VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1100: : Hunting down the bait

While the fireworks are easy to cold and others are calculating the players in Japan, South Korea and the United States, the latter is also calculating them, but the players in Japan, South Korea and the United States are still in their calculations, so they decided to take the calculations. Introduce players from the Three Kingdoms into the trap.

In this regard, sitting on Qin Xin and others expressed their support, and they were quite excited to kill those decoys under the leadership of the waves and the wind.

"Sister Feng, although they are decoys, we can kill them if we can." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she looked towards the waves and rides the wind: "And it's best if you can put their heads in your bag. Because you have the [Pearl of Murderous Aura], killing can increase your attack power, which is more beneficial to the next battle. I think this is also the reason why the fireworks let you lead us as bait."

It's no secret that Breaking Waves and Riding Wind possesses the [murderish pearl] which can increase attack power. So even if she grabs a few heads and is present, it will be more beneficial to the next melee.

"Hey, rest assured, I won't be polite." Po Lang said with a smile, and when she said this, she looked at the few people who had escaped: "Although they can't kill the players who ride their flying mounts, the other players are still there. By the way, after all, that flying mount can only ride 2 people."

That's right, the eight or nine people in front are all Japanese players, and the flying mount is just a bird, and can only ride two people together. The other people can only escape by riding ordinary land mounts, which are much faster than the waves and wind. Up.

"Sister Feng, take your time." Long Jieyu reminded: "Don't forget that our mission is a bait. Don't kill them all. It wouldn't be good to scare away players from Japan, South Korea, and the United States."

"Don't worry, I have a bottom in my heart." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently, and then she changed her words: "Actually, it's no secret that I own the Purple Lightning Dragon, and my career is pretty good. In this case It's nothing to be strong at all, but only when you are cautious will you be suspected."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Furthermore, even if I try my best, it is impossible to kill all of them. In addition, there are hundreds of people in Japan, South Korea, and the United States. I will not retreat because of how many people I killed. Go."

They also knew that what the breaking waves and riding the wind said was quite reasonable, so they didn't say anything.

"Wednesday, wait for you to cooperate with my attack. Hey, you have a flying mount and powerful damage magic. At this time, it would be great for you to take action." Po Lang Chengfeng said to Wednesday.

Wednesday nodded: "Sister Feng, I understand, but you want our priest to give you a spell immunity effect, so I don't have to worry about hurting you by mistake."

"It doesn't matter, my vitality and defense are high, and I can kill and **** blood, plus you deliberately avoid me, there is no problem at all." Po Lang Chengfeng didn't care.

When talking about this, the waves and the wind urged the purple lightning dragon to chase, and on Wednesday they also caught up with the fastest speed, and they quickly got closer to the Japanese players.

At the back, Jin Xin and the others were chasing at the fastest speed while observing the situation of the Japanese players.

"Sister Qin, most of their mounts are gold or dark gold BOSS level, and this should be the best among them. This is one or two grades behind ours. After all, most of the mounts we have are immortal. There are also many of God-level, God-level and ancient God-level." Long Jieyu said while observing.

"Yue'er and Ye Luo have mastered the [Manipulation of the Beast God]. It is much easier to tame the mount. It is not surprising that we have the advantage at this point." Sitting on Qin Xin said, the smile on her face became stronger: " But we can do a lot with these advantages, especially when we chase them down after being defeated by us."

That’s right, the level of Chinese players’ mounts is obviously one or two higher than those of players from Japan, South Korea and the United States, so even if you face Chinese players head-on, you have a good chance of winning, not to mention that this time there are fireworks and their calculations. In this way, the superiority of the mount can be fully reflected when chasing and fleeing enemies.

Hearing this, Long Jieyu and others are also looking forward to it.

While they were talking about this, Po Lang Chengfeng had already caught up with the opponent who was the last one, and then did not say much, directly launched the most fierce attack, one after another sword energy, [Sword energy] has been displayed. come out.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind's attack power is very high, not to mention that she now has the lengthening of the sacred dragon, and the single attack power is even much higher than that of June Feixue, so the damage numbers of each group attack skill float.

I don’t know if it was deliberately acting as a bait to lure. I don’t know if it’s because my large forces will arrive soon, so the Japanese players who were overtaken did not flee, even the players with flying mounts. To flee again, but to turn back to resist the attack of the waves and wind, vowing to survive with his teammates.

