VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1222: : Refusing to challenge

Facing the challenge of breaking the waves and riding the wind, Tokyo Shinhwa and others refused one after another. Obviously they were a little bit confused. This made the samashi and others secretly happy, especially the waves and the wind. The anger that had been abused before finally vented, looking at Suzu Zhishen's face was blue and gloomy, and she was in a good mood.

The anger and depression in my heart have all been vented. At this time, it doesn’t matter whether Tokyo Shinhwa and others will fight, but I don’t want the fireworks to cool down suddenly and say to increase some blocking, such as betting on some [conquest order], some Crimson Stone, or something else.

[Request Order], Red Mangstone, these things can be traded, and Fireworks Easy Cooling proposes to use these things as a bet is naturally reasonable, not to mention these things are things that all major countries need.

Let’s not talk about the role of the [Conquest Order]. This can directly challenge and eliminate some masters. For some countries, it can be comparable to the ancient artifacts. The Red Light Stone can also be used to open dungeon missions and gain points at the same time. Get some other rewards, such as extreme suits, such as some special communication devices and so on.

Seeing the Tokyo myth silently, the fireworks are easy to be cold and continue: "You are undoubtedly chasing us to get the points and the red light stone. Now we directly bet on these things, the number is up to you, so the head office?

On the side, listening to the words of the fireworks being easy to get cold, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were puzzled. After all, they knew her well and knew that she was a very sensible person. At this time, a five-on-five duel with Tokyo Shinhwa and others was not too much. It makes a lot of sense, but they know that fireworks are easy to be cold is not a meaningless thing, so they are all curious about what she is going to do.

Asked by the fireworks Yi Leng one after another, Tokyo Mythology's face is slightly unnatural, he said: "We have the advantage of a large number of people, why do we have to fight you five-on-five? Or that sentence, we are participating in the competition, what we have to do is Kill you all in the shortest possible time. Although the Red Light Stone can also be exchanged for some points, killing you can eliminate you earlier, which is much better than getting the Red Light Stone."

"If you win the five-on-five duel, you can naturally kill us. This does not conflict with what you said." Samadhi said, she chuckled: "If you don't have it, you will kill us, because we are faster than Hurry up, you won't be able to catch up with us at all, so it's better to come to a five-on-five duel, so that the skills reduce our chances of resurrection and we can get points and red light stones. Why not do it."

Seeing Samadhi poem with a confident appearance, sitting on the piano, they knew that she had understood the meaning of fireworks' easy coldness, and it was precisely because of this that she would follow the words of firework easy coldness.

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with them, we just rush over and kill them." Heilongtian cut and said, urging his mount to kill him.

Tokyo Mythology nodded, he waved his hand, and then dozens of people rushed over, and they charged in a fan shape, obviously wanting to surround the waves and ride the wind and kill them all.

Seeing Tokyo Mythology and others charging, they also know that head-on fighting is not dominant, and if the toughness of the mount is emptied, there is only a dead end, so they do not hesitate to break the waves and ride the wind, and ride the ride at the fastest speed. .

"Hey, how can Tokyo Shinhwa be so calm? Five to five should be a good opportunity for him. After all, they can pick the masters at will, and we are only five of us here, and my big moves are After using it, only [Wrath of the King] is left, and Ye Luo has only one big move." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, his tone was a little confused.

"If Japan's second master and Tokyo are not too popular here, he will choose to challenge out of all likelihood. Together with the God of Susao and Heilong Tianzhan, the five of them are the most powerful combination." Dao, and then thought of something, her tone changed: "But Tokyo Mythology should also know that Ye Luo and Sister Feng have used big moves, and they can choose 5 dual professional players, why they are not willing to accept a five-on-five bet. What?"

"It can only mean that they did not have the confidence to defeat us, or knew that they would definitely lose." Samadhi Shidao, she laughed: "The fireworks proposed the gambling battle is not a random thought, but deliberately. If I didn't guess wrong, She wants to judge certain things based on whether Tokyo Mythology dares to fight, such as the level of equipment of Tokyo Mythology and others, such as whether they have used big moves, etc. Knowing this has some meaning to us."

"It turned out to be like this. I thought Fireworks really wanted to bet against Tokyo Mythology." Po Lang Chengfeng suddenly realized.

