VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1218: : Sword in the sleeve

Eastern Killing Sky, Da Mo Guyan and Ouyang Feitian are all first-class masters, and the overall output is also very high, not even worse than the damage output of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, Long Teng Tian Xia, plus Ouyang Feitian has a powerful Healing ability and the ability to drive away negative states, combined with Yeyutiange, Fengxing Kyushu, Dongfang Xiaotian and others can also kill the fallen tree elf king, so it is not uncommon for them to complete the 280 level dungeon.

Although it is impossible to complete the third 280 level dungeon quest to kill and get rewards, but the third time is the Chinese player who completed the quest. This also makes Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind feel a little more comfortable, but this time the dungeon rewards more than the previous two. The difference is a lot, which makes them quite disappointed. After all, according to the rules that the more the number of copies completed, the worse the reward will be. They will be even worse if they complete this task tomorrow and get rewards.

Think about it too, the Dongfang Killing and other 6 people who completed the task for the third time only got 2 Primordial God-level treasure chests and 3 [Conquest Orders]. This reward is far worse than Yeluo's completion of the task, and they will tomorrow The reward for completing the task for the fourth time will be worse than this time, and maybe there will be no rewards for [Conquest Order] and [Death Free Order].

"In fact, this is a good thing for us. After all, even if another country completes the 280 level dungeon in the future, there is no need to worry that they will get the [Conquest Order], so you don't have to worry about someone challenging Sister Feng or Ye Luo. ." Samadhi poetry said: "After all, in the case of 6 vs. 2, Feng Sister or Ye Luo is easily eliminated when challenged. After all, everyone who does it is a super master, and Ye Luo or Feng Sister is not the strongest."

Because of the completion of the 280 level dungeon, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng both used big moves, and they used a lot of powerful skills when they used to deal with the coalition forces of Britain and France. If they are challenged by 6 masters now, they will be defeated. The chance of being above 80%.

If this is the case, then you will be wronged. After all, with the strength of Ye Luo or Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, there is a great chance to persist until the end.

Even if they are not challenged today, it is no surprise that Ye Luo and the others will do a 280 level dungeon mission in the next few days, so the chance of being challenged and then eliminated is still great.

At present, no country has the number of [Conquest Orders] that can eliminate Ye Luo two people, and it is undoubtedly very good for them that it is difficult to obtain [Conquest Orders] at this time.

"Well, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

"Uncle Fengxing, who got the two Primordial God-level treasure chests? Are they yours?" June Feixue asked curiously: "By the way, what good things are out of the treasure chests?"

"No, what Kyushu got was only an ancient god-level treasure chest, but luck was good, and he issued a talisman of an ancient artifact with very good attributes." Feng Xingdao, and then his tone changed: "It is Dongfang Xiaotian and Damo Guyan The Primordial God-level treasure chest obtained, my God, Dongfang Xiaotian actually drove Primordial God-level equipment?!"

"What, the equipment of the Primordial God-level?!" June Feixue was stunned, and then her tone was full of envy and depression: "This luck is also too good, sister Feng, we have opened several Primordial God-level treasure chests. When he drove out the Primordial God-level equipment, Dongfang Xiaotian just opened one and obtained it. This is really no luck."

Think about it, June Feixue has already obtained 9 Primordial God-level treasure chests. Except for some fossils and profound ice crystals, everything else is ancient god-level, and Dongfang Xiaotian just opened a treasure chest and opened it. With the equipment of the Primordial God Level, this made June Feixue envy and depressed.

"Uncle Fengxing, what type of Primordial God-level equipment is, and what are its attributes?" Samadhi asked.

"Breastplate, heavy armor type, Dongfang Xiaotian's luck is really good, this equipment is the strongest defensive power of all equipment, not to mention the Primordial God-level equipment is a higher grade than the ancient God-level equipment. After Dongfang Xiantian equipped this breastplate, his defense power was greatly improved, and his life-saving ability was even stronger." Fengxing said with emotion. When he said this, he sent everyone an equipment illustration, which is a Primordial God-level breastplate. Illustrated book.

After reading this picture book, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were shocked. The equipment of Liandao Primordial God Level was so much better than that of Ancient God Level, and they couldn't help but become a little envious.

"Hey, Damo Guyan's luck is also very good, he actually obtained 3 hidden weapons, [Sword in the sleeve], this is the same equipment as the [Plum Blossom Dart] that does not need to occupy the equipment groove." Suddenly the voice of Fengxing sounded. , And the sound improved a bit.

"What, Damo Guyan has obtained 3 hidden weapons?!" June Feixue was shocked, she asked hurriedly: "Uncle Fengxing, what grade is the hidden weapon he obtained, and what are the attributes?"

