VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1200: : Stress reduction

After the dark night, Tokyo Mythology also gathered a group of elite players to form a team to hunt and kill, and it is no longer a secret that he killed people to increase attack power. After all, killing 5,600 people in just over 10 minutes only has attack power. It can be done by increasing it by one or two times, and also has many group attack skills like Ye Luo.

The myth of Tokyo is more radical than Dark Night. He leads more elite masters. He frequently takes action. The number of murders rises sharply. He will soon be able to catch up with Dark Night. Japan’s total points are also increasing rapidly. It won’t take long to catch up with South Korea and even China.

Dark night and Tokyo Mythology have a strong meaning of competing, and their actions have attracted the vigilance of players from many countries, but Ye Luo and the others are not too worried, because they have already figured out a countermeasure—— When the time is almost the same, use enough [Conquest Orders] to challenge and eliminate them.

"Sister Shi, fireworks, we can directly challenge the dark night with the [Request Order], but how about the Tokyo myth?" Othello suddenly asked: "He has the ancient god-level props such as [Paint the Ground as a Prison], and we cannot use it. [Conquest order] Challenge him."

"Yes, this is a big problem." June Feixue took the stubbornly.

"Is there anything to worry about? Tokyo Mythology always uses [Painting the Ground as a Prison]. After he uses it, we can challenge him." Samadhi said indifferently: "Let him attract hatred during this time. More and more people want to deal with him, and our pressure is much less."

"I say so, but what if the Tokyo Mythology uses [Drawing a Dungeon as a Prison] at the last moment?" Othello asked, with a faint worry in its tone: "The number of killings has increased very quickly now. If you use it at the last moment, [Drawing the ground as a prison], such as the last day of the game, so even if we can challenge and then eliminate him, he surpassed Ye Luo in the number of killings, and letting him take the first number of killings is not what we want to see."

"Relax, as the security zone becomes smaller and smaller, the chances of players from major countries colliding will become greater. Coupled with the joint efforts of major countries, their air power will become stronger and stronger, and the disadvantage of elite teams will be It will be exposed. At that time, Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night can no longer kill people wantonly." Samadhi said, she chuckled: "Even we are very likely to meet them, and then we can rely on our advantages to kill them. We are not afraid even if they all have flying mounts."

Samadhi is true. Even if the elite teams led by Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have flying mounts to break the waves and ride the wind, they are sure to defeat them or even kill them all, because mammoths can use [Frozen Magic Bullets ] It’s easy to block them in ice, and then the land cavalry charge, and kill them under the fire attack.

Even if there are no mammoths, there are definitely no fewer players in China who have flying mounts than Dark Night, and Ye Luo and fireworks can come back to support them at any time, and it is easy to fight them head-on.

"Don't worry too much about the Tokyo myth." The fireworks' easy-to-cold voice sounded in the team channel: "Although they can quickly increase the number of points and kills in a short period of time, it is not a too rational choice for their country, because they The strength of the large unit is very fragile. If it is discovered that the large unit will suffer heavy casualties and even soon the entire army will be wiped out. In this case, their elite team will not be able to make a big wave.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, Tokyo Mythology and their such strong attack will definitely be targeted by many countries. If they are surrounded by large-scale players, although Tokyo Mythology and others will be difficult to kill, but others However, it is still possible to be killed, so their elite squads will become fewer and fewer, and they are not afraid of people from major countries."

Hearing this, everyone was deeply convinced, their expressions stretched a lot.

"In addition, although we can’t challenge him because Tokyo Mythology possesses [Painting the Dungeon as a Prison], we can challenge the masters around him, such as Tokyo Unsinkable, Susano God, etc. These people are famous players in Japan, and they are Tokyo The elite squad members led by Shinhwa will greatly weaken the overall strength of that elite squad if they are eliminated.” Samadhi said, she chuckled: “Now we still have 2,30 [Conquest Orders], but it’s enough to eliminate them. Fewer people."

"Hehe, that's true." June Feixue chuckled, and then changed his tone: "Today's game is about to end, but so far there is no second team to complete the 280 level dungeon mission. No surprises. The only one who completes this task is still us. Although there is no huge reward for the first kill, the reward must be very good. Maybe there will be some [Conquest Orders], because I think this is one of the few rewards for this kind of thing. The task of trial."

