VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1036: : Trial task

Fireworks Yi Leng once said that certain things will not appear in the game for no reason, especially in some formal games. Since Yeluo encounters a lake, there must be some specific things under the lake, or high Level monsters, or some high-level BOSS that can be tamed, or strange monsters that will burst the colorful mantle stone, but no matter which one is worthy of Ye Luo going down, he has [Water Guardian] on him anyway.

"There is a dragon under the Qingjiao stream. I don't know if this is also underwater. If you can meet a rideable and flying dragon boss, it would be great." Ye Luo muttered to himself, and he took it when he said this. Guardian of Water], entered the lake.

There is no green dragon that Ye Luo expected, but there are monsters like shrimp soldiers and crabs. These monsters cannot be tamed to serve as mounts, so he guessed that some other things, such as Bodhi fruit, would burst.

With an attitude of verification, Ye Luo randomly found a few monsters to kill. What surprised him a bit was that after killing 5 or 6 monsters, a piece of red light stone fragments burst out.

That's right, it is the red awning stone fragments, just fragments, not complete, these shards can be made into a red awning stone by collecting 100 pieces, just like the red awning stone obtained by killing the player.

Seeing that there are actually monsters that can burst the red light stone, Ye Luo was very excited and attracted more monsters to kill. This kill was more than half an hour. After such a long time, he also gained 4,500 red light. The stone fragments were only four, five, four or five red-lighted stones, which cooled his excitement.

"Could these monsters be so-called peculiar monsters?" Ye Luo muttered, and he gave a wry smile: "Although these monsters can explode the fragments of red light stone, the explosion rate is too low, and only 4 or 5 reds have been obtained in half an hour. I am afraid that I have killed more players than the Crimson Stones obtained by killing monsters for so long, and I can earn points for killing people."

After wasting such a long time underwater, Ye Luo's points did not increase. During this time, Huo Wu Zhiguang's points increased by nearly 20 points, and the gap with Ye Luo was getting smaller and smaller. He was the number one player. It will soon be out of guarantee.

"It seems that killing monsters and exploding the red light stone here is too inefficient for me, but it is a very good place for a career that is too suitable for killing people like Sister Qi and August. I will meet them in the future. Find them a mob spawning point that can burst the colorful awning stone, so that energy will continue to get the colorful awning stone." Ye Luo said to himself, and then thought of something, he said: "These monsters I killed are only 220 Level, the level is too low for me. I don’t know if monsters of higher level will have a higher burst rate, or that they can burst orange and yellow awn stones and other higher-level colorful awn stones."

Although guessing, Ye Luo is already very sure that this is the case, and in order to make sure that it is, he continues to go before, looking for some higher-level monsters to kill.

Soon after, Ye Luo encountered a 240-level nightmare-level black turtle monster, killing it and exploding red awn stone fragments, but the explosion rate was slightly higher, at least it was much more efficient than killing those shrimp soldiers and crabs.

"It looks like this is the case. The burst rate has increased by about 20%, but for me it is still not as efficient as killing people. After all, killing foreign players will not only burst the colorful mantle, but also get points. That is a thing of two birds with one stone." Ye Luo said, and then changed his tone: "But they can tell them this when they encounter Sister Qi in the future, and let them kill monsters underwater, so that not only can they get colorful awning stones, but it is also very safe, which is quite cost-effective."

Thinking about this, Ye Luo wanted to leave the bottom of the water, ready to go out looking for players to kill.

However, he just wanted to leave the corner of his eye and saw two 250-level ancient god-level BOSS not far away, which made him stop going out: "Ancient god-level BOSS, killing them should directly explode the Crimson Stone. , It may even be a higher-order colorful awning stone."

Thinking like this, Ye Luo walked to the two BOSSs. After approaching, he showed doubts: "Hey, there is a stone gate behind these two BOSSs. They seem to be guarding something. Could there be something inside? What treasure?"

Next, he saw the two grooves on the stone gate. The size of the grooves is very familiar to him. It is the same size as those colorful stones such as the red awn stone. He is as smart as he wakes up in an instant: "It seems that behind this stone gate is really There are treasures, and you need colorful awning stones to enter it, but I don’t know what color you need."

"Forget it, let's kill these two ancient BOSS first." Ye Luo said, saying that he went straight to the two BOSS, and then launched an attack.

Although the two bosses are of the ancient **** level, they are only level 250 after all, not a few levels higher than Yeluo. Coupled with his equipment and the characteristics of ignoring level suppression, there is no problem in dealing with it, and it costs a little. It will be killed in some time.