"Artifact level, although the overall attributes are much worse than [Plum Dart], this kind of equipment does not need to be equipped with grooves. One more piece will give players a lot of advantages." Feng Xingdao, his tone was full Envy: "The most important thing is that [Sword in the sleeve] increases sword damage and increases some sword intent damage. This is the most suitable hidden weapon for swordsmen."

When talking about this, Feng Xing once again sent an equipment illustration book, it was [Sword in the sleeve].

"Increase sword intent damage?" June Feixue was taken aback, and then she said to herself: "Isn't this the most suitable for idiots? It's a pity that Damo Guyan should give these 3 hidden weapons to Heaven and Earth, Hero Sword, after all. The two are swordsmen, and they are also the help and deputy leader of the heroes of Heavenly War.

When Feixue was talking to herself in June, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind was also checking the attributes of [Sword in the Sleeve]. This hidden weapon is also quite powerful. Although it is not as good as the [Plum Dart], it is also a rare equipment. The most important thing is that there is no need to equip grooves, which will give players a lot of advantages over other players.

"Hey, girl, your analysis is wrong." Feng Xingdao, feeling the curiosity of everyone, he continued: "I listened to the things that Da Mo Guyan discussed with Tiandi, Da Mo Guyan left a [Sword in the sleeve] ], another hero sword, but the last one is not for heaven and earth, but for the sunset boy."

"Give it to the setting sun?" Othello was taken aback, and then she laughed and applauded: "It's not bad to be a big brother. I also thought that [Sword in the sleeve] is the most suitable for the setting sun, so I specially left him one ."

"Well, we won 3 [Plum Blossom Dart] before and never thought of giving it to Sunset. Now Da Mo Guyan gave him a [Sword in the sleeve]. Will Sunset have some thoughts about us? "Po Lang Chengfeng Road, her tone was a little guilty, and a little worried.

Guilt is easy to understand. After all, she has a [Plum Blossom Dart]. As for worrying that the sunset in the Long River will be fettered by the family feelings of the lone smoke in the desert, she chooses to quit the Misty Pavilion and join the Heroes of Heaven.

After living with the waves and riding the wind for a long time, Samadhi knew her worries by herself. She chuckled, “Sister Feng, don’t worry, the sunset is a sensible person. He naturally knows that it is the best arrangement. I don't think much about it."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind to speak, she lowered her voice: "Furthermore, Sunset is a simple-minded person with great affection and righteousness. We are also very good to him. Since he chose to leave the hero and join us, he will not return. Yes, even if he has a good relationship with Damo Guyan."

"Yes, idiots don't account for these." June Feixue took the stubbornness, and then she snorted: "Sister Feng and Uncle Ye Luo are not controversial. After all, you can stick to it best. In the end, and most likely to be the number one murderer, is it possible that he still wants to compete with me?"

Hearing this, Po Lang Cheng Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and she nodded: "That's true."

"But to be honest, Da Mo Guyan and Dongfang Xiaotian are also very lucky. Two Primordial God-level treasure chests can actually open so many good things." Samadhi poetry said with emotion.

As he was talking, Ye Luo's expression suddenly faltered, his front foot slightly stepped forward, and his long sword hung slightly. Anyone familiar with him knew that he was in a state of combat vigilance, and he couldn't help but look awe-inspiring, and then looked around vigilantly.

"Ye Luo, what's the matter?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked, "Are there any invisible units around?"

"No, there are people in front of us. Although the number is small, dozens of people, but they should all be elites." Ye Luo said, pointing to the front with a deep voice: "At least these people are riding. With flying mounts, they seem to have found us."

Hearing that, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others looked forward, but they could only see vague figures, because the target was too far away from them, even if they had air superiority, they could not see clearly.

The reason why Ye Luo could see one step ahead of time was naturally the invisible function of [Samsara Pupil]. This skill has the ability to passively increase the visible distance.

"The elite team of dozens of people?!" Po Lang Chengfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then she became excited: "Hey, great, killing the elite team is much faster than simply slaughtering the land players, and the effect is greater. Fireworks, Ye Luo, let's rush over and try to kill them all."

Although the opponent has dozens of people, and most of them ride flying mounts, they are not afraid of breaking the waves and riding the wind, not only because of their strong strength, but also because the fireworks are easy to cold and Ye Luo can also use combo skills. In her heart The combination of skills can kill many people in seconds, and at least it can knock out most of the toughness of those people's flying mounts.

Next, Ye Luo can use [Cooldown Reset] and then [Wan Jianguizong], I believe it can easily kill some people in seconds, so it will be easier to deal with others.

If it doesn't work, they can still evacuate. Anyway, they are riding ancient god-level flying mounts, and equipped with some special equipment, flying faster, and there is no problem in retreating safely.

"Yes, you can try it. It should be no problem to kill some of them." Samadhi Shi said. When she said this, she looked at the fireworks and became cold, obviously asking for her opinion.

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