VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 973: Soaring list

Soon, Su Bai arrived home.

Without delay, he immediately entered the game.

God soil.

In the box, Su Bai appeared here.


"the host!"


"My son, you were so handsome just now!"

"Brother, brother! You are too strong!"

"Dad is the best!"


Just after appearing, Xia Cha led several girls and pounced on Su Bai.

So Mu Su sat down, smiling, watching quietly.

Su Bai is okay, she is more relieved.

Although I want to hug, after all, I haven't hugged for a few days, but I can't put my face down.

After laughing with the girls for a while, Su Bai sat on the sofa.

"Okay, don't be silly."

Su Bai smiled and touched Xia Cha's head, and said: "I want to check the current attributes, don't make trouble."


Xia Cha chuckled, sticking out her tongue, and be quiet.

Subsequently, Su Bai opened his panel.


How should I say, 4D is still 9999.

The rank judgment is still [Scattering], in reality it is already [Supreme].

In other words, there is no advancement in the game.

"This is a bit troublesome..."

Su Bai frowned.

Both games and reality need to be advanced, which is really troublesome.

Can't it be synchronized?



"Maybe, you can use BUG synchronization?!"

Su Bai had an intuition in his heart after suddenly thinking of using BUG, ​​this can be done!

Moreover, I have a hunch that it will not be refreshed!

Well, wait 10 hours and try it again.

In the next time, Su Bai spent leisurely.

Chatting with Xia Cha and the others, throwing money by the way, frantically improving their attributes.

Don't project TV or movies anymore.

There are also many ways of entertainment for alien creatures, there are also TV, movies, and more high-end, holographic mode and interactive!

Therefore, these ten hours passed unconsciously.

It was late at night.

In the box, Su Bai sat on the sofa.

Next to him was Xiao Luoying, who was sleeping fast, and in her arms there were two cats sleeping in black and white.

Mu Suxin and Mu Yi Nuan were gone, and they all returned to their rooms.

Now, there is an opportunity to use the BUG bar on the wrist.


After considering it, Su Bai said silently: "Synchronize the attributes of the game and reality."

I hope I can!

Also, in reality, it has reached the spiritual level, so the BUG should also change?

Don't take 10 more times!

In Su Bai's anxiety, light flew from his wrist and blended into his body.

Su Bai can see this light, but other people can't see it, and it doesn't even fluctuate.


Squinting his eyes, Su Bai's expression was quite cheerful.

He could feel that the strength of his body has risen sharply since the light melted in.

Soon, over, an interface popped up.

[Create success! 】

This is great and saves a lot of things.

Su Bai opened his property panel with satisfaction.

ID: White Night

Level: One Robbery·LV1

Grade: Supreme

Occupation: Shura Pluto, Yin Yang Zhang Xing Tian

Title: Lingyun Breaking Waves

Spirit·Life: 20875123 (20.87 million)

Spirit·Spirit power: 138431

Spirit·Power: 11084

Spirit·Physique: 11084

Spirit and intelligence: 11084

Spirit·Spirit: 11084

Spirit·Physical Attack: 140426

Spirit·Magic Attack: 132435

Spirit·Physical Defense: 7421234

Spirit·Magic Defense: 7373321

Special attributes: charm 228/lucky 209/savvy 170

not bad.

In reality, it does not show offense, defense, or intelligence, but everything else is the same.

Life has increased the most, from 3.38 million to more than 20 million.

The vitality of the dragons is really terrifying!

The defense has also improved a lot, almost by 3 million.

Without the blessing of good equipment, this number is quite possible!

Su Bai got up, stretched, and didn't plan to go offline.

After leaving the door, he walked to Mu Suxin's room.


Before she opened the door of her room, Mu Yi Nuan's door beside her suddenly opened.

"..." Mu Yi Nuan came out from inside and looked straight at Su Bai.


Su Bai was looked at weirdly, and coughed dryly, and said, "Why are you staring at me all right? Why are you still not sleeping?"


Mu Yi Nuan suddenly slanted her eyes, her face rose with a few wisps of red glow, and she whispered and twisted: "Master, I...I want to get in the car too!"


The sand sculpture netizens of Daxia have already carried forward a large number of stalks.

"You..." Su Bai couldn't laugh or cry.

Where did this girl get the courage? Isn't she shy?

Mu Yi Nuan blushed, and replied with a rare shame: "Chacha said, son, you like this, she told me to do this..."

Su Bai: "..."

Even more dumbfounding!

Why does Cha Cha like Huyou and Mu Yi Nuan so much? !

"I...I... forget it!" Seeing Su Bai's smile, Mu Yi Nuan retreated.

Su Bai smiled and stretched out his hand to hold her, "Go! Take you to the drag racing!"

"Eh... don't..."



Mu Suxin in the room is still meditating.

Seeing that Su Bai pulled Mu Yi Nuan in, she suddenly asked strangely, "What are you guys?"


"You...what are you doing?! This is ridiculous!"

Just after asking, Mu Suxin suddenly understood and panicked.

The originally elegant face was full of panic, and she shrank back like a little girl.

"Help you improve your cultivation base, "use me"!"

Su Bai smiled and forced Mu Suxin back to the wall.

There is no retreat~!


One night passed.

After an explanation, Su Bai quickly went online.

He plans to go to the spirit world by himself, to the clan land of the Demon Race.

It's not that I don't want to bring Xia Cha with them, but Xia Cha and the others have their own things to do.

They haven't been spiritualized yet, and they need to improve their attributes.

After nine times of spiritualization, Su Bai will also push them to this level.

Back to the topic.

Spirit world.

One of the ten divisions, in the spiritual realm, area 12, the resurrection point.


With the help of Tongtian Gate, Su Bai once again came to the spirit world and came to the 12th district.

"Fuck! It's that white night!"

"White night? Where and where?!"


"It's really White Night, he has appeared again!"

"Fuck, I saw an idol!"

"Why is he still in this newcomer spiritualization zone? Shouldn't he have been promoted?"


He had just arrived, and hadn't moved yet, a lot of players around him recognized Su Bai.

After yesterday, Su Bai's fame has become even greater!

Secretly sighed, Su Bai left here quickly.

Find a place with no one, contact Bea.

"in vain!"

It was quickly connected, and Bea's face appeared on the holographic image, and she waved and greeted Su Bai.

Su Bai said, "Beya, I am going to your clan land, how should I go?"


Beya clenched a fist in excitement, and said happily: "Where are you now, I will look for you."

"I'm here." As he said, Su Bai showed his position coordinates.


Bea took a closer look, and said, "Why are you still in the Spiritual Zone for nothing? Didn't you go for a promotion yesterday?"

"If there is no promotion, the activity area can only be in the spiritual zone!"

"Hurry up, you will definitely be on the ascent list for nothing!"

"The high ranking will have a big prize!"

Like online games: Create a BUG every ten hours, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) Online games: Create a BUG every ten hours. The literature update is the fastest.

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