VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1051: : Promise to learn

Samadhi poems and sitting on the piano can be regarded as celebrities in the Chinese game industry, and Dark Night is naturally the number one master in Korea. Everyone has been in touch before and even participated in offline competitions together. It is not surprising that they know each other.

Listening to dark night's jokes, the samādhi poem said: "You are now using the big move, and we are in the game. You are unhappy and killed us. Let's find someone to reason."

"Haha, I might kill when I meet someone else, but I don't have to be when I meet you. I won't bully beautiful women. It's quite possible to have fun with you." Dark night laughed, and then glanced at Ye Luo: " What's more, I promised Brother Ye Luo before that I would never lose my word and get fat."

Dark night is a young man of about twenty-seven and eighteen years old. He is slender, handsome, with a bit of arrogance in his wickedness, and is free and easy, but he is quite a charming person, especially in When he laughs long, coupled with his status as the number one master in Korea, he can also attract many beautiful women.

But samādhi and sitting on the piano heart and caught a cold: "That’s because you met a better prey, or you’ve already shot it. But now you can’t achieve your goal if you want to do it to us, we are separated by 1 , More than 20 meters, and we still have invincible means, we can directly send away."

Although Dark Ye promised not to do anything, Samadhi Shi didn't want to accept his love. Although they were not Dark Ye's opponents, they were sure to retreat safely, so that Dark Ye couldn't help them.

1. At a distance of 20 meters, it will take 3 seconds for the dark night to use the ultimate move to rush to the past, and the samayas can also use the teleport skills to extend the distance of more than 10 meters, so the dark night takes 4 to 5 seconds to catch up. Then, in the next Samadhi, they can use their invincible skills and then use their teleport skills to leave, so even if the dark night is very powerful, they can't help them.

What's more, Ye Luo wouldn't watch the dark night deal with them, how much could stop him for a while, then it would be easier for Samadhi and them to withdraw safely.

Naturally, he understood the meaning of the samādhi poem, and dark night smiled bitterly: "Is it true that people with fireworks are so cautious? Am I so unreliable? I said I wouldn’t do it to you. of."

"It doesn't matter whether you do it or not. We just want to confirm that even if you do it to us, there is nothing we can do." Samadhi poem said, and then his tone changed: "We just want to quietly watch a good show, why do you call us? come out?"

"I don't know it's you." Dark Ye muttered, and then he looked at Ye Luo: "It's rare to see a master Ye Luo, so naturally I want to see and know, but I didn't expect to be the one who just made the limelight before. My luck Yes, the opportunity is rare. Why should Brother Ye Luo learn from each other?"

When he said this, the dark night eyes flashed with wisps of spirits, and his fighting spirit was like a tide, and his whole person's breath became deadly and dangerous.

"Hey, dark night, you said before that you didn't use your big move to deal with Ye Luo, how can you go back!" Seeing that dark night was about to do it, Samadhi hurriedly said: "The effect of Ye Luo's big move has disappeared, this is obvious Not a fair matchup."

Experts always pay attention to the word'fairness', especially those who have almost no rivals in the country, such as the dark night, so he stopped after hearing the words of the samādhi, and then said to himself: "This is also the case. It’s true that you won’t be able to win the battle, so forget it. I’m waiting for two to three minutes, and I’m not in a hurry anyway."

After speaking, he looked at Ye Luo: "Brother Ye Luo, please wait a little longer, I am very interested in the discussion between the two of us."

Ye Luo also wanted to learn from the masters. After all, his current operation is already in a bottleneck, unable to perfectly integrate the real skills with the game, so he also hopes to be inspired by the discussions with the dark night, he nodded :"my pleasure."

Hearing that, Dark Night was very excited, and then stopped talking, adjusted his state, and was ready to compete with Ye Luo.

On the other side, the razor and the violent butcher who chased the Indian players also noticed the situation here. They ignored the Indian players who fled, and returned as fast as they could. When they saw Ye Luo’s ID, they They all showed joy. This was not the joy of having the opportunity to defeat the master together, but the joy of seeing an excellent master.

Obviously, like the dark night, the violent butcher and others are also militants.

"Tsk tusk, Ye Luo Zhiqiu, the person who was a big hit in the previous game, killed 4 to 50 players in just two or three minutes. I heard that he was an unbeaten master who could fight the East. I met here." The violent butcher chuckled, and he was a little excited: "We had good luck, but we met such a master on the first day of the game."

"Butcher, Brother Ye Luo promised to give me a lesson, hehe, you will watch us fight later." Dark Ye said with excitement, and it looked exactly like a kid who had found a good toy showing off to his partner.