"In fact, it’s okay to really bet on the battle, because the odds of winning for the 5 of us are still great, at least 80%. It’s not bad to kill them and get some bets. Anyway, other players in Japan can also revive them. , This has no effect on our plan." Samadhi said, seeing everyone nodding, she continued: "In this case, Tokyo Myth doesn’t dare to fight. I can only say that they have a guilty conscience. No accident is because they are mostly people. I used a big move, so I didn't dare to challenge."

What the samādhi said is also true. When Tokyo Mythology used a team of about 2,000 players before, they not only used 2 combo skills, but most of them used ults, even he and the **** of Susao. There are no big moves, and they naturally dare not fight under this situation.

Although they also guessed that Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng used their ultimate skills to complete the 280 level dungeon mission, but the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the samādhi poetry is also very scary after using the ultimate move. They do not have much chance of winning, so they There is no challenge.

"Hey, it turns out that Tokyo Mythology and others have no big tricks. This is a good thing for us, because next we challenge the God of Susa or Heilong Tianzhang to defeat them." The wave of the wind said, and then She urged: "Fireworks, when shall we challenge them?"

"Wait." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "At the very least, you have to get rid of them completely, and it is impossible today, because today's challenge is over in 5 or 6 minutes, so wait until tomorrow."

"Yes, it's better to wait until tomorrow." Samadhi said, she looked at Ye Luo: "Because Yeluo tomorrow can use [Cooling Reset] again, two big tricks, which can better prevent accidents."

"Well, anyway, it will take some time for us to get rid of the chasing soldiers behind, so we can only wait until tomorrow." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then thinking of something, she couldn't help but laugh: "We will challenge him when the game starts tomorrow. The Gods of Sao, let them be killed once at the beginning of the game, which must make them very depressed, even depressed all day."

"Yes, we don't eliminate them. We only use one [Conquest Order]. They are alive and disgusting. Seeing that they dare not speak wildly," June Feixue said angrily. It is obvious that she is still entangled with Suzuo before. The foul language of the gods.

"Then let them see how good we are tomorrow." Sitting on the piano heart is also rare to look forward to.

As he was talking, suddenly the voice of the book sounded in the team channel in the middle of the night, with a faint surprise in his tone: "Hey, guess what I found?"

"Couldn't you find a Primordial God-level flying monster, and it can still be tamed?" Othello asked back, and then she laughed: "If this is the case, it would be good news for us, although the Primordial God-level The BOSS is very powerful, but we have so many dual professions here. Turning on the big move can keep its vitality and blood in a state of residual blood. Ye Luo and Yue'er will perform [Beast God Control Technique] together, plus us These people also have a great opportunity to tame."

"Yes, anyway, there are a lot of priests here. Even if they are killed by a spike, they can be resurrected. There will be no loss." June Feixue took the stubbornly, and her tone was full of expectation: "A Primordial God-level flying mount. , This is the most advanced flying mount at present. It must be much stronger than the ancient god-level flying mount, and it can be almost invincible with one."

"You are thinking about good things." Samadhi chuckled, and then changed her tone: "The Boss of the Primordial God-level are not so tame. Even the ancient God-level ones need more than half an hour, and the Primordial God-level ones are at least 2. Three hours is more than wasting so much time for a mount."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Furthermore, what Xiaoshu found must not be a Primordial God-level flying mount. Not surprisingly, what he found should be a team with a large number of people, otherwise he would not be so excited."

"Tsk Tsk, Sister Shi is amazing, I guessed it right away." Midnight Shu praised him, and then he nodded: "Yes, I found a foreign team with a number of about 3 to 4,000. Tsk, our team is strong. You can easily kill them all. Sister Shi, you are so smart, can you guess which country this team is from?"

"There are hundreds of countries participating in the competition, even if there are dozens of servers, how do we guess?" June Feixue said in a sullen manner, she urged: "Hurry up and tell us which country is the team. Forget it, You don’t need to tell us this, just tell us where you are. With our strength, you can easily defeat this team and kill them all."

Yes, although the opponent has 3 to 4,000 people, June Feixue is full of confidence in their team.

That’s right, the Bacchus Dukang led a team of 4 to 5,000 people. They not only have advantages in numbers, but also have advantages in air power, equipment, and mounts. What's more, Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Cold and others can also send back to help. It is easy to defeat it and then kill it.

If this is the case, there is no need to ask which country the team is from, just defeat it anyway.

"It should be from Japan or South Korea, the former is more likely." Samadhi poetry said, although it is speculation, but the tone is quite sure.

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