Think about it, in the hearts of these people, their large forces will be able to arrive soon, even if they die, they can be resurrected. This does not affect their resurrection times, so they are a little brazen.

In this regard, breaking the waves and riding the wind is very happy, after all, her attack power will increase a lot after killing these people, and it will be much easier than chasing them deliberately.

Although the players in Japan are also elite masters, there is still a big gap between them, even the player who rides the flying mount, so under the attack of one person, they are crazy. Come down, this situation is even more so after joining the battle on Wednesday.

Wednesday is the same lava mage like June Feixue. Although the equipment level is a little worse, although the mounts are a lot worse, the damage output is still very high. Several group attack skills are reduced by many Japanese players. Bottomed out.

At this time, breaking the waves and riding the wind would not be polite, attacking repeatedly to empty their qi serum, but they did not immediately increase their attack power, because most of these people have the state of [resurrection prophecy].

Again, even if it is bait, it must have a strong ability to protect itself. If it is swallowed by others, it is not worthwhile.

In this regard, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind didn’t care, and ignored those who were about to be resurrected, and tried his best to attack those who were still alive, especially the person who had a flying mount, and killed it in her heart or made his mount tough. Clearing the degree to zero will be very good for the next battle.

Soon, sitting on Qin Xin and others joined the battle, and the battle also showed a one-sided trend. Even the blood of the resurrected players was once again emptied, and then the head was taken away by the waves and the wind, and her attack Finally, the force has been increased.

While attacking, Suddenly Long Jie said: "Sister Feng, players from Japan, South Korea and the United States have already killed them. There are still a lot of them, but there are two to three hundred people who can be seen."

Breaking the waves, riding the wind and riding the purple electric sacred dragon condescending to see more clearly, she said to herself: "It's just to deal with us twenty or thirty people, are they sending so many people out, is it a bit too big and trivial."

"Hey, this is good news for us." The midnight book suddenly revealed his figure: "According to the plan, the more people they send out, the better, so that our plan can proceed smoothly."

At this time, they have already killed all those who acted as bait, and only the player with the flying mount escaped. Players in the corpse state cannot hear other people's conversations, so they are not worried about fireworks. The cold plan leaked out.

"Well, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "According to the fireworks plan, the more players we can attract, the better. Now the plan is quite smooth, and what we have to do next is to delay Time is up."

"Yes, we retreat as quickly as possible. The players in Japan, South Korea and the United States must think we are going to flee, they will swarm up, and the people in ambush around will also be sent out." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she said these things. Look around: "The longer we delay, the more players from Japan, South Korea and the United States are attracted to us, and the fireworks will have time to support us, and the plan will naturally proceed more smoothly."

"Sister Feng, Sister Qin, they have rushed forward, we can run away now." Long Jieyu said, she was a little excited: "Just like the previous Japanese players, this time it is our turn to escape."

She also knows that if she does not run away, there is a high possibility of casualties. Breaking the waves and riding the wind ordered the start of the retreat, and she and Wednesday made the move behind the palace. This does not have to worry about causing the suspicion of the players in Japan, South Korea and the United States.

At the beginning of the retreat, players from Japan, South Korea and the United States also appeared from the other two directions. They swarmed up and began to narrow the encirclement. They were going to break the waves and ride the wind and gather them to encircle. Four to five hundred people appeared in just one or two minutes. , And has formed a tendency to encircle, if it weren't for back-ups, only a few of them could escape.

That's right, even in the deep siege, relying on the flying speed advantage of the Purple Lightning Sacred Dragon to break through the waves and wind, it is safe to escape, and the Purple Lights Sage Dragon can ride together with three people, so they are not in any danger.

However, since it is to lure the enemy, the waves and the wind will naturally not escape, continue to cover everyone to evacuate, and on the way to retreat, cooperate with Samadhi and others to kill as many players as possible, so that her attack power The more it increases.

"Sister Feng, the number of the other party is more than we thought. There are five to six hundred people visually, and someone rushes over from behind." Sitting on Qin Xin, who is in charge of watching the situation with Polang Rongfeng Siege During this time they gathered a lot of people."

"Not only are there more people, but they also have more flying mounts than we observed before. At present, there are four or five heads, and I don't know if there are any more behind." Wednesday said, her brows frowned slightly: "If They have too many flying mounts, so our plan will be very troublesome to execute."

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