VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1079: : Give up one more person

That’s right, the archer who saw Ye Luo’s action was able to react, and he had time to remind the demon girl that the sun did not set, but the latter could not react immediately, and the slow half beat was enough to make Ye Luo approached him.

Although she was half a beat slower, but the Demon Girl of the Sun Never Sets was worthy of being a master, she immediately used her displacement skills to leave, and then escaped as quickly as possible. Although she wanted to rush in the direction where the two of the two of Sun Shino's Spear were, but Ye Luo would not give her this opportunity, not to mention that he came from the other side, so she could only run away from the opposite direction.

While escaping, the Demon Fairy of the Sun Never Sets also asked for help from the Sun Never Set Long Sword and the Sun Never Set Archer. In her heart, Ye Luo had no big moves after all, and the Sun Never Set Long Sword and the Sun Never Set Archers should be able to stop it. he.

If the sun never sets, the sword is between her and Ye Luo, then he can also mention her to stop Ye Luo for a while, but at this time he is still on the ground, even if he has made up his mind to do something against Ye Luo, he still needs to make it there. some time.

Earlier, the Sun Never Set Long Sword was going to attack June Feixue, so he kept going in the direction of her retreat, and Ye Luo flew back to him, the distance between the two was a bit big, let alone Ye Luo used it 【 The technique of instantaneous body] and [Charge] directly pulled away 20 meters, fearing that he would not be able to make it within 10 seconds, not to mention that Ye Luo would not stand still.

As for the archer of the sun never set, although he escaped from Ye Luo's pursuit, he can also attack the target, but without the bonus of the Dark Sacred Dragon, his attack power is even lower, and he could not help Ye Luo before, let alone Speaking of now, even if Ye Luo doesn’t evade and let him attack, it may take some time to kill him.

Of course, the God Archer can also use control skills on Ye Luo. He was lucky before. After casting [Tracking Arrow] and then [Binding Arrow], he hits the target, so he still has 2 control skills. When he came down, he stepped back and showed off to Ye Luo, hoping to buy some time for the sun never set demon girl.

But he didn’t want Ye Luo to ignore it at all. He directly cast [Reincarnation*Six Shields]. This skill can be used as an invincible skill to a large extent, and it has more effects than the invincible skill. After all, this skill is in energy protection. When the shield disappears, it can turn into a sword aura attack. The attack range is far from talking, and the damage is very good. At this time, it can be used to deal with the demon girl that does not set.

In addition, the archer of the sun never sets can also cast [Dark Dragon Transformation], but the attack power is not much stronger than riding the dark dragon after casting the ultimate move, although the attack speed will be faster, but it seems that it is also not good for the situation. Too big an effect, not to mention the effect of [Samsara * Six Shields] and Ye Luo's reaction speed.

No matter how high the attack power is, Ye Luo's reaction speed can avoid his energy arrow attacks. Although he has group skills, but not many, these skills still can't help Ye Luo.

Analyzing this, the Archer of the God Archer knows that the enchantress of the sun does not set has a lot of good fortune, so he can only hope that the spear of the sun does not set, hoping that he can solve the June Feixue soon, so that he can come back to life. Enchantress.

Now that the sun never sets, the archer is no longer entangled. He retreats as quickly as possible, and then prepares to delay for 10 seconds before summoning the Dark Sacred Dragon.

Although the mount can be summoned at any time as long as the toughness of the mount is not cleared, it takes 10 seconds for the mount to return to the mount space after the owner leaves the mount.

Of course, if the mount hadn't been attacked before, he could put it into the mount space as soon as he thought of it, but the current situation was not like this, so he could only wait for a while.

Seeing that the archer of the sun never sets attacked him, he left. Ye Luo understood his plan in an instant. He sighed: "It seems that the archer of the sun never sets is also a wise man, and he is a decisive person. In an instant, he decided to abandon the Demon's Fairy, because only in this way can he re-summon the Dark Sacred Dragon and be eligible to participate in the next battle, but I don’t know if he summoned the Dark Sacred Dragon with the Sword of the Sun Unsettling. Deal with me or deal with Feixue, I hope it is the former."

The reason why he judged that the archer of the sun never sets abandoned the demon girl of the sun never sets was because Ye Luo saw him flying away in a different direction from the demon girl of the sun never set. If he wanted to rescue, he should be following them. Yes.

"It seems that he is going to deal with Feixue next, which is a bit troublesome." Ye Luo said solemnly. She looked at the Demon Fairy of the Sun Unsettling: "We must kill the Demon Fairy of the Sun Unsettling as soon as possible, and then go to help. Otherwise, I will have trouble dealing with a few of them."

Since it is judged that the sun does not miss the **** archer abandon the sun does not set the demon girl, and he also knows that the sun does not set, the **** archer can't help himself, then he judges that he will go to June Feixue next after summoning the dark dragon. It will be easy.

