Su Bai had no moves to use, and could only make ordinary fists.

His arms were half arched, and the huge power in his body was violently injected into his hands.

This caused the arm to faintly expand a bit.

The brilliant golden light emitted from it seemed to condense into a dragon.

Swimming, shaking, and moaning mightily.

"white night!!!"

"Uh ah ah ah!!!"

Two or three kilometers away, it is the taste crystal that has become a big meat ball.

He watched Su Bai exuding brilliant golden light and coming with terrifying power, roaring furiously.

Although the voice was loud, there was uncontrollable fear in his heart.

Soon, the fear was distorted into anger and killing intent.


In the meat ball, a huge fist exuding a strong purple air blasted towards Su Bai.

His speed was also very fast, and Su Bai was rushing towards him, so he was about to collide in just one breath.

Su Bai did not dodge, clenched his fist, and greeted him brazenly!


The golden light of his arm was more vigorous, and a loud and mighty scream was issued during the tremor.

One second, two seconds...

Hit it!


The horrible roar shook!

At the place where you taste the crystal flesh fists, the brilliant golden light bursts out.

Su Bai was not blown into the air, the golden light on his arm was still brilliant, and the fist of Taste Jing burst fiercely.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

Su Bai turned into golden light and plunged along Tsing Jing's arm.

And taste Jing's arms exploded in a crazy chain, non-stop!



In just one breathing time, this is not only a geometric fist that is bigger than Su Bai's body, it blows up completely!

The brilliant golden light on Su Bai's body was full of exploded fine foam.

This ordinary punch is so powerful and full of extreme violent beauty!


Taste Jing inevitably screamed.

But at this time, Su Bai's blow was not over yet!

The golden light on him is still bright and fierce, still turbulent.


Amid the roar of space, Su Baifei shot towards the flesh ball body.

The distance at this time is only a few hundred meters.

Really arrived in an instant!

Amidst the despair and fear in the eyes of the flesh, Su Bai's huge fist slammed his forehead fiercely.

"Do not!!!"

There was a loud roar in the distance.

But, it's too late!

The Jin Guangshun on Su Bai's body followed the arm fist, and all poured into the meat ball.

Taste Jing stood still, terrifying energy raged wildly in his body, he couldn't move!


With a hum, the huge meat ball exploded into the cracks, and dazzling golden light was scattered from it.

After a breath...


Amid the roar of the huge explosion, the huge flesh ball body exploded.

The brilliant golden light energy also poured out, spreading far.

This scene is very gorgeous, like a sun exploding!

At this point, taste the crystal to die!

Bombed by Su Bai!


After the end, Su Bai stood up, quietly adjusting his state.

This method of Taste Erzhi is not weak, although it is still punched by himself, but the power consumed is not small.




Seeing Su Bai standing quietly in the brilliant golden light, many people took a sip of water and trembled.

Now, many people and many creatures are doubting their lives!

I wonder if I am dreaming, I wonder if I have lived on a dog for hundreds of years.

It is a group of gods, but also looks strange.

They can all see what age Su Bai is.

Only in his twenties!

But this...

One punch has been blasted alive for hundreds of years, and he has also used the secret method of the family to taste the crystal!


In the blue star, it was cheers.

There may not be much knowledge about other things, but the blue star friend is accustomed to Su Bai's big business.

Sober immediately and cheer.

The only bad thing in the field is naturally the taste.

At this moment, his whole body was trembling, and the purple magic flame on his body was dancing violently.

His eyes were staring, bloodshot, almost all red.

Watching Su Bai hit the crystal, but was powerless, this humiliation quickly evolved into a massive killing intent in his heart.


Can't move!

He can't shoot!

There was a voice in his ears secretly, and he was not allowed to make a move.

Because once they shot, they violated the rules established one by one.

If you really killed Su Bai, it must be traced! eliminate!

Therefore, Taste Ershi has only incompetent rage and murderous intent, but cannot do anything.


After Su Bai adjusted, he got better.

He glanced at Taste Ershi in the distance, then looked at his wrist, and said slowly: "Last ten seconds."



After tasting your knowledge, everyone was stunned.

Su Bai just reported the time once, and now it's again.

What does this mean? !

I don't understand, no one can understand Su Bai's meaning.

Only at this time, all the creatures felt that when Su Bai called the time again, the atmosphere became extremely dense!

There is a sense of sight when the rain is coming!

The sentient beings couldn't help but concentrate and stared at Su Bai.

They are curious.

What will be born in a few seconds? !


Taste Ershi's pupils shrank, and the magic flame on his body fluctuated.

At this time, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a sense of anxiety arose.

An inexplicable heavy pressure hovered my heart.

No matter how you look at it, Su Bai is still just a mortal, but this anxiety can't be suppressed!

After a breath.

"Five seconds."

Su Bai told the time again.

"!!!" Taste Ershi suddenly clenched his fists, and roared angrily: "White night, the day after tomorrow will definitely take your life to sacrifice my son in the sky!"

He persuaded!

Even though Su Bai is much weaker than him, a strong aura is brewing from Su Bai, which makes him terrified!

There was no possibility of killing Su Bai either, so it's better to retreat.

Finding a reason in his heart, Taste Ershi quickly returned to the spacecraft.

After a breath.


A purple light glowed on the ship's body, and the spacecraft moved quickly.

But after all, it was just started and the speed is not fast.

Of course, Taste Ershi is also allowing his people to speed up the spacecraft.

During this period, Su Bai coldly watched him leave, stood, and did not move.

"Odd! What means does he have to chase the spaceship? He just consumed a lot of power just now!"

"Not chasing?! What kind of medicine does he sell in his gourd?!"

"Interesting! I am really curious!"


The curiosity of the gods present was all aroused by Su Bai.

The spaceships that didn't stop Taste Ershi, all looked straight at Su Bai.

Another breathing time passed.

The spacecraft of Taste Ershi has flown far, at least tens of thousands of meters!

But at this time...


"The time has come!"

Su Bai smiled.

Then, his body fell abruptly.

His eyes were also closed, as if suddenly losing his will.

However, it took two seconds and stopped.

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