What surprises Ye Luo a little bit is that each of these two BOSS bursts with a green light stone. 2 green light stones are equivalent to 16 red light stones. This can only be exploded by killing 16 foreign players. An unexpected joy.

Picking up the green awning stone, Ye Luo looked at the stone gate, and the moment he touched the stone gate, he received a series of prompts:

The door of trial (open the door of the instance)

Item introduction: After opening the door of the trial, a trial task will be opened. After the task is completed, the corresponding reward will be obtained according to the difficulty of the task.

Opening condition: Use the corresponding colorful awning stone to open, the current trial gate needs 2 green awning stone to open.

The number of trials: 1-6, different numbers of different tasks have different difficulty coefficients and different rewards.

"The door of the trial, can you open the trial mission?!" Seeing these messages, Ye Luo was a little excited: "This should be equivalent to a dungeon mission, and there will be a very good reward after completion."

In the past, American players completed the dungeon mission and received very generous rewards. The points have increased a lot, which makes Ye Luo quite envious. Now he also encountered one, and it requires 2 green awning stones to open it, which means that after completing the mission The rewards will be more generous, no wonder he is so excited.

"Hey, just the dungeon task opened by 6 red awn stones can reward 120 points. My trial task requires 16 red awn stones to open, and the rewards should be more generous after completion." Ye Luo said, he I couldn't hide it in my tone and was full of excitement: "The most important thing is that only I can get the reward. As a result, my points should increase a lot and the first place in the standings is more stable."

"In addition to point rewards, there may be other things, such as artifact suits, such as treasure chests, etc., and it may even reward Daocheng Heart and the Energy Stone." Ye Luo said, thinking about these, he wanted to start the trial. However, he hesitated a little when he saw that the difficulty of the task varies with the number of people, and the rewards are not the same. According to his experience, the larger the number of people, the more generous the overall reward will be.

Shaking his head, Ye Luo said: "Forget it, Sister Feng and Fireworks are not by my side, and I can't contact them. This gate of trial is met and unacceptable. If you don't need it, you will waste it."

Having said this, Ye Luo took out two green granites and pressed them into the corresponding grooves. A wave of spatial fluctuations filled him. He was included in a virtual space, and then he also received a trial task:

Level 4 Trial Mission (Trial Mission, Difficulty: S)

Task content: Kill as many monsters as possible within 10 minutes. The more monsters you kill, the higher the evaluation, and the more generous the rewards you will eventually get.

Task time limit: within 10 minutes.

Character rewards and punishments: The rewards and punishments obtained according to the evaluation of the completion of the task and the degree of difficulty are different, a large number of points will be obtained, and other rewards are random.

Number of tasks: Currently there is only one person and cannot be shared. The task will end after 10 minutes.

Looking at the task introduction, Ye Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Tsk, kill as many monsters as possible in 10 minutes. The more monsters you kill, the more you can rely on, and the rewards you get will be more generous. , This task is perfect for me, because the reincarnation clone lasts exactly 10 minutes."

Yes, the Samsara clone can be divided into 4 clones, and each clone can last for 10 minutes. Facing a monster attack, he can undoubtedly kill the most monsters in the shortest time. It is precisely because of these. I said that this task is best for him.

While Ye Luo was talking about this, the system also began to count down. When the countdown went to zero, he saw monsters rushing around. He didn't need [Samsara Pupils] to see the rank and level of those monsters: level 250. Nightmare monster.

"Hey, it's just level 250 nightmare monsters. These monsters are not a threat to me at all, and they are not even a threat to my clone. You can easily hold on for 10 minutes." Ye Luo said, thinking about tactics while talking. After all, magicians, assassins, and archers are not suitable for facing the enemy head-on.

Seeing that the monster is still 2,30 meters away from him, Ye Luo used the [Reincarnation Clone], while controlling the clone to adjust the free attribute points while controlling their position. The swordsman, the assassin and his body form an iron triangle, and the magician, With the protection of the two avatars of the archer, this formation can undoubtedly exert the greatest damage.

"Oh, it's a pity that there are only 4 clones. If the other two are also awakened, there should be a knight-type clone, so I don't have to let the assassin be in front." Ye Luo sighed lightly, and said as he greeted him. Those monsters.

There is no problem with the main body and the swordsman system clone in the front. The assassin is not suitable. After all, this is also a crispy profession, but compared to the archer and the magician, he can only put the assassin in front. Assassins have less group attack skills and higher dodge rate.

Faced with a nightmare-level monster of level 250, although the assassin is a crispy professional, Ye Luo’s equipment is of heavy armor type, and the physical defense is quite high, coupled with the addition of full agility, the assassin’s dodge rate is quite high. It can withstand it.

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