Just against the two dual professions that used the last day's long spear to perform ulterior moves will make June Feixue a little difficult to support, not to mention a dual professional archer with a dark sacred dragon.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Luo made up his mind to solve the Demon Ji that the sun never sets as soon as possible, and then went to rescue.

While thinking about this, Ye Luo continued to chase the Sun Unsettling Demon Fairy as fast as he could. The distance between the two of them was getting closer, and soon he could attack the target.

"Demon Ji, try to delay as much as possible, don't worry about being killed, we will come to rescue you after we solve the problem of June Feixue." The sun never sets God Archer said.

I also know that the sun never sets spear possesses the ability to resurrect, and I believe that they can kill June Feixue within 5 minutes and then rush to rescue themselves, so the sun never sets demon girl is not worried, according to the sun never sets **** archer Said to escape as quickly as possible, and be prepared to delay as much as possible.

In fact, in the heart of the demon girl that the sun never sets, it doesn’t matter if she is killed. After all, she was killed. There are still 4 people on her side, and in her mind, June Feixue will be killed soon, leaving only one Ye Luo. Not to be afraid of it at all, let alone they still have some hole cards.

It was precisely because of this that the Demon Ji had already won the challenge in her heart, so she was not worried.

Let's not talk about Ye Luo's side for the time being, let's talk about the situation on their side with the spear that does not set.

At the same time when they attacked June Feixue, the two people with the Sunshining Spear also saw the situation here. They were in a hurry. The tank wanted to return to rescue before the sun set, but they were stopped by the Sunshining Spear.

"Long spear, you and I all know the horror of that guy Ye Luo Zhiqiu, and his flying speed is very fast, Demon Ji can't resist, she has been killed once, if this time is being killed..." The sun never sets Tank Road, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Even if we turn back now, we won't be able to save him, because it will take at least 20 seconds for us to rush past. You have also seen how terrifying Ye Luo Zhiqiu's injury is. Demon Ji can't hold on for so long, she There is no doubt that you will die." The sun never sets, spear said, and then turned to look at June Feixue: "But if you turn back to support, then I am not sure to kill June Feixue in a short time, after all, my damage output Not too high."

Without waiting for the sun to fall, the tank said, he continued: "Maybe I may still be killed by this woman. After all, the damage output of the Lava Mage is too high, not to mention that she is now using a big move. You can support it. Attacked me unscrupulously."

Knowing this, the tank did not turn back when the sun did not set, but he was quite uncomfortable in his heart.

"Don't worry, you can work together to kill the woman in June Feixue within 2 or 3 minutes, and then you can completely return to save the demon girl." The sun never sets the archer's voice sounded in the team On the channel: "And as the spear said, even if you turn back now, you can't save the demon girl, the situation is still the same, it's just a waste of time."

"If you kill June Feixue earlier, we will be able to save Demon Fairy earlier." The voice of the archer of the sun never set sounded again, and this completely dispelled the hesitation of the sun never set tank.

Next, the two tanks continued to rush towards June Feixue at the fastest speed.

On the other hand, as Ye Luo predicted, the Archer of the Sun never set aside after re-summoning the Dark Sacred Dragon, but instead rushed towards June Feixue. The Dark Sacred Dragon moved faster than six. Yue Feixue's flight speed was slightly faster.

Seeing the actions of the archer of the sun never set, June Feixue's expression became more solemn: "Woo, my life is so bitter, why did they come to deal with me instead of rescuing their teammates? See me being bullied. "

"It’s just that the sun never sets and the two spears have made me hard to support, and I don’t even dare to release the skills. If the sun never sets the archer, they rush to attack back and forth, how do I feel that I want to hold on for 5 minutes? What?" June Feixue murmured, and then she glanced at Ye Luo's direction: "I feel that I was played by Ye Luo. He just wanted me to lure them with the spear and let them kill me. At that time, he came back to harvest again. Anyway, the big tricks of the long spear and the tank are gone. Even if they can ride the Dark Sacred Dragon, they may not be able to withstand Ye Luo's attack. After the move, the wife was terrifying."

[Reincarnation Domain] It can increase Ye Luo’s attributes, and it can also weaken the enemy’s attributes by 10%. This attribute naturally includes flight speed. In this way, Ye Luo uses his ultimate move and then uses acceleration skills. His flight speed is faster than that of the Dark Saint The dragon needs to be faster, so that it is easy for him to kill the archer and others.

"Forget it, anyway, I'm used to being used by fireworks like this. It's okay to be used by Ye Luo. The big deal is over and let him compensate me." June Feixue said, thinking of these, she nodded: "Yes, let him give I bought a few bags. This time is a good opportunity and I cannot miss it."

Thinking of this, June Feixue didn't have any anger after being exploited, but rather looked forward to it.

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