VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 997: Ready to go to Terran Ancestral Land

After leaving, Su Bai and the others passed through the teleportation array and entered the infinite realm.

Not to mention, this high-level realm is different.

As soon as he entered, Su Bai felt very comfortable!

If you say something more imaginative, it is the spiritual energy here.

If you stay for a long time, your body's attributes will slowly improve by itself, much faster than that of Transcendence.

"really interesting……"

Su Bai sighed.

Then, in the shock, curiosity, amazement, and enthusiasm of the players nearby, he left the teleportation formation.

It took a while to find a quiet place.

Except for the lucky draw treasure chest that didn't open, Su Bai used everything else.

Attributes rise!

Siwei was originally around 33,000, but now it has soared to 55,000!

That is to add about 22,000!

The bonus of planing out equipment is estimated to be around 43,000-45,000.

There is still a difference of about 50,000, and I have reached the limit of the supreme rank, and I can rise to the next level!

"Well... there were 300,000 points of Linghua left before, let's use it now!"

Su Bai took out Linghua from his backpack again.

Originally, these 10 points of Linghua could improve his attributes a little.

right now……

Want 100 points!

Therefore, 300,000 Linghua can only be converted into 3000 Linghua 4D.


Su Bai couldn't help sighing, his body is like a bottomless pit, it's too edible!

Although there are many Protoss coins, we cannot just absorb Protoss coins.

It seems that we still have to do some tasks, go out more to see if we can get good things.

While waiting for Bea to wake up, Su Bai checked a lot of information about the spiritual world mission.

The mission that goes to reality is called the [departure] mission.

Because this kind of task is to get to reality, in addition to the rewards of the task itself, it is also possible to get big treasures in reality.

But take the task... this is not in a hurry.


More than an hour passed.


Su Bai's eyes moved, a little excited.

The system informed him that the pet Luo Ling had received and sent the message back.


Su Bai immediately entered the pet space, and Xiao Luoying followed in.


As soon as she came in, her eyes lit up and she cheered.

I saw that Luo Ling's body was shining.

In front of it, a light curtain appeared with words on it.

Su Bai held Xiao Luoying and read these words.

"I'm in a special little world now, and I can't get out of it yet"

"I'm fine, don't worry, I will soon discover this small world."

"When I get the treasure of this world, I will be able to come back!"

"You can reach me, are you... in the spirit world?"

"Uh... By the way... I heard a system announcement called'White Night', and this is your name... Isn't he you?"

"I don't know why, I always think this is you."

"It's been a long time... I... uh... I... what happened to my child?"

"Did she miss me? Did she grow up safely? She must be cute!"


Below are some doodled lines, it seems that Luo Ling is a little tangled, some can't speak.

Su Bai looked down, and it took a long time before the writing reappeared.


"I miss you..."



The back of the words was blacked out and it was messy.

Vaguely recognizable, it is: "Did you... miss me? Don't forget... forget me..."

"By your side, are there... there are many more women..."


"Forget it! So embarrassed! Cross it out!"

When I got here, it was gone.

Luo Ling has not taken the initiative to contact Su Bai, because where she is, she cannot actively contact or be distracted.

But after Su Bai contacted her, she said a lot.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing these words, Su Bai smiled, feeling a little warm in his heart.

Since she was okay, he felt relieved.

As for not being able to come back now... there is no way!

She also said that there are any treasures in the small world that can only be found out.

It's probably a very precious thing, and getting Luo Ling back now is the delay.

Hold on.

Su Bai looked at Xiao Luoying in his arms and said: "Yingying, mom can't come back for the time being, you can say a few words to her, and I will send it over."

"Oh, OK……"

Although Yingying was a little disappointed, she cleverly responded.

Luo Ling is fine and safe, and she is also very happy.

"Mom, Sakura is very good!"

"Dad gave me a name! It's Luo Ying, right? Hehe..."

"Dad is kind to me! I often buy candy for me, kiss me and hug me! So happy!"

"By the way, my dad also found a lot of little moms for Yingying! They treat me well and will play with me."

"Mom, don't you mind? Dad said he has already discussed with you..."

"Sakura misses you, you must come back soon!"

Luo Ying said, but Su Bai's expression turned weird.

This is cheating!

After thinking about it, Su Bai didn't delete Xiao Luoying, so just forget it.

Anyway...cough, Luo Ling guessed it anyway.

Indeed, Luo Ling was mentally prepared.

When I saw Su Bai at that time, he was only a few tens of levels, and he provoked the goddess of life. What could not be done...

After Xiao Luoying finished speaking, Su Bai took dozens of cute photos of Xiao Luoying.

Then, it was time for him to say.

Su Bai told Luo Ling quite nauseously that she missed her very much, thinking of what she shouldn't, wishing to see her now, and then ate her bite by bite!

Smile gently and send the message.

Subsequently, Su Bai left the pet space.


Confirming that Luo Ling is okay and can still be contacted, which resolved a matter in mind.

There are still a few things on hand.

First of all, Su Bai is going to the ancestral land of the human race that Ding Lao said!

1. It is to verify whether or not there is the blood of the emperor in oneself.

2. Prepare to take Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang to explore the secrets of the Twelve Guardian Holy Spirit.

These two things are very important!

They have a major relationship with themselves!

In his own body, there should be the power of an emperor!

Unfortunately, so far, there are no conditions to trigger it.

This Terran Ancestral Land...

Maybe, it can inspire the power of the emperor that he hasn't appeared? !

At that time, he had another powerful force! ! !

As for Yun Cixue and the others, they were planning to find a fortune teller before, using Mo Zixi's power to calculate where they could awaken.

Su Bai did not give up this plan.

It's just that, isn't this just going to Human Race, and Human Race is closely related to the Twelve Holy Spirits, so you can solve Yun Cixue's problem if you are not sure!

The problem is that Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang didn't ascend and couldn't run around.

How to get there is a problem...


If there is no other way, you can try using the BUG card.

If there are coordinates, it should be possible.

"Go, get back to the ground!"

After making plans, Su Bai called out, and together with Mo Zixi, Xiao Luo Ying, and Xiao Xue, they returned to the Divine Land again with a teleportation array.

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