"It should be like this, just reward 10 or 8 at random. This is enough to eliminate Dark Night or Tokyo Mythology. After all, the [Death Free Order] rarely appears now, and Dark Night only has two or three of them. ." Black and white chess.

Just like the [Demand of Conquest], the [Death Free Order] rarely breaks out with the increase in the number of dungeon missions completed and the increase in trial missions. Now Ye Luo has the most such things in the competition venue. With Po Lang and Riding the Wind, they only have 5 or 6 pieces, not to mention the others, which means that there are 8 or 9 [Conquest Orders] enough to kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

"I hope so." Samadhi poem said, and then his tone changed: "Although Ye Luo's killing efficiency is not as good as that of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, it is not bad to kill more. In addition, he killed many people before. Tokyo Mythology and others think It’s not easy to catch up, so we don’t have to worry about this at all."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then continued to be busy with each other.

Time passed faintly, and in a blink of an eye, the game on this day was over. At the end, China's total points still occupies a considerable advantage, and Ye Luo's number of murders is still much higher than that of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

Although this is the case, the strength of Tokyo Myth and Dark Night has also attracted a lot of hatred. Many countries are targeting them. Although they can’t help them, they can target other players in South Korea and Japan. This gives these two countries a lot. Loss, many players have even been eliminated.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others are eager to do this, because the news from the various teams has been so long that other countries are not too targeted at Chinese players, which makes their pressure much less.

It's the old rule. After you go offline, you will solve your personal problems, and then you will discuss the harvest of the day at the dinner table. Naturally, the rewards of the 280 level dungeon mission are indispensable. Mentioned that the advancement of the Xuanbing Mage and other rewards on Tuesday is full of smiles. meaning.

Of course, apart from breaking the waves and riding the wind, she was still entangled in the matter of pulling out ancient artifacts from the ancient treasure chest.

"Sister Feng, don't worry about this matter. Although you are only selling ancient artifacts, it is a sorting type. The explosion rate of this kind of thing is very low, not to mention it is suitable for the firework sister." June Feixue smiled and comforted.

"Yes, Ye Luo didn't have such a thing as an energy stone." Samadhi Shi added, but when he said this, he looked at the heart of the piano, and his beautiful eyes were full of joking.

"Yeah, I am ashamed to death." Ye Luo added casually, but his words caused everyone to laugh, and Po Lang Chengfeng became even more angry.

Of course, sitting on Qin's heart is the sweetest, after all, for her, that skill book is better than the energy stone, and the most important thing is the gift that Ye Luo gave her.

Listening to the laughter of the people, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind said angrily: "Wait, we will complete the 280 level dungeon tomorrow. I will definitely be able to get good things out of the Primordial God-level treasure chest, which is more precious than the energy stone."

"Hey, what is more precious than the natural energy stone is probably only the heart of the city. Although this kind of thing is more precious, it doesn't seem to be of much use to us, so we will not build two gangs. Right." Midnight Shu said casually.

"Why can't we build two stations?" Po Lang Rongfeng asked, and then changed his tone: "It used to be very difficult for us to build a gang station. That was because we didn't have enough funds, but now we don’t have this problem at all. Say that the old man and Uncle Leng have given us sufficient investment. Just say that we have already made a lot of profit in business now. Although the construction of the two gangs is more pressured, it is not impossible."

"Yeah, that's right." Samadhi nodded: "The funds are okay, and the next thing is to defend the city. However, as the number of players in our ethereal pavilion increases, there is no problem defending a gang resident. Now we are fully capable of defending the two cities, not to mention that we are allies with the fine wine family, Fengxing and other gangs. They can come to support if foreign enemies invade. There is no big problem in defending the two cities."

That’s right, the Misty Pavilion has been recruiting players, and now the total number of players in the Misty Pavilion is more than 3 million, and this number is still increasing, so many people, coupled with the unique geographical conditions of Wushuang City and various defense equipment to resist There is no problem with the attacks of monsters or players, and they have the strength to build a second gang station.

"That's really true." Midnight Shu nodded, and then he said to himself: "An extra gang resident will add a tax, and the construction of a gang resident will also have a lot of benefits. As long as you can guard the monster or The enemy’s siege will definitely be profitable."

"You kid, you know how to make money." Po Lang said with a smile.

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