "Besides, all of us have mounts and some special equipment. If even our people can't resist the attack of the beast wave, I am afraid that the beast wave attacked and competed. Most of the players will lose most of it, which is impossible."

While they were talking about this, the tide of beasts also attacked. After seeing that it was only a level 250 nightmare-level monster, they breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that their large forces could resist the attack of the beasts.

"Hey, it's just a level 250 nightmare monster. It may be a threat to the singles and small teams under 3 or 40 people, but it's not a threat to our large forces at all." Heilongtian smiled.

"It's a pity that we are the players alone. They are afraid it will be difficult to resist the attack of the beast tide." The God of Susao sighed.

"We have a lot of players placed orders, other countries also have, and there are many, even the Chinese team has 1,2,000 people placed orders, they will lose a lot after this beast attack." Tokyo Yong Unsinkable, and then he laughed: "I feel that the beast wave attack is good news for us, because our elite squad action can make players from many countries stand alone. In this case, the beast wave attack will further Weaken the power of other countries."

"It seems to be the case." Heilongtian cut and said with a weird smile: "As long as the players killed by us are difficult to find large units, they will lose more chances of resurrection under the attack of the beast tide army, and even Be eliminated directly."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, all agreeing.

"In addition, we can also sneak attacks on teams in other countries while the beast tides are attacking." Susano God suddenly said, he looked around: "We all have high-grade flying mounts, and those beast tide troops are not too big for us. Threats, and while teams from other countries are entangled with the beast tide army, we can sneak attack them. Hey, presumably their losses will be great in this case. Maybe we are lucky to destroy a large team. "

After hesitating a little, Tokyo Myth nodded, and he said: "It is no surprise that there will be beast attacks every day in future matches, and the level of those monsters will be higher day by day. In this case, the teams will be more difficult to deal with. Some, our sneak attacks are more effective."

"Hey, what are you waiting for, let's hurry up and attack other teams." A player of the elite squad couldn't help but urge: "Now kill them and place them alone, and the loss of the beasts will attack them later. Bigger."

Hearing this, everyone cheered up, and then under the leadership of Tokyo Mythology, they looked for large teams from other countries.

"Boss, do you think we can sneak attack on the Chinese team?" During the flight, Heilongtian looked at Tokyo Mythology expectantly.

"I'm afraid it's not feasible." Tokyo Mythology sighed, and he said: "Because the air power of the Chinese team is also very strong, sending half of the air power can stop us, and their large forces resist the beast wave attack. There is not much pressure, after all, their overall strength is very strong."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Of course, it's just not possible now. If the level of the beast monsters increases a lot in the next few days, the Chinese team will be struggling to deal with it, and we suddenly attacked, so there is still a chance. "

Hearing this, the God of Susao nodded: "Well, that's true. Anyway, we sent assassins to monitor them. If we get the chance, we will not miss it. But really, there are some envious assassins now, they can look for them. Hide in a relatively safe place, such as in a big tree, such as in the jungle, so that the army of the beasts poses no threat to them."

Most of the players participating in the game are hidden professional assassins, and most of them can remain invisible all the time and will not be detected by monsters. As long as they are not trampled on by monsters, they will barely show up and there will be no danger.

Although players of other professions can also take high-level stealth pills to hide, but the duration of stealth pills is mostly only 10 minutes, the CD time is 30 minutes and the attack duration of the beast tide is 1 hour. In this case, it is difficult to avoid monsters completely. s attack.

"It may be difficult for a single player to escape the attack of the beast tide, but the small team still has a way to avoid the attack of the beast tide." Susano Shinto suddenly saw the curious look of everyone, he continued: "That is to use the red light Shi started the dungeon mission and hid in the virtual space for a while."

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