"Boss, really?!" The wind sweeping the fallen leaves was full of surprises, and he looked at Ye Luo: "Boss, before you talk about it, can I understand Ye Luo brother's brilliant tricks? He can compete with Dongfang. The master of, the strength must be very strong, the opportunity is rare, I also want to learn from it."

"There is me, and me." The violent butcher kept stumbling, looking as if he was afraid of falling behind.

"Count me." Razor said faintly. Although his voice was faint, the brilliance in his eyes was much richer than the two of the wind sweeping the fallen leaves. It was completely excited to see the hunt.

"Hey, you can't ask me now. It depends on what Ye Luo brother means." Dark night said, with a proud look: "Anyway, he has promised to discuss with me. Whether he agrees to discuss with you is up to you. The ability."

Upon hearing this, the Razor trio immediately turned around and looked at Ye Luo, looking expectantly.

At this time, the violent butcher also saw the samādhi poem and sat on the piano heart. He looked like he was pleased: "It turns out to be the two beauties of the samādhi poem and the piano heart. Ye Luo Zhiqiu belonged to you, right? How about a beautiful woman saying good things to him and letting him agree to discuss with us?"

"Yes, next time I see it offline, how about we invite two beauties to a big meal?" The wind swept the fallen leaves and began to speak temptation.

"Forget it, we can't be used to your kimchi, but you can invite us again when you come to our China." Samadhi said, seeing the three violent butchers hurriedly nodding, her tone changed: "But Ye Luo Whether you agree to discuss with you depends on what he means, and we respect his choice."

Originally he was full of joy, but now when he heard the words of the samādhi poem, the violent butcher seemed to be splashed with cold water, and then looked at Ye Luo eagerly.

Seeing that they did not directly rely on their advantages such as flying mounts to take action, but asked for their own opinions, Ye Luo also had a good impression of him, he nodded: "Brother Dark Ye's ultimate effect will disappear for a while, since If a few brothers don't dislike it, then I will play with a few of them."

Seeing Ye Luo's agreement, the three Violent Butchers became excited and immediately started vying to take the lead. In the end, they still rolled to make a decision. The result came out very quickly. The Violent Butcher was the first to fight, and the wind swept the fallen leaves second. Razor third.

Samadhi is a smart person. Seeing Ye Luo promised to discuss with several people, she realized why Ye Luo did this. Beautiful eyes blinked. She said: "Ye Luo killed someone before, and his attack power increased by about 50%. Skills are not cost-effective to you. I suggest that you simply do it, so it’s fair to you, how about it?"

Obviously, Samadhi Shi knew that Ye Luo wanted to inspire herself through the operation with the dark nights, and such a simple spelling operation was undoubtedly the most beneficial to him, so she proposed that.

Of course, she was also a little worried about the violent butcher's ultimatum during the competition. After all, the effect of Ye Luo's ultimate has disappeared, and she didn't want Ye Luo to lose to the violent butcher.

"Killing increases attack power?!" The violent butcher was taken aback. He glanced at the dark night and said, "Could it be that Ye Luo brother has the same skills as the boss? Hey, this is interesting. It is more interesting than operation. some."

"That's right." Razor and the wind swept the leaves. Obviously they also knew that the duel between the masters was more sophisticated.

Now that an agreement has been reached, and it is an agreement between masters, Ye Luo is not worried that they will suddenly join hands with him, nor that they will deal with samādhi and sit on the heart of the piano, so they came to the previous dark night to fight against those Indian players. On the clearing ground, where the terrain is flat, it is also the most suitable place for discussion.

"Sister Shi, Sister Qin, now you have recorded the video of me and Dark Ye from different angles, and I will watch it in the future." On the way to the open space, Ye Luo asked the two women of Samadhi.

Naturally, they also knew the meaning of Ye Luo doing this. The two women in Samadhi poem nodded, and then sat on the Qin Xin and said: "Ye Luo, you be careful. The violent butchers are all masters and fighting madmen. Now they have wheels and fights. you you……"

"Don't worry, this is a fair discussion." Feeling the deep anxiety of sitting on the piano, Ye Luo felt a lot of warmth in his heart, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth: "I am very good at fighting for a long time, and wheel warfare is of no use to me. Just watch me and discuss with them."

Naturally, I believed in Ye Luo's ability, and the two women stopped talking, choosing the best angle to prepare for the video.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Luo calmed down, and then when he reached the middle of the field, he held his fist slightly and said, "Brother Butcher, please!"

Following Ye Luo's manner, he clasped his fists and saluted, and then the violent butcher's eyes burst out with wisps of spirits, and then he carried two short axes, like a lion, and rushed towards Ye Luo. The power is amazing and the killing intent is like tide!

Seeing the change in the violent butcher's aura, Ye Luo looked a little solemn, and he said solemnly: "Sure enough, the violent butcher is a master, and at least his aura is much smoother and more vigorous than the waning moon."

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